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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 1018x196, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
360547 No.360547 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.360549

Stop posting these when the old threads are still on the board.

>> No.360551

I'll stop when these outrageous pumps end

>> No.360553

You're flooding the board. We do not need 5+ threads about bitcoin.

>> No.360555

You need 5+ about Bitcoin

>> No.360558
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>> No.360570
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>> No.360585

OP is a faggot. Fuck off to /b/ loser

>> No.360586
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Now I can buy more drugs.

>> No.360588


>> No.360594

A 9.5% increase on the day isn't "unreal," dumbass. People see that all the time on the OTC markets and occasionally on the major exchanges. That's not even a pump. Unless you got in very early, BTC is just a highly speculative market and an inferior money storage mechanism.

9% =! pump

>> No.360595
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>yfw and mfw BTC reaches $5k USD

>> No.360598

Yeah except we're rising 5-10% every single day

>> No.360599

>up almost 50% over the last 30 days

we rise now

>> No.360600


Legit. I bought it around May 20th at 450 or so.

>> No.360603

I bought NWGC 2 weeks ago and got out. I'm much happier than I would be dicking around with cryptos.

>> No.360605

How sure are you?

This was 35k 12 days ago

>> No.360607
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Forgot pic ;^)

>> No.360616

I bought sometime on the 22nd for .002. Sold at .012.

Great call by a guy I follow on Twitter. Pump is over, though. It won't necessarily fall, but the PPS is about where it will settle. He still says room to run, but I'm happy with 400%

>> No.360618

Whenever Bitcoin takes a huge shit we don't have these threads. I like that. Lately we haven't had many Bitcoin threads for months and months because Bitcoin has been taking some HUGE shits. However, a couple days here and there in between in the last 6 months Bitcoin has had minor "bounces" and you guys come out in droves and /biz/ gets flooded with these lame threads how Bitcoin is going to the moon. Its not going to the moon. Its still tanking overall. See you in a few days when this minor bounce is over and you get shut down once again.

>> No.360621
File: 12 KB, 559x290, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well first off, why post during a fall? No point.

This minor bounce is +50% m8

We've broken the downtrend.

>inb4 no
Yes. Pic related faggot.

>> No.360624


>minor bounce

lel no
correction is over
we moon now

>> No.360627

This tells me absolutely nothing about how much you've made percentage wise. That's all that matters.

I quadrupled my money in 3 days.

I don't even hate the idea of BTC, but as an investment, it's shit. Deal with it.

Enjoy your dead cat bounce.

>> No.360630

How are you moon if you haven't even broken $700 when Bitcoin was at $1200? I will see you in a few days, week tops when it is back to $550

>> No.360631

I'm sorry but that's not how dead cat bounce works.

Dead cat bounce is when we dropped to 350 and came up to 520. Of course then came down and stabilized at the 440s.

This is a rise from stability.

>> No.360634

I'll see you in a few weeks when we break the last ATH.

>> No.360635

kek. even you dont believe that

>> No.360640

I do believe we will visit the last ATH by the end of June or early July

>> No.360641

You've fallen from 1200. Remind me how a pop to 660 isn't a dead cat bounce? It's scaled logarithmically.

Excuse me for not backing a security that a few dozen people could tank at any moment. I'm sure there are plenty of paper millionaires from BTC. There are very few literal ones.

>> No.360643

You obviously don't understand markets, let alone the Bitcoin market.

I'll stop making these threads, but I'll be back at 900$. Your last chance to get on ;)

>> No.360646

>You obviously don't understand markets
Most ironic statement of the year award goes to....

HjFpq7es! Congratulations!

>> No.360655

>You obviously don't understand markets, let alone the Bitcoin market.

It's a speculative store of value with high volatility that people trade against other currencies. Pretty sure I've got it. The fact that 46 people. People, not percent. Own 30% of all Bitcoins is what makes me avoid this shit like the plague. You just have to hope that those who own BTC are smart enough to know that at new highs, they can't dump. Judging from this thread, however, that's wishful thinking.

>> No.360716
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>> No.360731

>Someone fucking dumped 9k bitcoins
>My fucking sides

Sold what I had at $650. Pump was fun while it lasted.

>> No.360734


I've never been proven right faster on 4chan.


>> No.360735

>doesn't understand that top wallets are owned by EXCHANGES

>> No.360741
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>> No.360751

Like Mt. Gox?

>> No.360757


>> No.360759
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>1minute interval

>> No.360761


>> No.360762


>mfw this was a relatively minor correction after a rush from 450-680 and in the long run will mean nothing

but hey, whatever floats your boat

>> No.360765
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well no, mt. gox had empty wallets

>> No.360768

what are you using to keep an eye at the price?

>> No.360770

bitcoinwisdom.com is probably the best price tracking website

>> No.360774

looks like there was another leak
pastebin trends

>> No.360776

I was speaking strictly about the volatility as a function of the structure of BTC.

Someone dumps their BTC at a high and the entire security takes a 9% shit? You're not even trading at a low volume. These whales can pop up at anytime and dramatically affect the price.

>> No.360778

Ahahahah damn I love being right. Didn't even take a few days. See you guys at $550

>> No.360782
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