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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3604896 No.3604896 [Reply] [Original]

Those of you who have escaped the wagecuck life, post pics of your new lifestyle with timestamp. I need some inspiration.

Also wtf are you even doing on biz, if I ever made it out I'd be banging chicks left and right in my lambo. But i guess every once in a while I'd come back here and shitpost

>> No.3604913

>inb4 nobody

I've made like 50k on crypto this year. i used to be dirt poor. now I have my money in about 20 different coins that I know for a fact one of which will be 100x higher by next year. Now I just want to go into a coma

>> No.3604944

did ya rise during spring anon? please tell us your story anon

>> No.3605008

>be me
>be december
>get into cryptocurrency meme
>decide it's worth my time to mine
>by january i have enough money to build computer with shitty parts but end up getting an rx480 red devil for like 220$
>mine the shit out of ethereum and etc at first
>zec got put on poloniex
>mine the fuck out of ZEC for about a month, making .05+ a day at a certain point and dump it all the way from 200$ a coin to 40$
>end up having about ~.7 BTC by the end of the march etf decision because I put all my money into ETH and DASH after the rejection
>made huge gains there
>was one of the first people who shilled PIVX here at ~2k sat
>made huge gains there
>put .01 BTC into a fuckton of coins on bittrex
>end up making another 1 or 2 BTC off that
>in april I bought bitbean at 12 sat and sold it for over 300
>meanwhile I've been mining shitcoins like SIGT and such once they appear, mostly mining HUSH now
>own over 5 BTC worth of pure stake coins that have strong networks, make ~200$ a day off stakes alone
>have ETH BTC and so many coins I can hardly keep track anymore

>> No.3605019

How poor do you mean by dirt poor?

>> No.3605023
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Sup /biz/nitch, I trade crypto for a living. Didn't want a lambo. Shit posting.

>> No.3605039

hallo pajeet. pls teech mi

>> No.3605041

Like going to walmart after school just to play their demo machines because we couldn't afford a PS1 in the 2000's poor.

>> No.3605055

>didnt want
>could not afford
thats two different things anon

>> No.3605145

That's one shitty blog you have right there.

>> No.3605173

> trade crypto for a living
I'm talking about people who don't do shit for a living because they don't have to

>> No.3605174

This car is a $120,000 daily driver and has backseats lol

>> No.3605177

anyone who prefers lambos to porshes is probably a tacky nu money retard desu

>> No.3605196

sounds good for driving around the two people who read your blog

>> No.3605229
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Also to fit your mom and two sisters when I take them back to my house to suck my fat pajeet nigger cock

>> No.3605242

Okay numoney I liked your dealership picture~ Big bad "porsche owner crypto trader" has 1 blog post.

>> No.3605354
File: 155 KB, 1190x516, walton will end this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't realize that WTC already has a multi-billion dollar clothing company lined up ready to materialize WALTONCHAIN into something tangible and real unlike 99% of your heavy shit bags..

>> No.3605403

But HOW did you mine for coin?

>> No.3605447

you download claymore amd or nvidia miner and run the .bat file after doing some editing

>> No.3605454
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Just did a blog on this

>> No.3605480

I daytrade so Im making little by little everyday

makes more than my old wage job

>> No.3605746

where should I put the sell order if I want some sleep?

>> No.3605866

I would have got the 911 desu

>> No.3605879

>he doesn't realize WTC is banned from purchase in China

>> No.3605947

>1100 BTC/BCC 1200 XMR

>chill out, help friends in politics get elected
>generally keep a low profile, drive an old AMG (benzo)
>go to Hong Kong for Bitcoin conference, chill in a $400/night room at the Grand Hyatt
>meet Roger Ver, chat about Bitcoin cash
>have a nice facial at the spa
>buy delicious mooncakes
>fly home
>bang girlfriend
>give mooncakes to azn qt pi dr. girlfriend, she approves
>show her all the Bitcoin swag I got, have her translate the flyers
>she translates the "2011 10,000 Bitcoin bought a pizza, 2013 $1000, now it hit ~$5k", gets excited
>asked me how many coins I have, at least how many digits are my holding
>lolnope.jpg not telling
>getting a professional photoshoot this week for Tinder/etc to maximize pussy grabbing and get a new gf.

>> No.3606093
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Don't trade while you sleep, it's bad practice. Get some rest my friend and come back in the marrow to reassess

>> No.3606121

No amount of money will ever buy you white skin or blue eyes

>> No.3606158

That's not true. Also your petty display of anger only justifies his own racism. Pajeets love to hate whitey, they were all colonized by the British, remember.

>> No.3606193

old ass 1st gen panamera not even gt give dad back his keys Brian

>> No.3606235

scalping bitmex

>> No.3606237
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>Also wtf are you even doing on biz, if I ever made it out I'd be banging chicks left and right in my lambo

you cant bang chicks left and right you would have to worry 9 months after each time somebody calls for child support moneys for next 18 years. and more money you have the more careful you will have to be

>> No.3606241


Ever wanted a theme song?

I'm a musician. If you're not LARPing I'll legitimately write you a song if you deposit a minuscule amount of btc into my wallet.


>> No.3606396

True, but with enough crypto I can move wherever and get a new phone

You do bring up something interesting though. Since no one's really posting with proof, let's change the topic to what you should/shouldn't do in case you do make it big, e.g. get a vasectomy, don't tell anyone how much you have or which coin/asset.

>> No.3606422


>> No.3606439


>i used to be dirt poor. now I have my money in about 20 different coins that I know for a fact one of which will be 100x higher by next year.

no matter how bad you believe this you should never say it because it ruins your credibility

>> No.3606460

If you can't find the fortitude to find motivation from within yourself...you're not gonna make it.

>> No.3606465

that's boring as fuck honestly

>> No.3606473


shut up faggot I'm being industrious

>> No.3606474

Since I made quite a bit shorting recently I will pay you .1 btc to place a sharpie in your ass with a timestamp

>> No.3606478

Finally my thread!!!!!!
All I ever wanted to do was be famous for the rest of the world to know me. I may not have made it, but I have escaped wagecuck status by having a YouTube channel that allows me to do that. So far a couple of people have noticed me in real life. Heres the link.
My mom really likes my videos.

>> No.3606489


What? That's pretty fucking gay

But it's not beyond me. Make it 0.05 now and 0.05 after and you have yourself a deal you fucking sick stranger

>> No.3606515
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>> No.3606523

genuine question here, how the hell did you manage to cash in without government asking questions, or did you pay taxes?

>inb4 paid Porsche with BTC

>> No.3606535

Check your autism, I said people who don't do shit FOR A LIVING. These people have true freedom. Unless you're of retirement age or physically disabled that's the most interesting life a person can have.

>> No.3606544


>>3606474 was a baiter, and you fucked his bait

>> No.3606546

Sorry I was burned just like this a week ago, nothing personal, however I have upheld my end of the bargain on three separate occasions this week i will surely pay you the .1

>> No.3606578


Which coin is going to 100x my nibba?

>> No.3606631

suddenly it's gay /soc/ in here
good job rich traders. I simultaneously envy you and miss my wagecuck job. Guaranteed biweekly paychecks aren't too bad I might have to go back

>> No.3606799

sick beamer bro its a lot like mine`

>> No.3606806
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forgot pic

>> No.3606811

listen to this man

>> No.3606845
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I'm a pyhsics PhD and develope "futuristic shit" during the day, as a "wagecuck", make enough money for 2 or more poeple and I wouldn't quit my job even if my coins mooned me to 3 million $ tomorrow.

Health an pussy are largely unrelated to money (can't hurt, of course) and money is to buy the time to do the things you enjoy doing. Being on a vacation forever is not for everyone, I enjoy working towards something.

>> No.3606892

>by next year
hey i was in a similar situation and i gotta say store your coins yourself. do not store on exchanges, cause this year's exchanges just might disappear by next year.

Also, anyone can sit on coins till they moon then ogle at a crazy high number, but it's just unrealized gains until you start withdrawing cash. I recommend automated weekly withdrawals. Yes, it's chipping away at your coin hoard, but at the very least, if something awful happens (market tanks, exchange bankrupts, exchange's domain seized, etc.), then at least you've paid yourself something for a little bit and realized some gains.

Still wageslaving, still coinholding.


a former Mt.Goxer (~150 BTC gone) and kind-of-former BTC-e-er, (delightfully, my account is in fact restored and accessible on WEX, which is pretty much exactly BTC-e with a name change)

>> No.3606904

>He bought Bitbean
Shit bro
Was the beamer a company car after you bought a 50% stake in the manufacturer?

>> No.3607079

This man knows schemes.

>> No.3607132
File: 165 KB, 2048x1256, 12604778_10101642945960026_9154786229701784946_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What coins are you staking?

>> No.3607434


Hey look it's pajeet in his mommy' car