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3600098 No.3600098 [Reply] [Original]

Lol. LINK is back to 13 cents. Dumbass linkiecucks.

>> No.3600104

Good or bad?

>> No.3600110

Oh no it's crashed to above ICO price, think of the children

>> No.3600119

still 0.0005 ETH. Market having a tough day too

>> No.3600120

Wow someone sold at 13 cent
Someone also bought at $300 earlier

All this shows is just how much of a shitty and non normie friendly exchange etherdelta is to use

>> No.3600135

Lol, sorry sweetheart, 13 cents was intentional. That's how much it's trading for.. And it's still dropping.

>> No.3600170

Really? I can’t even access etherdelta right now ffs, site is completely dead from kyber still
LINK at 13 cent is insanely cheap would love to buy more

>> No.3600238

Lol, if you think that's cheap it'll be 11 cents shortly.

>> No.3600276

>muh oracle problem
>muh 100x gains

lol deluded linkies btfo

>> No.3600302

Maybe, but I’m not too sure, don’t think so, even a Vitalik tweet couldnt
do that. it’s all easy safe gains until sibos in October anyway and then after that.. who knows

>> No.3600309

It already hit 11 cents today you tard.

>> No.3600327

you shit its going to 1 cent as we speak

>> No.3600332

Like I said it also hit $300 today, etherdelta 24hr highs and lows mean nothing I would be happy with any price around 0.0005 eth if it could get filled

>> No.3600336

It's actually $4k right now.

>> No.3600348

>Look how hard they are trying to fud

So you two are the retards that dumped your bags to me at 0.00045 eth yesterday, thanks faggots but you’ll never beat yesterday fud run even Vitalik was on our side

>> No.3600353

It was legitimately at 11 cents. Are you seriously this retarded?

>> No.3600369 [DELETED] 

Idk are you? I just looked coinmarketcap and it’s not even 13 cent let alone 11 sounds like you’re just a larping nigga trying to fud, stay poor

>> No.3600371

No, it never went below 38 dollars.

>> No.3600391

It’s 15 cent right now you lied to me and got my hopes up :(
And my 0.0005 buy still unfilled on ED

So much fud on this coin.. really makes you think

>> No.3600403

>It’s 15 cent right now
It's fluctuating you tard.

>And my 0.0005 buy still unfilled on ED
And when did you set that buy order, faget?

>> No.3600408

>So much fud on this coin..
That's because everyone who knows anything knows this is going to moon to the moon by 16 October, and certainly after that.
The mooning is a sure thing, so the market is going to make things hard artificially.

Welcome to game theory.

>> No.3600415

>i-it's not 15c, i-it's fluctuating
Your mouth smells like shit because you produce it from there.

>> No.3600425
File: 144 KB, 1252x1252, 9e0143a3325218b380f5307da205627b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was getting annoyed of the fud, but actually appreciate it now that i was able to buy more just now

>> No.3600428

Look at the price history on etherdelta you retarded fucking nigger.

>> No.3600434

I only got 5 eth at ico. Should I buy more? I have another 5 eth in a wallet. I wanted to diversify but i think it may be better to go all in on link?

>> No.3600438

>it's fluctuating
top kek
d e l u d e d
l i n k i e s

>> No.3600440

All price charts ever have fluctuations you tard.

>> No.3600448

Oh so now it is fluctuating? Which is it? Lmao.

>> No.3600454

By your logic, nothing is ever any price.

Look at Chainlink, it was 10 cents at ICO, 39 dollars yesterday, and now it's at 26k dollars.

>> No.3600465

I only had 5 eth at ico also. But because of the fud i just plopped another 3

>> No.3600479
File: 39 KB, 285x421, grocery shopping85bcb171afc155e92bed7d97e3d5d25b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still workin on that oracle thingy huh babe? Well can you come out of that cave and help me with these bags?

>> No.3600487

ok I think I will buy another 3 as well!

>> No.3600506

Nice, bought 100k.

>> No.3600572

just think. Why would anyone fud so hard if he had no interest in this?

>> No.3600574

Will i make it? Got 45k Links.

>> No.3600790

salty block 479ers be fuddin'

>> No.3600806
File: 41 KB, 400x416, 1505900529980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 11k LINK


>> No.3601028

These shitcoins arent even worth the risk if you cant get in at like <3 million marketcap, this whole game is fucked now

>> No.3601046

How much link did people who put up the full 7 get?

>> No.3601063
File: 100 KB, 537x615, 46161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our Nodes will make us richer than fucking Saudi Oil Princ is today
GET FUCKd anon

>> No.3601095

Around 16,000 from memory. I got three accounts through in time, and bought another 7ETH after it hit ED. 65k LINK now, will probably buy more soon if Kyber doesn't dip to a reasonable price in the next few days.

>> No.3601119

im done with icos unless they go full whitelist, no chinks, no americucks and tiny ass max deposits like kyber did

chainlink hyped to the high heavens, yet its barely above ico price now

also the marketcap is pretty big from the get go, not much growth from 32M

glad i got my bitdice and ethbet tokens, along with some ODN, tiny ass marketcaps

>> No.3601126

have fun with your crappy ethbet and bitdice scam coins. no pun intended

>> No.3601136
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>> No.3601163

The market cap hasn't grown because it's only on etherdelta atm. Normie FOMOers are too retarded to use ED.

>> No.3601260

atleast i might be able to sell at 2-3x ico price, unlike chainlink which barely even broke 1.8x

>> No.3601301

>muh instant gains

You are the cancer.

>> No.3601308

Im sorry, didnt mean it friendo

>> No.3601550

it is a good thing, so you can stack up before they hit bigger exchanges, where they usually get +25% to +50% in a short time

>> No.3601858

kind of glad i slept on this one
more eth to drop on wanchain

>> No.3602455

full 7 ETH got you 18200 LINK

>> No.3602606

there are certain points of fud were if you go past you end up pushing more people away than attracting. Just remember that. We've seen it happen before and its going to happen again, this time to Link.

>> No.3603005

Lot of posts by just two people here, at least get on your phones faggots, ayylmao

>> No.3603051

Nice PnD you got there friends. Remember, don't play with it too long.