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3617731 No.3617731 [Reply] [Original]

Is working at McDonald's at 22 the sign of a failure?

>> No.3617739

you have an income stream on your own merit, that's a lot more than a lot of people

>> No.3617742

Most defiantly

>> No.3617752

What? "A lot" of people are not unemployed.

>> No.3617753

I mean as long as that's not ur long term goal then it's fine. Getting a degree? Certifications? Etc

>> No.3617767

millions are unemployed

if you're determined to hate yourself then go ahead

>> No.3617769

what about 32?

>> No.3617771

When is the cutoff point to leaving to a better job?

>> No.3617775

yes kys

>> No.3617787

I was working at McDonald's at 27 after 2 years of not being able to find a job, including moving across state lines while searching. Tomorrow I'm interviewing for a management position in IT at a global engineering company.

Just keep moving forward friend. You're gunna make it.

>> No.3617788

Maybe in Nigeria. Unemployment where I live is 5.7%.

Furthermore, why should I compare myself to the WORST instead of those better?

>> No.3617799

>I was working at McDonald's at 27 after 2 years of not being able to find a job, including moving across state lines while searching. Tomorrow I'm interviewing for a management position in IT at a global engineering company.

How? That's a huge jump, and I assume you didn't just start from rock bottom.

>> No.3617818

check out the labor force participate rate m8

>Furthermore, why should I compare myself to the WORST instead of those better?
yeah you could do better desu but you're not a failure

>> No.3617821

>using unemployment rate to measure true unemployment unironically

>> No.3617829

I work as an assistant manager at a retail pharmacy and want to kill myself, but all of my friends think I'm practically bourgeoisie

It's all a matter of perspective I guess

>> No.3617849

Then how should I measure it? By memes from /pol/?

>inb4 labor nonparticipation
Wouldn't that be affected by the significant boomer population and the most people going to college now?

>> No.3617857
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So let me get this straight, you think there's a log , and it condemns you to working a job at McDonald's when it counts enough times that the sun has been above your head? Your mindset determines the things around you. If you can see the steps it would take to reach a goal, you can get there. What would a better job give you anon?

>> No.3617862


>> No.3617889

I got out of college with a fresh degree in geology, and proceeded to get fucked by hiring freezes and layoffs in the industry.

I got hired on to a local point of sale company as a computer repair tech because I had a car and wore dress clothes to my interview. After working there for a year or two I landed an opening for a state dept position in their it department, which paid like shit but looked good on a resume. After a year of doing that, I put in applications in all major cities at major employers because I knew I had enough experience to be considered for an interview. Smashed my interview, got hired on at the engineering company. Worked harder and more professionally than all the normies there, and actively poked my nose around trying to get training in various other areas. First year I went from contractor to employee. Second year I went from employee to subject matter expert. Third year is starting now and I'm interviewing for the position I was talking about, and have been told I'm pretty much a shoe in for it, so fingers crossed.

Basically just keep moving forward, and actually do your job better than anyone else. My friend worked at McDonald's for 12 years and now makes well over 6 figures as a regional manager for Waffle House.

It's all about working harder than everyone else no matter what you do.

>> No.3617907

We're all failures trying hard to get out. We won't. LARP forum keeps us sane for a bit.

>> No.3617932

I'm just trying to understand when is an acceptable time to quit.

>> No.3617945

Nah keep working and improving yourself keep moving up wherever you are

>> No.3617953

Also just so you know it pretty much was rock bottom. I had to move back in with my parents, and was basically a depressed NEET getting drunk on gas station malt liquor every night for several years. If you truly want to succeed, you gotta be hungry for it. That's all there is to it.

>> No.3617965

If this is all you're doing then you need to change that. If youre in school then all good

>> No.3617970


It's still more an accomplishment than what 90% of this board has done.

>> No.3617985

An acceptable time to quit is when you have your newer higher paying/career advancing job lined up, which is literally ASAP.

>> No.3617992

Stop giving a fuck about what normals think, srs. Obtain currency.

>> No.3618006

just turned 22 still working in retail while studying in cc.feels like im way behind. i wont get my associates for another year or 2. thinking about leaving school behind and finding something else

>> No.3618010

Not if you're a university student, especially one that started a few years late

>> No.3618041

And how do you quit? Do you tell them you found something better? Will they get angry?

>> No.3618165

Not if you are spending 100% of your wage on bitcoin.

>> No.3618167
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no, i worked in mcdonalds and washing dishes around that age. now i work on tentpole feature films.

the main thing is having a goal in your head. if you have a goal and working there is just a way to generate income for the time being youre solid.

if you are aimlessly working there without any plan then you might be in trouble

>> No.3618199

MacDonalds can scoop up a new employee in no time.

A good employer would encourage the growth of his employees.

>> No.3618201
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>working harder and not smarter

>> No.3618243
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We're all retards LARPing as smart people, right?

Reality is, smart people aren't here.

>> No.3618267

>a fresh degree in geology,
so you did start from rock bottom

>> No.3618278
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no but getting declined from mcdonalds and KFC at 26 is............FML

Im all about failure.

age 21 graduate as designer with distinction,
start applying to graphic design positions all declined, start freelance , get nowhere. (Obviously shit at it)

23- go to uni get degree in business.

quit smoking at same time by importing e-cigs.
realise there is a market for this.
write a business plan. Take it to a business co-op to hook me up with investor. Repeatedly told it wouldn't take off and that i was too risky.
Asked family for loan. they all thought it would never happen.

Get job doing at IT company that is failing. repeatedly confront CEO about problems directly created by them and offer solutions. Watch company disintegrate. all with in a year.

Decide to work outside, spend thousands in training spend thousands on machinery. apply for jobs in field , all told that i wouldn't be a good "fit" or that I should try going solo.

spend thousands on truck.
spend thousands on business identity and marketing.

get exactly 11 clients in a year. generated 6000 local currencies and now no work in weeks. Find out a large firm has set up a satellite team where I live and has been undercutting me despite the fact if i went any cheaper id be losing money.

so now I have to rethink everything again.
and try and not kill myself.

I have invested what i can afford to lose in some memecoins in the hopes it will provide some buffer while I figure out whats next (will most likely crash).

so no working at Mc donalds in not failing.

Not working is failing.

>> No.3618281

That's a good point actually. Did you guys even enjoy McDonalds?

>> No.3618290

similar feels. i was a manager at starbucks until like 26 and now work on commercials/features.

>> No.3618305


>> No.3618312
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kudos for your drive so far, the experience you have gained along the way is pretty valuable.

just when you think it's all over, the winning gig is just around the corner, thats why you cannot stop pushing.


>> No.3618324
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>> No.3618349

Yeah it was fun. Way harder than any other job I've ever worked though. As you move up the ladder you do less work, but you have more riding on your decisions.

Also, no one is going to care if you quit. They can literally replace you in an hour, like all minimum wage jobs. Just turn in a 2 weeks notice and don't be a lazy douche during your last 2 weeks.

Once you get a real job, you can ask them to match an offer of better employment, and people are usually happy for you if you are advancing yourself. No one gets angry at someone for quitting, and if they do you shouldn't have been working there anyway.

>> No.3618359

Are you a chocolate face, per chance?

>> No.3618368

Also the POS job was horrible. They worked me to death and did really shady shit. They also got mad at me when I tried to quit. A few weeks ago one of my old bosses from there contacted me and basically told me I was right to leave. The company went under and one of the owners is in jail.

If anyone ever gives you shit about taking a better job offer, it means you 100% made the right call.

>> No.3618373

Thanks, genuinely put a smile on my face,

>> No.3618376
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We all die, what is success? Success is reproduction - don't get confused. We seek money and status to attract mates to reproduce. Faggots, trannies, feminists - these are the true failures. Work your McJob, have a few McKids and be a winner.

>> No.3618378


>> No.3618379

Just put in your two week notice and don't be a douche during it

You want to leave on good terms. Your new job will understand that you need to give two weeks too, so don't worry about having to quit ASAP or anything.

>> No.3618405

Thank you for these posts

>> No.3618635

You're working, good. You realize you do not want to be there, good. You are still very young, good.

Use this as motivation, anon. Go home every day and hate yourself for it. Use that hate as a drive to read books and learn how to either run a mcdicks or run a business of your own. This is not the end of the game. You will make it brother, just don't settle.

>> No.3618716

you shouldn't compare yourself to anyone m8
just focus on you and do your best

>> No.3618720


Being a NEET is a sign of failure. At least you're trying to support yourself.

You're still young, get a STEM degree or learn a trade.

>> No.3618726

wish i could work at mcdonalds desu, just for the free food, my autism however does not allow it.

>> No.3619048

lol ur lucky anon im 28 with $500 in crypto, probably going to get kicked out soon when parents find out im not enrolled in school this semester

>> No.3619073

bruh its clear ur problem is always depending on others, u r meant to lead, just fuking go threw with ur plans n say fuck everyone even if it means going into massive debt if u fail, YOU will succed when YOU follow what u believe in

>> No.3619085


not having ambition at age 22 is a sign of failure.

>> No.3619105

Implying you get free food at McDonald's. They give you one "meal" a day half off for a full shift. I saw a guy get fired for swiping two nuggets off the line.

>> No.3619117

LOL really? What kind of fag manager did he have...

>> No.3619143

some people work at Mcdonalds forever, just keep pushing for different jobs/opportunities or go to school while working

>> No.3619149

Or you could go get a fucking job, help your parents, and invest the rest into crypto. Literally double your holdings in 1 week, and not have a ton of stress hanging over your head.

>> No.3619607

>Is working at McDonald's at 22 the sign of a failure?
Are you a franchise owner? If not, time to move up in the world

>> No.3619624

dude i cant im literally autistic

>> No.3619639

how much money can you make at macdonalds in 10 years if you climb the corporate ladder there

>> No.3619641

yes, half your pay (your employer pays double your taxes) is going to welfare for other people who are having children and not working. youa re a failure. Get on welfare and produce progeny, stop feeding the Beast

>> No.3619673

I always told myself that if I was really truly in need of a job I would be willing to work at mcdonalds, if anything to prove to prospective employers that I am willing to do whatever it takes.

Lately though I have been wanting to go on vacation from my real job and take a job at Mcd's just to see how quickly I can get fired. I will do stupid stuff like spill drinks on rude customers and see if I could "accidentally" burn the place down.

>> No.3619798

I'm going to help you big time. Take all of your money and buy cv2 on nova exchange and swap it to clox when the option becomes available (within a day or two). The price for cv2 is less than a cent and a dev from PIVX is going to be leading the development of COLX. It will have all the features of PIVX so you can bet your ass this thing is going to pump like crazy. Hold until Dec or sell early its your choice but you'll make money either way.

>> No.3619819

when i was 22, i was an investment banker making 100 grand a year.

>> No.3619834

It legitimately isn't. I know people who worked in fast food in their 20s who turned their shit around and things worked out very well for them by their early 30s. If you are asking /biz/ this about yourself that's failure behavior.

>> No.3619882

>when i was 22, i was an investment banker making 100 grand a year.
Congrats. You almost made in NYC what a Walmart manager makes, with the 100 hour weeks of course