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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3603390 No.3603390 [Reply] [Original]

>Trillions of dollars of debt

>Millionaire monkeys protesting on their knees.

>Virtually no boarders anymore, Europe is becoming Africa 2.0 and the USA Mexico 2.0

None of your "gains" are going to matter in a few years when everything collapses.

Have a pleasant day.

>> No.3603398
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Invest in a project that is relevant to you and is good.

>> No.3604013

so you're saying we still have time for lambos.

>> No.3604031


That is why I have a shit ton of 556 and ar15s

>> No.3604069

commies arent going to win the civil war

>> No.3604086

You have no idea what "debt" means.
If I borrow 1000 USD from you to buy dildos and sell them for 2000 USD, I have made 1000 usd. Next month I borrow 2000 USD from you and since you know I'm good for it you lend it to me. I double the money again.

If I keep doing this I'm perpetually in a debt to you that becomes larger every month. However, you earn money through interest and I earn money through my labour.

tl;dr: debt in and of itself is not bad.

>> No.3604095

>handfuls of people are mega rich off cryptocurrency

Yeah I'm sure the jews won't use blue collar resentment against the neo-wealthy no sir

>> No.3604121

He's a brainlet that got lucky with crypto mooning. him being triggered by kneeling should have been you're indicator.

>> No.3604123

except in the case of the US deficit they currently don't reinvest their revenue into debt consolidation. its gets eaten up by anti inflation and our budget. We do not pay back our debt every cycle in the stupid example you gave. When we borrow from other countries, its often not in terms of USD. They do not want to get paid back in money we can just print. Enjoy your day

>> No.3604218

>tfw getting a Tokyo penthouse in Japan soon with my crypto gains

A literal nigger free utopia run purely on crypto.

>> No.3604251

Go home white piggu

>> No.3604284

lel you'll lose it all if you actually do that

>> No.3604400

same desu nee. nihongo saigoy muzakashii, though..

i love the fact that tokyo is so peaceful, a city of 35 million people and yet no baboons hollering in the street, blasting shitty rap music with their windows rolled down, screeching out from red lights revving their engines for no reason

a nigger free utopia, indeed

>> No.3604708
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>> No.3604765

>implying I don't cash out just enough crypto into fiat to buy myself food and ammunition

>> No.3604774

>right wingers like art and classical music
>right wingers are athiests (fedora)
That's monarchists anon. Right wingers like vaporwave and cryptocurrency now

>> No.3604982

If US cant pay debt, the country we owe loses. Debt is money we already spent, and nobody can force us to pay it back as long as we dominate the world.

>> No.3605006

Use your gains to build a safe area/bunker with generations worth of sustainable supplies. Wrangle up a bunch of men and woman, enough to repopulate in the worst case scenario, Have fun in your underground sex orgy apocalypse bunker.

>> No.3605031

Would collapse gloriously. Haven't you ever played fallout and learned about exactly what the vaults were experimenting? Here's a hint: close confinement in a bunker like that over long terms invariably causes insanity to set in.

>> No.3605108


Durr durr demographic change has no negative consequences if I believe it doesn't.

>> No.3605121

No reason it can't have an above ground compound as well. Just depends if nuclear holocaust happens or not. It's mostly safty in numbers while also being super prepared type of thing.

>> No.3605142

Still, such a confined system relies on complete cooperation and harmony of the individuals. If one person power trips (Overseer syndrome) OR a sizable minority of people are jealous of the hierarchy? It's over.

>> No.3605150


God speed, I wish I could join the exodus.

>> No.3605161


Haha, you guys are fedora's for not letting in hordes of low IQ populations to spit out 3+ kids and live off the welfare state.


>> No.3605211


And liberals say Christians deny reality.

LOL liberalism is the biggest cult in the history of the world. Even communists didn't try to replace their whole population.

>> No.3605226
File: 64 KB, 1500x2623, Communism Kills! greyscale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even communists didn't try to replace their whole population.

Oh they replaced them alright

>> No.3605279


The keyword is "whole".

There are still plenty of Russians, Chinese, and Ukrainians around. Liberals what all white people to be bred out/die.

>> No.3605303
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Have a nice war

>> No.3605336

excuse me, are you trying to justify genocide as if it didn't matter?

>> No.3605347

nice. hydewars 4ever.

>> No.3605371


Nah just saying Liberals are actually worst than communists in the long. They are support soft genocide, just takes longer.

>> No.3605383

Except the bolsheviks and marxists made sure to kill only the proper thinking people so it was actually more devastating long term than a simple kill-everyone-who-disagrees type of genocide.

It's two sides of the same coin. America is just too gun-laden for the Jews to dare killing us in the streets like they did with germans, Russians, Spaniards in the 1920s through 1930s.

>> No.3605401

if you move to france you'll pay 50% plus in taxes on everything, plus every april 15th you have to bend over and put your butthole up in the air so the IRS can claim their share as well.

unless you resign US citizenship uncle sam wants taxes no matter where in the world you hide.

>> No.3605416

best plan in the world. an actual society. a place full of decent, intelligent, attractive people.

>> No.3605485

and a brilliant, beautiful culture the people have high enough self-esteem to preserve.

>> No.3605504

t. yoshi yamamoto

>> No.3605625
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only in dreams.

>> No.3605663

>resign US citizenship
not a problem, our generation has nothing after NAFTA and companies moving to China and mass immigration just to rub it in.

>> No.3605700

Not true I just spent 6 months in France. taxes are comprable to USA and you get healthcare. The shit part is Jobs come with "Contracts" and BS like that

>> No.3605725

>jobs come with smart contracts

where can I buy this coin

>> No.3605743


>> No.3605772

you are taxed 30% if you make over 27K.
in the US you are taxe 15% at that wage.


>> No.3605786

Can you tell me about that jews killing people thing? I haven't heard about it but if this really is true im interested,

>> No.3605799


>> No.3606111

U mean holodomor? :D

>> No.3606208

you called my bluff

>> No.3606378
File: 172 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170925-000323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize Japan has more debt than Greece

>> No.3606513

Golodomor, you fucking faggot, unless they used the cold. Also Stalin wasn't a jew

>> No.3606547

>Also Stalin wasn't a jew

jew slave who got out of the leash so a jew happened to poison him

>> No.3606682

Now add fica and health insurance.

>> No.3606718
File: 106 KB, 1500x1118, Human_population_growth_from_1800_to_2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we aren't long over due for a dip

>> No.3606745

I'd rather add health insurance on my own terms than be robbed immediately.

>> No.3606851

You're at 24% just from adding FICA though. Its not that much more.

>> No.3607026

no, but the fascist authoritarians who want to ban crypto will.
what are you going to do when the establishment takes complete control after the antifa and alt-weenies finish slapfighting?

>> No.3607232

>buying the dip here means sex with lots of young women
>buying the ATH is sex with one used up whore who is a stronk womyn wanting your beta bux to stay home

Feels bad man

>> No.3607245


>> No.3607252


>wanting filthy roasties

sexy robots with tight flawless pussies are just a few years away

>> No.3607276

If his were a shitcoin chart I'd say a correction was long overdue.

>> No.3607317


Shit hits the fan when you can't make your bills and those that loan you money are no longer willing to do so.

Yes it's a problem.

>> No.3607320


that's genuis. and pretty scary when you think about it. the world like something big is going to happen soon. I'm fine with it desu even if I'm part of the dip.

>> No.3607358


>tfw basically ALL of that is China and India

>> No.3607377

this chart implies we lost no population on earth during WW1 and WW2

>> No.3607419

China is gearing up to become more powerful than the US. That's what you need to fear

>> No.3607454

So you think there's a human bubble? According to the graph, humans have mooned recently. But will the bubble keep getting inflated?