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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 800x945, reddcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3619474 No.3619474 [Reply] [Original]

- RDD had an amazing run from 26 SATs to 48 SATs yesterday.
- It has dipped all the way down to 35 since then, but now it's showing signs of life at 38 SATs.

How high will it go?


>> No.3619485

any chance it could get to 100?

>> No.3619487

Nice just bought 800k.

And I'm not joking.

>> No.3619498

Just bought 400k at 38. What are yall setting your sell orders at? 60?

>> No.3619501

bought 600k

Let's get the party started!

>> No.3619503

We need 1000+ BTC to get to 100 SATs. That's unlikely to happen tonight.

>> No.3619504

Just bought 65Million. https://gyazo.com/26d04d368a1e411562cbdb58519d3581

>> No.3619517 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 682x1024, redddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy or take your 2 inncher and fuck your sister

>> No.3619531


>> No.3619532

we can still see her fucking beef portal you fuck what are you doing?

>> No.3619535

If it goes to 45, I'm cumming in my own mouth.

>> No.3619543
File: 137 KB, 798x1200, CwqNtxQUoAA9Ikq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be happy with 47, but if it goes higher, that's wonderful too.

>> No.3619546


>> No.3619558

Meh, this 39 sell wall is xbox hueg. I better just go to bed.

>> No.3619572 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 682x1024, redddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy faggot.

>> No.3619573



>> No.3619591

Need more volume to break down those walls.

>> No.3619625

The volume is their silly summerfag. It is a matter of whenthe whales take down their walls. We are but mere kelp feeding on scraps

>> No.3619628

38 sats not found

>> No.3619657
File: 269 KB, 682x1024, redddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take these walls down anon

>> No.3619711

How many faggots does it take to pump a coin? Let's find out you wonderful bunch of fags. Just Bought several hundred k

>> No.3619754

Who are these niggers selling for 38 when the 39 wall is being eaten away? Holy fuck.

>> No.3619764

fucking retards lol

>> No.3619767

Everyone shill Twitter, telegram, etc. Shit works. We need to work together if we're all going to make it. This should be a thing on /biz/

>> No.3619769

seems legit just bought in at 49

>> No.3619771

who is we anon

>> No.3619830
File: 13 KB, 105x125, IMG_4643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be a poor neet like me who jacks off to the thought of his sisters sucking his cock with her luscious lips. Meanwhile i just jack off with her frusty underwear. Aka i need redd to mooon so i can leave the house and not get a rape charge

>> No.3619875

Jesus Christ dude.

>> No.3619886

should happen tomorrow at this rate

>> No.3619901


>> No.3619905

>Who are these niggers selling for 38
I hate those faggots.

>> No.3619921

that was me sorry

>> No.3619959
File: 27 KB, 500x508, 0b4dd56c471b28785cbe3090d0eb20c6--bubble-baths-bubble-gum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bottom is stabilizing
>Volume still pumping
>Whales buying in by the fuckload
>Gonna cum so hard

>> No.3619962

The sell walls are too big. I don't think we're gonna see 40+ sats. Fuck.

>> No.3619964

Don't kid yourself. This is about to stagnate hard.

>> No.3619991

It's 4:32am here, what stop loss order should I set before going to bed?

>> No.3620001

I'm gonna set mine to 32. Don't trust it more than that.

>> No.3620002

damn already half 5 i should go sleep too

>> No.3620008

I saw the graphs of IOP, a shitcoin that anyone can acknowledge. It wobbled up and down all day before a day-long pump.

I'm seeing the exact same patterns here as I saw when RDD pumped then.

Selling at 17 sats taught me not to give up on the initial rides up. The money is coming in, nigga.

>> No.3620031
File: 469 KB, 1024x500, sperm-whale-1024x500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the whales thinking?

>> No.3620123
File: 64 KB, 577x826, 1505708903416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not selling until at least 100 sats, this coin taught me patience

>> No.3620167

Whales are motivated by two things: greed, and fear.

>> No.3620242


whales that are suppressing the price so they can accumulate.

RDD is getting me hard

>> No.3620264


>muh graphs

Ever heard of something called the Efficient Market Hypothesis, poindexter? This coin has zero future.

>> No.3620286

Get your noose ready fag

>> No.3620295

who cares about the coin in the future? the pump is now

>> No.3620307

It's so frustrating watching this. So many whales in this market.

>> No.3620312

seriously. these fucking people that go and FUD coins must hate making money.

>> No.3620324

Just gotta ride the waves they make. When they want the price to fly they will remove the sell walls...

>> No.3620331

>makes fun of a formula
>uses 1 formula to downcast another formula
>forgets that pot's shouldn't call kettles black

>> No.3620382

Noone thinking of hodling long term? Or we just doing a slow PND here?

>> No.3620468

slow pump and dump

>> No.3620477

Newb question: let's say I put up a stop loss order at, say, 33 sats. If someone sells just 1 fucking RDD for 33 sats, will that trigger my stop loss and make me sell all the RDD I have?

>> No.3620572

No, because bittrex has fat finger protection

>> No.3620579


if the current price is let's say 20 sats, if you put in a sell order for let's say 200, and goto sleep. in between the time of when you placed it, and when you wake up, if it hits 200 it will sell as many of your coins as the demand allows. if you have 100 coins and the total buy price point is 30 coins in total wanted at 200, you'll only be able to sell 30 of your 100 and have 70 just sitting.

You could stagger your sell orders, for example
Coins = 100
Buy Price = 20 sats
Steps = 10
Start Selling @ 80 sats

Sell 10 @ 100 Sats = 0.00001000 | [Step 1 of 10]
Sell 10 @ 110 Sats = 0.00001100 | [Step 2 of 10]
etc. etc. etc.

but I'm just a broke person, I don't know nothing

>> No.3620630

Then when is the stop loss triggered? What does bittrex analyze to detect whether the stop loss order should be sent or not?

Thanks for the tip, but I'm talking specifically about stop loss (conditional orders).

>> No.3620659

I guess when a coin is actually bought or sold at the specified price

>> No.3620757

Do you (or anyone else) know why the pump happened yesterday?

>> No.3620785

Years ago I sold a million RDD for 30 USD and bought acid. That'd be worth 1500 USD now. Completely useless shitcoin, too.

>> No.3620812

Is this a shit coin? The market cap is so low. Isn't a 100m cap realistic?

>> No.3620821

I only care, because I need to unload bags.

>> No.3620822

What the fuck is happening? More than 3 fucking hours with no change in the price! I'm thinking of selling my bags and going elsewhere. This isn't going anywhere.

>> No.3620823
File: 177 KB, 2698x574, Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 10.18.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it even possible to buy .9975000 RDD???

>> No.3620846

Just commit to selling it if it hits a certain price. I'm definitely dumping if it drops below 35.

>> No.3620876

weak hands

>> No.3620916

Holy shit, the 37 sats sell wall disappeared. Seems like we angered some whale.

>> No.3621012

What the fuck is up with that

>> No.3621026

im snoozin here
bored out of my mind

>> No.3621031

Good night. Don't forget to set a stop limit.

>> No.3621086

nah I ain't sleeping tonight
Also I can't take that risk, if I got in lower maybe but I can't risk it going to 34 and then shooting up, I'd lose too much

What are the chances of it getting up to 56 sats on the first pump up, if it ever happens? 48 is the safest bet, 53 is the target, but 56 will put me right into the 3BTC total range.

>> No.3621440

ATH was 136 sat.

The coin has active development. A revolutionary new tech about to drop that no other coin has. It is at least hitting the ATH once Again in the future.

>> No.3621474
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>> No.3621482 [DELETED] 

There are too many whales in there now. It's hard to move the price up.

>> No.3621500


>> No.3621537


Just grind the spread. It's super flat and high volume, it's perfect for spread grinding if you have the patience.

>> No.3621555

Yeah but what if it suddenly moons

>> No.3621613

Just go up god dammit.

>> No.3621633


Up to you man. You do have a point, it's been a while. I think it'll be another couple hours yet at least though. Or even longer. But this clearly isn't a dump situation. The whales are waiting for something.

>> No.3621699


Seems that way indeed. Maybe they’re waiting til oct 1 to see if Redd ID makes the deadline?

>> No.3621722

Still here Anons, this fuckers gonna rage.

>> No.3621862

100 sats and even further into the anus of the lord

>> No.3621992

>36 sat buy wall finally clears again hours after the first time
>14 million RDD buy order at 36 sat immediately placed

>> No.3622008

>It clears again when I finish this post
>50 million RDD buy order at 36 sat immediately placed

>> No.3622016

Got in at 37 and sold at 39, watching it not go up is agonizing.

>> No.3622122

Set sells at 48,68 & 88 and kept 50k back for chasing the peak. What do you think lads?

>> No.3622515

>waking up to this

Fuck, should have sold at 38.

>> No.3622518

Jesus. This fucking coin doesn't move. Too much manipulation. I'm out. Can't understand these damned whales.

>> No.3622531

>moon mission
>hur dur I don't understand it
It'll take a while, maybe even 5 days, because Redd-ID is supposedly coming out in the first week of October

>> No.3622569

I think i'm going to hold some bags for that

>> No.3622577

They postponed the release again?

My god the dev is an incompetent fuck

>> No.3622585

It's a rumor, relax
We don't know anything, but the whales do
Set low alerts, and do something else

>> No.3622604

ok cool cool

>> No.3622737

Fuck i bought in at 41, but seeing it drop hurts. Not a weak handed fag but I would've liked to buy in at 35 reeee

>> No.3622780

I know bro, I bought in last night @38, and 36, though
Don't worry, this is as obvious as it gets
Moon, baby

>> No.3622789
File: 26 KB, 480x360, IMG_5120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P.S. If that cunt anon that gave me the adress is lurking, you're gonna get a tip if this moons bro

>> No.3622929

35 wall gone
looks like 34 about to fall
this has to stop at 33

>> No.3622964

bought at 37, hold or sell

>> No.3622965

This chart is a fucking abomination

>> No.3622972

I hope..

>> No.3622981

>tfw bought close to the ATH

This shit was my only mistake in crypto so far though

>> No.3622987

shorters and daytraders BTFO

>> No.3622988

I wouldn't sell yet, just hold, I'm guessing you bought in at 46 or something don't sell now with 25% loss...

>> No.3623001

I mean a bit before the crashening we had back in June. I was new(er) to crypto and while I did my homework on my other coins, I remembered hearing about RDD a while back and threw some rainy day money on it

>> No.3623032

What happened to the volume? We're down 3k BTC in an hour or two

>> No.3623090

Shaking weak hands
Redd-ID is coming out soon, don't WEAK HAND

>> No.3623433

This coin has legions of bagholders who bought over 100 sats.

>> No.3623664

Nice support at 33-34. That's the floor right goys?

>> No.3623670

For all I care it can go down to 1sat, it's gonna blow the fuck up soon

>> No.3623706

this, gonna put 1 btc in now

>> No.3624490
File: 101 KB, 600x842, 1503962055293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3624584

Knew this shit was too good to be true.
Okay you fags were wring about eveeything else so far
Your double tops
Your wall street buying
Your 36 is the floor
Your support is at 36
It's happening in a few hours

Why in the world should I believe that you're right about it mooning anymore?

>> No.3624600

you don't

>> No.3624618

I think this will hover between 33 -35 for a bit. Then it's going to moon, going to try to day trade that range, is a bit spooky but I think it will work.

>> No.3624758

Best of luck friendo

>> No.3624816

This is depressing. Where is my coke?

>> No.3624972

Don't look at it, set an alert at 50 sats
So something else, even coke

>> No.3625398

It's going lower I'm afraid. The buy walls are disappearing. The buy walls were there to keep price up so whales could unload bags. Watch as price gets closer to 32 sats, the 32 sat support will diminish.

I want to be wrong but fear I'm not

>> No.3625426

Either way, if they want out, they can go out
When Redd-ID gets released it's going to blow up

>> No.3625883

Ready to pump again.

>> No.3625896

Seems like I was wrong maybe?

>> No.3625936

It´s still in a slow downtrend.

>> No.3625948

shits about to pop offff

>> No.3626023

What's the ask price on bittrex

>> No.3626044


>> No.3626056
File: 60 KB, 600x473, Rocket-Ship-Launching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ready

>> No.3626175

what price did everyone get in at?

>> No.3626179


>> No.3626197

38. Nervous af right now

>> No.3626250
File: 1.41 MB, 450x450, 1506427213012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw waiting the moon to begin

>> No.3626293

you guys know this is gonna take days,until the Redd-ID release

>> No.3626427

out at 35 fuck this coin

>> No.3626486

me too fuck it. much better options out there

>> No.3626493

What'd you buy at?

>> No.3626495

nexus looking pretty good

>> No.3626498

Weak handed faggots, literally cucks if you are selling at a loss

>> No.3626511


>> No.3626516


>> No.3626527

aaand out

>> No.3626533

Do ten push-ups at least, a couple of squats

>> No.3626549


>> No.3626552


>> No.3626572

If we hit 32 again cut your losses and sell.

>> No.3626577

So what?
we've got a ton of guys that went balls deep, you don't hear them screaming like bitches
you need to hold for a couple of days longer, we'll be in the green by then

>> No.3626592
File: 25 KB, 500x324, 14470440_532844670252784_8878091733342365420_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did i sell?

>> No.3626603

what the fuck did I tell you...
fuck you

>> No.3626604

No way im selling at 32, if this shit goes sub 32 I've just become a redd marine, will probably go look for support with the digibros

Seems like there are people that need to start looking for a good pair of kneepads

I really do hope this piece of shit coin moons and isn't the one that makes me wake up screaming at night.
Signs are there though.

>> No.3626610

Yeah, fuck kneepads

how much of your portfolio did you chuck in?

>> No.3626619

Sold at 40. It's a worthless pump and dump coin. The "dev" is a filthy liar. Nobody would use this shit to tip if it did work, and it never will.

>> No.3626622

dont want to talk numbers makes my hands weak

>> No.3626627

ofcourse not

don't worry, we're gonna make it
I promise

>> No.3626635

Short this fucker to 30, then buy

>> No.3626636

I've spent the last month laughing at digimarines, karma dictates I deserve this

>> No.3626652

I've been accumulating on Karma, we'll be okay

>> No.3626654

yiiiiissss baby here we gooo

>> No.3626672

OKOK I'm liking that red candle... Kmon moon time?

>> No.3626685


>> No.3626694

I remember some pajeet scam a few years back that had a rigged game so that it'd win 60-70% of the time.

But they won the trial because in the signature form it said "Have fun, but remember - the house always wins!" due to the fact it was an "Entertainment Site" they deemed it fair and legal that paying 20% of your money to get entertainment at home was legal.

>> No.3626709

it's rigged if you weak hand sell

>> No.3626729

I'm gonna go watch Fight Club, doesn't make sense sitting here staring at the charts when I know there's not gonna be any movement soon
Don't get weak hands

>> No.3626746
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1503905540223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when finally dropped digibags to buy rdd. I swore i would never get memed again. Crypto isnt for me lads.

>> No.3626768

Got in at 34, selling at 99. Here's to hoping I make it

>> No.3626785

You can be saved if buy Bitbean under 80 soon

>> No.3626835
File: 140 KB, 462x422, IMG_5625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it

>> No.3626953

Gotta pick up some more rdd before we touch the sky.Charts dont go straight up.
This is not a pump and dump
Miss another moon mission as if I care

>> No.3627365

Meh, bought @ 36, I didn't take much of a hit. So far.

>> No.3627366
File: 70 KB, 704x728, reedddddddddddddddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start moonmission.exe

>> No.3627376

Rdd is such a cock-tease
But we don't wanna cum early, do we bois

>> No.3627392
File: 122 KB, 1688x746, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it breaks out of the red cloud, then much much higher.

>> No.3627454

Everything has a chance to go to 100 sats, except for BTC.

>> No.3627463

There's a fucking 30btc sell wall for 35 and 57btc wall for 36. There is absolutely no way we're breaking out unless Jesus himself decides to invest in RDD. Last fucking time I'm listening to biz and hopping on a post pump coin God dammit.

>> No.3627467

>smashing through resistance
lmao fuck off i don't want your bags

>> No.3627504

You do realize it smashed through 200 BTC in a matter of minutes yesterday? Would this be the first time you're seeing a pump? How exciting!

>> No.3627505

you suck at TA and your getting bodied for it nigga

>> No.3627509

33 faggot

>> No.3627546

>dev set a random launch date on Redd-ID, so that even he doesn't know when it's released, as a measure against PnD
Now ask me in what time frame the release is

>> No.3627559


You know that redd-id is delayed by a year already?

>> No.3627561


>> No.3627573

You know he has a new dev team and that tweet is out, with him confirming it was tested

>> No.3627608
File: 2.94 MB, 873x360, japanese bateman shoots the dubs and kills the thread.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought at 47

>> No.3627647

Jesus what is that movie

>> No.3627700
File: 43 KB, 400x458, icecreampain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought at 85

>> No.3627704

Just wait to oct,1

>> No.3627819

We broke a 200 btc sell wall in less than 10 minutes yesterday lol what are you smoking? literally the only thing keeping this price down right now is the whales and their sell walls and theyre gonna take them down and shoot the price up soon

>> No.3627842

It's being pumped. Don't buy it

>> No.3627925


Name of the movie?

>> No.3628225
File: 57 KB, 750x485, IMG_5629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really comfy atm

>> No.3628260

Not sure why they didn't just rush him.

>> No.3628283

28.6 billion coins circulating. You're gonna be poor m8 and over simple shit.

>> No.3628999


>> No.3629007

>buy at 27 sell at 34

Goodluck dumping at 100 when theres walls of btcs at every price on the way up

>> No.3629032

holy shit, there's people still don't understand market cap?

>> No.3629044

Its about to take a huge dump

>> No.3629067
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1466133261882s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3629097

Fuck the whales

>> No.3629123

They're keeping it down, just relax
We'll get there
1st week of October, baby

>> No.3629126

I'd rather have the price suppression than a dump.

Whales buying means support throughout this range, famalama. Set an alert and go jack off.

>> No.3629196

I can’t wait until this shit hits 100 sat and all the pink wojaks come out. Remember to buy high and sell low guys!

>> No.3629203

Some whale is fucking around

>> No.3629751

should i buy or was this just a one-time pump and dump?

>> No.3629773

It's done, they been selling off all day

>> No.3630130
File: 655 KB, 888x635, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.3630143

that its a shitcoin that has been p&d

>> No.3630230

Just made me think of your mom.

>> No.3630426

ye... t'was just a pump and dump. 20 sats by the end of tomorrow.

>> No.3630451


Judge Redd.

>> No.3630593

Will the price float between 33 and 36 until redd-id comes out?

>> No.3630639

If redd id comes out its going to drop

>> No.3631667
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>> No.3632077
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I'm sorry

>> No.3632149


>> No.3632376

Will this died from redd id?

>> No.3632386

this is bullshit where's my pump!


>> No.3632565


>> No.3632593

Guys I'm losing hope literally every other coin is mooning in my portfolio except this piece of shit

>> No.3632622

>when you leave the RDD thread and see that every other coin except for it is mooning
We were supposed to be celebrating right now, not the NEOkuks

>> No.3632912

I wanted to buy NEO last night, but my phone battery died

>> No.3632979
File: 248 KB, 1080x1726, DKtgLf3XcAAnM2v.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it truly time

>> No.3633112

It looks like it's starting

>> No.3633119


Let’s go boyos!!

>> No.3633131

I can't believe IRRTTT

>> No.3633143

out of 36
onto 37

>> No.3633151

never mind it's over go back to tying your nooses

>> No.3633159

Until 20 more BTC were plopped down @ 36

>> No.3633299


>> No.3633321

there's a lot of pressure down there

>> No.3633334

Pump it....

>> No.3633358

>guess who's back
>back again

>> No.3633360


>> No.3633443

.... And it's back down

>> No.3633498


>> No.3633512

That's great news desu I'm trying to fud on purpose...

>> No.3633556


>> No.3633560

>he thinks reddcoin is a joke
boy I was so fucking wrong

>> No.3633574

Lolfags I was pumping the price earlier with 45BTC, so I could dump my bags at 47. There wasn't any legitimate demand.

It's running on spent momentum now.

>> No.3633590


>> No.3633598

Well you did a terrible job faggot

>> No.3633945

I sold at 36. See you guys again at 33

>> No.3633978

>2k BTC volume
>pumping price with pennies
>45 BTC is literally the wall to jump 1 sat higher

>> No.3634030

R.I.P. moon rocket

>> No.3634052

I had a fucking rick and morty flashback
>moon men

>> No.3634059


>> No.3634074

Down we go

>> No.3634179

siacoin anyone?

>> No.3634204

What's the prospect on that piece of shit

>> No.3634232 [DELETED] 


>> No.3634255

Looks like we're late

>> No.3634261

Could NEO realistically pump again?

>> No.3634331

Glad I was able to buy in at 37 and sell at 39, can't imagine being stuck with bags of Reddcoin. I'm sorry.

>> No.3634373

controlled fall
whale activity
consecutive green days
lot of headroom

>> No.3634384


>> No.3634457 [DELETED] 

What are the chances of this reaching 385 sats eventually?
That's what it will take to put me in the 21 BTC club

>> No.3634475

get in TenX for good gains, and buy back into RDD when it is around 25sats

>> No.3634521

personally looking at what Titanowhale at 34 btc is doing, if that 80 wall falls im packing my shit and ditching this shit

>> No.3634529

sats*, if the 36 wall comes down there is a good chance it'll see some gains today, cant say really

>> No.3634755


>> No.3634853

Whale accumulating as we speak, stop spreading FUD.

>> No.3634882

oh my... this is really the end... he is leaving because no reddid i suppose

>> No.3634908

Get out after the second pump. Whale is using the same scheme he did on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to accumulate at the moment.
You'll be sorry if you get out now.

>> No.3634921

i don't give a fuck anymore but it seems the reddid wont drop out anytime

>> No.3634928

Never thought it would, but if the volume is high and the pump is good, people won't give a shit about postponing.
Just be sure to get out after, don't make the same mistake I did in June.