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3628687 No.3628687 [Reply] [Original]

How have none of you fags even mentioned this ICO? It's breathtaking...

Basically, the Russians want to enter the cryptocurrency industry by leveraging both their cheap electricity and domestic computer chip manufacturers in order to gain ~30% of the total cryptocurrency hashing rate (BTC, ETH)...

Each Russian Miner Coin (RMC) gives the owner the opportunity to be part of the RMC Mining pool (pays holders 18% of total mining revenue as dividend, distributed proportionally depending on the amount of RMC held). The RMC token can also be traded in for either a discounted Sunrise s11i miner (for BTC), or for a next generation alt-coin miner ("MultiClet"), which should be available by Summer 2018.

Thoughts on this coin? Might be a good way to get a piece of the potentially huge Russian cryptocurrency industry.

>> No.3628700
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Here's the Whitepaper: https://rmc.one/static/pdf/whitepaper_EN.pdf


>> No.3628735

Probably a scam. Why would a miner willingly pay out 18% of his profit for nothing?

>> No.3628784

Incentive to attract investors.

>> No.3628824
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Quick Rundown:


>> No.3628834

is the clet miner just a hyped up asic miner???

>> No.3628872

im finning to get in on this
doubt its a scam

>> No.3628898

sunrise miner is a good deal...


>> No.3628919

A whole BTC for it...
Can we buy less?

>> No.3628948

It was mentioned back when Monero was mooning in August as a side note. But at the time it was looking like Russia was shutting down crypto for at least a few months to correct legislative issues towards the regulation and tracking of currencies in and or via crypto.

Now it would seem that Russia wants Coins to be a stock market option, and has more than nudged at the fact that it doesn't want its citizens to be a part of the mining pool, investing, or anything more than using Crypto as a currency.

TL;DR - Russia and China were big into coins at the end of 2016, the big boys Japan and USA popped in - and Russo/Peoples Republic don't enjoy being shown up.

Tl;dr (B) They took their toys home.

>> No.3628958

Should I buy this?

If it's backed by the government then why do they need a crowdsale? Technically Putin is the richest man on Earth

>> No.3628975

>Russian Miner Coin

You don't even know the name of the coin you are shilling.

It is *Mining not Miner Coin.

>> No.3629024
File: 13 KB, 468x255, Russian_Miner_Coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's Mining not Miner Coin"
>The absolute state of this board

Gas yourself, dyslexic cuck

>> No.3629046

Fuck you faggot

>> No.3629057

Found this a week or so ago then forgot about it
Thanks for reminding me OP

>> No.3629063

>in that context
I hate this word, totally lost it's meaning in the over-abuse

You watching me fuck your female family members and your wife makes you a cuck, dipshit faggot

>> No.3629187
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Did some rough calculations to see what the ROI would be for someone buying RMC and a Sunrise miner:

High Range (Assumes BTC is at $7000, also bought RMC at $4000 + $2000 for Sunrise miner + $200 for RMC equipment rental space fee, so initial investment = $6200)


Total Mining Revenue (Annual) = $10,480.79
Total Profit = $10,480.79 - $1,095.00 (Russian Electricity cost) = $9,385.79
Net Profit = $9,385.79 - $6200 (Initial Investment) = $3185.79/year

Low Range (Assumes BTC is at $3000, also bought RMC at $4000 + $2000 for Sunrise miner + $200 for RMC equipment rental space fee, so initial investment = $6200)


Total Profit = $4,491.77 - $1,095.00 = $3,396.77
So since initial investment was $6200, in the case of BTC staying fixed at $3000, it would take approximately two years to see return on investment.

However, I bet BTC will remain above $3000, and we should see a rally above $5000 or even $7000 by the end of the year once the China legislation on cryptocurrency is clearer, and the November hard fork is done with.

Looks like this coin is a banker. I just need to figure out how to get the Sunrise and rent equipment space from RMC. Also, I'm not sure if the Multiclet is more profitable than the Sunrise, it might be so. my calculations were for the Sunrise only.

>> No.3629285
File: 62 KB, 550x396, putinring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything putin touches turns to gold so this is almost certainly the real deal

>> No.3629360
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Also, did some rough math to see how profitable it would be to hold a single RMC token for the miner dividend:

Assuming RMC delivers and actually achieves control over 30% of total Crypto/BTC hashrate, that would give them approximately:

(7,032,009,607 GH/s+7,032,009,607 GH/s(0.5))(0.33)= 3480844755.465 GH/s

(total BTC hashrate found here: https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty))

Which, annually, would generate 289539.66 BTC


So take 289539.66 BTC and multiply by 18%, and then by (1/25000) because there are 25000 RMC tokens profits are distributed to, and you get:

289539.66 BTC(0.18)(1/25000)=2.08BTC per year profit

So simply holding one RMC will give you approximately 2.08BTC per year, assuming RMC has 30% of total hashrate, which sounds like a lot, but it could very well happen if Russia uses it's extremely cheap electricity and developes cutting edge computer chips for miners.

>> No.3629387
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Fuck, wrong pic, goddamn it.

>> No.3629407
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>putin advisor
Wouldn't trust anyone related to this cocksucker. Scam for foreign investors, no russian has spare $4k, It's a yearly salary in here.
Buy this shitcoin if you want to donate $4k for a new yacht to one of Putin's oligarch friends

>> No.3629450
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dipshit its Russian government + international public funding, it doesn't matter if Russian citizens are nigger poor. Do you think the average chink is rich?

>> No.3629495

that's not what I'm saying. These faggots have a really bad reputation. They will never deliver this multiclet bullshit product and will just run off with the money. Invest if you want to, I don't give a shit if you lose your money

>> No.3629501

wow nice shill

damn, and it indeed does look like it is legit

>> No.3629504

if its endorsed by Putin I have 1000% confidence in this. Do what you want, I'm going in and will enjoy my easy 10x gains.

>> No.3629548
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>if its endorsed by Putin I have 1000% confidence in this
lol, alright buddy. Go for it

>> No.3629849

Butthurt Georgian detected

>> No.3629881

>it's a pol buys into putincoin to be edgy episode

>> No.3629894
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>Doesn't want to be in on the ground floor of Gazprom 2.0

Stay poor, faggot.

>> No.3629941

He was confused and thought it was a gift. I can buy that.

>> No.3630614
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How profitable is ETH/altcoin mining? Maybe the Multiclet will provide excellent returns as a dedicated altcoin miner...

>> No.3630649
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They've already delivered on the Sunrise miner, and are taking orders. The Multiclet would be the icing on the cake for those sweet altcoin gainz.