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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 240x159, angry-boomer-couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3592994 No.3592994 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3593004


>> No.3593019

Why are they skinny?

Both my parents are fat as fuck.

>> No.3593025


>> No.3593030
File: 22 KB, 640x480, meatheadrobreiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn some free thinking by repeating everything the news says instead of judging for yourself arch

>> No.3593031

Finish college and you'll get hired by a good company right away, just like I did.

>> No.3593035

Actually not a bad idea

>> No.3593044
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>house mortgages

>> No.3593052

I had my own house when I was 24, what's stopping you, son?

>> No.3593061
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listen arch, borders shouldn't exist, aren't we all equal? what do you mean that has nothing to do with it? god I can't talk with you

>> No.3593289
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Just get a degree in something you love

>> No.3593322

Is true. Some oldfags in London sit on houses which are worth fortunes. Sell or let it and retire to country side..

>> No.3593356

If you went door-to-door with your resume, you'd have gotten a good job by now.

>> No.3593367

I financed a house in the late 70s for 50k. What's your problem son? Get a family started or you will regret it.

>> No.3593381

>Just get out there, champ, and don't look back. You'll get anything you set your mind to buckaroo. Haha that nike guy "just do it", now that's a real champ attitude, doncha think son.

>> No.3593461

He's right though

>> No.3593463


>> No.3593481
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Yeah, we all already know the end of this story

>> No.3593582

It'll get you a job, yes, but not a good one. Going door to door with your resume will get you into service jobs with high turnover rates. Try getting a real job like that and they'll tell you to fuck off and go through HR.

>> No.3593853
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*blocks your inheritance*

>> No.3593902

why aren't you married, son? I met the right one for me at 21 and had 3 kids by your age. You should really settle down soon.

>> No.3593914

Ah that's nice. Glad your doing well with that..funny money. bitcons, you call it? You should buy yourself a brand new car with it...treat yourself right!

>> No.3593927

Look son, when I was you age I bought my first house for £4,000 when I was only earning £2,000 per year. Your salary is 10 times what mine was, so why aren't you buying that £450,000 house?

>> No.3594071
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>How are those "bits" doing today, son? Bubble burst yet?

>> No.3594109

Dunno about "going door to door" these days but if you're willing to move to where the work is, you won't be unemployed.

I'm from a place which has pretty much always been poverty stricken and had shit job opportunities so we're used to having to move across nation/world for work. Got no sympathy for people who choose to be unemployed just because they refuse to move to where they will actually get work.

>> No.3594125


>> No.3594169

*financed car and house in his 20s with mid-level job*

"you young people are too entitled, we didn't even have iPads and mobile phones back then"

>> No.3594192

You're getting older sweety. I just want you to find a sweet girl who'll love you.

I'm 25

>> No.3594199
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Privacy coins...

>> No.3594221

I want you to get a full time job so you can live life. Sitting around looking at charts all day is not healthy.

>> No.3594224
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>rent is like 1/2 of my income unless I travel 2 hours both ways
Just end my life.

>> No.3594410

Hey guess what? Supermarkets used to give people pensions if they worked there part time on the weekends for a certain amount of time. Does that make you want to kill yourself ?

>> No.3594474

My dad is the smartest boomer I know.

>the company doesn't care about you
>always keep looking for another job even when you already have one, don't get complacent
>don't trust your coworkers, they'll throw you under the bus to save their own skin
>illegal immigrants and outsourcing drive down wages
>shut up and do what your boss says, arguing doesn't help matters, don't take anything personally
>focus on doing your work and getting through the day
>always be busy, or at least look busy
>get the hardest thing done first, when you get to work, then you can cruise out the rest of the day
>there won't be social security when you're my age, so save everything you can

>> No.3594487

Who wants to see boomers suffer more than becoming a millionaire themselves?

>> No.3594491

your dad is based

>> No.3594514

>implying boomers had to go to college to find a good job

>> No.3594522
File: 186 KB, 1068x811, Screenshot_20170627-204425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading a book about mythology and there was this thing in it called a pension plan. No one is 100% sure but they believe that at one time they may have existed much like unicorns or the wooly mammoth.

>> No.3594536


your dad sounds like a great guy, but that advice is only great for the working/middle class..

>> No.3594550

Nice, your dad is mostly right on this stuff.

There will be social security, but taxes will be much higher in the future (USA isn't at a European level of taxation yet, so we still have lots of room, and our Debt/GDP level isn't that high yet).

>> No.3594570

This is much more prevalent than you would think. There are going to be a lot of shocked millennials.

>> No.3594585

Yeah, sad that he's quite a bit older even by boomer standards. Will miss him when he's gone.

That makes sense, since he was working class all his life. I think some of his wisdom can apply even to the upper echelons of the corporate world.

>> No.3594829

All boomers and millennials with rich parents: "you should travel more while you're young instead of working all the time"... this sentence makes me want to stab someone. Literally stfu.

>> No.3594888

>debt to GDP 100%
>we also pay interest
Literally cant even recover

>> No.3594920
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BLACKED is the correct word

>mfw thousands of /r9k/ NEETs put all their bets on inheritance

>mfw they will LITERALLY end living in parks or under bridges

>> No.3594938


They'll regret it in the end. Just people bored by their easy life growing up

I know what the world is, it's nice, but still small. You can see it literally whenever. I'll do it once I have a few million

>> No.3594952

Bravo, hahahaha.

>> No.3595062
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>> No.3595180
File: 95 KB, 1200x675, son, these are our treasures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay off third of mortgage
>spend $75,000 on knickknacks from Cracker Barrel
>this is now your "inheritance"

>> No.3595241
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>> No.3595269
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>> No.3595292

I went to visit my mom after living far away for a few years and the amount of shit, like absolutely useless but not quite garbage tier shit, absolutely blew my mind. How do I tell her that all her prized possessions are going immediately into a dumpster when she dies?

>> No.3595299

They're right about this though

A good handshake that throws them off their stance but doesn't have you flail your arm around like a spastic gives you serious leverage

>> No.3595304

Tell her you can live anywhere

>> No.3595310

You don't tell her.

When my grandma died, the first thing my mom did was keep a small amount of what she wanted and sold/donated the rest.

>> No.3595317

And it was a TON of shit.

>> No.3595318
File: 279 KB, 950x444, that's life, champ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*takes out another mortgage*

>> No.3595336

>USA isn't at a European level of taxation yet, so we still have lots of room

Errm... anon I just want to point out that in most civilized countries they have government provided healthcare and you pay on average 4x for healthcare. When your government eventually rolls it into tax, you're completely fucked (doctors will not take a paycut).
It might not feel like you pay much tax but you also get basically fuck all back for that tax.

>> No.3595381

Shouldn't she know thought? Like she's approaching hoarder levels and it kind of freaked me out.

>> No.3595400
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>tfw I was a lazy slacking faggot who hated school and wasted my 20s living just to get by
>tfw gonna be 28 and still living with my dad and sister

I'm JUST coming to terms with my shitty decisions and starting to get my shit together. Goddamn, people just work your asses off in your 20s. You'll live like a king in your 30s.

>> No.3595420
File: 233 KB, 808x805, 1500153974248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ya did it champ
hehehehe no I did not

>> No.3595437
File: 10 KB, 260x194, 1504509090638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boomers always complain about how bad the FREE healthcare system is.
I'm paying a lot of taxes to keep boomers alive and I don't even need any healthcare.

>> No.3595481

Just tell her.

"Mom, all this stuff is junk. I don't value it - I value you - and once you're gone, this stuff will mean nothing to me. Anything I can't find a use for will either be donated or thrown away because selling this kind of stuff is almost impossible, and sorting through it all would take time I simply do not have. Please, do not buy any more stuff. It will get thrown away. It's a waste of money that I could be using to start a family of my own."

She'll be mad as fuck, but you might get through to her in the end, especially with that last part (potential grandchildren). People use their children and "inheritance" as an excuse to keep accumulating more garbage to satisfy their spending/hoarding impulse, so you have to shatter those delusions with brutality.

>t. former thrift shop employee, dealt with dozens of hoarders and children of hoarders

>> No.3595538
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>''We decided to enjoy our lives through voluntary simplicity''
>Get everything from the government
>Not paying anything crashes the economy
>Sell everything at discount

>> No.3595544



>> No.3595588

Moving takes money dumbass. Plus, I know this will come as a shock, but not everyone wants to live in LA or New York.

>> No.3595589
File: 1.43 MB, 520x1865, Old Economy Steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*saddles 3 generations with crushing debt that will destroy the nation 2 minutes after they die*

heh, nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.3595603

thats the equivalent of nearly 200k now

>> No.3595631

>grandparents set it up so I won't touch my inheritance until I'm 50
>I don't even know what assets the inheritance is

>> No.3595638


>> No.3595655
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, Easy Nuclear test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>there will be social security
>just jack up the taxes bro

webm related would be better, just fuckin cut the bullshit and call it a day if nothing is going to change.

>> No.3595657
File: 70 KB, 680x578, 1506201615691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in car to avoid paying rent
>harassed by police
>trailer park lot fees cost almost as much as rent

can't win

>> No.3595670


>> No.3595684


Sort though it and make sure you're not throwing out some obscure $250,000 antique or some shit.

>> No.3595731

>look outside, Mom, America is going to shit, no one can pay their debts, we're about to take in 3 million foreign voters, and we're likely to enter a period of everything from violent racial to class warfare
>listen, the stock market is doing fine, so everything else is going to be fine

>> No.3595732


And then she'll be a fuckin cunt and not leave him a god damn thing at all.

I say let her be a retard. She has been for decades, it won't stop now.

>> No.3595778

>I value you
She's smart enough to see through an obvious lie. Thanks though.

You don't know my mom. There is literally nothing of value.

>> No.3595796

>anon, now don't come in here and ruin things with your negative attitude

>> No.3595963

>Bankrupt the country
>No jobs
>Expect their kids to take care of them when they're old

>> No.3596012


They hate you. You were an inconvenience, someone they created as a matter of course, and they birthed you into their world, which they did nothing to improve. They gave birth to you on a ship which was burning because they set it on fire, and sinking because they couldn't be bothered to maintain course. Then they plundered the ship. That is our inheritance. Imagine the sociopathy/psychopathy one must be afflicted by in order to create a human being, with not a care in the world beyond your own lifetime, and wanting to not here one word of concern from your own blood as to what world you have left them.

"How dare you inconvenience me by telling me to look upon my work. I have my house, my entertainment, my toys. You have my debt. This is what I care for. Money, Big Macs, television. Now shut your fucking mouth."


These cunts must burn.

>> No.3596065

>>don't trust your coworkers, they'll throw you under the bus to save their own skin

fucking hate this shit. i had a girl coworker who had a crush on me who also told the boss that i was missing work because i had interviews line up

>> No.3596158

it fucking sinks your soul because i had girls wanting to screw me literally yet screw me over at the same time. it kind of makes you lose hope in humanity and to never trust friendships, relationship, or marriage over money

>> No.3596190


The natural result of throwing women into the male sphere.

>> No.3596223

Girls literally don't even have loyalty to other girls. It's just whatever benefits them at that time. And because of that now males are doing it to get ahead. So our whole society of young people is people trained into low-level psychopathy and learning to be rootless, cheap and disposable, like the IKEA furniture they buy at every new apartment as they move closer and closer to their dream of finally making it to New York or LA. Until they learn New York and LA are too expensive so they have to move out and feel like failures because you can only "make it" when you live in those places.

>> No.3596368

>because of that now males are doing it to get ahead.
lol no. Males have been doing it forever. Women straight up weren't allowed in politics until pretty recently, politicians have been shaking each others hands and making back room back stabbing deals forever. same can be said for the business sector

The entire dichotomy between men vs women is such a sham. 90% of people are unloyal, degenerate, disgusting sacks of flesh. What is between their legs gives you no greater insight into any of their intrinsic characteristics

>> No.3596409
File: 108 KB, 640x640, 1443487713663[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer parents paid $25,000 for their house
>today it's worth $800,000
>they simultaneously flooded all white countries with non whites who cause crime, live on welfare and blame whites for all their problems
>anyone who disagrees with them is now racist
>they crippled their kids economy forcing them into poverty while simultaneously flooding their countries with 3rd worlders
>they gave us neo-feminism and neo-marxism
>they live in complete obliviousness to the reality they created
>they wonder why their sons are dropping out of society instead of giving managers firm handshakes

>> No.3596449

I hate SJW but goddamn I'd be lying if I said the though of all these young, self righteous white college girls showing their progressivism and sticking it to their racists father by getting gangbanged by drug dealing thugs didn't turn me on something fierce

>> No.3596475

Leaf detected

>> No.3596494

That's quite the nose. I wonder what it looks like from the side.

>> No.3596520
File: 30 KB, 781x293, lol ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a dipshit.

>> No.3596529

Can't you idiots stay in your confinement board?

>> No.3596545

Typical tricks


>> No.3596557

>I'm incapable of ignoring things I don't like
Can't you go back to your containment website, reddit?

>> No.3596597

When I got asked why don't I start a family, I replied that I'm not that selfish of a person (29 atm).
>I don't understand, anon, what do you mean?

>> No.3596615

"Cool mom, I'd like to introduce you to Samantha. She's 25, lives with her parents, wears way too much makeup, and will force me to join the Mormon church."

My folks usually shut up after this talk.

>> No.3596622

4 hours for me because those rich dipshits on Mercer Island can't stand the fact that reliable public transit will let poor people onto their precious island.

>> No.3596637

Dumb fucking millennials complaining about getting jobs when they went to some liberal arts rank 400 college

>> No.3596649

>the company doesn't care about you
Wish more of the software industry would realize this and unionize. But no, they're still set on the *possibility* that Facebook/MS/Amazon/Apple will hire them

>> No.3596650
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wow that Jewish guy looked so uncomfortable

>the moment when he's exposed and slyly flips the sign back to the Trump message

>> No.3596657

One of the biggest problems with the games industry. Everyone is either held onto the fact that either
A) they're finally working their dream job
B) they might get bonuses and contract pay if the game does well
that no one will unionize.

>> No.3596706
File: 61 KB, 676x673, 279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a holiday party my mom goes to every year and I can't even go anymore because the entire room is a gang of the most stereotypical meme baby boomers. One of those parties where everyone is white upper and upper middle class except for the two Spanish people there that are light enough to pass for white. Everyone in the room basically lives in a bubble and being there makes me feel like a complete loser even though I'm doing better than 75% of millennials.

>> No.3596707

I love it when /biz/ers mock females/jews for conniving to get money in any way possible while /biz/ers are constantly conniving to get money in any way possible. There's a total lack of self-awareness.

>people were sexist in ancient times too
loool what do you think that proves?

>> No.3596728

>be me
>live in Tacoma with parents
>graduate local school with fancy CS degree and little debt
>try to find work
>Seattle taken over by Amazon now
>east side inaccessible due to inadequate roads
>most companies give me the usual "reply back in six months" bullshit
>body shop emails everywhere
>Amazon gives me an interview but I have to turn my webcam on during the coding test for some currynigger to jerk off to 1984 style
>eventually find job in hometown (Tacoma)
>it's on a three month contract
>it's now a six month contract
>it's probably going to become a year long contract if I can't find anything else
>everyone still caught up on hiring exclusively from UW even though only 10% of those who apply there actually get in, make it through, and graduate

>classmates going through exact same shit
>we get together and smoke some weed
>some of the best times of my life happen
Meh, it's alright.

>> No.3596746

why do you go to your mums swinger parties?

>> No.3596766

Why did you fail the amazon coding test? It looks like you left out the fact you even suck at entry level code monkey shit.

>> No.3596804

>they're finally working their dream job
This is the bigger one. A lot of fresh grads still hold FB/MS/Amazon/Apple in very high regard, so they won't do anything that will upset them. An entire generation of yes men.

Meanwhile, I can't find resources to build shit because no one wants to build anything unless it has a chance of getting them noticed by the big 4.

>> No.3596861

I was never good at standardized tests due to my autism (yeah, I actually have it) because my attention span is fucked to hell.

I also went to a private college that loved teaching breadth of knowledge instead of depth. So, while I may suck at algorithms, I am very good at communicating with people and ensuring software is maintainable and scalable.

>> No.3596871
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>be 2nd worlder
>"ur good with computers rite? companies like HP are always looking for smart guys with good English. they'll grab u like hot bread"

>> No.3596873

Also, I never really wanted to work at Amazon anyways since their culture is trash. I'm actually really fucking concerned about a friend of mine who works up there who supposedly has had no days off since June.

>> No.3596884

This is the real problem with the "New Tech Startup" culture that economics rags wanted to push on us a while ago. All the new startups are being start up with the implicit idea of getting absorbed into one of the giants. No one's looking to shake the market. Not really.

>> No.3596888

>backs up

>> No.3597369

This my grandparents are worth about ~7-10 million net worth I'd say with their house being worth at least 4mil and a bunch of liquid assets making up the rest.

They gave me a bag of chips for my birthday and told me I was a snob for going to uni for engineering when I should just go out and find a job.

>> No.3597378

Always makes me laugh to see these anti boomer threads.

I'm 30 and I bought my first house at 25. Went to community college and University, finance and accounting major. Got a job 6 months out of school - in the recession.

Now making 90k and about to buy another house somewhere else and rent this one out.

How do you guys fail so fucking badly? You realize there's plenty of jobs out there if you're actually smart and know how to show it? Do you really think the boomers have ruined the world for you?

You have friends that are getting good jobs and buying houses and investing - what's your excuse?

>> No.3597391

That's literally what college does. You get the breadth of the subject. You learn the specifics on the job.

>> No.3597399

Buddy you've been working 5 years at 90k years and already bought 1 house and are gonna buy another one soon. Where do you live that houses are so cheap? Where I live, a middle class average house is 800k

>> No.3597407

Central California. Got my house for 100k.

I was making 45k when I bought it. FHA loan, 3.5% down. Mortgage is about 720 a month.

>> No.3597452

Didn't know central cali so cheap. Socal is expensive, and I got a friend who grew up in San Fran and now lives in Nocal and the house he just bought was 450k so considerably cheaper than what I have to shell out.

I gotta gtfo of new york city

>> No.3597473

How much down?

>> No.3597479

It is!!!! It's mostly rural. The cities are GROWING though. Rail will in 20 years make the central valley massively valuable, besides the growth already happening.

Fuck the cities dude. Seriously. Overrated as fuck, noisy, black people everywhere. Pass.

>> No.3597486

With closing fees and my actual down payment it was about 7k total.

>> No.3597525

I want to, and as a civil engineer I can go pretty much anywhere, but my gf is an actuary so she can only work in big big cities where major insurance companies have their headquarters. And she doesn't want to commute more than 20 minutes... So she feels right at home here, and she grew up in and apartment and I did a house so she won't feel as boxed in as I will when we inevitably move into an apartment together because by that time a house will be 1 million dollars rrreeeeeeeeeeeeeererreeeee

>> No.3597533

My parents own three houses in the centre of one of the most touristic city in Europe and I'm the only child.

I could litterally live in the smallest (just because I like the neighborhood or grab 350k € and find a house a little bit more in the suburbs), sell of the the other two for 700k € and rent the other for 2,500 € a month... in the next 30-50 years. So I better find something else to keep the wolf from the door...I mean, long life to them I'm not at that leech level, yet...

>> No.3597582

>tfw no rich parents
>tfw all of parents friends bought multiple family houses for dirt cheap 20 years ago and now make close to 6 figures just off of their rents
>tfw mom was a risk taker and wanted to buy a 3 family house to have 2 tenants paying rents but dad was a FUDder and was afraid of tenants destroying the house so he didn't agree to it
>tfw dad won the arguments

One couple my parents know bought 6 6-family houses in the 80s in a bad neighborhood for 40k each. This neighborhood has now gentrified and is trendy so these houses are now worth 2+ million each. 36 apartments they own and collect 1.5k-2.5k for each one. Something like 70k a month. 864k a year. Crazy money

>> No.3597656
File: 19 KB, 570x479, Cj9Q6D1UYAAaFGe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents almost bought land on the fucking Hudson River back in the 80's when it was a shithole and it was all flat land. My parents decided it was too expensive yet they had money to buy boats. Boats. They bought a shitty, depreciating asset over land overlooking Manhattan that is now worth millions. I'm done.

>> No.3597728

My dad built a house in Beverly Hills in 1991 for $1.5m.

It's now worth $30m when all the chinks and pajeets and persian faghats moved in.

He donated me half of this 4 years ago as a tax deferral strategy.

I cashed out $1m last january to buy it all in eth at $10.

Hahahhahah fuck you faggot ass poor wage cuck bitches.

Chainlink currently at 5x ICO price you'll only hope.

>> No.3597739

I feel your pain my man. I have similar feelings when I think back to 10th grade me who wanted to invest 1000 dollars in bitcoin back in the day when it was super cheap but didn't because local bitcoins seemed weird that I had to meet someone in person. Never went through with it.

But lmao boats. That's such a shit purchase. I think it's the most frivolous of all boomer toys in terms of upkeep. What true Long Island white trash lolol.

My parent didn't do much better. They got burned in the stock market once and said never again, have kept everything in savings accounts since early 2000s. 18k went down the drain, that was supposed to be my college fund. I went through their records and I shit you not they did a perfect buy high sell low, down to the week nearly. If they were shorting it would have been the world's best trade. Pull up the SPY, they bought in March 2000 and sold November 2002.

>> No.3597742

git a camper and travel inbetween walmarts dummy

>> No.3597839
File: 26 KB, 424x430, 1501122124165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The strong womyn meme and open borders to brown people are why your life sucks and can't find decent work.

In short, jews

>> No.3597887

>Buy a house for $500K
>Spend $50K renovating it
>Sell it 10 years later for $600K
See anon, real estate is the best investment
>$550K back then adjusted for inflation is $600K

>> No.3597905

What sort of shit hole do you live in that isn't expanding at a decent rate? 10 years in real estate should have changed a lot. 10 years ago our current 800k house was worth 400k

>> No.3597932


>Leasing is for commies! Buy a used car and it’ll be worth money when you’re done paying for it!

Fucking fell for this one and lost $20k in the process before learning what a meme this is. Now I lease exclusively. Fucking boomers.

>> No.3597950

i dont get why the fuck you cant live in your car. Its not like you are murdering someone. I hated that. Catch some real criminals

>> No.3597956

war against the poor

>> No.3597975
File: 23 KB, 646x720, 1502384030425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all my inheritance will go to paying their debts.

>tfw the same cycle ensues.

It's okay, money is for plebs.

>> No.3597979

How is leasing better? Its so much more. I buy a car for 25k and drive it for 15 years, you can't lease a car for 1666 bucks a year, that's just 140 bucks a month. And maintenence isn't even that expensive

>> No.3598046

this so much this

>> No.3598113


I CANT WAIT till Pajeets replace all you white liberal dipshits.

>> No.3598117

1 Hour each way for me to pay off a mortgage... but I also have water rights so...

>> No.3598125

>Actually have autism
>I am very good at communicating with people


>> No.3598139

>Boomer coworker complaining about how big shop mechanics charge $500 to turn the tires
>Tell him he could just use a smaller mechanic & look at google reviews or whatever
>"But I want it done right"

>Mom always talking about how houses are an investment
>"but that's wrong, you'll just be paying higher property taxes if your house value goes up. If you sell you're going to be buying into the same inflated market you sold from"
>doesn't listen
>is only now realizing she can't afford her mcmansion on her social security payments
to her credit though she is anti immigration

>> No.3598143

With leasing he has a new car every 5 years or less, how much woild it cost to upgrqde your car twice in that peiod and how much wiuld it add to the cost?

>> No.3598179
File: 64 KB, 534x539, but it do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be my dad
>inherit ~$2,000,000 while living in fucking OHIO where the cost of living is dirt cheap
>Completely waste virtually all of it in under 10 years

>"My house is totally fine, better remodel it"
>"Shit, I liked it better before. Better sell it for a loss during the recession and buy another house!"
>"Ooh, gotta remodel this one two"

All while buying a new prius every two years for the better gas mileage (he drives like 500 miles a month kek) and two yachts that he only uses like 8 weeks out of the year.

TL;DR Dad inherits $2mn and within a decade is working back in his field to make ends meet. He has absolutly nothing to show for it except one boat (sold the other one already), a used prius and a completely normal ultra generic suburban house.


RIP My family's multi-generational fortune. Feels bad man.

>> No.3598198

This is depressing.
People like that shouldn't be given money.

>> No.3598208

Its amazing how many people wont work on their vehicles. Basic maintnance is EASY. O'reilys has specials on oil and filters, between that and a coupon it'll cost me $17 to change the oil in the car. And thats with synthetic blend oil! Whats the alternative, go to some shittastic mechanic, spend 10 mins making an appointment, and an hour driving there, having it done for $25-$50 and driving home?

No thanks, I'll spend $17 and find 15 mins to do it myself on the weekend.

What if your ride needs something more major? My truck has needed nothing except a new battery (store would put it in for free if I asked, if I didnt know how to) in almost 70,000 miles.

People who pay mechanics for work in general, especially simple shit are the biggest dopes out there.

>t. guy raised by a single mother with zero mechanical skills as a kid who learned to do all this shit with basic tools and by watching YouTube videos

>> No.3598210

My mother is currently doing the same thing after having bitched about my grandfather squandering his parents fortune for much of my life.

>> No.3598235

The depressing part is that in the early 00's, he spent many thousands of dollars on model trains thinking they'd be an investment because reasons.

Ended up selling them a few years ago for a massive loss, like pennies on the dollar, to one of those stores that sells things on ebay because he "couldnt figure out how to".

I understand they're his to do as he pleases, but fuck man, I grew up on bologna sandwiches and PB&J as a kid, and my folks carried credit card debt so he could spend the money on these things.

If its any reassurance, my GF and I are both great with money. I save much of what I make. Both our vehicles are paid for and we plan to drive them another 10+ years at a minimum. Most of my clothes I still have from high school. We cook almost all out food in house. Its comfy as frigg mane.

My advice is, rage if you must, sharing your story feels good, but ultimately just learn from their mistakes and between that, and crypto, we'll end mainstream society getting financially cucked in our generation. I hope. lol

>> No.3598238


My dad is also like this. It's fucking painful to see how much money he can waste... Made me angry thinking about it

>> No.3598272

my dads the complete oposite, bought several houses made lots of profit selling them.

Now we're living in closed gated community, and he spends the bare minimum, living as frug as hell.

>> No.3598281

frugal as hell.
if i didn't have step brothers my inheritance would be worth a mil and something.

>> No.3598307

thats the fuckin way to go. live frugally, save it for quality of life improvements that last.

I just found out today that I've inherited $1m+ in property and funds. on the flipside, my mom is dead, so...

>> No.3598311

Fortunately for me I got into crypto early last year and have done well.
Now I have the predicament of helping my dad knowing the money will be wasted on stupid shit. lol

>> No.3598313

sorry about your mom, grats on your fortune.

>> No.3598338
File: 89 KB, 261x192, IMG_0410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about your loss anon

>> No.3598354

Ayyy, you can always buy a new mom

>> No.3598384


christ your parents are pressuring you to marry that's fucking psycho.

>> No.3598425

they dont come cheap either ya know!

>> No.3598478

>just find a nice girl

Don't they know those don't exist anymore?

>> No.3598496

boomers deserve the hellfire that will engulf them.

>> No.3598499

Nonsense. Your mother lives on in your heart

>> No.3598537
File: 142 KB, 544x360, 1449273650516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomers deserve the hellfire that will engulf them.

>> No.3598541
File: 130 KB, 1254x836, IMG_1231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genitally mutilates you permanently as an infant against your will, leaving lifelong scarring and damage
>laughs at you and refuses to apologize when you bring it up

>> No.3598629

Until they are all retired and/or dead, they will continue to make all of us feel like we are living in the twilight zone.

>> No.3598838


Cool man, I just got my first job out of college for 60k at 25 (took me a little longer to graduate) but I have no debt.

>> No.3598855


Grats on having a girlfriend that isn't even married to you have such control over your life putting you in a position where you aren't optimally happy and are sacrificing your financial potential that's sick dude!!!

>> No.3599035

>a house
could be worth 50k or 10million, doesnt say much

>> No.3599097

middle class boomers have at least several properties they can sell off tho, so it does kind of work

>> No.3599157

>genitally mutilates you permanently as an infant against your will, leaving lifelong scarring and damage

>on abortion 'her body, her choice'

>> No.3599212

Fuck this triggered me

I almost threw a glass at the wall

>> No.3599266
File: 54 KB, 413x249, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to put $5k into SIRI stock during the recession when it was $0.26 but was only 16 at the time so my parents were gonna do it for me but never did it. That stock is now $5.50 and it just came out yesterday that Warren Buffett is buying some. I don't know how i'm related to these retards.

>> No.3599278

Hindsight is 20/20, faggot. You should've bought $10 Bitcoin and the winning lottery numbers too.

>> No.3599381
File: 60 KB, 700x699, IMG-20170923-WA0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort yourselves out, buckos, please. The boomers were the absolute peak of mobility, and we're almost at the end of the hill. Ours is one of the last generations to be actually able to move up in terms of wealth.

There's an automation revolution right around the corner, and a huge chunk of people are going to become useless forever. Our children will have to study till they're 30 only to fight for scarce niche jobs. Compared to them and their children, we have it good.

Get out there and climb the ruins of the ladder while there's still any form of ladder left.

>> No.3599404

>used to DIY all car maintenance on family vehicles
>moved out and started renting in city
>municipality and every landlord has a strict 'no mechanical work / fluid change' regulation/rule
>do the maintenance anyway
>fined/fee'd ~$75-100 EVERY FUCKING TIME (cameras, bitch neighbors), and now landlord will not renew my parking spot if I get caught again

Now I just give it to a shop while all my tools collect dust. At least now I make so much more money that this isn't a big issue for me.

>> No.3599555

If it weren't for abortion there would be be millions more lower class criminals running around

>> No.3599566

or maybe people would have to be more responsible with who they reproduce with and women wouldnt be so polygamous

>> No.3599634
File: 203 KB, 349x491, 1505268201601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking damnit I hate boomers so much.

>Inherit significant savings from hard working parents who fought in WW2
>Squander it all because you fried your brain on acid in the 70's and coke in the 80's
>Get old and ready to die, but no savings
>Indebt your children and your children's children by voting in socialism to cover your horrible life choices

Boomers were handed life on a silver fucking platter and they still managed to fuck it all up

>> No.3599673

Not true because poor people are really religious and stuff so they don't have abortions.

>> No.3599880

>larping this hard

>> No.3600112

Just did the math and that's 105K. How unfortunate.

That doesn't really apply though. He wanted to put money money into those stocks, but his parents cock-blocked him. It's not like he said "I wish I could go back 30 years ago and purchase Apple stock." Don't be so hostile, anon. <3

>> No.3600153

>told me I was a snob
They're right

>> No.3600177

You are not a smart person

>> No.3600182

If money is blood, stagnant property is like fat or cholesterol.

>> No.3600186

you're doing that on your own

>> No.3600193

They're the most programmed generation to exist anon.
There's a reason why gen X was fucking angry, they saw the damage.

>> No.3600247


THIS!! Fucking this.

I have a frugal uncle who makes six figures a year. Works shift work, nights, he's a highly skilled network engineer. My parents always complain he's a tightass but question him when he buys houses for cash.

>hehe, he's driving his family on vacation, can't he afford a flight.
>He works to hard and spends no time with his family.

My grandfather was a fucking king though. Worked in a factory, built a warchest worth 3 million dollars to his name from nothing.

I don't know where my dad went wrong

>> No.3600426

can someone explain to me why jews arent white? what the fuck does white even mean if a person with white skin isnt white?

>> No.3600447

But anon.
Money can't buy happiness.
Do you really think he's happy living like that?

>> No.3601108

they european

>> No.3601144

Jews are a kind of Arab.

>> No.3601802

good lucking finding a stable and fertile relationship after age 30. you will have to be loaded with money or it wont happen.

>> No.3602070


Who /Generation Z(yklon)/ here?

>> No.3602231
File: 28 KB, 1024x576, 1493855539559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying this hard to be funny
neck yourself you fucking autist

>> No.3602278


You’re not alone. 29 going on 30. I don’t regret it though.

>> No.3602313 [DELETED] 

its not the 70s, you cant get shit without some kind of degree and the majority of people are average people who just arent cut out for serious higher education, its not their fault for being deluded

>> No.3602327

its not the 70s, you cant get shit without some kind of degree and the majority of people are just average people who just arent cut out for serious higher education, this is where the whole entitlement/special snowflake shit comes from, people with no actual merit being told they have something they clearly dont

>> No.3602328

>Buy a house! It's an investment and a good one at that!

>100% return from the peak of the housing bubble
LARP unless you live in manhattan or san francisco or some actual downtown shithole

>> No.3602352
File: 159 KB, 800x1200, 1494250354850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the real jews, 80% of jews are not real semites theyre coverts from fucking poland or Russia with no real jewish heritage

>> No.3602378


Just tell them you can't afford it thanks to their debt, and you don't want to force soul into this existence with such a burden on them.

Or even better, don't bother. I'm tired of wasting time.


Don't bother. To deny biology is to deny eons of evolution on this planet. Anyone who does that is not worth pissing on if they were on fire.

>> No.3602411

>Money can't buy happiness.
Yeah so don't bother spending it on frivolous shit.

>> No.3602447


>> No.3602527


jews are genetically semitic and they will always flip flop on being white or not... depending on whether it suits them in that moment.

For instance you will always find jews using this "my fellow white people" meme when they talk shit about whites. But they will always identify as jews when it benefits them and cuts out white people at the same time.

Just google "are jews white" and you will find tons of jews who tell you that, NO FUCKING WAY are they white. But of course they will pretend theyre white when it jews them.

tl;dr just jews doing their same old tricks

>> No.3602537


Literally nailed it. Saved

>> No.3602551


*when it benefits them

>> No.3602690
File: 352 KB, 1296x651, Jewish Blood Rituals with Gentile Children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Ashkenazim, aka Khazarian. The King of Khazar decided that his people should convert to Judaism, so they did. Their descendants are these pseudo-white """people""" with blood rituals and bizarre Slavic roots. A lot of blood-cult shit from around there.

>> No.3602724

Have you ever been in a jews house? It smells like shit. The khazars give off a weird body odor but the Israelis don't.

>> No.3602740


Fuck, I was tired and the typos bother me. Give me a minute to edit and repost.

>> No.3602758


They hate you. You were an inconvenience, someone they created as a matter of course, and they birthed you into their world, which they did nothing to improve. They gave birth to you on a ship which was burning because they set it on fire, and sinking because they couldn't be bothered to maintain course. Then they plundered the ship. That is our inheritance. Imagine the sociopathy/psychopathy one must be afflicted by in order to create a human being, with not a care in the world beyond your own lifetime, and not wanting to hear one word of concern from your own blood as to what world you have left them.

"How dare you inconvenience me by telling me to look upon my work. I have my house, my entertainment, my toys. You have my debt. This is what I care for. Money, Big Macs, television. Now shut your fucking mouth."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Pgnng3bVlc&t [Embed]

These cunts must burn.

>> No.3602759


If your car breaks even 1 time you will likely be paying the same amount as a lease over the same time period. You have increased liability for no added benefit. Owning is for cucks. Not to mention my payments are 40% lower, no down payment, no maintenance and I get a brand new car every 3 years that never is out of its warranty at any point. Feels good not falling for boomer memes.

>> No.3602957

wasn't it the clintons who destroyed it?

>> No.3603201

jesus the salt is real

>> No.3603440
File: 11 KB, 432x288, neil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mentioned to mr. rosenstien that you were into bitcoin
>he said it's highly volatile and to get out immediately
>he told me to tell you that you can get 5% on any money you bring him
>come on anon, what are you waiting for? we're going there tomorrow

>> No.3603649

The goal of a handshake should not be to gain serious leverage over the other person. You come off as a try hard when your death grippin the other person. A handshake is a mutual agreement which should be handled with equal force on both ends

>> No.3603864
File: 46 KB, 600x703, 1506050446715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my son is a computer genius

>> No.3604010

>Owning is for cucks
You mean "paying interest"

>> No.3604019

its funny, i always got the feeling my dad had kids becuase his own mother and my mum expected him to.
i also found out that my mums first pregnancy got aborted

>> No.3604029
File: 41 KB, 400x416, 1505318938698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born in russia
>parents get everything flat, respect, money from ussr govs
>get education
>no job
>parents says im lazyass scumbag
>searching for job evenmore
>get neurosis
>find out crypto
>parents says its a fraud
>sametime after they lost 10k$ because one bank is fucking over
>crypto is fraaaaud
>find only macfuck jobs im my town
>says that i was stupid and choose shity proffesion, cuz im lazyass and dont like moneybags
>dont want to listen about btc
>still no job
>waiting till them die and make investment
Fiat should fucking die.

>> No.3604038

jews have always been a blood cult, blood must be shed for the remission of sins

>> No.3604057

Just get good at programming and get a job you bum. You're Russian this shit is in your genes.

>> No.3604104

Let's take away their health insurance

>> No.3604112

> trust some third party with your retirement funds
> the return they offer even when they DON'T go bankrupt is less than the S&P 500
> it goes bankrupt anyway because it was structured like a ponzi scheme

Pensions are the shittiest deal ever.

>> No.3604192

Anyone would get uncomfortable when a guy yelling at them starts bringing up the Jews. It changes the tone from a normal confrontation to something involving an insane /pol/tard who might do anything because they have no understanding of how the real world works.

>> No.3604198


Pajeets aren't good at programming, you racist monkey

>> No.3604268

If you read my other posts you'd know it's in central NYC, so yes

>> No.3604307

I agree, biology isn't real

>> No.3604324
File: 2 KB, 250x250, 0folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signing into the loser club, 26 here

>> No.3604334

solution seems pretty obvious to me: say nothing and abandon hope of inheritance

>> No.3604340

If you're buying at 3 years and selling at 8 you'll wind up losing 15% of your initial capital on each vehicle, or 3.2% annualized.

Leases are typically around 4% - on the price of the NEW car, which which is twice as much as the price of the 3-year-old one.

It's not even close. The other poster who claims he "lost $20k" buying a used car was probably buying a Ferrari or something and was going to wind up bankrupt no matter what he did.

>> No.3604362

People act like the only difference between a man and a woman is the genitals. Must have been just a coincidence that nearly all independent societies evolved with men as the hunter-gatherers while women stayed home and cared for the children. This doesn't mean one gender is inherently superior to the other, just that they have different strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.3604371

You can probably find a shared garage space somewhere that you can rent very cheaply.

>> No.3604373

Overspend and tax the populous to fund a massive all out war against an ally and claim its for world peace, resulting in generations of tax slaves who are lazy.

>> No.3604416


You're a real retard.

>> No.3604426

>If your car breaks even 1 time you will likely be paying the same amount as a lease over the same time period
show me the numbers.

>> No.3604463
File: 36 KB, 482x427, sadjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millennials only hope of living the boomer lifestyle is to have rich parents, get a good trade job, or to go into tech. From a financial perspective I get it but people fail to realize that we are losing a large piece of our humanity and the human spirit by basically telling everyone that they either have to do manual trade labor or be a programming junkie glued to a computer forever. Basically anything pertaining to the arts that embodies the human spirit is being gutted and turning us into empty shells, and nobody seems to notice.

>> No.3604512
File: 355 KB, 800x430, Pastor-Steven-Anderson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This confuses and hurts the Boomer


>> No.3604546
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1505975509111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying boomers are redpilled and not those who enabled the downfall of the west

>> No.3604563


>C+ average
>Degree in philosophy from state school
>gets hired as a manager at a fortune 500 company

Wow boomer's really had it tough!

>> No.3604576

Semitic is a subgroup of Caucasian, aka white.

Being a "subgroup" it's the perfect reason to pull in and out of being called white like you described. Shifty little juden they are.

>> No.3604586


Nope, not worth my time. Last time I did this was on reddit and the cuck promptly deleted his account after getting BTFO. Not wasting my time. Just assume I’m wrong and you’re too smart to have fallen for a boomer meme, makes no diff to me car cucks.

>> No.3604603

yet you bothered to respond

>> No.3604605


Good advice.

My best friend (who is 26) his parent's keep driving this loyalty crap into his head. The guy has been with the same company for almost 4 years. His hourly wage is $15.50 per hour.

I tried to get him to quit and work for a guy I know who would have STARTED him at $15/hr and quickly moved him up to $20/hr. My buddy was all "this company needs me! I'll be loyal to them and this will all pay off".

Jesus. Fucking sad. Loyalty died after the 1980's.

>> No.3604617


>> No.3604655


You got it smart guy - too smart to fall for a boomer meme that’s for sure, ;^)

>> No.3604657


Pretty much this.

I got invited to a BBQ at my dad's neighbor's house next week.

I don't even want to go and look at their smug faces and ignorance of how badly they altered our country.

>> No.3604671

26, just enrolled in law school.
I have a Masters degree in a scientific field and a few years experience in development/management so I'll be doing patent law.

Hopefully it pays off.

That said I'll be living with the folks during law school to save money

>> No.3604682

it's never better to lease rather than buying used a few years old / low mileage
also the person who said "boomer memes" was someone else
tl;dr you are retarded

>> No.3604692

love this motherfucker

haven't watched anything from him for a looong time tho

>> No.3604693


I want to tell you it gets better but it doesn’t.

>> No.3604711


Ah yeah you clearly ran the numbers and just aren’t parroting what your pops told you. Top Kek mein sides are orbiting the ISS.

>> No.3604739


>> No.3604743

>be an artist
>suck cock cuz your government bans artist funding
>no one need your skills and art
>great depression starts

>> No.3604754


If you ever lose your job, you've lost your car. It's okay to lease a car, while having a car you've already paid for and that's the smartest way to do it. Overall he is right in saying it's about equal. Although I think he's retarded for saying MUH LEASE CARS ALLWAYS REEEEEE, when it depends on the person's situation

>> No.3604768

kek boomers could just go be a cart pusher and support a family with a nice house.

>> No.3604827

Rare boomer, treasure him. Most are dumb scum

>> No.3604847

yep, this - it turned into a cringeworthy Travis Bickle-esque confrontation.

>> No.3604867
File: 29 KB, 633x758, white wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must be in the twilight zone because i'm only 24 and I have to dumb myself down to talk to a lot of boomers that have 35-40+ years on me. Like some sort of alternate universe where the young people are the adults and the adults are the children.

>> No.3604904

It's not even like those are guaruntees.

Trade jobs are open, but sparse, and rarely pay you more than they start you with. To make good money you have to risk it and start your own business.

Code monkeys are in for a rude awakening soon. Their job can be done by anyone anywhere around the world, and all the Steve Jobs and Gabe Newells already exist. The only thing they need now are code monkeys.

>> No.3604908


>> No.3604940


Too real.

>> No.3604991

Here's a hint kid

you don't know shit

>> No.3605000


Th-thanks p-pops.

>> No.3605011

I can understand this if you're talking about crypto or technology in general. Otherwise you are probably just talking to retarded boomers.

>> No.3605059

So you have a CS degree but at best you can perform as a BA/PM type monkey and you're complaining? Just get a job thats up to your aptitude

>> No.3605087

I'm not well off, but here's what I don't get.
I'm 25. I bought a house 2 years ago, standard 3bd/2ba, 1700sqft.
I have a 8-5 m-f job. Service industry, cozy 20/hr pay.
I have 0 (zeeero) education. I got a ged at 20.

Why do I have it so easy? My parents aren't rich, I have siblings that didn't make it. Jobless or burger flippers.

There are obviously alot of failures here. Why can I, a worthless individual, make it to the ladder when no one else can?

I started worse off then some of my peers by dropping out of high school. I worked at a clothing store and one day found a service company that trains. 1 year of training at 14/hr, 1yr bitchboy work at 16/hr, tech lvl 1 at 20 after 2 years. 5 year anniversary is this January, along with a raise.


>> No.3605096

>all the Steve Jobs and Gabe Newells already exist. The only thing they need now are code monkeys.

What the hell are you talking about? My job involves designing new cryptographic algorithms, it's not something a "code monkey" could do and 100% of the people able to do it are in extremely high demand.

>> No.3605120

>>the company doesn't care about you
The company cares about your unique skills, provided you have some that almost noone else has. Also expensive to find your replacement unless you're unskilled.

>>get the hardest thing done first, when you get to work, then you can cruise out the rest of the day
In general you should start with some easy tasks to get warmed up and to clear the queue so it's not hanging over you as you tackle the big, hard task.

>All boomers and millennials with rich parents: "you should travel more while you're young instead of working all the time"... this sentence makes me want to stab someone. Literally stfu.
Same as girls thinking traveling elevates your personality in some mystic way.

>> No.3605136

lol paper resumes get thrown in the trash now.

>> No.3605140

Because I'm not worthless. I demand work that is well-paid, interesting, and leaves time for shitposting here. You need a college education for that.

>> No.3605164

This only works at small local businesses. Every major business i go into tells me to apply online and that they dont do paper applications anymore.

>> No.3605186

>apply for a job
>part of the application is literally "post a link to your social media account here (optional :^))"
>complain to my Dad that it should be illegal
>I don't know what you're complaining about it said optional on the application, what's the issue?

>> No.3605188

>service job
>tied to piece of real estate
>most likely tied to gf/wife/kids too because who else buys a house this young

>> No.3605227
File: 190 KB, 1024x862, 1494250656490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visit store like the old man suggested
>Ask to fill out an application, but I already have my resume, cover letter and references ready in case
>They all tell me they don't do paper in person resumes anymore and that I can only apply online
>Ask to speak to a manager or more specifically HR so you can talk to them about employment opportunities and maybe give them the old firm handshake
>They ask for the reason before letting you talk to them and if you tell them this they ask you to leave, so you have to lie
>If you approach HR directly about a job they will tell you they are calling security if you don't leave and apply online

What the fuck? Did gramps lie to me?

>> No.3605228

You too will find some day the joy of having a family of your own in your own home. Until then it's pizza and shitposting with masturbation in the dark.

>> No.3605238

>Depending on inheritance
Sometimes I'm glad my parents are poor. I never had hopes of getting anything when they die.

>> No.3605250

Just send them a good old timer meme with your application, should do the handshake job?

>> No.3605270

>found a service company that trains

>> No.3605277


Nah I’m good. 29, 100% passive income, rent a luxury apartment in a tropical city. Somehow I’ll manage.

>> No.3605412

That pic reads like a good way to remain a suffering wagecuck slave forever

>> No.3605471

Yeah, holy shit, every point is "I will do what I'm told no matter what it is or who's saying it or what the compensation is".

>> No.3605525


Jesus after looking at it it’s hard to believe it isn’t a joke. Mike Rowe is a working class tradesman just like Stephen Colbert was a hard line conservative.

>> No.3605562

Any info on his background? He says some legit things—I remember him posting about how a lot of high school kids shouldn't even bother looking at college and should instead get a trade, etc., which is reasonable and contrary to what shitty counsellors are telling kids. Any info to the contrary?

I know he was an opera singer for a while.

>> No.3605584

so much this.
i feel bad for these poor people who think they are actually saving money with leases.

>> No.3605604

>not buying a car at the auction and selling it a year later on Craigslist and getting your money back

>> No.3605629

the fuck? the whole point of promotions and raises is to make sure the people you want to stay actually stay with the company it becomes pointless if you show them loyalty

>> No.3605660

>tried to find a treasure
>tried to make a game
>now just doing my job and doing crypto
>tfw earned more
>house in quiet place, friends, sun, heat, nice people, no overpopulated place
finally, every went right

>> No.3605666


>So many salty car cucks in here who listened to their boomer pops and never actually thought to look at the numbers.

Ayyy lmao leasing feels as good as buying ETH @ $9 did. God damn I love winning.

>> No.3605704

I don't even own a vehicle, I live within walking distance of work, the grocery store, and several parks, because I crunched the numbers and that came out better.

Also I'm the only person in this thread who gave any numbers about buying vs leasing.

>> No.3605714
File: 98 KB, 838x720, 1498530369713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.3605735

srs he woke

>> No.3605814

I'm close to the treasure but it was buried 23 yeasr ago so the final stage changed a lot
the game was a fantasy, I'll turn it into a book when I'll have time (a friend said it was interesting, and the major vilain was very charismatic)

>> No.3605840
File: 44 KB, 720x720, 1486372624632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.3605896

because people don't know how to save, "need" to have the latest iPhone, and are entitled (so I am...).
for all of these things, you can blame marketing and the TV.

>My job involves designing new cryptographic algorithms, it's not something a "code monkey" could do and 100% of the people able to do it are in extremely high demand.
>designing new cryptographic algorithms
I hope you know your job very well and love it, because otherwise, you'll have a hard time when some security researchers finds your shit is flawed..

>> No.3605914

>You learn the specifics on the job.

>"Sorry anon, we don't teach people. Just do more unpaid open source projects that we can use for free. We might hire you if you're good enough, but most likely not."

>> No.3605949

Wait until we regulate the price floor of labor again, you dipshit. Watch as American labor becomes cheaper than pajeet labor overnight.

>> No.3605961

Price floors are racist anon. Won't happen anymore.

>> No.3606023

>thinking wealth as it is currently defined will exist in an automated society

i see craft skills making a huge comeback, the skill wealthy will build their own palaces while the dumb masses live in flat pack sardine tins

>> No.3606032

>Moving takes money dumbass. Plus, I know this will come as a shock, but not everyone wants to live in LA or New York.
Congrats on failing to read my comment retard.

And no, moving does not take fucking serious money as the entire history of humanity and major current events demonstrates.

"Where the work is" does not automatically mean LA or New York but congrats on having a worldview based on fucking Sex and the City.

If you live somewhere with shitty job prospects, fucking move. No, "I don't have money" isn't an excuse - If you really didn't have money at all you'd literally be starving to death/dying of exposure. Fucking illiterate barbarians from war torn, AIDS ridden, borderline stoneage shitholes where average wage is $1d per month and maybe the occasional goat somehow manage to get to the other side of the world to find work but fucking fat whining Westerners can't get off 4Chan long enough to move a few hundred miles.

>> No.3606035

>Just get a job thats up to your aptitude
So then how the hell am I supposed to grow when the CS education I had was supposed to give me enough domain knowledge to enter the industry?

>> No.3606164
File: 111 KB, 1359x960, X4HVXhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers were not better off than millennials. They lived in the smaller houses, had shittier cars, and made less income. The ONLY reason it seems that life was "better" back then is because modern america is degenerate and the only way to escape it is to join the upper classes.

Go to any middle class neighbor hood from the 60's nowadays and it'll be infested with minorities and broken families. Drug use, obesity, zero family values, and absolutely no community involvement. The only place that has kept the 1950's Leave it to Beaver way of life are the suburban enclaves full of mcmansions that require >100k household income to break into.

>> No.3606170

You pretty much just proved his point that you're out of touch. Theres a middle ground between homeless starvation and being able to relocate. As for your second comment, this isn't a third world lawless shithole. Theres laws that prevent you from just up and moving somewhere if you arent some third worlder working under the table. You need quite a bit saved up.

>> No.3606264

>mfw senile boomer tells me all about when this was just fields and he hand built everything from dirt and horse hair

hurry up and die gramps. i want the house you paid $3k for thats now worth 500k

>> No.3606484

What should I do to retire early besides crypto then?

>> No.3606548

>implying I was getting one

>> No.3606582

Fuck that. 40 min commute for school already fucking kills me.

>> No.3606601

Get out

>> No.3606897

Thanks for the quality posts, fuck these idiot memers

>> No.3607039

>git a camper and travel inbetween walmarts dummy
if i were single i'd honestly consider doing this
imagine saving like 80% of your income by doing this

>> No.3607195

FYI this is actually the reason you ARE worthless. Entitled persons are a risk.

>> No.3607237

Ok think about the type of woman who has an abortion. Now think about her same personality in five kids she dosen't give a shit about. Now think about these lil dipshits growing up and voting and breaking into your car for more drug money because they were raised by some deadbeat single mom. Is that really what you want?

>> No.3607331

So you never stop paying.


>> No.3607404


Neither do you dumbass you just have the illusion of being “done” unless you’re smart enough to amortize what you’re spending over your driving “career”, which you aren’t, which is why you got cucked by a car. Congrats.

Meanwhile I have no liability at any point, am always in a new car, know exactly how much I will spend on that vehicle from the moment I get it and can plan accordingly. Your “paid for” 10 year old vehicle shits the bed out of no where and you’re fucked; you have no car, must spend $xxxx to fix it, and/or it now has no resell value. Ah, logic only a boomer could appreciate! But of course that won’t happen to you, you’re smart. ;^)

>> No.3607415

>get MFA in opera
>be man pretty in a rugged sort of way
>get discovered by a producer
>pretend to be a tradesman

>> No.3607445
File: 372 KB, 520x600, 1505608033502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping this hard

lmao the death throes of a consumerist goyim

Why are you arguing with me? Go out and enjoy your shiny new toy. You obviously pay a lot for it :^)

>> No.3607463

We're holding our cryptos while they tank

This is different than holding real estate while it tanks because um well. We can charge rent for cryptos somehow soon.

Cryptos are very liquid so it's just different and I didn't waste time in the military so there's that

>> No.3607489

But if it's still less to do all of that, what's the harm? Why are you so emotional about htis?

>> No.3607527

>Spastic redditor talks fast
>Thinks this equals intelligence

You'll never get laid Elliott. just shoot everyone already or stfu please

>> No.3607575


Boomers please go back.

>> No.3607645

>you're a boomer if you want to spend less money

>> No.3608115

move your car more . n way can you not use the excise that you are too tired to drive and needed a break TO AVOID CRASHING DUE TO FATIGUE .