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File: 102 KB, 1920x1080, after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3612742 No.3612742 [Reply] [Original]

Dentists are expensive.

>> No.3612747

3 times a day, floss, gums and tongue. I don't even have morning breath.

>> No.3612752

how does that kind of shit even happen

>> No.3612756


k den

>> No.3612764

I brush 1-2 times a day and floss once every 3 days, is this bueno or nah

>> No.3612766

good advice anon, your body is your most valuable capital

>> No.3612780

How often do you need to skip the dentist appointment until it looks like that?

>> No.3612812

thanks OP, you got me to brush my teeth first time in 3 days

I don't even know why I do this to myself

>> No.3612813


I only brush once in two days and my teeth are perfect.

I don't think taking lots of chemicals into your mouth so often is good.

>> No.3612828

yeah but do you floss?
also, waterpik—worth it?
I bought an electric toothbrush recently. 100% worth it. changed my life literally can NOT go back to shitty pleb non-electric manual toothbrushes

>> No.3612855

do both. manual brush and electronic brush. manual floss and waterpik floss.

variety of technique can ensure you're not skimping out on anything.

>> No.3612883

I thinkt thats what it looks loke when you go for a cleaning, that must be the first or second step, to know where to clean

>> No.3612944

Falling for the dental jew

>> No.3612980

long dentacoin

>> No.3612996

If you have any appliances a waterpik is worth. Also, worth it just incase you get lazy one night and don't floss. Personally, I recommend.

>> No.3613006

post your perfect teeth.

>> No.3613008

>needing to even brush your teeth because you eat sugar and processed garbage

>> No.3613031
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>tfw ugly teeth

>> No.3613070

i literally haven't been to a dentist in like 10 years, childhood fear I guess, or just laziness, but I have no visible cavities, no teeth or gum pains, and no gum recession. I brush 2-3 times a day, floss at least once a day. I do develop yellow tint after awhile (drink a lot of coffee) but occasionally use those at-home teeth whitening kits, not often maybe once a year, and it improves the color enough that I'm not self-conscious about it.

Point is I have ridiculously good teeth and gum genetics.

>> No.3613155
File: 663 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20170925_095217989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my teeth biz
>had braces
>wisdom teeth removed
>brush, floss, fluoride twice daily
>dentist/dental hygienist once every three months

>> No.3613180

I find it very amusing that you greenposted as well

>> No.3613305

29 years old
almost never brushed my teeth,
was only 1 small hole in permanent one.

>> No.3613338

when was child i noticed holes in asphalt where rain drips from roof of one shop. made assumption that brushing ruins teeth and make them damaged and that brushing is conspiracy (before i even knew word conspiracy). refused to brush from that time.

>> No.3613410

Thats quite an interesting theory. Whether its true or not is up for debate.

>> No.3613431

>1-2 times a day
2-3 or you're a disgusting lazy faggot

>> No.3613448

> 3 times a day
You're just polishing out ur enamel at this point

>> No.3613511
File: 61 KB, 1000x1000, 10pcs-lot-Silica-Gel-Sachets-Desiccant-Damp-Moisture-Absorber-50g-bag-Desiccant-Gel-Packs-Reusable-Silica[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes they make "paste" out of this

>> No.3613516

>If you have any appliances a waterpik is worth

>> No.3613518

again, get an asain

>> No.3614443
File: 51 KB, 816x309, Dentacoin-Logo-Pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Dentacoin DCN

>> No.3614452

>long dentacoin


>> No.3614537


I'm embarrassed to say this but it needs to be said. I grew up in a barely lower middle class family, my Dad was lucky to be able to provide us with a family insurance plan. So I always took relatively good care of my teeth growing up, and I was blessed with straight teeth. My wisdoms came in straight and I didn't need to have them removed.

I've never been over weight, am pretty good looking and have had a number of long term relationships with qt girls.

I have become so depressed over the past few years that I am totally neglecting my, oral hygiene. I seriously may only brush my teeth once or twice a week sometimes, I smoke weed daily so when I do brush/floss there is blood. When I started seeing blood in my spit while brushing a few years ago it just made me more depressed honestly. I haven't been to a dentist in two years and my teeth haven't seemed to gotten worse, and that hygienist from last visit told me that I didn't have any serious gingivitis yet or anything.

Should I seek help? I've lost the will to take care of myself, despite being moderately good looking, healthy, generally lucky guy(not really financially as I am 27 and live in a yurt as a volunteer on a farm)- I am literally on a fucking vision quest to gain back the agency to take care of myself properly. I'm worried I am gonna be OP's pic and sleeping on a bench in ten years at this rate.

>> No.3614549
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>living in a shithole without good a healthcare system

>> No.3614568

I smoke hella dope all day every day you gums shouldn't be doing that. You need to floss to restore your gums and not get gingivitis and brush 1-2 times a day and your good

>> No.3614575

You should probably kill yourself faggot

>> No.3614582


Same here except two times a day. Even still I’m getting random cracks in my teeth from jaw clenching. Feel bad for anyone doing less hygiene than me.

>> No.3614590

Underrated post

>> No.3614602
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Nice just bought 100k

>> No.3614662

I brush 2 times a day and never really had problems but they are still yellow from all the tea im drinking

>> No.3614985

>tfw I have diastema and my teeth require filling
What are my options?

>> No.3615018

Last week I had the worst pain in my life I couldnt even sleep but it's gone now maybe it was just stress

>> No.3615083
File: 47 KB, 546x366, As+someone+else+with+a+foot+fetish+i+don+t+find.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I have a dentist brush my teeth everyday from owning 100 million dentacoins

>> No.3615149

I want to get invisalign at some point.

>> No.3615313

Waterpiks are god-tier. Absolutely essential. Do a manual floss once a week and you should be getting compliments from your dentist.

>> No.3615347

You may need SSRI treatment. But in any case stop smoking weed and get a grip on yourself

>> No.3615398
File: 3 KB, 121x188, 1504237434790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop gum recession and make it healthy again?
I brush my teeth twice a day, pick my teeth every two days or so.

>> No.3615532

gum QE

>> No.3615553

zero hits on google anon

what does de QE stand for

>> No.3615668
File: 675 KB, 480x480, 1505052653071.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, perfect timing, a friend asked me about Dentacoin:


Thoughts on this ICO?

>> No.3615687

>going to bed
>decide to check on my investments in bed before I brush my teeth
>steady gains, nice, I'll watch a few more candles of gains....I'll just close my eyes for a second ....
>wake up next morning, mouth is a bacteria culture

>> No.3615702


>> No.3615720


Your Daily Reminder: you can get very good and significantly less expensive dental work done in Romania. The travel costs (from the US) and procedure costs combined are nearly half the cost of getting dental work done in America. Google it.

>> No.3615909

for americans central america is even cheaper

another thing is dentists have pretty lose standards, saw a journalist go with a hidden camera to multiple dentists, they all spotted a cavity, but different ones pushed for different optional procedures
get a second opinion

>> No.3615975
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Brush teeth 1 a day and eat garbage food all the time.
Perfect teeth and health. Must suck having bad genes.

Keep swallowing all that fluorine goys.

>> No.3616651


Fluoride is a conspiracy. It's in the water and in toothpaste. Buy Superblue toothpaste from Alex Jones.

>> No.3616671
File: 7 KB, 1000x600, Dentacoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got 27,000 when it was 3 sats, because fuck it. Spiked to 7 or 8, back to 5 now. Token sale on October 1st. We'll see what happens.

>> No.3616777

I'm already on this boat, but is there such a thing as a fluoride free dentist? I need some work done after not going for 15 years.

>> No.3616789

just can't get in the habit really

>> No.3616957


Go to a dentist asap.

>> No.3616993


Don't know. Can't you just refuse any fluoride shit they do? Even if it's just once, it won't be that bad.

>> No.3617104

>whitening floss and whitening tooth paste in the morning after breakfast
>brush again after lunch
>anti-paradontosis toothpaste and normal floss in the evening after dinner
>don't snack or drink dumb shit between meals, drink only uv filtered, noncarbonated water
>dental hygienist appointment every two months
>dentist appointment every six months

I cannot stress enough how fucking important your teeth are for financial and social success.

>> No.3617146

I am in a similar boat as you except I do have a habit to brush and floss everyday. That hasn't prevented the teeth problems I have though probably has slowed them.

I am 33 now and my teeth are a lot worse than when I was 27 like you. I even had a job with insurance in that period and didn't go to the dentist.

I know what it's like to always put this off and I can tell you it will get worse.

>> No.3617328
File: 41 KB, 960x512, gum-recession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gum recession cannot be reversed without graft surgery. However, it can be arrested by gently but thoroughly brushing the base of your teeth with a soft, dry brush every 24 hours.

Most people (including in this thread) seem to not understand that in order to prevent gingivitis and recession, you MUST physically remove the plaque from each tooth through dry brushing. If the area of plaque buildup is not directly and thoroughly brushed, plaque growth will continue.

This being said, the way most people brush their teeth will prevent cavities, tooth decay, and bad breath, but NOT gingivitis and gum recession. If you are not brushing your teeth thoroughly with a dry brush every 24 hours, giving each tooth at least 10 brush strokes on each side, you are simply doing it wrong.

>> No.3617357

you will find out when you get older.

>> No.3617436


Yeah you can, they can't force you to take it

All they will do is scrap the plaque off and you're good to go

>> No.3617454

Excessive brushing will also cause gum recession JS

It's best to just use a water pik at a decently high pressure(work your way up slowly) and you can pretty much blast any plaque off as long as it hasn't progressed to calculus which it shouldn't if you do it everyday

>> No.3617485

Even if you haven't gone to the dentist in a decade, it's in your best interest to get your teeth sonically scaled and buy a toothbrush like a Sonicare. I had early periodontal disease completely erased after a month of doing this.

>> No.3617503

>get your teeth sonically scaled and buy a toothbrush like a Sonicare
wtf is this marketing mumbo-jumbo

>> No.3617704


it's not "marketing", the tool the dentists use to clean your teeth is an ultrasonic scaler which basically means the shit moves at really fast speeds to scrape tartar/calculus off

Sonicare is an electric toothbrush brand, you can pretty much say goodbye to cavities but you have to worry more about technique as it's very easy to cause abrasion and recession by brushing too aggressively