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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3603467 No.3603467 [Reply] [Original]

you guys, why aren't you buying Kyber right now? I heard there is going to be announcements soon. Possibly more exchanges. Moonlight!!! This is going to be a x1000 coin like Ethereum and Bitcoin! It solves the decentralized exchange problem and backed by Vitalik, why aren't you investing in Kyber right now? Do you hate money???

>> No.3603498

Senpai, time to dump now, dont you know how ICOs work ?

>> No.3603508

> he hasn't sold his KNC yet


>> No.3603559

I bought when it was almost $3, did I do good?
Should I sell now or do you think it will go up? It solves the decentralized exchange problem and like OP mentioned, it has Vitalik as an advisor. Should moonlight from here right? Why is it going down?

>> No.3603619

lmao. Buy high sell low.
Sell now you dingus, or baghold for another 6 months just to break even.

>> No.3603637

What was the ICO price?

>> No.3603662

Because they didnt fucking let me participate in the ICO? So fuck them? That's why?

>> No.3603695

crap, did I get scammed? I felt like $3 was a little high for this coin. Should I just cut my losses now? I invested like $3k, I heard it would be $10 by next week so I bought in.

>> No.3604064

>I heard it would be $10 by next week so I bought in.
...you have a lot to learn.

>> No.3604107

150M market cap just because 'Vitalik' is the advisor. I'll buy this coin when its under ico price in 2 weeks... But my emotions? FOMO! Buy high sell low, never change /biz/ kek

>> No.3604160

all the heebs who bought on liqui and ED are going to sell at lot higher on bittrex or polo. just wait for that. it's too early to sell at a loss.

>> No.3604223

bittrex doesnt list new coins anon.

>> No.3604244

it's been out a day you impatient nigger. settle down.

>> No.3604258

Goddamn you fucking newfags are annoying.

I bet you don't understand why Poloniex is "so important" either, do you? You stupid fucks annoy the shit out of me.

>> No.3604293

Are you guys fucking retarded??
Do you guys even know when Bittrex listed something new? Obviosuly not you stupid fucks.

Also what has that to do with being impatient you stupid dog, the fuck is up with you guys

>> No.3604306

You have to drop de KNC bags and buy back again in a month at below ICO price.
Chinks will not have ready the product until 2019, by next month RadarR is on MaiNet

>> No.3604343

Because saying shit like Bittrex doesn't list new coins, and not understanding why Polo is pretty much the "gatekeeper" of succcesful coins is the hallmark of a newfag on this board.

Just admit you weren't trading crypto before 2017. I'm right aren't I?

>> No.3604391

kyber could pop up on Bitfinex tonight and 5x. why are you in a hurry to lose money? as soon as it gets listed on a high volume exchange its price will be significantly higher than whatever it is on liqui.

>> No.3604462

What was the ICO price ?

>> No.3604480

600 knc for 1 eth; .00166, around 40cents.

>> No.3604548

Where the fuck did I even mention Poloniex? Oh yeah, I didn't. And no, you're not right ffs, whats up with you and Polo boy

Sure it could but it's very, very unlikely that this is happening out of the blue. It's dropping in Liqui and I will buy back at a certain point, happy with my gains so far. It's trading, not holding whatever happens. Riding waves is just more efficient. You can go with your gut feeling if you want, all good.

I believ in the long term gain of Kyber but right now it's dipping and I sold the top.

>> No.3604560

lmao yes I am.

>> No.3604606

I can tell you are trolling, no one is that thick and dumb, no one.

>> No.3604609

You do know that ZRX was 2-3x ICO price before being added to Polo right? Once it hit Polo it hit 10x. Bittrex I agree will likely not add Kyber, but Polo definitely will.

THAT'S why it's retarded to sell now.

>> No.3604611

lmao, reflecting much

>> No.3604642


Dont be disingenuous, the chances of POLO adding this are 5%

And if it does not happen, this will tank to ICO price

Better sell 70% now, and let the rest 30% ride on the POLO gamble

>> No.3604673

spam request it then dude.

Some on the slack are doing it but it's NOT a safe thing that polo. will add this anytime soon. Until then it continues to go down. It's pretty simple actually. the risk of it suddently mooning vs it going down (much) lower before is quite clear

>> No.3604759

Do you REALLY think that either Polo or Bittrex won't add this within the next week? The most hyped ICO with Vitalik as an adviser?

Come on man who are you trying to kid? We both know it'll be added. Look at the volume it's getting on shitty etherdelta and Liqui.

>> No.3604783


>> No.3604805

Fuck this shit coin, I'm selling and cutting my losses

>> No.3604806

Look at the volume Link got on ED Day 1.

>> No.3604816

you may be right

>> No.3604824

Link got under 4 million while Kyber is over 14 million and growing. Terrible comparison man.

>> No.3604851

It has a little less volume on ED roughly around the same time frame and that is what he is comparing it to you fucking retard, not the total volume on all exchanges.

>> No.3604852

buy all you can afford then pal

>> No.3604910

what was ico price guys?

>> No.3604926

,0016 during crowdsale

>> No.3604928


I don't know about Bittrex - they haven't added a new coin in like a month and a half right?

Polo I can see. Finex maybe. Bitthumb rumour if true would be insaaannneee

>> No.3604937

They do, just not often. They'll list this one because kyber followed KYC meticulously so there will be no cause for legal concern.

>> No.3604939

is this in ETH/KNC or BTC/KNC though?

>> No.3604954


>> No.3604962


Hopefully. Doubt it will happen anytime soon tho. We'll see

>> No.3604980


150MM market cap at launch
nigger is this bancor all over again ?

>> No.3605002

Yes. Buy high and sell low

>> No.3605003

>zrx did 10x peak of bull market
>we are in a bear market right now
>no product for 6 months
>do you like losing money? price is already dumping

>> No.3605022

It wasn't 150mm market cap at launch dumbass.
It's 150mm now and still growing.

Bancor fucked up by having a pretty much uncapped ICO. Never ever fucking buy an uncapped ICO.

>> No.3605058

>bancor does uncapped ICO
>hits exchange at 1.1x ICO price in ETH
>keeps open contract for people to buy from
>proceeds to quickly tank below
>kyber does strict KYC capped ICO
>hits exchange at double
>continues to increase
>these two situations are identical in your mind
How retarded are you you stupid nigger?

>> No.3605079

It wasn't a bull market buddy. Price isn't dumping either. It's already 4x ico price lmao. Everyone who isn't retarded will know what will happen when this hits Polo.

Kyber STILL has way more volume on etherdelta you stupid fuck no matter what time frames you compare.

Kyber had a strict KYC with no Chinese or Americans. Anyone could buy Link. They didn't enforce shit.

>> No.3605084

everything you say is true, but also

>One of the most hyped and legit ICOs
>one of two projects hungry skellington is involved in
>no burgers or chinks got to buy in at ICO
>potential partnership with OMG
>volume crashed ED

Its hard to say where this is gonna go. I woulda sold high if i coulda, then bought lower. there was a buy order for .012 on ED but it would have been hard to get in on that.

>> No.3605661

Christ what a flop.

>> No.3606100

Buy more. ZRX didn't pump until a few days after the ICO, and Bittrex listing is going to happen soon.

>> No.3606283

it wasnt a bull market? LOL this kid must be retarded