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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3586808 No.3586808 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3586814


>> No.3586826

nice just bought 100k

>> No.3586828

Holy fuck boys this is it

>> No.3586840
File: 1.07 MB, 1040x1597, 1496547502396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3586849


>> No.3586850

It's about to be game over my friends. As we prepare for liftoff, please be courteous and wave back to everyone else trapped in the wage cycle

>> No.3586857

only 662k coins in exchange atm, this shits going to go so high fuuuuuuuuuuug

>> No.3586901

Where is the spot for newcoiners to pickup tokens? Its not listed on an exchange and i missed out :(

>> No.3586904


>> No.3586905

You cant possibly be this autistic

>> No.3586915

JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/4qNYgtr

>> No.3586945


>> No.3586948


>> No.3586961

Ah, coinexchange. Pajeet central

>> No.3586968


>> No.3586969

Minimum purchase to make it to the moon?

>> No.3586975


>> No.3586982


>> No.3586983

Welp I ain't makin it

>> No.3586986

2 BTC.

If you're serious about riding this to $1.00 with us, the minimum purchase is about 2 BTC.

Funny thing is that $1 would still only be about a $7 million dollar market cap or so. It's really, really easy money.

>> No.3586998

Depends if the amount of coins on the exchange changes much, if it stays the same it will be much lower than 7 million

>> No.3587007



>> No.3587010


>> No.3587017

I'm in and im on discord.

>> No.3587019


THIS. Low vol, 6 mill supply, low market cap... this is recipe for Red Lambo Curry

>> No.3587032
File: 14 KB, 275x275, 1497219067123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nothing boys. The rocket isn't even launched yet.

>> No.3587046

guys im serious rn, the withdrawl just got accepted from bittrex, but its not even pending on the other pajeet exchange . io yet, WHERE IS MY FUCKING BITCOIN

>> No.3587048

Wow ok so I'm only in for .0025, oops...

>> No.3587049

Lol why did you transfer btc and not ltc or something? Its like you like waiting in long ass ques :\

>> No.3587053

What are your price predictions for this a few months down the road?

>> No.3587058


Guys go on /r/CryptoCurrency and up vote that shit!


>> No.3587060

im still very knoob at this shit, thanks for the tip

>> No.3587070

pajeet shill

>> No.3587076


$1 Eeezzzyyyyy

>> No.3587088

fuck off with your fud. People have been warning you people for a fucking week to get ready for this coin. In fact, when i first started posting about it you would have already 3xed your money. stay fucking poor bitch.

>> No.3587090

I'll take it!

>> No.3587130


Amen Anon. He will buy in when we sell at 10x, don't worry. We need him to FUD right now.

>> No.3587133

>He will buy in when we sell at 10x

I hold 10% of the entire supply and I won't sell at a measly 10x

>> No.3587137

boy you control the fucking market with 10%, plz dont be mean
price predictions for the future btw?

>> No.3587144

1$ by the end of the month, probably take an similure price path to mne, you can expect 9-15$ down the road.

>> No.3587145

$1 by next week, $10 EOY

>> No.3587150

Nice. How does a coin like this go under the radar here while worst ones get shilled?

>> No.3587156

we've kept quiet about it up until a week ago.

>> No.3587190


by the time anyone actually pays attention, we've accumulated enough to start the show. This will 10x in the next 72 hours. We tried to tell you fuckers for weeks.

>> No.3587215 [DELETED] 

I got some earlier but just surprised by how shittier coins get the most attention on biz.

>> No.3587236



>> No.3587245


if you actually put any money into this, you deserve to lose all your money

>> No.3587248

I put in $10.

>> No.3587253

>muh fud

>> No.3587256

Hey so did I, nice.

>> No.3587265


Can you guys please explain why this coin is so good? What's going to make it so valuable?

>> No.3587269

coordinated discord shilling on /biz/. don't fall for this one, newfags.
>t. former faggot

>> No.3587285

the only discord is the official elix discord and your completely welcome to join and see for yourself.

>> No.3587286

it's not. if you see a coin being shilled with barely any talk about what it does, and with promises of moon missions then it's a pump and dump.

>> No.3587336

Hate all the moon talk. It actually has a solid team and they will be finished with the product way before most ICO coins with $10M+ market caps do. Buy it if you believe in a decentralized lending service. Not if people are trying to pump it here lol

>> No.3587347

Where's the link for info about the dev team? Can't find it on their site.

>> No.3587364

Fuck you dude. I'm still holding a ton of TME because I believe in this project and I wouldn't even think of transferring it over to this yet.

>> No.3587373

you faggots better be right about this coin
I just put down .0105 worth

>> No.3587375


anything that calls itself "2.0" of anyhthing is shit, even timereum is just a shitty copy of minereum, which was also shit enough to also have a "2.0" aka artemine.

>> No.3587382

Another /biz/ shillcoin? Can't wait for the pink wojaks tomorrow

>> No.3587398

Fuck it's starting to moon its like 7 btc to 3k sat

This is gonna go full minereum

>> No.3587416

Timereum isn't a copy of minereum lol... Where do you get your shitty information /pol/?

>> No.3587429

Minereum 2.0 is called Artemine.

Elixir and TME have nothing to do with them other than the -ereum suffix

>> No.3587435

Minereum and Elix aren't related just to be clear. The original code was inspired by it (much like ETH was inspired by BTC), but the team is leading the project with an actual use case and going after the lending industry. I bet the dev hates currently when people relate his project to MNE's lol

>> No.3587439

I'd buy some of this for shits and giggles but I'm too lazy.

>> No.3587441

Being sold on EtherDelta now.

>> No.3587463


do some reading retards, timereum dev literally forgot to replace some parts of the code with tme instead of mne

the % gains on this shitcoin will be the same as your iqs, single digits.

>> No.3587493

If they did that the coin wouldn't work, ethereum would blow up

>> No.3587496

You know Litecoin only changed like 4 lines of code or something stupid like that? Every coin starts as a copy cat. For something like this, you should care about the service that is being built for it...

>> No.3587504

1k sats

>> No.3587514

well, i'm already up 150%

stay poor

>> No.3587516

And my fucking transaction is pending...

>> No.3587751


>> No.3587769

1750 cmon btc moveeee

>> No.3587775

is this a quick pump\dump or an actual hold for a dollar?

>> No.3587793

Already .00887 ETH on EtherDelta after the lowest sell order with 96 tokens sells.

>> No.3587848

medium term hold. very promising coin. good tech, very new and they aren't desperate for attention which is not a pump and dump. join the discord!

>> No.3587906

already did /biz/ro I'm going in with another k


>> No.3587915


I was a user on CoinExchange for less than three hours before my account was 'hacked'. I had a 2fa confirmation on my account and everything, and now it has not only logged me out, but refuses to accept a new password I have set.

I don't know what the fuck is going on with this exchange, but it seems about as secure as a middle school girl whose stepdad beats her.

>> No.3587949

kek some retards are actually dumping
Price dropped for like 5 minutes and went right back up

>> No.3587967

Threw 500 bones down on this, hope it's not all gone in the morning.

>> No.3587968


its too soon to fucking dump this, but i can see someone who puts like 5k and makes 10k, id probably dump at that level, but im only 100 in, expecting like 5x gains tonight at least

>> No.3587969

i really have to wonder, even if you think its a pump and dump where the fuck is the price gonna go? it listed at like fucking 500 sats nobody is going to waste the time for a fucking 3x pump.

>> No.3587978

This is a 7 million supply coin people. It's brand new. This is the floor.

Give it time and see this being 1$

>> No.3588008 [DELETED] 

Shill me on exactly how to buy this coin, never used this super sketchy exchange before

>> No.3588041
File: 623 KB, 2000x1334, FACEBOOK_HEADSET_DEAL_36766819_smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M I L L I O N
>C O I N S
I'm ready.

>> No.3588062

got in a few days ago around 300, highest point I sold tonight was 1749

583% profit



pump is probably over, by the way

>> No.3588191

so it was just P&D right? no roadmap, no team, no github, no working product

how it will moon?

>> No.3588234


google ELIX token.

>> No.3588261

Looks like dev double timed the blogpost after they saw people saying they were a scam. They are actually building a cool decentralized lending service, here's the blog post: https://medium.com/@elixirtoken/elix-mobile-app-lending-for-the-masses-486587d5ba7b

>> No.3588267

Lol are you an idiot? theres a roadmap, a team, and multiple working products. did you even go to the ann thread or website?

>> No.3588271

dev's been working his ass off all month, Im actually worried that he double times on this blog. His own health and such.

>> No.3588275

Yeah luckily he/she(dev) was willing to hire someone else for the project. I hope they can bring on more people as the project expands. They seem to be killing every milestone.

>> No.3588276

no I only read /biz

>> No.3588315

Can you post here roadmap? Cant find it

>> No.3588410


> coordinated discord shilling on /biz/. don't fall for this one, newfags.

As a first time Coin spiller on here, this comment gives me even more confidence as this is anything but coordinated.

Stay a faggot, faggit.

>> No.3588629

>volume $2,300


>> No.3588642 [DELETED] 

All in at .00001400

how fucked am i

>> No.3588660

should hit 5k sats today so pretty good

>> No.3588853
File: 47 KB, 840x460, notdog-hed-2017-840x460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in for 40k at 300 sats. feeling very comfy

>> No.3588874
File: 565 KB, 608x467, Ed-K-2-608x466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel it!!!!!

>> No.3588884


>> No.3589012


You're gonna make it anon, don't let the hands get weak.

>> No.3589103

i dont think you know what biz is, most people here want to shill their bags and get rich at the expense of noobs like you, but from time to time some good anon tries to warn you , but you like a dumbass you are , listen to the majority like a sheep , thats why you'll never get rich

>> No.3589117

mooning again, my dudes

>> No.3589148


> i dont think you know what biz is

faggot I already made 3 BTC off this shit before you even knew whats up, stop being gay.

>> No.3589157 [DELETED] 

Thanks bros

So now that I own a fuckload of these where do I keep them? What kind of wallet can I send these to and be safe?

>> No.3589199

Myether wallet homie

>> No.3589216
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>tfw got in at 565 sats

Moon landing is imminent

>> No.3589238

What the fuck is goin on here? Can I go to sleep and wake up to moar gainz?

>> No.3589267

Seeing how this shit is going: yes.

>> No.3589274

set profit taking sales, i set to sell off my initial investment and then another .5btc sell out at 10x just in case shit gets insane while sleeping

>> No.3589305

Can anyone give a tard a quick rundown what gives this coin value? I read that using their service rewards you with this coin which you can sell etc. But whats the incentive for someone to buy it? Can you stake it or something?

>> No.3589320

thanks /biz/ros

>> No.3589340

pretty much you can stake it, mining is done via "time" interesting concept to read up on. its pretty much blockchain venmo but you get paid to use it on both ends.

>> No.3589352

ok thanks

>> No.3589367

coinexchange is amazing, it's like a Wild West of crypto: every coin is a shitcoin, but you can make sick gains.
Didn't have a single problem with withdrawing or depositing.

>> No.3589680


Everything you said about CE is true, I should also mention that you will contract hiv/aids by trading there, though the gains are worth it.

>> No.3589725 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm seeing lots of 50-300% increases but a lot of these coins have like $3000 in their total volume, naturally I love risk so this is my new favorite website.

>> No.3589981
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>> No.3590026

anyone expect this having like $300M marked cap during 2018?

>> No.3590059

EXPECTING such a thing is a bit of a stretch, but 50-60 sounds reasonable. Maybe 2019

>> No.3590094

What the fuck is it and why should i care. reeks of filthy Pajeet P&D

>> No.3590105
File: 259 KB, 853x480, scrooge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scotchegg - Today at 9:20 PM
>if its going down already
>it was teh worst pnd in the history of pnds

>Anzacka - Yesterday at 12:47 AM
>good info to market it on 4chan etc

You can all go fuck yourselves.

>> No.3590107

Mined Through Time kek

>> No.3590113


>Anzacka - Last Tuesday at 7:36 AM
>We need to start shitposting Elixir on 4chan and reddit etc
>Firstly that will drive the price up and inflate our portfolios, and secondly it will GENUINELY be a good opportunity for noobs to buy into right now

>> No.3590160

>Poster talks about doing the obvious for any coin to get attention.
So? Does this invalidate the fact that it's an ultra low supply and market cap?

I swear, some fags really have no brain. Can't hold an investment for more than a few hours before panic selling and then crying about it here...

>> No.3590201
File: 2 KB, 264x27, firefox_2017-09-23_12-15-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful this shit was already pumped
has no dev team
just screenshots of some app that no one has used

>> No.3590215


You're advising each other in your own discord to drop your bags.

>> No.3590235

So some guy can scoop them up for cheap? Sounds like a good idea.

You must think this coin has a 24h lifespan and after tomorrow no more anon will get in, right?

>> No.3590240

Yep, that was me that said that. I feel famous now.

Don't see what that proves to you though, everyone shills their own investment.

>> No.3590248

Plus I plan on hodling this piece of gold for the long term

>> No.3590368


>> No.3590388


>> No.3590393

Talking about dumping the coin on the discord server youre linking potential buyers to
Top fucking kek

>> No.3591005


because all the coins with actual supposed purpose did so well.

>> No.3591039


lol right there beside you.

but seriously if this is a pnd then it's a pretty bad one.
whateves bizrealis im going to ride it straight to hell.

>> No.3591510
File: 11 KB, 217x238, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. stop buying shitty icos people