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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3621269 No.3621269 [Reply] [Original]

>32m to solve a made-up problem
>shit ICO
>smartcontract.com and literally doesn't use a smart contract in token sale
>no working product
>all hype

why is anyone buying this shit? it's clearly going nowhere. sell now or lose your money. you should sell now to secure your profits.. please...

>> No.3621273


are we fudding again?

>> No.3621280

nice b8

were not fudding anymore m8

youre l8

>> No.3621283

vitalik says to sell

>> No.3621285
File: 78 KB, 1279x496, 8AD7F3AA-307B-48A7-9C0B-1467DB0F3E72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just sold 100k

>> No.3621286

The absolute state of the fud team

>> No.3621300

the website name smartcontract.com will be worth 1 billion alone

>> No.3621304


Already sold my LINK last fudding round

I'm not falling for this shit again.

>> No.3621336

>sold my LINK
I see where you went wrong Pejeet

>> No.3621342

"made-up problem" - do you even know what you are talking about? lol

>> No.3621343

thanks ;)

>> No.3621348
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because like always /biz/ likes to invest on retarded projects, remember? pic related

>to the moon boys

>> No.3621351

not worthy

>> No.3621390

Were you in a coma for the last 5 days? We're done fuding, you're too late to the party if you don't have links by now

>> No.3621475

Lol like 3 days too late. We've accumulated and we're already taking off

>> No.3621608
File: 1.37 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you still trying to FUD? Why are people still falling for the bait?
Please kys. You should all be buying rn. This is gonna hit 100m marketcap before next week hits. It's kinda sad how so many are still in denial as the train passes by once again.

Also I did laugh when you said
>to solve a made up problem

Atleast try a little harder pal.

>> No.3621629

lol bro, I did the fudding too 3-4 days back and we got the price down to 0.00044, lul .

Its time to buy now though.

>> No.3621640

Good to know my FUDding worked on you, LULZ


>> No.3621664

Ok, I'm interested in LINK, it seems there's a great team behind it and a good purpose. Here's my question:

With 1 billion total coins, how will LINK ever be the next big thing? Look at all the other top coins with total numbers in the billions: NEM, XRP, IOTA, BCN; none of them are even halfway to a dollar. They range from $.001 to $.50.

Why will LINK be any different? Maybe it will 2x, or even 3x. But then what? Do you really expect it to go to billions in market cap?

>> No.3621678
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You cannot be this retarded. I refuse to believe you think the words you are typing make sense.

>> No.3621687

realistically it won't go over .50c but thats still worth investing right now

>> No.3621689
File: 336 KB, 350x502, How I feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick of this question; retard logic. MARKET CAP IS ALL THAT MATTERS!

>> No.3621693

Circulating supply is 350m that's what coin market cap uses.

This is going 5-10x possibly before end of October. It's already 2x now. Anon, the fud campaign is over. If you aren't already in I'd get in now. Otherwise you'll be one of those that get into omg or ETH after its already mooned out too many times and their isn't much mooning to do.

>> No.3621711

Good idea lets just wait and buy at $10 no... $100 a coin

>> No.3621716

Just a general question, was OMG so hard shilled and FUDed here on biz too? Or how was the situation with OMG?

>> No.3621717

Market cap = total # of coins in circulation * $value of coins. How am I stupid?
Yeah I feel kind of the same, I will probably pick some up but I feel it's way overhyped.

>> No.3621719
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hi2u cucks

feels good man

>> No.3621723


Because the market cap is currently around 65 million you fucking imbecile

>> No.3621735

Number of coins in an absolute sense doesn’t matter you utter cretin

what matters is marketcap, ratio of supply to unmined coins, and the rate of mining.

>> No.3621782

the fuck does that have to do with anything when the value of the coin is $.20
ok, so explain to me how high you expect LINK to go. Honestly.

>> No.3621803

If link becomes the ripple killer, meaning if it gets to the xrp market cap, you can do the math. Each link would be $20.

I'm invested in the coin, and I'm not saying it's going to get there right away, but if it allows Banks to use their existing infrastructure while interfacing with the blockchain, then they could see that as a huge money saver for them.

>> No.3621831

>With 1 billion total coins, how will LINK ever be the next big thing
Read the fucking white paper because you clearly haven't.

>> No.3621836

>32m to solve a made-up problem
The Oracles are a means to an end, anon.
And that end is: connecting external (financial) data to the blockchain through a decentralized network.
There are numerous Oracle-based cryptos out there that have completely different objectives. Focusing on the Oracles is retarded.

>shit ICO
They kept things fair by missing out on 12 million dollars ON PURPOSE by keeping the $ cap even after ETH rose a lot in price.
Only downside was fewer people got into the ICO, hence the butthurt.

Btw, Bancor did the opposite by getting greedy and raising the $ cap of their ICO, and look what became of them.

>smartcontract.com and literally doesn't use a smart contract in token sale
Actually, the smart contracts were on the back end.
How else do you think they almost instantly distributed tokens from two different sale periods and with two different issue rates AND refunded all unsuccessful ETH with corresponding gas refunds as well? All at the same time?

>no working product
You can set up smart oracles on their website right now.
And they have two practical use cases with direct SWIFT integration ready to demo at SIBOS.

>> No.3621847

>Market cap = total # of coins in circulation * $value of coins. How am I stupid?
Yes, and the circulating supply is 350 million.
That's what is used to calculate market cap.

>> No.3622638

how does it feelknowing you're a millionaire in a few weeks?