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360434 No.360434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys use to stay focused or get focused and productive? I'd like to start my own business but every time I think about all that has to be done, all the new learning I have to go through, books to read, etc I just feel overwhelmed, frustrated I haven't started/made progress and flake and watch game streams. Feels like an never ending cycle I can't stop. It doesn't help that I'm addicted to reading certain forums and shit all day long talking about comics. Any ideas?

>> No.360437

Kill the internet.

Take the smallest possible step toward.

>> No.360440

I've been in the same boat OP

The best thing to keep you focused is lists.

Makes lists of all you have to do and do them until their done.

Keep the lists in places that are visible at all times.

I would get distracted after getting one thing done because I would think "oh i earned a break" or would bullshit myself into thinking I did what I needed for the day.

The lists keep you in check.

>> No.360455

That's what seperates talkers with people who actually doing their shit. A lot of idea guys out there but A LOT LESS people doing their ideas.

>Motivation poster & videos
>Picture your future
>Get the fun part of everything. Don't think it'
s boring because you don't see how it actually values in your actions.
>Get off the internet, get some papers and books and just start reading. Eventually you will begin to enter this "flow"-state where you just work and don't think about much else.

I mean,
>I'd like to start my own business
That's motivation enough to do so, eh?
No work, no cookies.

Good luck!


>> No.360458


Find a way to profit from an area you're supremely interested in, like comics.

And start actually building shit. You'll learn a lot faster by actually building a business than by reading about building a business.

Decide what you want to do, be naively optimistic about what will be required to get it done, construct a system that incentivizes you to actually get it done (like tell a friend that you'll pay him $X if you don't make $Y in profits by Z date), and fucking get shit done.

>> No.360484

Wow, that's exactly what I do.

>> No.360494

I use coke.

>> No.360561

that guy in the video had one fun night. but he still has no job. the money will run out eventually.
but if you start your own business. and it is wildly successful. you can have fun nights like this all the time. and not have to worry about money.

good luck to all.

>> No.360569

>And start actually building shit.
but what if I don't have any skills to build shit I can sell?

>> No.360579


I see the guy as someone who was willing tot ake some risks and even to do so even in the end. Ergo, he'll figure something out and get his thing working. I think it's a good video since it shows a sense of risk-taking. Doing what you want to do, even if it means to TAKE RISKS to enjoy the lifestyle you want to have.

But that's just me.

>> No.360694

Listen to foreign music with inspiring covers.


>> No.360699

For me it was just getting into the flow of things. I cut a lot of my internet usage, stopped watching a lot of TV and playing video games and everyday applied myself more and more to what I wanted to do. It got easier as time went on and I wanted to work instead of play games or fuck around. The internet is great but it's also a curse. Coming from a guy who used to spend 8-10+ hours here a day, you have to limit yourself and start, thats the hardest part imo.

>> No.360894

>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vupII4ZFkto [Embed]

Is it wrong that I find that video completely terrifying?

I think I have no fun receptors in my brain.

>> No.360904

i find it terrifying because it's so unrealistic

>> No.360910

i find it terrifying too. it's just shallow hedonism. thankfully, i get nothing out of such shit. makes life so much easier too when you can have a blast with just a library card.