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File: 12 KB, 250x250, monero-692618e262bdd111563bb0553d3e3fd3ae3b712d7833350c9dc4121c4b1d1c7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3620525 No.3620525 [Reply] [Original]

Why buy monero? its been falling since august, explain the upside biz.

>> No.3620545

whales are accumulating.

>> No.3621119

Buy. https://forum.getmonero.org/8/funding-required/88459/globee-s-secret-project-fundraiser

>> No.3621147

whale here, can confirm. i'm eating up your buy orders like millions of little tasty krill.

>> No.3621165

you would be eating sell orders if you were accumulating fucking LARPer

>> No.3621206
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>> No.3621232

tee hee you caught me. you must be a smart goy.
allow me to clarify, fuckowitz:
what i meant was that i was suppressing the price by eating up buy orders...this is actually correct in the sense that i am DUMPING on the buy orders in the orderbook to drive the price lower and buy back in. is this not clear to you?

cry more poorfag!!!


>> No.3621246


>> No.3621259

Possible next BTC. Lower supply and good way to store wealth anonymously. April 15th will come soon.

>> No.3621263

don't be mean, i'm only 13 years old, and i'm trading with my batmitzvah monies.

you can take your cringe-feels to reddit goyim

>> No.3621274

what can monero do that zcash can't? or that ethereum can be updated to do

also this:

>> No.3621277

gtfo girl

>> No.3621298

Well for starters it isn't a kike scam.

>> No.3621399
File: 26 KB, 580x348, Zcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Zcash

Explosion of miner support
Large projects ahead of it

>> No.3621419
File: 116 KB, 660x484, Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 10.43.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The (((coincidence detector))) Chrome app literally puts triple parentheses around (((Zcash)))

>> No.3621429
File: 448 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_4882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a solid chance (((Zcash))) was the backdoor that brought down AlphaBay

>> No.3621447
File: 453 KB, 980x551, time-to-oil-up_o_5289657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going up
Monero is going down

>> No.3621458

ETH will also have the only distinguishing technology of this coin within weeks.

>> No.3621476
File: 36 KB, 767x131, 3BDC882D-8EF4-4FD8-8995-E00D53A72772-7793-0000095CA7F25195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally inserted a backdoor to catch criminals.

Literally developed by Israeli intelligence.


>> No.3621492
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>> No.3621508

>developed by jews to hide their money

isn't this... a good thing?

>> No.3621546

To hide their money, but report your own.

AlphaBay was shut down less than 2 weeks after implementing Zcash, and the founders have explicitly said they would have ways of catching criminals using their currency

>> No.3621567

Alphabay shutdown had nothing to do with Zcash, the owner was a retard with practically nonexistent opsec.

>> No.3621588
File: 26 KB, 761x51, Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 11.11.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alphabay shutdown had nothing to do with (((Zcash))), the owner was a retard with practically nonexistent opsec.

>> No.3621597
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>> No.3621619
File: 52 KB, 720x632, _20170925_231431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you want to go to Lamboland with us baby?

>> No.3621639


ok you fags have convinced me zcash is a trap but what makes monero worth anything if ethereum is going to add privacy features

>> No.3621670

Because any shitcoin scam like Ethereum and Zcash can add optional privacy features, but it's not actually private/anonymous unless it's by default.

>> No.3621686
File: 262 KB, 348x454, 1505008755122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3621691


>> No.3621698
File: 1.53 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_4898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and it's a joint collaboration with ZOG-cash. Paranoid drug dealers aren't gonna trust this shit, for good reason.

Monero's the only currency that truly cares about privacy right now.

>> No.3621738

What's happening April 15th anon?

>> No.3621761

Exactly. You need to look at what the darknet markets are adopting. They are the ones whose livelihood depends on privacy.

>> No.3621775

DNM's are slowly adopting Monero. There is not one reason why Monero won't take over BTC as the main currency. When this happens, with proper integration (for example, TAILS integrating a XMR wallet), monero will be priced accordingly, easily 10x what it is now.

>> No.3621816


wherein idiots believe things to be true just because they wished they were true. Its abundantly clear you don't understand bitcoin, let alone monero or anything else.

This is the part where you get all indignant and expect me to spoonfeed you information, because otherwise you won't care what i have to say!! Except that isn't how things work, fuck off kid.

Once you've read about 6 months of logs starting from 2013 on btcbase.org, then you might get a clue about who is who, and what is what, and why you are clueless and therefore why you should stop making "predictions".

But besides anything else, you make the all too common error of Kids Who Know Nothing in that you think "DNMs" constitute anything meaningful. They do not, that you imagine they do, or "think" they do, does not change material reality.

For your edification: http://trilema.com/2013/what-the-drug-trade-is-how-the-drug-trade-works-and-why-silk-road-didnt-work-and-didnt-matter/

>> No.3621844

>Make claims and tell me I'm completely wrong, post nothing to back you up
>Post article from 2013 about Silk road and still think its relevant
Not even going to bother with everything else you said, but if you don't think DNM's constitute a huge part to the drug trade, then you are completely misinformed and should shut the fuck up.

>> No.3621866


lmao, mkay kid. Go about in ignorance and make a fool of yourself, as kids tend to do.

>> No.3621885

lmao, mkay kid. Enjoy looking at the price of monero in a year and knowing you were too busy with your dick in hand and calling people kids on 4chan to invest xx

>> No.3621918


the price of monero will go up, no doubt about it.

But that you imagine it will replace bitcoin, or will "10x" is amusing. That you imagine it will do these things because of "DNMs" is high comedy.

You don't understand bitcoin, you certainly don't understand monero, you don't understand how drug marketplaces work, ergo you don't know shit and should stop making "predictions" no matter how badly you want them to be true.

>> No.3621919

What the fuck does this article from 2013 have to do with anything?

>> No.3621944


Try reading instead of skimming. Understand the structural problems of the drug trade, and you will understand why "DNMs" do not, and will not, constitute a "large part" of the drug trade irrespective of what youve been told by people who get all their information from reddit.

Try to imagine, this is the equivalent of doing medicine without first having an education in physiology. That people try to do so regardless does not make what they are doing effective, even if they imagine so, and the results are usually underwhelming or dangerous.

>> No.3621955

It will replace bitcoin on DNM's, yes. Never did I say it will completely replace bitcoin.

I don't think you understand how many trades are done on dark net markets per day. It is a huge fucking market. I don't need to understand "how drug marketplaces work", all anyone needs to know is that it is a marketplace with millions of dollars of sales each week.

Shut the fuck up honestly. So far all you have said is to disregard anything others have posted, and listen to you, when it is clear that you have no clue about anything, and just like to be a cunt.

>> No.3621978

I read your random retarded little article that you wrote in 2013. It has nothing to do with anything, and doesn't have any information on why Monero won't replace Bitcoin on DNMs.

>> No.3621982


furthermore, both of the largest and most organized (i use term loosely here, its abundantly clear both Ulbricht and Cazes were exactly the same kind of dunning-kruger idiot) have suffered from exactly the same flaws. For some reason, nobody, least of all the morons talking enthusiastically about "DNMs" the most can actually accurately identify what these flaws are.

hint: its not the fucking currencies being used. Ulbricht didn't get busted because of bitcoin, and Cazes didn't get busted because of Zcash (or bitcoin, or monero for that matter). That the feds could ascertain and seize (yes the monero too, they just don't know how much is in there. But fact remains his monero wallet is in the possession of the people who captured him, because he is an idiot and had it all documented plainly on the same computer he used to do other idiot things with) his funds in these currencies is certainly not desirable, but that is after the fact of his capture.

>> No.3622003


Monero WILL replace bitcoin on DNMs. Dogecoin could replace bitcoin on dnms for all it fucking matters.

I didn't dispute these things. What I am disputing, is the moronic, highly comedic idea that monero will replace bitcoin in general, and especially because of "DNMs"

Now you kids get angry because you are emotionally invested in this idea that this is meaningful and contains your financial future.

Well, okay. I'll leave you to your delusions.

>> No.3622019

I know the creators didn't get taken down because of the currency, and my reason for Monero taking over wasn't to help the creators, but the users. No longer can people track down the bitcoin which will be sent.

Again, I/anybody in here never said Monero will replace bitcoin "in general". It's very apparent you are a dumb cunt, and you should neck yourself and never write articles again because your site sucks ass, and you don't look good in a suit with those shades on.

>> No.3622021

I think you need better reading comprehension

>> No.3622022

LOL STFU faggots
we need a private coin not a criminal coin

yeah, appeal to antisemites, that will work

>> No.3622027

You fucking retard, even if Cazes didn't get busted because of Bitcoin, they feds were able to trace all the vendors and users directly through tracing Bitcoin transactions after seizing the market.
The point is not that Monero will replace Bitcoin directly because of DNMs, it's that Monero replacing Bitcoin on DNMs is a testament to Monero's privacy.

>> No.3622035
File: 58 KB, 1102x676, Monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why buy Monero? hmmm...

>> No.3622040

> It's very apparent you are a dumb cunt, and you should neck yourself and never write articles again because your site sucks ass, and you don't look good in a suit with those shades on.

that's not me, retard.

That you don't know *who* that is, is pretty much all the proof needed that you don't know a fucking thing about bitcoin.

Let me guess, you came into this game in the last 1-2 years? Probably less, 6 months.

>> No.3622048

You remind me of posts I've seen on /r/iamverysmart.

>> No.3622051

>The point is not that Monero will replace Bitcoin directly because of DNMs, it's that Monero replacing Bitcoin on DNMs is a testament to Monero's privacy.

Exactly. Also, what's the difference between Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, etc.?

I can just shapeshift them into each other, so they're basically the same coin.

Monero is actually private and fungible, so it offers a distinct advantage over the other interchangeable coins.

>> No.3622067

1 year, yeah. So it seems that bloke got in very early and bought a fuck load of BTC, good on him. He still writes like a spastic, and I assume only people like you (ie, autistic, ugly and retarded) listens to what he has to say.

Funny how you call me a retard, but you literally didn't understand what this thread has been about.

>> No.3622151

You're getting told hard lmao, kid.

>> No.3622394
File: 204 KB, 372x423, verge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero wont go anywhere

>> No.3622475

Lol, bagholder.

>> No.3622625
File: 47 KB, 729x364, zcli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zcash twitter context
He was thinking about exchanges tracking people cashing out. It was related to the idea of what if the government came down hard on the Zcash creators and they wanted to throw a bone.

>alphabay admin being caught context
The guy bragged about the site and he had his personal email address in the original welcome emails.

>> No.3623412

Everybody can see how much BTC you have and all the transactions you made. That must be a wet dream for tax departments, criminals, companies, ...

With Monero nobody knows how much you have or what you send and it solves another big problem:

Drug leaders have this unique issue of having too much cash. They have so much cash some of it gets lost or rots away.

Monero solves this issue cash has:

- Anonymous

- Does not get lost or rots away

The longer Monero continues to exist without getting cracked, the more valuable it becomes.

>> No.3623881


US Tax man will want his cut. You best believe they know what is inside your BTC wallet and your trade history to fiat from exchanges.

>> No.3624663


>he had his personal email address in the original welcome emails

.... you're not actually dumb enough to believe that, are you?


>> No.3624862
File: 1.24 MB, 1794x2840, 34325346457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because of pic related. There's a new player in town baby.