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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 556x313, amazon-bitcoins-payment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3588739 No.3588739 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3588748
File: 64 KB, 600x749, syscoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and syscoin is taking over ebay and amazon market

>> No.3588750

Thought they were already doing that.

>> No.3588755

not sure if you are more fake or gay

>> No.3588758


>> No.3588763

op has no source just past speculation

will 10000 sys coin make me rich in 5 years

>> No.3588768


is the only thing I could find..

>> No.3588776

>bought something at btc priced at 2k
>4 days later btc is priced at 5k
>I want a refund
anon if me stupid person can think this up why do you think companies with alot of people cant

>> No.3588778

you do realize this will cause bitcoin to go down, right?

>> No.3588781

more gay, then

>> No.3588793


you all already own bitcoin anyway, just hodl

>> No.3588810

This is will Bitcoin still has a long way to go up before becoming a proper, much less volatile currency

>> No.3588823

Big if true.

>> No.3588827

Buying 100k into amazon

>> No.3588843

Wow. Amazon has a solid dev team who has solved the product distribution problem. Plus they have some big partnerships

>> No.3588846

fictitious and homosexual

>> No.3588857
File: 74 KB, 697x815, IMG_1683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.3588866

thats not how it'll work you mongs.
It would be a system where the item is priced in fiat and your BTC gets converted in real time when you pay...kinda like all the crypto cards.

Overstock already accepts crypto. Not sure if the amazon thing is true, but it would be a big deal

>> No.3588871


Just by Amazon gift cards from that gifter website. Problem solved.

>> No.3588876

Thanks, buying 100k bitcoin!

>> No.3588939


increasing the ways you can use BTC makes it more valuable, does it not?

>> No.3588941

>buy a TV for 1 bitcoin ($3.7k)
>a year later my TV costs $10k because bitcoin kept growing

>> No.3588958
File: 65 KB, 1267x509, syscoin_amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have better

>> No.3588979


>> No.3588980

no cause no one is gonna pay you 10k in btc for it
3k at most. if people ask for refund to amazon they get their money back at current btc price

>> No.3588981

>buy a TV for $1000 (0.05 BTC)
>10 years later my TV costs $500 because of inflation
You see how much you sound like a silly goose

>> No.3588984

The price of bitcoin moves because of buying pressure and selling pressure. Right now there's a moderate amount of buying pressure because of fomo buyers and there's very little selling pressure due to hodl culture. Now we ask ourselves, how will bitcoin purchases on Amazon affect buying and selling pressures?

Will buying pressure go up? No, not exactly. No normie is gonna say "I better move my fiat to bitcoin so I can buy shit on Amazon." Normies are gonna keep paying in cash because that's all they understand. But hodlers who were never gonna sell will see an opportunity to use their bitcoin. They'll buy shit on Amazon, Amazon will promptly convert to fiat, and there's your new selling pressure.

>> No.3588986

that would only happen if the majority of people adopt crypto, dipshit

and by that time it'll be much more stable in price

>> No.3589004

>when /biz/ is filled to the brim with 3rd worlders and underage kids

Fuck. The bubble is bursting. Smart money was out at 5k.

>> No.3589009

one of the key reasons people dont get into crypto is because:

"but what can i even buy with it"

now that Amazon will allow it,
the hundreds of companies currently desperate to compete with AMZN
will be forced to start adopting crypto too.

>> No.3589013

a lot of early ppl dumped near ath and still are

>> No.3589036

If you're positing that normies will convert their fiat to crypto so they can buy things on Amazon, I doubt that will happen.

>> No.3589057

Can you speak proper fucking English?

>> No.3589058

are you fucking thick?

it won't just be Amazon

now that another major player is adopting crypto,
others will take

right now its not too easy to accept crypto,
but entrepreneurs will meet the will
of brick and mortar companies desperate to compete with Amazon,
the company killing them, remember?

this will begin a tidalwave over the next few years, you'll see

>> No.3589061

>no counter argument
>muh 3rd worlders
>muh kids
>muh bubble

I hate this overuse of the word bubble, you guys don't understand WHAT THE FUCK A BUBBLE MEANS, STOP USING THE WORD INCORRECTLY.

Just google this shit and spend around 30 mins understanding what a bubble actually means.

>> No.3589067

Doesn't it change it from a speculative currency into one you can reasonably use as an alternate to fiat? Wouldn't that make it more applicable to more people, thus driving up demand for the inherently limited supply?

>> No.3589069
File: 21 KB, 370x300, 1477848547651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres finally gonna be something to buy with BTC other than drugs, weapons, kidnapped children, and various illegal shit

maybe we'll finally be taken seriously by literally anyone

>> No.3589070

She has a perfect skeleton.

>> No.3589075

a lot of early buyers sold near all time high and some niggaz wuz kangz

>> No.3589115

You tell me. Are you gonna blow your bitcoins on amazon?

>> No.3589169

"blow" is a relative term
they will increase in value if they have increased utility and big corp support

>> No.3589319

sounds like it doenst affect you and you dont have bitcoin
how will it affect normies who dont have bitcoin?

>> No.3589362

"having" bitcoin is worthless
nothing is worth anything if people aren't willing to exchange goods and services for it
currently bitcoin is based on the assumption that it will one day be in a position to be a currency

what will you do you do with your coins? just sit with them until you die? or will you exchange them?

>> No.3589376

due to hodl culture, everyone with bitcoins is gonna hold till they die
hold culture is bitcoin's greatest asset

>> No.3589378

When you get to lamboland why would you not want to just buy everything in crypto anyway? It seems like it would be a lot simpler.

>> No.3589390

the "culture" is decided by those who hold it, and to some extent the devs
it's the reason they fork

if bitcoin becomes something where it can become something isn't a hold culture, then there's a good possibility it will transform

the current value is speculative

>> No.3589426

the question is what % hodlers are willing to part with over time as people start to pay for coffee with satoshis

>> No.3589927

i do all the "backend" tech related stuff for my family business. i have unironically wanted to adopt a method of payment using crypto, BTC specifically. our customer demo is middle/older female though, so im not sure it would be very useful. that being said, if i've thought of it, others have for sure also.

the fire rises.

>> No.3589940
File: 633 KB, 851x430, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that'll be .000032563 sat, sir

>> No.3589973

Wumbo if true. Which it is

>> No.3589991

They automatically sell your bitcoin for USD, convert it back in case of refund

>> No.3590036

>bought something at usd priced at 2k
>4 days later usd is priced at 2.0000000000000000000000000000000001k
>I want a refund
anon if me stupid person can think this up why do you think companies with alot of people cant

>> No.3590178

i am amazon.
ask me anything

>> No.3590581

Big deal here

>> No.3590716


>> No.3590739

So whats the status on this, sources?

big if true

>> No.3590769

bought 150k sys at recent dip to 0.13$. still not pumping however. bitch in picture is included if you buy syscoin.

>> No.3590792

this is a rehashed 2014 rumor, fucking lol at onlu source being some no name blog named squawker LOL

>> No.3590796

true if big

>> No.3590818

can confirm my dad works at amazon and he brought home a bitcoin for me and my siblings for free from the office

>> No.3590824

>buy BTC for free

sounds legit

>> No.3590992

Got out at 4.3k. Anyone who doesn't see that this is a bubble are either delusional or greedy.

Can't fucking wait to get back in, though. Being a nocoiner gets boring as shit.

>> No.3591031

its a joke you autist

>> No.3591052

This is legit

>> No.3591070

>is bubble
>got out
>will get back in

nigger you ever see a bubble re-inflate after it pops?

>> No.3591090

Do you know what a financial bubble means? Draw parallels to the real world.

People will withdraw their funds, and only the strongest coins with a real purpose will survive. A bubble popping is purging the weak elements.

>> No.3591102


>> No.3591116
File: 7 KB, 256x196, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was looking to buy some more btc anyway, should I buy now or wait for another dip again?

>> No.3591179
File: 617 KB, 1224x1077, 5758103c8d87552727f6594d4b775a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the rumour, sell the news. Why would Amazon accept such a volatile currency and moreover a fucking tulip 2.0? But idiots will believe in this anyway.

Suawker is invested in Bitcoin and will bail out to crypto next week.

>> No.3591200

the assumption in tech bubbles is that whatever takes its place won't resemble the old market at all. try harder faggots

>> No.3591210

Fake and gay

>> No.3591232

Uber expedia and now amazon too wow!

>> No.3591280

This: >>3588958

>> No.3591326

Why wouldn't they just exchange it for fiat immediately? They don't take any risk and they allow more payment flexibility and generate a tiny bit of hype as a forward thinking tech company.

>> No.3591332

Because bezos is already literally the most rich and powerful human in the world

>> No.3591359

who's that?

>> No.3591406

idiots still think tech scammers are the richest most powerful guys lol. can you tell ne which tech fraud gates bezos or zuckerberg has an aircraft carrier? oh ya none of em. these faggots are flies in the power structure.

>> No.3591436
File: 384 KB, 1750x2500, 1499742094641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3592434

This is bad for buttcoin. Early hodlers will keep buying stuff to avoid taxes effectively making the Bitcoin price go down.

>> No.3592464

i feel like the fact that they accept bitcoin will validate crypto for normies

the impact of this on the price will be far greater than the increased selling pressure

>> No.3592469
File: 2.20 MB, 3638x5095, 1385423917971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people who trade bitcoin