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3607121 No.3607121 [Reply] [Original]

seriously , is what he made even that hard ?

after bitcoin seems kind of obvious. basically any kid in high school with a little bit of programming skills can do

>> No.3607129


look up Vinay Gupta to learn more about the start of Ethereum

>> No.3607131

But he went and gone done did it didn't he

>> No.3607135


What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.3607554
File: 450 KB, 423x410, 1505261214455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it wasn't so hard, then why don't you do it?

>> No.3607563

yeah he did this in highschool. kid is only 20

>> No.3607569

autism money skeleton is the protector and provider of all NEETS and autists.

>> No.3607599

ETH is a scam and an useless token other than issuing other scams (ICOs). Every crypto after BTC is a scam and a dumb ripoff. BTC will go to the moon and all shitcoins will eventually die.

>> No.3607614

I have a question about bitcoin. Im new to this board so please no bulli
I noticed that just in one day there was a fluctuation of $100 for bitcoin. Could you theoretically say buy one at 8AM then sell it at 5PM and make a hundred dollars, rinse repeat?

>> No.3607627

If u can time the market do it phaggot

>> No.3607630

As far as young folk making a shit ton of cash goes, I'll take Vitalik over Zuckerberg anyday.

Brains vs. connections.

>> No.3607638

What is scalability?

>> No.3607640

yeah that's called day trading

>> No.3607641

Hmm interesting. I have really wanted to buy bitcoin, but I am a bit of a pussy. I have never taken a risk in my life and I have gotten nowhere. I think this will break my pussy shield.

>> No.3607650

>Technologies never develop
>Paradigm shifts don't happen
>Blockchain programs aren't the logical next step for the internet


>> No.3607656

> implement a virtual machine and create a compiler from scratch
most of the professional programmers are unable to do these kind of work

>> No.3607661

Hmmmm very interesting
Do you think a college student can really make money with this bitcoin stuff? I understand investing from classes, but always just sort of feared it.

>> No.3607665
File: 532 KB, 665x1012, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original pic

>> No.3607675

The big money is in altcoins and ICOs, won't be making any large gains with only BTC/ETH/LTC.

>> No.3607676

How are people falling for this troll lol. Most senior software developers couldn't even competently explain the internals of Ethereum after studying it.

>inb4 someone claims it's easy and then proceeds to give a shit explanation

>> No.3607678

yes but its hard. If it wasn't, then everyone would be doing it.

>> No.3607686

Well I really want to invest in bitcoin for the long term anyway. So might as well.

>> No.3607706


yes trying to trade cryptocurrency will break your pussy. its very addictive and you will probably lose a lot at first. however if you can figure out how to profit consistently then you can live/travel anywhere, work 1-2 days a month, and make a ton of money

>> No.3607728

hrmmmp thank you for the advice, I really do want to invest whether its for day trading or the long term.