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3603142 No.3603142 [Reply] [Original]

What will be the better hold in November? Bitcoin Core or Bitcoin Cash?

On one hand core will be getting free segwit2x coins so that could drive the price up.

On the other hand, it going up the first time was a result of big bankers propping it up with fake tether. A lot of the hashing power will switch to BCH during the hardfork possibly.

So which is the better hold /biz/bros? I'm holding 20 right now and curious what I should do with it.

>> No.3603156

holding both until november at least

>> No.3603178

AS BTC forked and crated BCH I dont sold any and just leave it, but BCH wouldnt split so, I will exchange all my BCH to BTC rigth before the Block and then back to BCH, to claim all possible BTCx2

>> No.3603187

I'm not selling BCH until it's at least 2k USD a piece which I feel is pretty soon upon us. A lot of vendors are starting to accept it and there are rumours it will be adopted by china.

>> No.3603191

when is segwit2x and is there a name for the new shitcoin?, also who is backing it?, like Jihan.

>> No.3603245

I just sell my BCH for free Profits with the next fork.

There will be a block target like the last time, so I will exchange my BCH to BTC rigth before the block target wait half an hour and exchange the BTC back to BCH. = free money

>> No.3603247

Bitcoin cash is living on borrowed time. It only exists because of greedy miners, not because of any tech advantage. Get the fuck out while you can.


>> No.3603279

what is the block target and how do you know when it starts?

>> No.3603296


>> No.3603330

is there a graph or chart with updates on this?

>> No.3603354

>btc is a shit ancient currency
>make hard fork
>make another hard fork for funsies, makes people buy into btc again
>nothing stopping anyone from having yet another fork
>effectively ends up being a proof-of-hold currency by paying dividends in the form of constantly forking
>anyone who wants in on each of the forks needs to be holding btc

This is why I think bch will not actually be successful in the long run.

>> No.3603405



Look at this shit. BCH is all over the place.

Imagine what happens when 2x comes out and the miners of that start dumping both BTC and BCH.

We have no idea how this plays out. It's chaos, in the double pendulum sense. I'd bet on BTC being the survivor because of cost and relative stability but FUCKED IF I KNOW. Doubt it's BCH cos if it's unstable at this point I don't see how it can stabilise.

Cue r/btc autism

Exit 142
Broome Rd

>> No.3603608

whats the probability that btc forks again in november?

>> No.3603670


>> No.3603683

What does this mean in practical terms for BTC holders?

>> No.3603716

Holding 51 BCH, nov fork is going to be great

>> No.3603802

move your coins to a paper or hardware wallet before the fork and don't do shit until it's sorted

>> No.3603837

What free coins? No replay protection means it won't be a fork, it will replace the old 1x version like it is supposed to

>> No.3603874

except that if the "fork" is obviously bullshit no one will mine it and it will be DOA

>> No.3603950

I only have 25. Should i stock up now?

>> No.3603965

Thanks for Pajeet's elementary understanding of a 51% attack. It's totally not a bunch of strung out unknown miners mining in competition. It's absolutely just a single entity doing it by themselves! Fuck off fucktard. And fuck your shitty pajeet who can't even form a coherent sentence let alone a persuading argument.

>> No.3604076


not being funny m8 but at those times when mining drops it's literally being sent to two addresses. you can see it on the coinbase