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File: 11 KB, 812x177, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
359899 No.359899 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.359901

Another BTC thread huh

>> No.359902

Another BTC thread

>> No.359904



>shitcoiners still unable to understand the concept of a pump and dump

>> No.359908

Stay foreverpoor my friend

>> No.359910

I don't do coins. I was trying to point out that we already have BTC threads in the catalog.

Because it's surely impossible to make money by means other than coins, right?

>> No.359913

Sure, but disregarding returns of 40% in 11 days means you're probably retarded, poor, or both.

>> No.359914

It could also just mean that you recognize how absurdly volatile it is. I don't bother with coins for the same reasons I don't deal with forex or penny stocks.

>> No.359920


You do realize that if this happened with a real investment, that people would be jumping ship immediately because it's a textbook case of pump and dump, right?

>> No.359924

Yeah and I totally agree, but if you actually look at the market from a big picture it's gone up year after year.

As we speak the price is going up. In fact it's almost certain we're entering the next rally towards 3-5k a coin

>> No.359926

>it's gone up year after year
Past returns are no guarantee of future results.
>it's almost certain we're entering the next rally towards 3-5k a coin
That's not certain at all.

>> No.359929

>That's not certain at all.

Oh, you've been following the market?

>Past returns are no guarantee of future results.

Nothing is different than the past, well except increased merchant adoption

>> No.359939

>you've been following the market
Casually out of curiosity, but in general saying ~500% increase is almost certain is a nonsense statement. Any number of things could happen to stop this run long before then.

>> No.359942
File: 37 KB, 944x354, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at that point you're just playing the "what if" game.

Whether you like it or not, despite being extremely volatile, Bitcoin has always bubbled every 220-230 days (I believe that is the figure).

>> No.359944

Yes! Someone shilling the hell out of BTC. That must mean we're back up to the $1200 we were last December!

Oh... we're still only half of that? Shit.

>> No.359946

You're also playing the "what if" game. These 3-5k numbers make a lot of assumptions that might not hold true.

I neither like nor dislike whatever movements it happens to have. I neither make nor lose money no matter what it does.

>> No.359949

There are no assumptions to the 3-5k range.

The only 'if' is that the trend reversal continues. It simply gets to the point where everyone with stake in Bitcoin begins to buy back and rally.

>> No.359951

I'll let you know when we visit the last ATH m8

>> No.359953
File: 1.97 MB, 290x268, 1388203610276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Buttcoiners are this delusional that they think a 3-5k range for BTC is guaranteed or even likely

>> No.359956


>> No.359959

I think you would have to be smoking crack if you thought in January 2013 at 13 dollars a Bitcoin that we would see a rise to 1200 by the end of the year.

Guess what happened?

>> No.359962

>there are no assumptions to the 3-5k range
Err... yes... of course there are.
>the only 'if' is that the trend reversal continues
Which is a large if that makes multiple assumptions.

Sure, but that's no indicator that it'll happen like that again.

>> No.359964

Huh? Why are you talking about more than a year and a half ago? Im talking about the last 6 months. This shits been tanking for a while and just baaaarely is recovering a little. Where have you been when Buttcoin has been BTFO for months? Under a rock?

>> No.359965
File: 25 KB, 868x819, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well no, trend reversals don't just stop short for no reason.

>Sure, but that's no indicator that it'll happen like that again.

Agreed but we have two things going for us.

1. It's happened multiple times in the past
2. Merchant adoption + quadrupled VC investments this year

>> No.359966

What do you want me to tell you? That's how bubbles work.

A price drop doesn't mean the currency is dead and our "little recovery" is going strong as fuck

>> No.359968

I wouldn't have sold almost 200 Bitcoins Feb. 2013 if I thought it had a chance of going above even $20 again.

>> No.359971

Fuck 200 BTC?

GG WP bro

>> No.359972

Who said its dead? Im just saying it was at $1200 and now its nowhere even close to that or even approaching that again. There is no indication it will ever even hit that mark again. All we are seeing now is a smaller bubble that should pop really soon.

>> No.359974

>All we are seeing now is a smaller bubble that should pop really soon.

Under your analysis?

>> No.359984
File: 85 KB, 300x254, silly you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your analysis is much more factual because its not based purely on bullshit. kek

>> No.359986

Alright m8

>> No.359992
File: 11 KB, 805x210, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you guys don't like money

>> No.359995

I'm just tired of these stupid Bitcoin threads. You guys are quiet as hell when its crashing which its mostly done for the last 6 months, then all the sudden when it recovers a little you guys spam how its going to be worth 5k. Its bullshit. It is still worth half of what it was at its peak. There is no indication AT ALL that it will be worth 5k. Cut the shit.

>> No.359997

Seeing as you obviously don't know much about markets I'll cut you some slack.

We're in a trend reversal right now, which indicates a new bubble is coming. The price of Bitcoin is not largely based on fundamentals. We don't need massive developments for a bubble.

When the price goes up, it keeps going, with the occasional stalling as many people sell along the way to secure their profits.

>> No.360001

>Seeing as you obviously don't know much about markets I'll cut you some slack.
Nice one cryptoboy. Work on your jabs a bit though theyre a little weak.
> which indicates a new bubble is coming
Or the new bubble is already here and this is the peak of it. Who the fuck knows since BTC value is based purely off of speculation? You sure as hell dont know. The fact that you spout 3k-5k means you really are just fond of talking out of your ass.

>> No.360006
File: 12 KB, 930x221, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, good goy.

Holy fuck this rally is unreal

>> No.360009

Its up 6% in one day whoopty-doo. Some altcoins do triple that in one hour. Its all just gambling. You sound like my grandma who thinks she has a system playing slots.

>> No.360012


considering you seem like someone with 0 knowledge of the BTC market aside from whatever bullshit you read on 4chan and various media, i'm discinlined to believe anything you have to say about the future

everything that happened with both the run up to 1200 and the subsequent decline to 500 ish is completely within what has historically happened with bitcoin prices, and shows no signs of breaking that trend

the fact that it "crashed" to a level much higher than the previous ATH means that it wasn't really much of a "crash" at all, and more of a correction coming at the end of an utterly insane bull run

bitcoin is a a volatile as fuck currency but historically has only appreciated in the long run for those with the foresight and/or balls to just hold and disregard the current price

i can tell you right now it's going to be mighty fun to come back to this board by the end of 2014 and post more "told you so's", but for now i guess i'll just have to bide my time and wait, as i did with the idiots saying BTC was dead after the crash in april from 266-50.

>> No.360013
File: 10 KB, 624x294, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yes yes ;^)

>> No.360014
File: 3 KB, 345x65, monies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.360017


bought BTC with my tax return of 1800 last May after having heard about BTC in march and watching the price action during the bubble

quite happy with my investment, although it's worth much less than yours :(

>> No.360019
File: 257 KB, 1600x900, bitcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pretty damn easy to see where this is headed.

>> No.360021
File: 26 KB, 868x819, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, you're trolling me aren't you?

>> No.360023

Because I took a chart right off the Bitcoin blockchain info? Yikes dude. Wtf are you even thinking right now?

>> No.360025

No you're prediction.

Please stop baiting me.

>> No.360028

Your* ;^)

>> No.360029

My prediction looks pretty damn strong compared to Bitcoins entire lifecycle. Anyone who has a brain can see that.

>> No.360032
File: 41 KB, 926x359, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop trolling me.

>> No.360034


Silly little bagholder. How foolish do you feel right now and how much shilling do you think you will have to do in order to convince other people and yourself that you made a wise "investment"?

>> No.360035


>predict BTC to fall further after a strong convincing breakout and trend reversal

i guess we'll just have to see, but i'm quite confident that you're 100% wrong and there will be a new ATH price before the end of 2014.

>> No.360036

Well considering I made about 50k off of about 8 dollars.


>> No.360038


I invested 1800 a year ago which is now worth approximately 5000.

That's after i lost about 1.5 bitcoins due to the mtgox bullshit

>up 300%
>someone tells me i made a bad investment


>> No.360040

Night guys! See you at 1200 hopefully by the end of June

>> No.360042


Because nobody would ever lie on the internet right? lel

>> No.360045


All I hear is how everyone "made tons!" off Bitcoin but we all know that isnt true, dont we shilly mcshillster?

>> No.360046

Well scroll up you can see my wallet.

To be fair I made this 'illegally' but hey BTC isn't legal tender, or regulated, or tied to my identity.

>> No.360050
File: 38 KB, 1272x305, monies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, good goy.

>> No.360051


Because nobody can fake a screenshot right? lel

I have to tell you, maybe if you werent so full of shit in everything else you say you might be a little more credible. Oh well.

>> No.360054


Give your BTC address in the next 5 minutes and I'll send you 10 bucks.

>> No.360055
File: 2 KB, 373x97, butthurt nocoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why do all the butthurt nocoins always come out in force during a BTC rally?

the fact that so many people still have your retarded mentality towards it and the price remains this high is partly why i believe mainstream adoption (along with price) will only increase from here.

also, see image

>> No.360057

Because sour grapes

>> No.360059

I dont have a Buttcoin wallet nor do I want one. "Inspect element" is a handy tool eh?

I didnt create this faggy bullshit thread. I just got annoyed at the "3k-5k" prediction when Bitcoin is still half of its December peak.

>> No.360060

I guess it's true, you guys really don't want money.

>> No.360062

Anyway if I send you 10 bucks you can trace the transaction back to my 50k account for proof.

Too late now though.

Stay foreverpoor friend

>> No.360064


thats why it's a prediction dumbass.

if he predicted 700 when the price is 640 and rising strongly, along with the fact that weekly MACD is about to cross for the first time since january, sending strong buy signals to traders and bots alike

i'm not agreeing with the overly high predictions but the fact remains this is far from over and what happened with the fall from 1200 was far from the "death" of BTC

>> No.360066

$10 worth of Buttcoins isnt worth the hassle of downloading a wallet and then selling the BTC to convert it into real money. The only reason I am even replying to this thread is I finally got annoyed enough by you dummies.

>> No.360067

You can just set up an online wallet in 2 minutes.

Unless you need to pay your bills you can buy anything you want with BTC ;)

But yes. 5 minutes of your time is worth more than 10 bucks right, foreverpoor?

>> No.360068


wait till we pass 1200 :^)

>> No.360069

Its a retarded ass prediction with no factual basis whatsoever. Stop with the whole "death of BTC" strawman too, nobody in this thread has said that.

>> No.360070

Not a silly prediction, just how bubbles work.

Could it be different this time? Sure, but we have yet to break the prevailing trend, so it's very unlikely.

>> No.360071


just like predicting it's going to crash or that the current levels are "unsustainable"

>> No.360072

But he's right and we're wrong ;^)

>> No.360073

Naw then I would have to create a faggy ass gateway account and verify it. Then I would have to go to the hassle of selling the BTC then transferring the real money into my bank. Its just not worth it to me and even if it took 2 seconds I wouldnt do it just on principle alone.

>> No.360075

>Unless you need to pay your bills you can buy anything you want with BTC ;)

>> No.360076

The prevailing trend has never broke $1200. Lets see it hit that peak again and then talk to me about $3k. Its done nothing but tank in general for the last half a year and isnt anywhere near the value it was in December.

>> No.360078


>mfw that meager amount he's willing to send you for 5 minutes of work will likely be worth much much more in the future

>mfw you're going to commit suicide one day in the far future due to the stupidity of the actions you are currently undertaking

just trying to help future you, bro :^)

>> No.360079
File: 27 KB, 926x359, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how trends work.

The trend is. Bubble. Correction. Bubble.

>> No.360080


funny, you remind me of pessimists during the 2011-2012 bear market after the intitial bubble to 30 dollars or so

guess how stupid that group feels now?

>> No.360081

Well even at the long term adoption predictions of around 50-100k a coin wouldn't get him that much money

>> No.360082

>Implying that I dont have money to buy Buttcoins if I wanted to
I also dont play the lottery bro. Go figure, huh? I guess I am going to regret it my whole life that I never won because I never played. kek

>> No.360083

Funny you sound like every dumbass analyst during the Dotcom boom. Makes me feel like you are too young enough to even remember it.

>> No.360084


i mean that in conjunction with the fact that he is too stubborn to at least experiment with a few hundred dollars that he could (hopefully) easily be able to use as pure speculation capital

>> No.360086


>comparing the stock market to the bitcoin market

holy shit top lel

>> No.360088

No shit?

>> No.360091

Comparing a typical bubble to this bubble.

Holy fuck you retard lmao

>> No.360126

>tfw do add clicks for bitcoins
>have $0.41
when can i expect to see it turn into a million?

>> No.360164

pls give


we can all see if youre telling the truth or not by watching this


>> No.360167
File: 126 KB, 1024x819, 1350600902936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy ltc @ .021 with 1.2 btc
>its @ .017
fug, at this point im waiting for the pump to ride the wave

>> No.360189

go on then

>> No.360260
File: 653 KB, 1872x902, all good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys! bitcoin will be at 5,000 by next year!

trust me! if we all hype this shit up enough, hopefully I can sell at the peak of the next bubble

protip: right now is the peak of the next bubble

>> No.360319

Even the bearest of bears think BTC is going up.

The most bearish statement you can say is it'll take a few years to hit $5000 rather than it being this year.

>> No.360324
File: 70 KB, 1135x525, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 800 Litecoins and they hover at 11 dollar

>> No.360336

dont know this feel.

>thanks stableshill

>> No.360355

BTC 10k when?

>> No.360359


>panicbuy NOW