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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3621211 No.3621211 [Reply] [Original]

Fintech awards coming up.
Are you feeling lucky, dionbros

>> No.3621218

are you fucking kidding me nigger

>> No.3621279
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>> No.3621291

that other guy wasn't me.
calm the hell down dude, the countdown clock will start soon. dions, bro. pozitivity only bro.

>> No.3622004

So I bought close to ATH like an idiot. Should I sell my bags once it gets back to that price ( $4.20) or should I hold on? In the best case scenario that they win fintech and the countdown starts, how high can we realistically expect this to go short term?

>> No.3622083


If they win some awards and get some coverage and then start the countdown for DIONS we will hit 200k SAT in a week.

>> No.3622187

sold all my ark, neo and omg for ioc
this coin will be 100$ next year
mark my words

dions, bro

>> No.3622202

Hoping for at least 150k
Pls do it ioc

>> No.3622320

DIONS, bro

>> No.3622749

Hoping this 2.5k will buy me a lambo.

>> No.3622992

Been holding it since 0.0006 sold all my bags between .00089 and .0011

Will buy back later, imho it might go up to 150, that's it. DIONS is already priced in and the guys have no clue of marketing.. sadly.

>> No.3623678

They're doing a marketing blitz in Japan after the fintech awards and DIONS blockcall.

>> No.3623739

why Japan, anon ?

>> No.3623754

Biggest Asian market other than China. Also Japan is always using new technology and IO Digital is for businesses and can be used by individuals

>> No.3623773


Fuck if I know. I'm just going off what the devs are saying in Slack. They haven't disappointed me yet so I have no reason to doubt their marketing reasons.

>> No.3623878

going up. pretty resiliant coin.

>> No.3624028

Sounds good, any dates for that?

>> No.3624089

Biggest Crypto market full stop

>> No.3624106

way bigger than china ever was.

>> No.3624208

As a previous fudder. The people running this having their faces out in the open and the historical graph suggests that they are not a scam. Just maybe underfunded and lack clarity and milestones for the project. They need to hire a top dev to help. Joel is not a bad rapper either. But they need to up their game a bit.

>> No.3624264

true, as with many projects.
Better marketing and a bigger team and it would 5x

>> No.3624322

its not marketing. some fund needs to be setup for development to get a working product over the line.

>> No.3624369

sure, still better marketing often wins over the superior product, as sad as that is.