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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3622637 No.3622637 [Reply] [Original]

will crypto go 50x from here?

>> No.3622808

litecoin will be 100 at end of 2017

>> No.3622814
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Chancoin will 5x this year.

>> No.3622834
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yes. we are only in the smart money phase

>> No.3622847


Also BAT pumping in week and a half, XRP pumping mid October after swell conference. Don't say nobody told you. It's your money to lose.

>> No.3622872

No. Are you dumb? Fuckin laggard, when Paris Hilton posts the top has been reached.

>> No.3622883

Actually we are in bull trap phase now. Proof? Paris Hilton ICO post.

>> No.3622906

where can I buy 3 BTC of this chancoin?

>> No.3622933

paris hilton was only paid to post that. it's the same as someone buying a tv ad.

>> No.3622939

Yes. Which means hype is ath and it is only downhill from here

>> No.3622954

at the scamexchange

>> No.3622957
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nice proof

>> No.3622999


Please go outside and start talking about about crypto with normies, tell me how it goes.

>> No.3623065

Normies are aware what crypto is laggard.

>> No.3623098


Just how they were aware of computers in the 90s

>> No.3623157

Normies, at best, still think it is a ponzi scheme that will collapse at any second. The same way normies would never have thought the internet killing malls within a decade.

>> No.3623173

90% of people i hear talking about crypto still think US dollars are backed by gold and are a way better alternative to cryptocurrencies, and 100% of them can't even comprehend what a blockchain is

>> No.3623221

This, is crazy the amount of people that still believes that the dollar is backed by gold/production, even my own family believes it

>> No.3623387

Same chance as for it to go /50

>> No.3623499

Dude, stop this shit. Literally boxer retards and Paris Fucking Hilton is postin about ICOs. It is over, it is mainstream, hype has reached max tipping point. Get over teh fact that you are officially in laggard phase and missed smart money phase

>> No.3623529
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Trips confirmed, turn off the computer today faggot.

>> No.3623542

They paid for this shit. Are you really that dumb? Crypto is far from mass adoption. I bet you, your Mom cannot buy / store / use BTC without losing all her money. So fuck off with your Hilton argument.
And Bitcoin is only associated with bubble and ponzi scheme in mainstream media. No one of the real normies would touch it.

>> No.3623554
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>> No.3623561

>They paid for this shit. Are you really that dumb?

And? It is still a fact. Mayweather, Paris and other uber norm celebs posted crypto shit.

When celebs post it, it is TOO FUCKING LATE. You are so delusional thinking this will 10x, you are coping and biased as fuck.

>Crypto is far from mass adoption. I bet you, your Mom cannot buy / store / use BTC without losing all her money.

That because norms realise crypto is useless apart from speculation / gambling and buying drugs online.

>And Bitcoin is only associated with bubble and ponzi scheme in mainstream media. No one of the real normies would touch it.

Because it is?

>> No.3623574

Here we see the bagholder in denial.

>> No.3623638


it is a ponzy scheme. all price growth is based on new entrants to the market

>> No.3623774

At least someone with a brain

ROFLMAO @ losers here thinking they are "early adopters" or "smart money". No you are retarded 4chan normie laggards, that is what you are. Thanks for holding my bag

>> No.3624166

I notice biz will say shit like this. Until bitcoin starts going up again, then everyone is a fucking genius for being in crypto.

>> No.3624201


see you at 100k fags

>> No.3624244

Wow, that was totally relevant to the point the guy you were supposed to answer was making.

>> No.3624254

Agreed. The overall marketcap is too small. We aren't even in the trillions yet.

>> No.3624274

Aaaand it's confirmed.

You thought it was going down, sold at 3k, planning to buy back lower, but you never could. And now you're trying to FUD that shit back to at least where you sold? Aren't you cute, you coping little crybaby?

>> No.3624310

The last 3 posts ended with "4".
Does that mean anything?

>> No.3624412

Why would we be in trillions?

>> No.3624441

We are in bull trap

>> No.3624442

>Global trade

>> No.3624466

Exactly. This ship is going down.

>> No.3624468

1 satoshi will equal 1 penny

>> No.3624477

they pc got online around the same time

>> No.3624483

You should really go back to fucking Robincuck. You're obviously LARPing fucking hard. Bitcoin is for when WW3 finally begins. NO ONE wants to carry gold on their backs. NO ONE wants to lug around masses of fucking precious metals that make them a target for literally anyone who can use a gun. You'll learn when it's too late though. While you're posting threads about how clever it was to FUD something you have no stake in, only to realize you're poor because the dollar is worth nothing and the precious metals you have become a liability. Excited to see your head on a spike.

>> No.3624487

Short it. Put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.3624664
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It continually amazes me just how confused everyone gets around crypto. Being on /biz/, it's EXTREMELY easy to forget that we all know the ins & outs of it. Day trading, alts, shitcoins, conferences, price swings, and all the autistic interplay that goes on in the industry.

You have to remember that 99% of normies have NO. FUCKING. IDEA. What crypto is all about. Seriously, no goddamn clue. Stacies and Chads might have heard of bitcoin by name alone, and never looked up from Twitter and Instagram long enough for their millisecond attention spans to learn more about it. And why would they, our generation (I'm 23, referring to millennials) can't hold on to their money long enough to afford rent and their daily starbucks at the same time. This demographic probably won't even get involved in the space until after the generations before them. That is of course excepting the geeks such as ourselves, of which there is a small, select group that is in stark contrast to the rest of the population. I'm guessing most of the autists on /biz/ are pretty predictably homogeneous in terms of personality and background given the sole fact that we're all on 4chan.

Gen X, there's some interest, but they're too retarded to figure out how crypto is any different from stocks, because they don't understand the technology. Most of the older ones probably barely understood the dot com bubble early on - fat chance they catch on to crypto. The younger ones are in fact taking interest. I've actually started a meetup group in my area for crypto, and the primary people that come are 30-to-50 year olds that have enough experience with investment to be wary of pyramid schemes, but also just enough spark in their eyes to serve as inspiration to look into what could quite possibly be the next big thing. However, they're still not smart enough to go read up on all this stuff in detail on their own. Hence why they come to my meeting and write endless notes while I blabber on about investing.

>> No.3624673

>yes. we are only in the smart money phase
I'd say we're in the first 1/3 or so of the Awareness Phase.

Mania Phase will start due to a combo of major retail outlets/banks accepting crypto (Amazon etc) and go exponential if there's (and almost def will be) major downturn in the world economy/financial crises or other major events (possible bullshit with North Korea for example).

>> No.3624714
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>> No.3624737

Solid post. It's not just the normiest of normies who are largely ignorant of crypto though - even speaking to friends/colleagues who are generally extremely knowledgable when it comes to tech and any kind of new developments they tend just to have heard of Bitcoin, understand it's an online currency, but don't know anything about what blockchain is and haven't even heard of ethereum let alone any of the other altcoins.

Even if you're generally interested in economics/finance/tech you need to make a conscious effort to really read up on crypto. Normies getting invested in it is the last stage of awareness but we're still quite a bit away from highly educated and financially aware people knowing the basics let alone getting involved.

>> No.3624743


Other than that though, crypto is a total fucking black box to all onlookers. I'll be at the gym and mention bitcoin (if I utter anything about "blockchain", "crypto", forget about it, those don't even exist to people), and you'll usually get a "yeah I've heard of bitcoin, I hear JP Morgan thinks it's a fraud, I'm really not too concerned about it, sounds like a scam."

There is no public awareness beyond a spot or two on CNN where either an old hat banker is denouncing bitcoin for being a Ponzi scheme, or John McAfee is blowing spitbubbles and exclaiming in between puffs on a joint how blockchain technology is the biggest innovation since agriculture. And boomers, forget about it. Just look at the boomer threads recently and get an idea of how BTFO'd they will be when crypto takes over the world and they're bagholding their real estate and social security until they die out in a few decades (unless the healthcare situation gets even more fucked and that date comes even earlier).

Again, it's easy for /biz/ NEETs to think outside the box of their moms' basements but realize cryptocurrencies are still about as good as nonexistent IRL. We're still barely on the ground floor.

>> No.3624786
File: 215 KB, 1742x852, electric light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes this. Some of my friends are ultrageeks like me as well, but I've been shilling crypto to them for months now and they STILL haven't taken the time to actually go online and read enough shit about it to learn for themselves. From time to time they'll pepper me with questions and then afterwards be a little more sure about investing, but no substantial interest beyond that. Literally not a single person I know IRL is as into it as myself. Well, I did get one of them pretty heavily into it recently, but he's asking about how to invest in ICOs and picking some really shit coins to do it, lol. But that just goes to show the level of neophyte that we're still dealing with at this point.

>> No.3624799


on top of Amazon, 5th Elliot Wave, BTC 6 - 7k moon mission engaged.

>> No.3624831

>s..short it!
have been shorting for the longest time now what?

>> No.3624868

liquidation, probably

>> No.3624939

why do you do the meetup then?

do you have an investment for them, or do you set up their wallet for a small fee?

there is bucks to make there

>> No.3625121

Yeah idk, mostly just for public awareness and as a resume builder, I'm trying to get a "real job" after recently graduating in engineering