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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3600788 No.3600788 [Reply] [Original]


below ICO price now. team is young but solid. mid to long term hold.

>> No.3601933

It's also considered a security (not even fudding you)

>> No.3601953

which is why its below ico price and stuck on etherdelta

literal garbage

>> No.3602607


its a utility token. same way as FUN and many others.

>> No.3603585

No, it isn't. It technically passes the Howey Test, which makes it a security.

It'll never get onto US exchanges and the SEC will eventually crack down on it.

>> No.3603640

it doesnt pass the howey test. or even if it does other coins traded in the US also pass that test.

anyway, thats a moot point. its still a good project. can be succesful without US exchanges even.

>> No.3603657


You're missing the point, it's illegal for U.S. citizens to use this shit. A lot of us are from that demographic.

No one here is going to risk going to jail to download some hipster's album for a few satoshis when they can download the music for free without going to jail.

>> No.3603671


what a backwards argument.

how come you are more afraid of going to jail over securities fraud rather than piracy. both are illegal if we take your line or reasoning.

fucking retards.

>> No.3603703


because people commit piracy everyday yet the consequences are minimal and the chance of getting caught is slim.

the consequences for for security fraud are severe and you're also obligated to report you bought shit on your taxes even if a pump and dump group raises the price, revealing that you've committed security fraud, if not you're committing tax evasion as well.

look dude. I don't even download music, I just listen to songs on youtube. I'm not gonna buy your bags.

>> No.3603715

fun fact, the team that made this have zero interest on the token, they don't give a fuck, this was evident for anyone in the slack during and after the ICO. Also this


That being said, got on the ICO, sold as soon as it went into Etherdelta and made 60% profit in a day. Not the greatest, but not bad either. I would not touch it with a ten feet pole right now.

>> No.3603767


no worries im going to dump them eventually.
just giving biz a chance to get in on the ride.

>> No.3603775

i grant you that.
team could be more hype focused but to be fair to them they want to develop the product first.

recently they hired a community manager. will be hiring more developers. are consolidating the team in Poland. things are happening.

get in now before it goes back up to ICO price. (thats a 100% gain by the way)

>> No.3603816

anon, you need to stop, if you are holding bags you are fucked. Hype has come and gone, they managed to kill it on the slack doing dumb statements, showing they didn't give a fuck.
It was a quick buy and sell due to the site having the demo and people buying into that instead of checking who is behind it and what they could deliver.

>> No.3603843

this might be a good place for music hobbyists like me after soundcloud but this bitcoin thing is still too complicated for me...

>> No.3603849


nah im good. i'll ride it straight to hell.
its a long term hold.
yeah the opportunity cost stings a bit but im not going to sell at such a monstrous loss.
ultimately Mach will deliver.

>> No.3603857

they'll make it easier for you.
you wont have to interact with the block chain at all.
there will be a fiat gateway straight up on the site.

but besides that i agree. its a great place for soundcloud artists to move when it finally dies.

>> No.3603914

does that mean I can buy opus in their website?
>you wont have to interact with the block chain at all.
what is this block chain thingy?

>> No.3603952

yes, the opus website will have a way for you to buy with money. on the back end it will exchange it to opus tokens.

>> No.3604043

soundcloud isn't dying lol

>> No.3604093



Jan 2017

>Music streaming site SoundCloud launched its >premium music service, SoundCloud Go, in >March of 2016, following sites such as Spotify, >Pandora, and Apple Music. While the company >has seen revenue grow, the Financial Times >warns that the company could run out of cash >by the end of the year unless it entices new >investors.

Aug 2017

they've secured a cash injection but are circling the drain. those artists will need to find a new home. OPUS will be it.