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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 95 KB, 373x443, BOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3614697 No.3614697 [Reply] [Original]

Listen up faggots. This is the reason you check biz.




Its a better and more comprehensive NEO and doesn't come with a cucked government to shit all over it.

You cannot buy it. No one can.

Only the lucky assholes who got in the ICO back in fucking May have this coin, but when it hits exchanges in October you better be paying attention and you better get in immdiately.

I mentioned the ICO was in May - it sold out in ten minutes. Guess what their total cap was? Ten fucking million.

Ten. Million. Cap.

1) Three years in development

2) Korea >>> China

3) Whitepaper is top tier https://boscoin.io/wp-content/themes/boscoin/src/pdf/BOScoinWhitePaper.pdf

3.5) No, seriously, look at the whitepaper.

4) Technical paper even more top tier even though you're too brainlet to understand it https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Wm13pSvjb_izCB8QImMgHnt8VOlt0d5YSsPV6NDtaI/edit

5) Team is god tier. Seriously go look. Also, grill. Our new queen to replace the Golem Thing

6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66qNrfr9F5M [Embed] - Meet the devs. Here you can see how BOSS the CEO is, who founded the LARGEST financial site in Korea.

7) 1000 transactions per fucking second

8) mFBA Consensus Protocol (Modified Federated Byzantine Agreement). Evolving Crypto.

There is nothing you can do right now to get in on this. Genisis block comes October.

So open up your phone and set a reminder to October 1st for this thing and get it as soon as it comes out. The cap is too small to miss this. Honestly you don't even have to trust me. Just trust Korea to actually understand technology. Like I said, the CEO is the a finance kingping in Korea. Like the guy who founded Bloomberg here but not a cuck. Connections for days and all the smart money will flock to this.It already has, actually. ICO sold out instantly.

Easy, easy fucking money.

You're welcome.

>> No.3614702
File: 834 KB, 957x505, BOSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to make this one point before screeching autists descent to shill ICON, the second and more shitty Korean coin with "muh connections." I do a lot of fucking research so here it goes.


>ICON implemented KYC AFTER the contribution, and it was reported on reddit that an email (screenshot)from from ICON stated that ICON would be KEEPING ALL THE ETH AND NOT DISTRIBUTING TOEKS IF THE INVESTOR DID NOT not fulfill their KYC requirements.

PAUSE AND REREAD THAT SHIT. ALL VERIFIED. The community outcry made them retract, but the judgement required to make such a TERRIBLE decisions that are nothing short of EXTORTION calls into question the viability and authenticity of the entire project.


>ICON aims to enable private enterprise blockchains. Literally pointless. Basically saying "oh here I can connect you guys but you have to use this shitty meme I made up"

>ICON's whitepaper contains a lot of English language spelling mistakes. Fucking scam.

>ICON is claiming to have more features than other competing Blockchains by comparing its yet-to be developed features with current features of blockchains still under development. This is misleading to the un-informed reader (you). They don't have shit besides an IOU, where as BOScoin is releasing now.

>> No.3614711
File: 432 KB, 942x425, BOSCOIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ICON which seems to be a (several) proprietary blockchain(s), is comparing itself to protocols like Bancor. (While misleadingly saying that Bancor's consensus mechanism is PoW)
The link to the white-paper of the Loop Fault tolerance algorithm (LFT) which is the consensus mechanism for ICON, re-directs to an empty repository. The only reference we could find is a link to an Apache FLINK improvement proposal. This makes us doubt that LFT was developed by ICON. Fucking. Scam.

>Established competitors in active development like COSMOS (which is partnered with BOSCOIN)

>20% yearly inflation is something un-heard of in the crypto-space & even central bank cuck fiat currencies.


>No vesting mentioned for the team's tokens.

>Team has 6 product managers. SIX. Too dedicated to shill to you.

If you bought into ICON in the presale I am sorry to hear. Fortunately BOScoin will be hitting exchanges in October if you want to offset some of your losses.

>> No.3614731


BOS is promising and interesting, but is HUGELY circulated and when I last checked prices were extremely high.

BOS launched with an initial 500m coins and that inflates to 3b within 5 years. Masternodes require 40k coins.

Neat idea but be smart on any buys and bear in mind supply WILL inflate 6x by design.

>> No.3614743


Tell me one thing Senpai, why should I trust you ?

>> No.3614751

Thanks OP. Saw your thread last week and did more research and agree with the logic on everything.

But please, never post this again

>> No.3614756

stop posting this thread you fucking retard.

>> No.3614766



>> No.3614778


Because OP is dedicated enough to shill this once a day for the last few weeks before it even hits exchanges.

It had a low-cap ICO, masternodes before they were cool, and a number of other interesting tech features. OP probably bought in May and is looking for a 20x to make up for the opportunity cost of holding this for 6 months and the delta in Ethereum and BTC he missed out on.

I'll probably buy some in October depending on price. I would buy at 2-3x ICO, but not the 50x futures are trading at.

>> No.3614790

where are the futures trading at ?


>> No.3614820
File: 99 KB, 1065x405, KOREA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have to wait about a week. This is basically a PSA to set your calendar reminders / notifications on their twitter account for when the gensis block is mined.


I have a small amount but am planning on buying more. Not worried about the opportunity cost - the futures on HitBTC are already highly demanded. Hoping to get more under 30 Million market cap when it releases.

As for the once a day shill, thats not true. This is only the third time I've posted the thread - the last being over a week ago. You can see that thread here:


Good luck guys.

>> No.3614845

Thank you for your service comrade!


>> No.3614860

Noice. Just bought 100k.

>> No.3614932
File: 75 KB, 480x270, holy shit tho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3614999
File: 95 KB, 1100x619, IMG_8057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This also replaces Trump because North Koreans will be so enamoured by BOScoin that they overthrow Kim Jong Shill

>> No.3615354
File: 103 KB, 600x749, 1505789765139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, Korean girl? :)

>> No.3615393

I love you OP. Sorry for sageing

>> No.3615840

OP is a pretty cool guy

>> No.3615877

can OP clarify these concerns

>> No.3615992


>> No.3616035

I don't think Op can because they're facts. They're my concerns but I'll still buy just cautioning people to avoid buying at 50x prices by futures right now

>> No.3616429
File: 365 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_8103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3616449

shhh stop making threads about this coin idiot shhh about it

>> No.3616865


HitBTC is always a scam, but yes this coin is legit. Korean nearly the biggest Crypto market it's amazing that they don't have more of their own coins they can claim. This is the first

>> No.3617093


Holy shit. Who knows who she is

>> No.3617170

Thanks OP, just bought 1 Bosscoin for 7000USD.

>> No.3617178


You made it.

>> No.3617208

This faggot didnt get into ICON kek
Keep shilling your shitcoin anon

>> No.3617214

korea north?

>> No.3617269

I don't know why everyone was so obsessed with the Chinese in crypto. (other than having a good amount of mining power) the Koreans aren't as much talked about but are a much bigger impact on crypto than you think. (and they are very smart in general) this is the Korean NEO
>Korea > china

>> No.3617319


what exchanges will this coin hit first? please don't say etherdelta because i can't navigate that shit

>> No.3617879


It is its own Blockchain. Not EtherDelta. Pretty sure nondisclosure agreements prevent them from revealing exchanges on which it will trade.