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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 306 KB, 800x490, LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3625552 No.3625552 [Reply] [Original]

I remember when /biz/ shilled the fuck out of ANS in a similar way and look at all the salty anons calling NEO a scam/chinkcoin because they missed out. Don't let it happen again.

>> No.3625569
File: 260 KB, 1289x1289, 1506356458664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup. I'm not missing this rocket. if you have doubts at least throw a couple thousand at it, bros.

>> No.3625594

What is the minimum cut off that is needed to make it

>> No.3625608

Each link is projected to be $20 when it eats ripple's lunch. That is just ripple's lunch btw, the application on this a thing extends far beyond that. Does this answer your question?

>> No.3625613

Nice scam ser gay

>> No.3625631
File: 247 KB, 502x502, Link unchained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3625635

if you have one million coins and it becomes 1$ a coin, you'll have one million

if it becomes 10, you'll have 10 million

>> No.3625649

Balls deep here. But 20k should make you a nice profit after sibos. We're going to $1.00 easy

>> No.3625668

Anytime a coin is being spilled this hard in biz, you know a big dump is incoming within a week or two.

How many pump and dump's do you guys have to go through before you learn?

Don't let other people unload their bags on you.

>> No.3625681

Yep thx.

>> No.3625682

This. Ripple is the most overpriced shitcoin in crypto.

Link will do Ripple's job only 10× better

>> No.3625684

it's not always the case. sometimes biz rallies around the next big thing. ETH, ANS, etc.

>> No.3625703
File: 375 KB, 792x475, 1504838613108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, this is SIGT 2.0

>> No.3625725

i know SIGT
this is not SIGT

>> No.3625740

It's funny because I always look in the threads when the obvious pump and dump shills show up. And never are there any concerned people like yourself in them.

Yet whenever a coin has a huge moon potential like OMG or ANS all the concerned people come out and tell you it's a bad idea and you shouldn't buy any. Bizzare how that happens.

>> No.3625741

Guys, please tell me it goes back to 15 cents. I finally transferred FIAT into ETH.

>> No.3625742

remember when /biz/ was shilling 0x? look how that turned out

>> No.3625766

Why is the circulating supply 350m but total fucking 1 billion. Scamcoin?

>> No.3625782

Yea just look at ANS/NEO...


>> No.3625786

try reading the white paper if you wanna know the answer.

>> No.3625791

ETH and ANS were the only things /biz/ was ever right about. And eventhen ANS/NEO ended up tanking.

>> No.3625793
File: 574 KB, 540x533, IMG_0322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it absolutely rocketed, learn from that experience. get on the rocket on this one and get off at the moon instead of crashing back to earth

>> No.3625813

You may get back in at 55k if you're lucky, but I wouldn't hold my breath. The FUD is over and sibos is on the horizon

>> No.3625837


Because another 350m are being offered to oracle node operators as incentives to operate nodes, the entire reason the system exists and is not a scam coin.

>> No.3625845

this. I honestly expect $1 as soon as it's available on more exchanges, if SIBOS goes well we could be looking at much more. Eventually $10-20 isn't unreasonable.

This is a retirement coin

>> No.3625846

If you're expecting a linear rocket, you're in the wrong business

>> No.3625867
File: 320 KB, 1108x733, cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK guys, we get it...you love your LINK.


>> No.3625873

>Because another 350m are being offered to oracle node operators as incentives to operate nodes, the entire reason the system exists and is not a scam coin.

SWIFT is going to run their transactions through a network of complete strangers, who if they wanted to, the complete strangers could get together and threaten shutdown for higher fees.

Sure thing brah.

>> No.3625886

>All the high link nodes band together despite being random and unconnected to strike
>Low link nodes take over and begin to accumulate fees forcing the high link nodes back into it else be displaced

>> No.3625915


It actually gives institutions a way to run their own nodes. I'll be fudding with you all the way to $10 though buddy

>> No.3625930

hahahahaha you are full of shit. /biz/ predicts linear rockets all the fucking time, LINK FOR EXAMPLE YOU FAGGOT.

>> No.3625947

do you remember when it shilled the fuck out of REDDCOIN? lololl

>> No.3625961
File: 249 KB, 595x745, clainlink_link_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think when chainlink reaches $1 and continues to rise practically everyone on biz will behind it. Right now, there is some reservations but the moment it passes the 10x mark anyone FUDing will look completely retarded. I guess we have to wait another 3 months ?

>> No.3625974

Welcome to the future millionaire club boys. I just wish ether delta wasn't so trash, even though I've been using it to accumulate.

>> No.3625984

>>>3625873 (You)
>>All the high link nodes band together despite being random and unconnected to strike
>>Low link nodes take over and begin to accumulate fees forcing the high link nodes back into it else be displaced

Low link nodes can't take over if they don't have the resources.

Much larger organized movements have taken place without money involved. With money involved, power can organize fast.

>> No.3625987

>shilled the fuck out of ANS
it didn't though, /biz/ labeled ANS as a scam from the beginning, it was after the second boom in price that everyone jumped in the wagon

>> No.3625989

20k link or 20k usd in link?

>> No.3626007

>>>3625873 (You)
>It actually gives institutions a way to run their own nodes. I'll be fudding with you all the way to $10 though buddy

If institutions run their own nodes, then there's no reason for a public LINK coin to exist.

>> No.3626018

Biz called Ethereum as well as NEO.

I remember reading a shill post on biz when ethereum was fucking $1.50, the nigga had me sold. I wasn't in crypto at the time because wagecucklife, but I shilled it to my friend as well. We talk about how rich we'd be if we just spent 50 bucks or so on ethereum every paycheck when it was that low.

My point is, some anons on /biz/ always calls out the moons at ground level. It's just up to you to sieve thru all the shit here to find the gems.

Looking at how chainlink is progressing here, I'm getting OMG/NEO de ja vu.


>> No.3626029
File: 325 KB, 611x404, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 32k LINK but it's a lot more fun to FUD it than to shill it

>> No.3626098

don't get greedy and miss the rocket to the moon entirely, i'd happily buy this upto 25 cents still no problem whatsoever, this is going upto $1 as soon as it hits more exchanges and the ceiling is enormous on this one

>> No.3626484

So end of year prediction? Will it hover around Ark levels?

>> No.3626589

LULZ 20K LINK here

Lot more fun FUDding it though, fucking kek

>> No.3626632
File: 444 KB, 593x492, 999911111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when people say /biz/ called ANS, they mean I did.

>> No.3626655


I want to believe you are the one and only original lazyposter.

>> No.3626753
File: 309 KB, 504x398, wjbcV6L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently have 40k LINK from the presale, I'm contemplating selling my measly stack of 400 OMG to buy more, should I do it? There doesn't seem to be much growth potential for OMG, the Mcdonalds partnership made it moon a bit, but now it's stagnant again.

>> No.3626764

Yes. I did the same. Omg is not going anywhere while LINK is gonna go far.

>> No.3626878

Fuck it, OMG probably will have solid gains, but it'll be nothing compared to LINK.

>> No.3626921


If you had more OMG I'd say don't do it, but go for it.