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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3618950 No.3618950 [Reply] [Original]

>Fears surrounding the November 1rst Bitcoin hard fork are right around the corner
>This usually means a crash
>Bitcoin still very high right now and people exiting
>Double top forming
>SEC just released huge plans to regulate the whole thing and make a cyber crime division, etc.

Why aren't you shorting the fuck out of Bitcoin right now?

>> No.3618957

Got burned last time now I'm eternally bullish

>> No.3618982

same. the more the sec does the stronger crypto will het. its natural. god's rules.

>> No.3618989

No one cares. The fed will start dumping assets next month. Get ready for a bullrush

>> No.3619007

FUD!!! get your FUD here!!! free to all butthurt no bitcoiners thinking btc is dead !!!

>> No.3619017
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Jihan didn't do shit, what is different this time?

>> No.3619047


because i bought at 4100 so i'm hodling

>> No.3619054
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>shorting BTC ever
That's why we have shitcoins.

>> No.3619060

Same, TFW only have 2

>> No.3619065

Un-fucking believable.

I was the most bullish person on this board for months and months. And all I see from you fucking cunts is FUD and "SELL ETH IS $10 NEXT YEAR" and "BITCOIN TO $2200!!!!!!!!" shit but I ignored it and held through and wanted to be sick for every dip and crash over the past 8 months.

I finally make 1 fucking FUD post for the first time, my first ever, and suddenly you people are all bullish as fuck, claiming it was all a mistake and that you should totally buy now.

Fuck this board. Fuck all you moronic assholes.

>> No.3619068


.05 here, lol..

>> No.3619089

lol did you even read the sec paper you dumb shit, they are regulating to reduce scam icos.

ffs u gay niggas fuding again, i aint seeing btc go down to 3k again.

fuk u low life fucks

>> No.3619092

>reddit spacing
just do us all a favor and end it already you fucking loser barista

>> No.3619104

>le reddit spacing meme
This isn't /v/.

>> No.3619113

Nah. Fuck reddit I don't go there and have seen the layout of that website like once but couldn't figure out how to make an account and gave up. Been on 4chan since the habbo raids. I was just trying to be dramatic.

>> No.3619125

because regulation = normie friendly = i can sell my bags to them, not some neckbeard spending his tendy bucks.

>> No.3619128

uhh there's more than 2 people posting here

>> No.3619129

That's not what concerned me actually. It was the news articles all coming out lately saying
>There might be 3 Bitcoins in November
As if Bitcoin Crash counts for anything at all.

But normies eat that shit up and whales KNOW that normies eat that up so they sell expecting other whales to sell to try to cause normies to panic, etc.

That's kind of what I was thinking.

>> No.3619134

Seg2x requires a hard fork.

Which is means free coins like with BCash.

>> No.3619138
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>> No.3619142

>Believing /biz/ FUDers and shills
>Not doing basic research on your own
I hope you've learned your lesson senpai

>> No.3619145
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>> No.3619180

This isn't the same board. We drove all the faggot nocoiners out.

>> No.3619184

Can you stop talking like a nigger? Finance is a White person sport and field. Please leave.

>> No.3619208


tfw u identify as normie and have whale like stack

yes, i will feed, thank you for your business anons

a little tip for you neets and neckbeards, financial sectors operate on the fiscal year, we have more institutional funds at the beginning and middle of the calendar.

forget about december and wait until January, int he meantime, please, keep selling low and buying high.

>> No.3619223

hi JP Morgan

>> No.3619229

So you're... agreeing with me? I genuinely can't tell if you're trying to be bullish or bearish here.
Which is it?

>> No.3619302

How much will btc cost in usd in november? Im hoping the fork and FUDs will drive the prices way down

>> No.3619386
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My crystal ball says 100,000,000 satoshi per BTC is a realistic price

>> No.3619398

Segwit2x isnt fucking happening you retard, everybody already backed down

fucking brainlets

>> No.3619423
File: 5 KB, 159x160, 1475632486344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't even list the fact that all Chinese exchanges have to shut down by Oct 1st, the biggest reason to short

what do you all think is going to happen when millions of Chinese will no longer be able to sell their virtual tulips for Yuan in a few days?

>> No.3619435

I remember all the FUD around the forkening with BTC and BCC.

You guys remember that?

How after Bitcoin went ballistic and shot towards the moon and Bitcoin Cash entered the market and now has a comfy throne on the top 5 and we entered that retarded bull run?

Yeah, why would I short?

>> No.3619447


u guys don't see it do you. I'm not bullish or bearish, i don't give a fuck about market sentiment.

u r (all of you on social media) propagating fud around every corner of the fucking internet. u are creating the prices, the huge swings, you're creating the volatility.

if you all just shut the fuck up with the FUD, the price will rise smoothly and greatly in your favor. stop regurgitating BS you read from someone you don't know who has no fucking clue what they are talking about.

half of you don't even have anything substantial and those are the ones creating a void of speculation and causing hands to break with weakness. just fucking shut up and hold you dumb mother fuckers. jesus christ man.

>> No.3619457

Because Bitcoin dropped from $3100 to $1750 in the course of a few days as a result of all that FUD?

>> No.3619488


But I make money off of weak hands, why stop fudding?

>> No.3619496

has a name been given to to the new hardforked shitcoin that ill get for free?

>> No.3619506

Yeah and all that money went into ETH and Litecoin, then all the money went right back into Bitcoin.

If you are implying you can time the market, you wouldn't be here. You would be doing gatortails off an underage hooker on your yacht at St Barts

>> No.3619518

Im waiting for $4200 BTC, OMG sept news, and Kyber 10x.

Gonna sell all unto fiat, then get another 10k to have on standby. After the crash, i'll buy low and strap in for a moon mission.

>> No.3619536


Don't you get it? The new regs will make it illegal to sell bags. Insider trading will be a federal crime. All the volatility will go out of the market and you'll be lucky to get 5% per year. Better get out of your discord pump groups or you'll be getting a one way ticket to Sing Sing.

>> No.3619580

u mad bree?

>> No.3619600

ETH reaches 4K today
You heard it here first, chinks and Koreans preparing for their daily pump as we speak.

>> No.3619601

>illegal to sell bags
>insider trading
>implying the SEC would try to control the price of BTC to the point of making it illegal to sell bags
>implying this random trader is somehow an insider
What the fuck? You have to be drunk.

>> No.3619605


Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.

>> No.3619635

They will sell it in other exchanges, do you think miners and whales will just keep their BTC in cold store when trading makes them so much money?
Miners became rich because of BTC do you think they will simply stop their operation because they can't longer exchange BTC for yuans?

The Chinese government knows banning crypto is nearly impossible all they're doing is discouraging big investors and funds from participating in the speculation.

>> No.3619677

Try harder :^)