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File: 469 KB, 1200x1200, Seal_of_the_United_States_Securities_and_Exchange_Commission.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3623584 No.3623584 [Reply] [Original]

how do you feel living in land of freedom?

>> No.3623606

Honestly, some regulation on ICOs is a good thing. Too many of them get hacked or turn out to be scams.

>> No.3623610

Jewmerica is literally the richest shithole on the planet.

>> No.3623634

Unregulated is fun, until scammers start making ICOs for projects that will never exist or don't need funding at all.

>> No.3623641

almost all exchanges are based in th US, were taking you down with us.

>> No.3623689

Daily reminder the SEC exists primarily to provide the illusion of protection.
Meanwhile, they side with banks against investors whenever a scam company declares bankruptcy

>> No.3623696

Ok Bernie

>> No.3623713

In addition, we must stop Donald Trump from getting the nuclear codes. That's why I've decided to withdraw from the presidential race and donate your camlaign contributions to the Clintons

>> No.3623714

Kek, Bittrex and Polo are losing volume as we speak. Enjoy your future 3rd world country

>> No.3623747

fuck and i tought getting american citizenshp was going to be good for crypto

>> No.3623778
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>government lets you buy guns, smoke, drive, drink but anything that results in massive potential ROI is heavily regulated to 'protect you!'

>> No.3623789

so what's good about being an american???

>> No.3623799
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>> No.3623846

This is why I'm in Bancor. This is exactly the plan. It could not be more obvious lads. Crypto is dying. This is the last chance.

>> No.3623898

>government regulation of free markets is a good thing

>> No.3623921


also don't forget to kneel before the IRS or whatever shit taxes you, freedom cuckers kek

amerilardia is the freestestestest country kek

>> No.3623930

the US is truly the China of the west

>> No.3623934
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LOL you non-Murican non-back2backWWchamp faggot! Here's a quick rundown

> you can own a gun so you can shoot soup cans with your friends in the forest
> you can live surrounded nignogs
> you can live in Chicago, one of the most violent cities on the planet
> you can live surrounded by spics
> you can live surrounded by gooks
> you can live surrounded by - you guess it - KIKES
> you can sit in 6 lane bumper to bumper traffic on your way to "gotta word hard, that's America, work ethic!" cubicle
> you can watch as political ideologies are irreversibly poisoning every pore of daily life and society, from pop culture, sports, media, everything
> you can get hired if you're dumb but black
> you can get fired if you're smart but white
> you can watch faggots congregate daily and march down the streets
> you can watch idolized (((celebrities))) promote faggots, trans, immigrants and everything else that's not normal but appeases the feels
> you can watch TV riddled with covert and overt anti-white messaging
> you can (read this in a nasally voice) GET A CREDIT CARD AND GET A LOAN
> you can watch historical monuments being removed because few students said so or complained about it on twitter
> you can watch the White House lit up in gay flag colors
> you can watch media promoting degeneracy and scolding at anything that even resembles "tradition" (muh Caitlyn Jenner womyn of the year)
> you can get banned from Twitter because freedom of speech MUH PRIVATE COMPANY MAKE YOUR OWN TWITTER
> you can be a politician colluding with Twitter and Facebook
> you can watch high raking politicians lying/contradicting their story right before congress on live TV and nothing happens
> you can donate 10 million dollars per day to Israel
> you can pay 50% taxes because Israel needs money
> you can pay taxes on crypto too

That's all I can think of now. How can Eurocucks even compete?

>> No.3624005
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>> No.3624039

>Cut off foreskin for false perceived health benefit
>Reject vaccines for false health risks

>> No.3624040

I have many nearby casinos that I could drive to at any time 24/7 and bet away everything and end up in debt and they government says that's fine. But they don't want me in crypto, I can't invest in startups unless I already have over $1M, I can't trade stocks unless I already have over $25K, and I can't trade forex unless I'm a ECP which requires over $10M.

>> No.3624047

I mind all of these except lgbt colors on the white house desu.

That is so completely fine compared to this other stuff, stop being a snowflake

>> No.3624059

Only Americans get fucked right?

>> No.3624076

>That is so completely fine compared to this other stuff, stop being a snowflake

I will now will something and from my will it will enter the Ether and hopefully materialize.

> muh LGBT flag on a building that represents a nation in a metaphysical way is cool, don't be a snowflake
> I wish they put dildo in Lincoln's hand to celebrate diversity
> Washington Monument being phallic should be wrapped in one colossal LGBT flag to commemorate gay sufferage
> George Washington monument deserves a cool quirky black frame glasses and Le Moustache for funny selfies and viral social media afternoon

$sudo change stauts
turn.off mode(Snowflake)

>> No.3624084

prett much all "worldpowers"
better to live in a small country

>> No.3624095

I'm not sure why a Eurocuck would even make this argument. Every time I visit Europe it's more like America. Except without guns or freedom of speech.

>> No.3624136

i would agree but then again i'm living a 3rd world shithole

>> No.3624155

Their are so many loopholes with the law and how crypto works. I find it hard to imagine people not finding work around in the future. As long as taxes are paid.. Depending on features and wording you can get away with a lot

>> No.3624222

I'm American and I just use my foreign wife's ID and passport to participate in every ICO and invest and all that.

So far this shit hasn't affected me in the slightest.

>> No.3624295

>Every time I visit Europe


> doesn't even have a passport like a good ole Jewmerican
> "multiple visits to Europe"
> tries to push the "Euros have no guns" meme
> mfw when AK47's are going for 300 euros
> mfw when your degen burger goy reply will be "hahaha AK47 faggot russian trashgun, we got AR15"
> mfw when cops will literally blow you sky high you if you ever try to use your jew-muslim style circumcised dick extension aka AR15 to shoot anything else other than a can of soup.

Go kill yourself, jewslave

>> No.3624402
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>Without freedom of speech
>Say the muritard who gets lynched for saying mystical "N WORD".

Lost all my keks, jewslaves never change.
Remember to propagate your political correct propaganda and muh proud to be americuck.

>> No.3624456

I've been fearing this day. The poltards have protruded. God help us.

>> No.3624484
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>no freedom of speech

pick one faggot

>> No.3624512

ban them all pls :(

>> No.3624653

I'm happy for it. Now I get to be a crypto smuggler or bandit or some shit.

The only retards who listen are the same ones who get scammed.