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3630376 No.3630376 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about joining the air force and taking the pay check to put it into crypto the whole time im in for 4 years.
figure i have a 90% chance to dodge being put on supply transport that is often attacked, and a 50% chance of not being hit by a mortar at the base I'm stationed at.
getting payed to work out sounds pretty nice, in college now, and im paying thousands of dollars to be put in close quarters with niggers, and being tricked into classes that dont go to my major.
Flaws in my logic?
>TLDR: join the airforce and put it all into crypto?

>> No.3630384

biz in a nutshell. Bad life decision to obtain an even worse business outcome.

>> No.3630387

Score high on the ASVAB so you don't get stuck doing grunt work

>> No.3630391

Theres next to no chance you'll see combat
its called the Chair force for a reason
Navy pays better but then you have to be on a fucking boat instead of being in a comfy air conditioned room

>> No.3630411

is that the entrance test i have to spend 50 dollars to take? or does that come later?
Really? been reading up on it online and the forums say that often you are assigned to supply convoys that the terrorists consider "soft targets" so you get hit a lot
if you're a male that is

>> No.3630445

Only way you'll see combat if u go SpecOps or SecFo. ASVAB costs no money to take, and is easy. It's basic English/Highschool Math.

I'd try to get some comfy job in the General category if you do enlist, you'll meet some legitimate braindead people in the Air Force. People joining are nowhere near as smart as you would think. The enlistment process isn't too hard if you don't have any problems or a medical/criminal record.

>> No.3630447

>spending money on an entrance exam
In any case, check out >>>/k/ they almost always have /meg/, a military enlistment general thread running

>> No.3630452

Any other questions I can try to answer though I'm not enlisted in the AF anymore.

>> No.3630460

/k/ will try to shill him on killing hajis desu

>> No.3630465

No man your answers have been perfect, i didn't realize it was all that good. (assuming your not lying to me) thanks for everything.
i went and talked to them already at the office, they said i can join but i need to take a test that happens bi-monthly, they made me take a practice test and i passed.

>> No.3630490

I forgot, try not to go "Open General" or any Open category for that matter. it basically means you won't know your job until halfway through basic training. you can get stuck in some shit job that way

>> No.3630494

they call it the chair force for a reason

>> No.3630504

kek like any /biz/raeli would even try out for, let alone become, pararescue

>> No.3630527

Currently in USAF, getting out after 15 years of bullshit. If you get a comfy desk job it's okay. 80% of us get screwed. Unless you specifically go for a job that's dangerous you don't really have to worry about getting killed or anything, it's just everything has gone downhill since I joined. The pay is decent at NCO ranks, but I regret joining. If you're halfway intelligent do anything else but join the military. I work 10 hours minimum a day, called in on weekends with no notice, and we sure as hell don't get paid overtime. Medical sucks, fuck up your knees and shoulders and wait literally years before they get around to even trying to fix the problem. End up with bad supervision (90% of it's bad) and they will destroy your career just for the fuck if it. I feel worn out like I'm 80 years old and I'm only in my 30s I get exposed to hazardous chemicals all the time, all of us know we're going to die from cancer, some of the older civilians here already did. Newbz come in all excited and shit, 6 months later they're regretting joining and looking for anyway out. One of them literally had a mental breakdown and got locked up in the crazy bin for awhile. It feels like they took a big part of my soul and I'll never get it back. Fuck this place.

TLDR; shits not worth it, run away as fast as you can

>> No.3630531

>50% chance to be mortared

Lol no, more like .05% chance. After the first one you are in good cover.

They did hit the national army building and killed 3 afghans though.

Just dump all your money into crypto and dont get caught in the shitty mindset of buying new cars and computers and phones. Dont blow it all at the stripclub and bars.

You put 20k in crypto a year in good coins and you will be good if you are a decent trader with good research and year-long firm hands.

>> No.3630538

is that forced on you if your scores are too low?
Haven't taken a math course in a while, if factoring is on the test im pretty fucked

>> No.3630556

This is an exposition of the mental health of our country.

>> No.3630560

Yall go to established air bases where they have green beans coffee and pizza huts. You wont be seeing any combat but you will hear a mortar once a month probably.

>> No.3630564

Fukk. this hits close and i wasn't in for anywhere near as long as you.

Medical does indeed suck and leadership is one of the biggest problems with the AF. Knowing this it's still up to you OP.

>> No.3630569

There isn't a better deal out there. Especially if you're joining the easy ass chair force.

-Free education while you're in and g.i. bill when you get out (pays for all of your school expenses and housing)
-Even more free education if you pick a job that can be transferred to a civilian one.
-Your food, housing, medical, and dental is paid for so all your money goes in your pocket.
-If you have anything medically happen while you're in you get a paycheck for the rest of your life (doubt that'll happen in the air Force) and
-you're first in line for government jobs.
The list of benefits is endless.

You probably won't work out much or really have any bragging rights in the air force though. Probably get made fun of too. Lol

>> No.3630581

Your overall ASVAB score is averaged based on your score in each section, so you could get a 99 in the general section and a 50 in math and still come out with a 80+ ASVAB score.

You only need to get a 70 or so to qualify for every General job, and Open general can't be forced on you. Some recruiters will try to lie and say you have to take it but they're just bullshitting you. Tell your recruiter you'll wait in DEP as long as it takes to get one of the jobs you want.

>> No.3630608

Did you have the questions about pulleys?

I was so fucking drunk during the asvab that I thought pulleys halved the pull length. Pulleys were like 5 questions too.

>> No.3630621

how the fuck did u eevn get into MEPS lol they drug tested me at the door, threatened to throw me out cause my alcohol level was off even though I've never drank a day in my life

>> No.3630624

I mean i know i could never understand what you guys mean without actually experiencing it, but could you guys at least try? a part of your soul? in my mind im saying getting yelled at and busting your ass for a long time every day can't be that bad, but you i doubt someone would make this shit up

>> No.3630631

Thanks for the tip, i would've definetly fell for that if you didn't tell me they'd try to force me in there

>> No.3630654

I went in 2008, maybe it was different? We got piss tested but they didn't say anything. A lot of us drank all night the night before at the hotel and they were all at the swearing in ceremony.

>> No.3630675

I've heard that the air force is the military branch thats doing cyber security and hacking type stuff? Just curious and asking for a friend how would a late 20s neet get into that specifically and not any of the other stuff the military does? Isn't the military slavery like they can tell you the'll put you into cyber security and then fuck you over after you sign the contract and put you into whatever shit they want?

>> No.3630676

Picture working your ass off and being proud of something you did just to have your superior take credit for it. Picture waiting. For everything, always. Picture being lumped in with the lowest common denominator in your group. Picture some of the lowest grade slime balls on the fucking planet getting to tell you what to do and you are forced to get on the floor, lick their boots, and love every minute of it. Picture seeing females hit the fast track because they can suck a mean dick but otherwise aren't half as skilled as you are. That's why I left and never looked back. It was good life lesson, and looks great on a resume, but knowing what I know now, I wouldn't do it again. You have better options

>> No.3630717

Well I was in the army (infantry) and what they mean is that you'll look back and laugh at how much more tedious and long your days can become. You really will have to adjust to hours of monotony as part of your life. I personally medically retired out after 4 years because I ended up getting cancer but I would have left anyway. The only reasons to stay are retirement, misc benefits like education, a chance to get on your feet if you had shitty parents, or if you're in a special forces type job. I could not be happier now that I'm out, the military will redefine the meaning of patience and frustration. Good luck :)

>> No.3630724
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>> No.3630728

>Isn't the military slavery like they can tell you the'll put you into cyber security and then fuck you over after you sign the contract and put you into whatever shit they want?
Only if you fuck up and fail out of your tech school or screw up your security clearance.

>> No.3630731
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>> No.3630735

Irl spawncamping

>> No.3630736

In the Army you sign a contract for your job.

Dont think hacking, think social engineering combined with Ace Attorney.

Hacking is going to be a 3 letter.

>> No.3630753

NSA does pick from the Air Force. Can't shitpost in a SCIV though

>> No.3630754

if you got the job for cyber security it would say it in your contract & you'll sign it and be guaranteed the job. some recruiters will lie about it and try getting you to sign an open contract which lets you be slotted anywhere.

I don't' think enlisted really get to do much in the cyber security without being pretty high rank. Better off going officer in the same field if thats what you want.

>> No.3630761

Great way to make friends too. Every time I move for a new job there is always one Army guy that becomes my new best friend. If it werent for that common history I don't know if I would have had the same opportunities.

>> No.3630772

Why not just finish 20 years and get a pension for life and almost free healthcare at this point?

>> No.3630790

It's not just working till you drop everyday, it's not just getting yelled at for stupid shit, it's being stripped of the ability to even help the people below me. SSgts used to be able to have at least a tiny say in what happened to their airmen, no it's zero. They changed the promotion system so that if I have a guy that's fucking amazing, trying as hard as he can and doing everything right... he still gets rated as average just because he didn't suck up to the big brass enough. The screw up that comes in late, sucks at his job and has a terrible attitude gets the same fucking rating. More often than not the douchebag ends up getting promoted. Back in the day it wasn't that bad. I used to tell the young kids do these things and I will do my best to make sure you succeed and have a good shot at promotion if you deserve it. Now I can't tell them that without lying.

And most of the new guys come in for one reason, GI bill. They do 4 years get their college money and get out. No one is in it for the long haul anymore and I can't really blame them. But you end up with a bunch of people that don't want to be there to begin with, and then you work them to death and fuck them over and over again and you can imagine how high morale is...

I don't know it's just everything is fucked up these days. Everyone wants out.

>> No.3630795

Most of these are applicable to the corporate world as well

>> No.3630809

Not totally true, a guy I used to work with got forced out of our career field and into a different one because it was undermanned. He was a good worker and we didn't want him to go, sucked.

>> No.3630824

If I could go back to 2011 (when I graduated high school) I'd have joined the Navy and went CTI and dumped all of my pay in crypto.

Currently in the Army at DLI dumping all of my pay into crypto, trying to make up for lost time.

>> No.3630829
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>> No.3630840

I didn't study one bit for the ASVAB.

>Top .05 percentile
>Got a free ride to my Bachelors, no SAT required
>Still get Government Airforce/Navy offers at 28 years old (80,000 sign on)

Take the ASVAB

>> No.3630888

True, but it's more like a worse version.

Imagine if your supervisor could take you outside and make you crawl through rocks and mud as punishment for...anything they think you did wrong, or just to show you who is in charge.

Also imagine that everyone has the mentality of a frat boy.

Now imagine that you have to go live in a rainy forrest for weeks at a time where the temperature drops to 4f at night so you are soaked and your clothes are crackling with ice and there is no fire or heater. People are getting rushed out for nearly dying and your frozen mud soaked ass is balled up under a tree with 30 others that havent showered in weeks after walking dozens of kilometers while you are waiting for an emergency heater to come out so 5 at a time can take turns not dying.

Then imagine it's a contract that you can't quit without facing jailtime in military prison. If you do anything wrong they will take your pay, make you clean garrison all day and fuck your sleep by making you check in the headquarters ever few hours for months and months. Also everyone calls you a shitbag.

Thats the difference.

I never got in trouble btw.

>> No.3631027

thank you all, i'm atleast going to take the entrance test so i can jump on the bus at anytime, im sorry for what you guys experienced and i hope youre happier where you're at now
i know that doesnt mean shit, or probably even show understanding of what you went through, but still.

>> No.3631074

damn, these are the threads that make me so incredibly happy I am a proud progressive European

>> No.3631080

Listen to these people.
I make six figures at 24 and even I wish I didn't go to college at 18 and spent 4 years in the armed forces.
It's a regret that will hang with me for the rest of my life.

>> No.3631090
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I'm 2.5 years in the af and I want to get out. I fucked up in my original job and got reclassed into a different job that I now despise. I have not motivation to reclassify. I just want to ride out the rest of my time and get out

>> No.3631116

currently serving

you need a high tolerance for bullshit and doing pointless things. you will want to kill yourself at basic and depending on your job/base you might want to kill yourself your entire enlistment. and its very difficult to get out early. the pay is not very good unless you have 0 skills. some people are better at embracing the suck than others and can thrive in the military. the military changes you for sure. i don't recommend it

>> No.3631133

hahaha fellow combat mos i see
> tfw its so much worse than he makes it sound
I'm glad I did it but man you are in for a ride depending on your luck and mos

>> No.3631265

Vet here, there are some serious perks to the military. I'm essentially living on my disability stipend, have been paid to go to school for 8+ years, and have free health care. I wish crypto was a thing when I was in, this would be something I would do.