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3630138 No.3630138 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this only on etherdelta? Even Kyber is on liqui.

>> No.3630151

Since EtherDelta sucks ass and no one wants to use it, but people want LINK, it creates demand. I'm just guessing, I'd like to know myself.

>> No.3630248

I like etherdelta but I know the place is low volume because a lot of people feel like you. It is very strange it's not at least on liqui

>> No.3630289

Eh perhaps I'm too harsh in what I said, it only took me 15 minutes to get the hang of it on no sleep, but truth about liqui.

>> No.3630468

i'm waiting for it to go on liqui to buy

>> No.3630485

Anyone can list up an erc20 token on etherdelta because it's open source and decentralized. No one controls what's added. Even if the devs didn't want to trade. Things like bittrex are controlled by a company that requires either devs or such to put up a new token to be exchanged.

The devs at chainlink are busy working on their project and upcoming event to care how much you flip or pump and dump. Literally no marketing

>> No.3630487

liqui is pajeet central

>> No.3630503

word is that it will be on Binance soon. The Binance secretary went on ChainLink slack to talk to the community manager. Some are upset because Binance is where a lot coins gave went to die.

>> No.3630510

The ICO is far from the dev's priority at the moment. They're concentrating on pulling off a coup at SIBOS which will translate to mega gains when LINK does inevitably hit mainstream exchanges.

>> No.3630534

Understand that LINK will give you very little in the way of dev generated hype to sell your bags to normies. They seem totally focused on a working product and industry partnerships.

>> No.3630665

Only because of the chinks tho.

>> No.3630881

Ahahaha. It'll be a self fulfilling prophecy when the binance kiss of death hits.

>> No.3630979

Or EtherDelta will become numba wan!

>> No.3631000
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>> No.3631162

Can someone tell me why the FUCK EtherDelta is so fucking retarded to use?
>Put in order last night
>it doesn't fill, try to cancel this morning and put in a new order
>BOTH orders are still showing up, adjust my order and now I've got 3 fucking orders and I don't know if the most recent one will even fill
>orders don't even show up half the time, UI is cancer

How the fuck do I buy my LINK

>> No.3631508

It's on mercatox too but i'd wait for the dip. If it hits binance price will tank temporarily. Buying now is pure fomo. Screen cap this

>> No.3631549

You guys can't apply the past to the future

all the coins that dumped on binance had already been listed on other exchanges. OAX and DNT both pumped 200% in prep for binance. Hence the strong reversal.

Kyber dumped because it's a vaporware shitcoin and just before it was added to binance coinmarketcap properly updated their shit to reflect a 300m market cap, which everyone realized was ridiculous.

Note how Walton has flourished on binance, it's first and only exchange. LINK will follow suit.

>> No.3632439

It's because it's all going through smart contracts being created on the blockchain and so every single they you do needs to be 100% verified by the miners from what I understand, and even then there is often a delay. I'm not sure why though but just kind of assume that if an order is much lower than what it is being traded for that it's probably already gone through. The order book is imo the only negative thing about etherdelta, it's actually surprisingly transparent and decentralized once you understand how it works. But yeah that fucking orderbook

>> No.3632452

every single thing you do*

>> No.3632462
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>> No.3632480

>even Kyber
Kyber is good and going places. LINK is pajeet shit.

>> No.3632490

If you don't appreciate etherdelta, you shouldn't be in crypto at all, because you obviously have no idea about how it works.

>> No.3632617

Because the devs dont give a shit about you trading there token they wanna set up actual infrastructure.

>> No.3632647

And this is the reason, Chainlink will be dead after SIBOS for several months.
People are in Chainlink for the quick buck and for the Magic lambo gains in all colors. So good, so far. But the devs never cared about the small /biz/ fags, they want to deliever a real use case and this is just Long term without any hype nor marketing.
And since this is no short term moon mission, Chainlink can be obsolete in the future, when we take in account that it's built on ETHEREUM and is just a fcking layer. OR a complete other blockchain will rule the world. Nope sorry. Not seeing the x100 lambos.

>> No.3632664

This would've almost worked as fud except the second half of your diatribe proves you don't understand how any of this works

>> No.3632690

Why dont you comment and explain why then? Or are you just another "j-j-just read the whitepaper" guy?

>> No.3632702

>People are in Chainlink for the quick buck
I guess that's why people keep saying it won't reach its full potential until next year huh?

>> No.3632708

Stop typing you pretentious faggot

>> No.3632713

If you build something on top of a blockchain, you can implement the world changing future, like solving oracles, on the blockchain itself. But ethereum devs don't care about this right now. But ok. nice arguments you got bud.

Haha, and you believe everything people are telling you?
Bitcoin will be 1000k in 5years, better take a loan bud.

>> No.3632715

Its no excuse for that shitshow of an interface.

>> No.3632726

Oh right, i forgot, there are non white people in crypto now. Thanks for the money newcoiner

>> No.3632742

Why would lack of a moon mission immediately make something "obsolete"? The sheer lack of mental faculty it would require to make that kind of logical leap isn't comprehensible to me except as an incredibly weak attempt at fud, and yes read the whitepaper, nobody is going to spoonfeed you. Even though there are many, many countless posts doing just that regardless. Why would a "complete other blockchain rule the world" solely because Chainlink is an erc20 token? How can you follow that logically? Why am I even talking to any of you?

>> No.3632750

it obvious to anybody who has studied Chainlink you don't even have a basic understanding of it.

>> No.3632817

To be honest I reckon liqui knew that kyber would give them a shit ton of volume and are waiting for it to cool off a bit to list LINK for the next pump of volume.

>> No.3632849


Read this fag >>3627824

>> No.3632872

Always remember, you always need people to hate on the coin otherwise its worthless. ex. btc, eth etc

>> No.3632884


Indeed. The FUD after the ICO was astronomical. I was even more sure I was onto a winner even though I bought in presale.

>> No.3632885

so if I hate a coin hard enough it'll x500?

>> No.3632903


It's the hate + sound fundamentals idiot.


>> No.3632914
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Is anyone else having issues with ED? Transactions dont usually take this long

>> No.3632930

last transaction I did took about 47 minutes or something
just wait

>> No.3632981

Use high gas price (40 or 60 GWei). Will cost you a dollar or two, but saves plenty of time of your live. My transactions usually are through in 3mins.

>> No.3633025


The best way to tell if someone's completely ignorant about LINK is if they say shit like "it'll drop after SIBOS".

SIBOS showcases LINK to the financial world, selling after exposure like that is throwing away money.

>b-buy the rumor sell the news guy'ze, h-heh
There is no rumor.
This isn't your average crypto "big news coming!" cuck shit.
This is fucking SIBOS.

>> No.3633274

>the jews will like it
anon i dont even know what to say, youve become the juden

>> No.3633281
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The journey is just about to begin

>> No.3633288

Kys sheep

>> No.3633292

It sure seems like the vast majority of people are under the impression that "buy the rumor, sell the news" applies in the case of LINK & SIBOS (which it doesn't).

So sheep is you.

>> No.3633319

Kyber is thee most overhyped craptacular vapour ware POS I've ever seen and real evidence the crypto market is pure insanity

>> No.3633323

Agreed etherdelta keeps the retards at bay

>> No.3633634

This. How fucking stupid are you? If ED is too complex you're in the wrong game..

>> No.3633964

Are you crazy, etherdelta is a very efficient normie filter, makes me able to buy coins with loads of potential cheap as shit before they hit bigger exchanges.

>> No.3634005
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Not only were you dropped as a baby... You were also stomped on; go buy some espers fucking pajeet

>> No.3634075

this might be true, but it really depends on how much the SIBOS hype pumps it. If it's 5-10x then it'll probably dump. If it's <2x then it'll probably pump.

>> No.3634123

2x is babby pump. It's already around 2x.

>> No.3634134

Like from now, I mean. So 4x from ico I guess

>> No.3634144

I don't know man. Actual SWIFT implementation alone would put this well over Ripple's market cap for instance, which is 200x ICO.
Widespread use for mainstream smart contracts would put the price at hundreds of $.

>> No.3634156


>> No.3634211

Yeah I'm not a normie but I'm still not sure how to use ED.

Unless thats the normie test.

>> No.3634216

Well yeah but even them doing a really great presentation isn't going to give us much more knowledge than what we already know. It might give it an OMG style hype pump, but even if they do an incredible presentation (which we're not even sure is going to happen) it won't confirm anything. And the lack of a confirmation is going to cause it to dump if it was pumped before the conference.

>> No.3634270

It's not about the knowledge we receive; it's about the exposure LINK receives.

We already know the presentation will simply be a demonstration of what LINK does: a low-threshold link between mainstream finance and the security and trustlessness of the blockchain.
No more, no less.

And you bet your ass traditional financial institutions are foaming at the mouth for a blockchain solution.
See: https://www.coindesk.com/barclays-joins-cls-blockchain-consortium-search-swift-alternative/
These companies can't even wait for SWIFT to finish its blockchain project.

>> No.3634502
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>> No.3634553

Ethereum and smartcontracts.
You should read about it

>> No.3634568

I did, tihi