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3607349 No.3607349 [Reply] [Original]

>find a coin that will x100
>put 1000 into it
>win life

how hard can it be? the dream is so close. I have to force it into existence by sheer force of will

>> No.3607367

I know but its so fucking hard now

>> No.3607394

Mankind's greatest puzzle: a train station with over a thousand trains. Few will take you to freedom, but the rest will send you back where you started

>> No.3607428

I have the feeling I'm not supposed to make it...

I don't even want lambos, I just want to be able to pay off my current debts and start life again with a fresh fiscal slate

>> No.3607442

I am no expert but so far based on research I would say Nebl, Ark, Omg, BAT, KNC, Nexus(if they can pull it off) have the potential to x100 I would say in the long term. Depends on how much volume comes back after this chink shit.

>> No.3607446

whatre you talking about got any more weird riddles

>> No.3607455

>have $1000
>so many coins
>so many shills
>might 100x win life
might crash to nothing

The planet is collapsing and you can put your stuff on a rocket or two; a few rockets lead to paradise, some rockets take you to a shitty place, many of the rockets will take you nowhere, and some turn around and crash into the imploding earth.

Lucifer, give me wisdom and strength of hands.

>> No.3607473

>tfw want to buy ark but everyone says the owners are stuttering pot heads

i-is this true?

>> No.3607477

if at least 50.01% of trains go forward, you have literally infinite money to make.
it's not forever though, eventually most will fail

>> No.3607481

I missed on 4x gains because of that stupid FUD

Now I just get angry whenever I see that copypasta posted again

>> No.3607482

didn't you watch the conference yesterday?

>> No.3607484

some pot heads are great thinkers

>> No.3607531

No i just started getting into crypto . When i youtube it i dont find anything

>> No.3607559

well it revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam

>> No.3607562

get chainlink you morons

>> No.3607566


>> No.3607571

poorfag here only have 200links. will i make it?

>> No.3607572

I am starting to think there was no conference video desu you fuckers are just larping. I am just gonna buy ark once jewbase gets my funds in.

>> No.3607576
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Sending you my energy \o/

>> No.3607581

How much is the optimimum amount to start dealing with crypto?
I was thinking to put a shy 100 in somewhere, but 1k is probably the best amount

>> No.3607588

sorry friend, not enough

borrow some money quick

>> No.3607597


Look at EBET.

>t. The guy who bought btc @50 cents and dumped @5k

>> No.3607600
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I start as a tiny undulation, but become a Tsumami. I am also made with stone and water. What am I? Solve these Riddles, and you shall have what you seek.

>> No.3607608

I started with $200 to play with and learn the ropes, now all of my spending money gets dumped into it monthly


>> No.3607609
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fuck, meant to use this image

>> No.3607615
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Be delivered. In the MIGHTY name of Jesus Christ.

>> No.3607617

Easy, Ripple

>> No.3607623
File: 2.88 MB, 1297x7650, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 BTC.

>> No.3607624

Youtube Book of Jonah. This narcissistic pothead will take you to Lamboland.

>> No.3607625

Sounds fair

I wanted to put 1k in, but it sounds like a big risk
$200 in shit coins like chainlink might acually help me learn the ropes

Being a nocoiner sucks

>> No.3607637

Yep, have to know when to leave also.

> how hard can it be? the dream is so close
Sums it up perfectly. Pick one that goes far enough and leave at the right time.

>> No.3607639

Get "Chainlinked". You just told everyone to get fucked, mate, because that is what that term will eventually come to mean.

>> No.3607673

Just make sure you understand how wallets work, i.e. make sure you are sending tokens/coins to appropriate wallets that can hold them. If you send it somewhere that doesn't support it, you just threw your money into cyberspace.

I have not made this mistake yet, but I almost did and it would really suck if you had major holdings.

>> No.3607682
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i have 10k when do i get rich?

>> No.3607692

If you are dealing with Ethereum as your main trading platform, myetherwallet.com supports Ethereum and ethereum-based tokens. But if you had, say, Neo or Ripple, they can't go there

>> No.3607700

buy Ark, the stuttering potheads bit is just copypasta

>> No.3607707

>>t. The guy who bought btc @50 cents and dumped @5k
Nice LARP. Come back when you own 1 BTC ever.

>> No.3607717

Hey, while we're talking about making it-- how do you handle lamboland gains? I'm assuming you sell it into Bitcoin and either pay capital gains tax on it or somehow move it to an offshore account, and just trickle it into fiat as needed until BTC becomes more accepted? If I ever did make it I would not want to be caught with my pants down

>> No.3607755

I put it all into property, buy appartments. Hire some normalfag to manage it for me. Monthly big fiat gainz on my account from all the rent.

idgaf about lambos btw

>> No.3607769

I want to believe

>> No.3607784

Interesting. I assume you don't pay for the properties with bitcoin, despite the meme?

>> No.3607811

Way I see it ( and may one day wind up taking this to the Supreme Court) Crypto is a Digital Commodity, as it is not yet Currency, nor Asset. So, when I am trading Crypto, I am trading Commodities. Therefore, the only time taxes are due is if and when I cash out to fiat currency. If I trade Digital Commodity for Physical Commodity, I see no case law suggesting tax is due. Once again, tax would only be due if I cashed out the Physical Commodity to Fiat Currency. t. Constitutional Atty.

>> No.3607847

fiat first, pay my taxes like a good goy

>> No.3607853
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>find a coin that will x100

>> No.3607860

Makes sense. Jews incoming though.

How much can someone cash out at one time?

>> No.3607865
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Here you go anon.

>> No.3607875

> find money to put more than $1 in a x100 coin

>> No.3607877
File: 332 KB, 1024x576, comfyasfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest 1000x or more currently is Monetha

>Eric Duprat ex-Paypal Mobile General Manager is part of the team
>Co-founder Andrej Ruckij Former Vice president of Development at Adform. Led a team of 300+ engineers to create the scalable Adform technology that is now used globally.
>Will be completed early 2018
>Confirmed being added to major exchanges mid september / early october
>Only available on EtherDelta, Mecratox, Coinexchange, Tidex, and just recently HitBtc
>Already has 2 partnerships
>Will offer single step transaction 5 times cheaper than normal and 10,000 times faster.
>1.5% transaction fee with .5% going to those staking their coins.
>402,400,000 total coins
>201,200,000 coins retained by monetha with %10 for legal, %50 product development, %10 operations "employee salaries", %30 Marketing, sales, merchant acquisition & partnerships

>$30 million a year in food sales
>Territories and immediate rollout include Ukraine, Belarus, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia
>Users requested a way to pay via crypto enough for them to partner with Monetha
>Surge in crypto in these countries due to economic and political instability.

>Pigu Group
>Largest online retailer in the Baltic States
>Includes Lithuanian market Pigu.it , Latvian market 220.lv , and Estonian market kaup24.ee
>Customers have access to over 400,000 products
>10 years old and counting
>Processes ~2 million orders a year
>Turnover forecast for this year is $100,000,000+

>> No.3607898

Safex will actually be the one to take this region by storm. Watch it soar Monday.

>> No.3607902

It's literally that easy
If you find 4x10s you can become a millionaire with $100

I already have 30k worth of crypto, all I need is 2 x10s

It feels so achievable, so easy

>> No.3607911

based on what actually? monetha is already leagues ahead.

>> No.3607912

Ive picked chainlink and ethbet as my 10x's.

>> No.3607920

why will it soar my friend?

>> No.3607927

Eastern European Flippening.

>> No.3607936
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"eastern european flippening"



Good luck m8

>> No.3607941

Solid gains from now 'till Oct 14th. Take profits. Buy back in 3 days.

>> No.3607942

sounds interesting. what was the ICO price?

>> No.3607948

NDA in effect here.

>> No.3607960
File: 47 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao k fuck off larpey mclarperson.

>> No.3607967

retarded man's utrust

>> No.3607972

Also, major exchange when?

Volume is really fucking low too

>> No.3607978

2400 coins per eth until softcap then 2000 per eth after.

>> No.3607987

all im seeing is that they released a dividend calculator today, but the price hasn't moved..

>> No.3608010

Youve never signed an NDA? Oh, thats right, NDA's dont exist in MOMS BASEMENT. I love this board. It is ok for me to revert to my childhood and trade unprofessional childish jabs with immature individuals, something I could never do irl.

>> No.3608040

You are seriously fucking retarded if you think anyone on biz is even going to flinch at your "nda" claims just please fuckoff and go write some more believable fan-fiction for your coin.

>> No.3608055

Good luck. Omise is gonna kill this shit.

>> No.3608060

so they're below ICO right now

Volume seems pretty fucking low. Team looks solid, website looks great. But that could all mean they're just good at scamming.

No product until 2018. If the price stays under 20 cents i might buy in a few weeks.

>> No.3608098

As an Atty and Mining Corporation Owner, I have two file cabinets for hard copies of NDA"s. How's that for fan fic? Although you wish to imagine otherwise, this board is not all neets living in Mothers' Basement.

>> No.3608102

I'm balls deep in omise but I'm definitely riding these baltic gains.

>> No.3608122

I fucking love OMG and believe in it as a long term HODL, but you cant compare it to this.

Remember that OmiseGo was like 40 cents a few weeks ago. Its already gone x30 when it was ATH; market cap around 1bn

Monetha is at 11cents with a market cap of 35 million. This shit can easily go 10x

>> No.3608140
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Pic related, one of my Projects in Alaska. Go ahead, image search it.

>> No.3608157

Anyway. Enough Bullshit with Kids. XRP. Safex. Thank me later.

>> No.3608160
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>It's literally that easy
>If you find 4x10s you can become a millionaire with $100
>I already have 30k worth of crypto, all I need is 2 x10s
>It feels so achievable, so easy


>> No.3608211

You're all looking at shit the wrong way. Thinking way too linear.

It's more about buying tickets on rockets that have already crashed because they proved at least they can get airborne. You just have to buy cheap an wait for the fuel to hit the fire, cause that sharpnal will explode high for a short time.

>> No.3608214

i trust a neet over an atty all day everyday. your jewy jewjob pays you to lie and make it legal

>> No.3608264
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It's not that hard. You have a brand new market with low barrier to entry... so 99% of people in the markets right now are basically gambling, with no rhyme or reason to their trades.

If you know what to look for, you can profit off the market consistently, and that's not gambling. Just follow https://crypodealer.io this guy tells you exactly what to buy and when

>> No.3608277

I got back into bitcoin recently...I have 718 of them. What do?

>> No.3608307

me too, just bought 100k

>> No.3608308



>> No.3608346


>> No.3608387

he's obviously talking about crypto and how a few trains (coins) will moon, while others wont.

>> No.3608488

I've got chainlink + koreas ICON + 0x

>> No.3608848
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>tfw 80k L I N K

>> No.3610151
