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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 270x270, joel-n80u0b827wn8aevpp0kx2ot136mnf2malsm2pm3f9o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3581900 No.3581900 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this is the "founder" of I/O Digital, some random puerto rican faggot who literally has no background in technology but somehow had the money and balls to get some people together and throw up a website with promises of "blockchain".


isn't it great how there's NO info on him

>> No.3581914

lol IOC has come a long way if its inspiring this kind of FUD thread. DIONS, bro

>> No.3581987
File: 455 KB, 833x3440, joel a bosch linkedin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHA look at his linkedin. i finally bothered to log-in to read his profile.

Just...just look at his background.

The dude was a mac computer repairman.


There will be a hall of fame for the least qualified blockchain entrepreneurs, and he will rank along with PTOY founder and the Paragon founder. Add the GNT womyn to that list too.

holy shit no wonder i had a bad feeling about holding this coin.

>> No.3582000

do some research instead of saying DIONSBRO over and over again

>> No.3582065

>he FUDS this hard
Fintech bro
Chameleon bro

>> No.3582076

LOL I think the guy was a DJ or something before crypto, now he is a blockchain "master"

Wish I still had the photo of him and Bryce Weiner together looking like they just got back from their gay honeymoon.

>> No.3582096

he lists himself as a Digital Currency Consultant, but got 0 recommendations on his linkedin.

so, did this guy just luckily by some BTC in previous years and now he thinks he's some financial genius like jamie dimon's daughter??

*takes a breath*

>> No.3582112
File: 60 KB, 838x362, lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he developed one of the strongest coins on the market right now ;)

>> No.3582126

I'll give 0.05 btc to the person who links me some 4chan discord and telegram groups

>> No.3582165

you are right, this is just my last attempt at fud so I can get back into IOC at a lower price.

i sold like a retard because i lost confidence in it, but i desperately want back in for some coinz of joel's innovative project.

have to admit the guy gets things done. i did admit that in my fud poast.

forgive me.

i bend the knee. and will get kneepads if this rocketship hits the moon with me on the dionsbro shuttle.

>> No.3582263

What kind of discords are you thinking of? business related, porn related, what?

>> No.3582320

The other Durch guy works for a web design emarketing company. Do a google search for "ibm mexican president" keep clicking through the pages, you can see where emarketing can get your coin. Im surprised nobody has called them out on this bullshit yet. I doubt that Mexican exists.

>> No.3582344

Telegram group is currently raiding /biz/ with FUD. Dont make stupid decisions guys

>> No.3582374


>> No.3582412

its not FUD if it's true dude, look into these fags their company/project sounds suspicious to me.

that's just my opinion. i was on the IOC train at 5500 but as a newfag couldn't understand why it was going sideways on such low volume. and then it gets pumped randomly out of nowhere based on info about events we already knew was on the schedule.

so what the fuck. is this just a PnD or is it a serious coin.

Spero research report also not doing much for this thing. it was a paid report as many have pointed out.

>> No.3582440

>then it gets pumped randomly out of nowhere
it's called buying the rumor selling the news
is this just a PnD or is it a serious coin.
literally ask anyone in the slack or anyone who's been holding this for 3+ months to even 3 years. It's a legitimate project
>Spero research report also not doing much for this thing.
No shit Spero was minor news

>> No.3582451

only thing worse than a nigerian?

this puerto rico pump and dump!.


>> No.3582474

Everyone that is serious about holding this coin is staking it and not selling and that is why there is no volume and it goes sideways or slowly increases.

No PnD shitcoin here

>> No.3583050

Bluemagic capital buy IOC worth 15% of their portfolio, that was the news that drives the price up.

>> No.3583069

Anyway this is the weakest FUD I've ever seen on /biz/, come on attacking the people behind a coin because you don't understand shit about their product??

Joel always said He is not the main dev, the main dev is always Derek and Joel always said he merely a co-pilot.

/biz/ is truly becoming stupid pajeet circlejerk forum.

>> No.3583080

>isn't it great how there's NO info on him

That because you are absolute dumb fuck


You can view full story of his life there you stupid pajeet

>> No.3583561


>> No.3583577

the spero report was bullshit. what does joel add to it? he sounds like he barely understands crypto in his vids.

>> No.3583590

lmao this is a joke. selling off this crap.

>> No.3583673


Yes, and Steve Jobs was a pot smoking hippie, Einstein a patent clerk

>> No.3583737


this is actually pretty "lit" if you're a beaner scumbag who likes this sort of shitmusic:

>> No.3583821

IOC fuds are a joke.
Just do some research and get in or regret having missed a lifetime opportunity a few years from now.

Give me any fud you want about IOC and I'll prove you wrong. Go.

>> No.3583841

hi, there, Joel. thank you for your comment, it is very relevant. you are indeed correct in comparing yourself to Steve Jobs and Einstein.

I/O Digital is going to be like if Apple and the Theory of Relativity had hot steamy sexual intercourse in Puerto-Rico and had a genius child that will revolutionize the world.

Don't listen to AD HOMINEM ATTAX they are stupid FUDDERS.

buy buy buy more IOC woooooo

>> No.3584099

ok FUDfag

>> No.3584256

why did the spero report say they had won the 2017 fintech award when the awards are not until thursday and will be decided from a panel of 3?

>> No.3584290

chainlink founders are pathetic as well

>> No.3584303


Who was Skelly man before ETH?

>> No.3584316

why is there no credible dev team? not one technically competant person who can explain the coin. joel just plays with a fucking gui in every video.

>> No.3584351

a fucking child genius not a macbook repairman.

>> No.3584426

this is what happens when you give greedy poor people the hope of riches and they throw all their money at any useless idiot like this.

dont invest in fucking nobodies, don't invest in shit me-too tech, and you would have avoided bagholding this shitcoin.

>> No.3584456

Spero report for me is not 100% accurate (on more than one occasion), and this is not IOC's fault, but Spero's.

IOC won the fintech 2017 public voting contest and is now headed for the finals where it will be pitched against 2 others.

Personally I believe they're gonna win this as well.

What does his past has to do with this?

He found himself in blockchain tech and is able to see a great use of this for the businesses and corporate environment.
Even though he's capable of programming, he isn't even the lead developer.
If you want to know about the project, there are plenty of resources already avaiable He livestreams the "GUI" because that's what people want to see, that's the platform, the product.

>> No.3584464

as for the countdown clock set at 00.00.00 . we need a fucking countdown clock for the countdown clock at this stage.

>> No.3584480

Block call will happen after fintech, like they've already mentioned thousands of times.

>> No.3584484

What's the me-too tech? Who has chameleon and DIONS, bro?

>> No.3584485

IBM mexico president on the advisory board? They guy doesnt exist except on the ioc webpage.

>> No.3584502

no.. if you read back through other media dions was meant to go live in early sept and the spero report says oct/nov. its all to weird and unclear.

>> No.3584512

What a fag. Just sold 100k

>> No.3584603

>leave for two days
>/biz/ has turned against IOC

getting fairly sick of crypto now. Is it really a scam? Should I just sell these bags and move on?

I honestly find it hard to believe they would lie this brazenly. Anyone counter this?

>> No.3584628


yea man i know, i wish price goes down so i can buy more before DIONIS.

but shit happens, look for other chance, listen BIZ next time.

>> No.3584641

It's not that he doesn't exist - there just isn't information about him on the web, which the same can't be said about the other members of the advisory board which definitely "exist".
Doesn't make sense for them to get the attention of two major companies then risk it all making up the other.

Dions was meant to go live a long time ago but they're making sure it's ready for release and not a buggy mess.
Latest delay is because the hurricanes went literally over Joel's home and he got stuck with shitty internet and fixing his house.
Honestly I can wait. People are paying premium prices for vaporware in this market.
Once DIONS releases and people realize it's an actual product, it's going to explode.

>> No.3584657

Dude the guy is a competent rapper. so he does have some skills.

>> No.3584670
File: 97 KB, 345x314, 1505674404197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a wizard!

>> No.3584735
File: 45 KB, 571x728, elmer fudd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too bro, but it's just the Natural Cycle of things.

you should've bought IOC during the Pre-FOMO cycle, then the FOMO hit and you bought there, and now we're in the MAX-UNCERTAINTY phase, where a lot of cunts like me will start to FUD just out of boredom.

Call me a FUDfag all you want it rolls off me like water on a raincoat.

I think I am raising valid points but the counterarguments are good too.

Do your own research and don't buy too late next time. Now you just have to decide to wait it out or not. Up to you.

I'm not saying to sell. I just like to MOCK Joel because I hate his shit music. And I personally resent the fact that just ANY bitch or spic-nigger can become a "blockchain founder" out of nowhere...I understand it is possible and I'm not trying to limit people who seriously have great talent but this is getting ridiculous.

Just look at the stupid cunt who is a "founder" of Paragon.

At least Joel is a man, so we've got that going for IOC.

If the IOC founder was some dumbcunt would any of us believe in it the same? Would it have made the same amount of progress and fast gains. Doubt it.

>> No.3585263

what major companies? the youtube channel has about 90 subscribers.

>> No.3585336


Ad hom

Joel has good development ethics, never asked for peoples money, who simply wants to create a product for people to use that is user friendly.

Why pick on the one guy who is actually striving to go against the grain to deliver something even half worth while?

>> No.3585377

dude this is fucking 4CHAN why do you sound so butthurt about ad hominem on a site where literally everyone is constantly shitpoasting and calling each other faggots and niggers.

shut the fuck up, AD HOM is a valid fucking analytical point if the guy running a company might be unqualified you fucking idiot. can you not process that angle??

i've already agreed with you that he's gotten a lot done so let's leave it at that. see my comments above. you are correct. he is getting things done. they are on schedule. it's just fucking funny to make fun of people for being shitty rappers, ok? can i not do that? does that make you angry or what.


>> No.3585707

I was talking about the other advisors (KPMG and Tomtom), but it's known there are other companies in the talks with IOC team + the ones at fintech.

Honestly who cares about youtube subscribers.
Maybe it goes 10k subscribers after it moons and becomes a top 10 coin, but then it'll be too late to get in.

What we're looking at is the definition of a sleeping giant. Maybe you're right and it's nothing, I lost a couple thousands (which I've already more than doubled in IOC). But if you're wrong, oh boy, it's going to be one of those "Why didn't I buy X at Z" situations that haunt you for life.

Not saying you should fomo and fall into this, but at least put some faith and look at the good sides when you research.

>> No.3585720


translation for cryptofags: he want to make more money and fool some losers

>> No.3586411

They actually just announced in slack that regression testing is finished aka blockcall will be in the next week or so
If you recall (which you should since you seem to know everything about the coin's FUD) the release date was pushed back 2 weeks because of Irma after Joel's house was literally destroyed.
if you're gonna FUD can you get people to actually sell instead of spreading misinformation because I'm still accumulating (I took too long since I didn't expect a moon 5 days ago)
Joel owns like .5% of the coin supply i think

>> No.3586449

>be Joel
>live in a hurricane-prone area
>lack the foresight necessary to prepare for major hurricane
>get your house rekt
>your familia gets rekt in puerto-rico as well.

lel how the fuck is this guy even in business let alone "successful" if he can't even prep for hurricane season. it's not rocket science to know that florida is smack-dab in the hurricane zone.

his lack of preparedness in his personal life implies he might be shitty at leading "i/o digital" to true success.

nigga needs a cellar. a simple underground dwelling.

>> No.3586458

Yep. And as Joel says, he paid a shit ton for his IOC. He bought it just the same as you and I. Plus add his initial stake in the company (remember no ico, literally just private funding from the team itself), his IOC probably cost him more than you and I

>> No.3586471
File: 66 KB, 500x707, tarantula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck dude

>> No.3586507

according to the linkedin of the KPMG and TomTom advisors, they are both based in the Netherlands. You know who else is based in the NL? RICHARD GROEN

So basic logical reasoning would conclude that these three are friends, and that's the ONLY reason the KPMG and TomTom guy are "advisors" to i/o digital. they got some Advisor Shares in exchange for holding that title.

so instead of having a SOLID dev team and SOLID tech, these 5 faggots got together and formed their gay little marketing circle based on status. they're just FRIENDS who know jackshit about blockchain, pooled their savings together to "start a blockchain technology company" with a .io website and paid some pajeets and some unknown Germancunt to be their code monkeys.

This is not conjecture. Joel even says he is the lead project manager. PROJECT MANAGER.


i really do hoap i am wrong but something feels fishy about this whole thing, and I'm not the only one saying that. look at this thread and other threads, others feel weird too. i am not same-fagging.

3 dutch buddies and a puerto rican, plus some unknown "Former IBM President" with no background is supposed to give this authority and legitimacy and thus people pump it on that basis.

We've yet to actually see any clear description of what the fuck Dions does beyond "dapps, chatting, id storage".

wtf? civic already has id storage. and there plenty of chat dapps out there.

suck a dick Delude Dionsbros.

>> No.3586516

>perfect representation of the average IOC fud

>> No.3586637

Now you're just trolling, either that or you're legit retarded.

The fact that they're from the same country makes the companies any less powerful than they are?

Even if they were friends, that would make it even better seeing as Richard would have such powerful connections and could get even more big names.

Let's put it like this, your project is US based, are you going to other countries first looking for advisors? Are you gonna look for companies in the EU?

>We've yet to actually see any clear description of what the fuck Dions does beyond "dapps, chatting, id storage".

No, it's pretty clear what it does, and it includes what you mentioned.
It's more than what any other coin can do ATM.

>wtf? civic already has id storage. and there plenty of chat dapps out there.

>wtf? phones can already call people and cameras can already take pictures. why would we need a smartphone?

It's ok if you like having hundreds of coins for each different purpose.
I'd rather have a solid platform covering all of those.

>> No.3586690


Im buying some of this.

>> No.3586744
File: 79 KB, 645x542, ioc JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax bro, you make all very good points, and your defense of Joel and IOC has served this thread well. You have probably convinced many more to your side than mine.

I am but a fool, trying to do one last minute FUD to get the price lower so that I can buy more IOC.


Are you new to /biz/. If you want courteous and logical arguments, perhaps try a more tightly regulated forum such as reddit. I am here to shitpoast, mock and troll with total freedom to be an asshole.

This is the CHADcoin, isn't it? The one with the Rayp memes.

Most of you are alright, but some of you are way too sensitive.

>> No.3586812

>Are you new to /biz/
I've been here since way before the crypto madness, on the other hand I can tell from a mile away you've only been on 4chan for a few months at max, just by the way you type.

I'm not mad at you though, lots of clueless newfriends to make money from.

>> No.3586822
File: 48 KB, 492x449, 1460859531851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just once I would like one of my coins to go up without all the super sleuths on /biz/ fudding it all to shit

>> No.3586872

you are a level-headed chap, mature, and most likely a logical investor. thus, you should engage with people like me who are here to just have fun and talk shit. in the end it is a waste of time for you.

>> No.3586897
File: 47 KB, 270x270, NADAL ANTONIONI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a super-sleuth, it's just mild "autism" that i focused on this one topic...not even full-on weaponized yet.

lots of background info can be found about IO digital but i'm too lazy to go beyond just jewgling shit like that Former IBM president's name.

going back to IOC...if you just do a quick jewgle image search for "NADAL ANTONIONI", the IBM spic, you can find the photo attached here.

What is weird to me about this photo is that it looks like someone just photoshopped a stock image of a conference room in the background with the IBM logo faintly there. Just look at it and you can see for yourself, or go find the photo yourself. it is hosted on their site:


>> No.3586943

rest assured, /biz/ FUD isn't strong enough to tear down a coin's price. especially in a thread that is so hidden like this one. most people just browse the first page and won't find this thread.

one last thing, this article also makes use of a drawing of Nadal, with the same IBM branding behind him...it's like this guy's entire identity is grounded on the fact that he used to work at IBM...wow, so impressive. this oldass spic was a wagecuck for IBM (if true).


I fucking hate shit like that, when people have their entire self-worth and identity tied to where they worked. Classic wagecuck mindset, also a big part of what it means to be a normie.

No one gives a fuck about Nadal outside of "huurrr i was IBM president in mexico once". It will be as if he never existed. He just fucked some broad, became her husband, had kids, linked up with IO Digital to get some passive income and to get into the blockchain game in his old age...that's basically Nadal. He has some stupid rollodex of old contacts that helps IOC a little. that's it.

Stop being impressed by cunty plastic corporate shit like IBM.

>> No.3586944

not your personal blog

noone cares mate

>> No.3587000

it does matter if we are potentially looking at something that isn't real

only time will tell

yes no more long poasts i've said what i wanted

>> No.3587084

IOC is a top 20 coin by EOY.

>> No.3587486
File: 245 KB, 1274x868, trig example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how a decent, professional "Team" section should look:

another example:

>> No.3587539

>background is black
shit u got us

>> No.3587602

Oh man, that is disgusting fud,even for /biz/ standard...

>> No.3588655

did you actually get anything?

>> No.3588803

weirdest coin ever.

>> No.3588826


just buy it

>> No.3589258

Michael Terpin he is a the original cryptoscammer.
When he is in a team the project is guaranteed

>> No.3589277
File: 43 KB, 402x421, IOChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people are just buying and holding. That's why it goes sideways. IOChads have Diamond fucking hands, bro.

The recent pump was due to speculation from the Spero report. Its back down to comfy levels.. People are accumulating rn. We early bro.

>> No.3589452

This coin is shady as fuck.
Just look at that famous DIONS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiFun3B5Rx8

Even Joel doesn't know what it will be good for most of the video.

>> No.3589867

stuttering potheads are easier to understand than this guy.

>> No.3590128

EOY sounds like a better coin.

>> No.3590141

Imagine this shit goes to like 2 billion marketcap, that would be so fucking great

>> No.3590144

fucking kek. a cointelegraph article from a year ago saying DIONs is about to be released. https://cointelegraph.com/press-releases/io-digital-set-to-release-the-long-anticipated-io-coin-dions-blockchain-upgrade

>> No.3590169

This is my prediction:


>> No.3590171

ITT: people who didn't buy IOC when it was still cheap

>> No.3590276

fuck off u scamming bastard

>> No.3590385

Its going to the floor after the conference when Joel, Cheese Head and his KPMG mates do a legger with your money.

>> No.3590405

>constant fud on /biz/

Time to sell my car and buy everything.

>> No.3590423
File: 42 KB, 1033x465, Screenshot from 2017-09-21 19-34-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily Reminder of what the average code commit looks like on the IOC github.

>> No.3590615
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, ioc_block_explorer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that the IOC block chain transactions are always one address sending IOC to the same address every fucking time.

>> No.3590704
File: 142 KB, 412x515, Screenshot from 2017-09-23 12-38-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily Reminder DIONs was in final beta 12 months ago and is still in final beta. And always fucking will be.

>> No.3590721
File: 322 KB, 642x519, Screenshot from 2017-09-23 12-42-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hourly fucking reminder.

>> No.3590816
File: 34 KB, 687x508, Screenshot from 2017-09-23 13-00-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder they were delisted from Poloniex last year.

>> No.3590873
File: 20 KB, 600x600, 1502652769346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got back in OMG, road to 10 usd. lets go boys. I WANT YOU TO DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEMS BY BECOMING RICH

>> No.3590875

I guess the Hurricane season delayed it back then too. Stop being insensitive, there's hurricanes and shit in Florida, bro.

Hurricanes are the #1 weakness of Puerto-Ricans.

>> No.3590898

holy shit dude, stop poasting FACTS because fucktards on /biz/ will just call it FUD.

you must be trying to FUD the price down because you are a HATER who MISSED the gravy train known as IOC.

Let the fucking idiots buy into their scam and whoever gets out fastest at the top wins and whoever bagholds will hold the bags and hit the lights.

I'm tired of trying to actually do research into this shit instead of mouthing "Dions,bro" like a retarded mindless zombie.

Go ahead, buy this shit and see where it goes, see if they *finally* release their Swiss-Army-Knife blockchain tech, which just looks like a goddamn Wordpress backend with chat function and shit.

Who gives a fuck anymore. I quit.

>> No.3591095

tsk tsk, not even good enough for shitty Poloniex huh.

you know something stinks if polo turns up its nose.


>> No.3591096
File: 23 KB, 542x332, Screenshot from 2017-09-23 13-56-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOC Is dead. my job is done.

>> No.3591193
File: 28 KB, 550x550, 1505503625505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price barely moved from it's usual up and down
>job done

God you suck at this fud, do it harder, I need another 90k entry.

>> No.3591258

Volume is at 83 BTC down from 500 BTC a few days ago and the 'price' is still the same. This is the most manipulated coin on Bittrex. I bet about 5 people are holding 80% of the coin in different wallets.

>> No.3591295

They're letting it drop so they can buy more, despite having no proper buy walls the coin never dips under a certain price for more than few minutes.

There's something going on we don't know, I'm just riding the hype till fintech.

>> No.3591311

Just now someone got baited into selling low, got bought out asap, while bots scalp all other sales.

This is seriously some planed drops.

>> No.3591316
File: 288 KB, 878x578, Screenshot from 2017-09-23 12-31-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If thats you Richard here is the cycle route.

>> No.3591543
File: 52 KB, 1116x397, Screenshot from 2017-09-23 15-03-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIONS Is 3k lines of code written in 2 years.
Thats 4 lines of code a day. KEK

>> No.3591626

I agree, I'm 100% IOC but the dev team is fucking weird. At least they are transparent about it...
Except for (((Derek "Satoshi" Hatton)))

>> No.3591658

>Buy Obsidian
Buy Obsidian
>Buy Obsidian
Buy Osidian

>> No.3591666

I'm still big in IOC. Got in for under $1.50. This coin will go upwards of $5 next week. THEN I'll sell.

>> No.3591743

Joel said they coded dions from scratch and it's been closed source so nobody would steal their tech. But now I'm seeing that it's been open source since sometime this year? Too lazy to check github but I doubt they have dions on there.

>> No.3591798
File: 76 KB, 983x544, dions_repo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3591810

Its fork.. not coded from scratch. And the commits to it are hilarious. Deleting spaces adding integers ...

>> No.3591852


>> No.3592520

Exactly why i never take a look at 4chan. More fud than some fact checked comments. Wasting your time in anonymous fudding a good project. I did my research on the team and the project and they are as legit as it can be. Why not live? because this is not just a copy / paste thing. yes basics are copy like all other coins (peercoin) but the rest is developed by their team. Funny comments. Assumption is the mother of all fuckups. DYOR or come on over in slack and ask question you would like to have answered. Dev team is always there to answer. at least they put their money where their mouth is.

>> No.3592718

why is every transaction on the ioc blockchain one address sending ioc to itself?

>> No.3592786

Because that’s people staking you monkey.

>> No.3592798

It’s like you never bothered to click the actual address and see what was going on. Its staking rewards being given.

>> No.3592808

Wow, can you believe steve jobs didn't know how to progam and yet everyone has a fucking smartphone in their hand.

>> No.3592818


get rayped faggot

the time to buy IOC was starting in Jan when the cointelegraph article came out about the IBM guy, and it was shilled here early on by smart bizbros when it was like $1 each.

you fuckos bought in late and are now quietly checking these types of threads, sort of worried, but won't admit it.

getting close to fintech and dions release

sweaty, weak hands...whats it gonna be, are you feeling lucky, punk

>> No.3592825

It's almost like that is when the commits started and not when the last one was.

>> No.3592831
File: 42 KB, 460x512, aDme5Mw_460s_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the price still not under 90k?

Fuck you op, I need it under 90k to make up for my loss.

Do your job better, fuck you cunt.

>> No.3592903

Thank you biz bro. Bought in at .40.

Feels good man

>> No.3593039

I felt like a late comer buying at 48k, but still, was a nice ride. thanks anon.

>> No.3593181
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1501150446325s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3593335

Seriously? Terpin? Lol. Involved in many scam coin. Vox, eboost...research it instead to spread fud on legit Coin.

>> No.3593466

This is typical braindead IOC fudder, they don't even know the concept of staking. Yesterday was pajeet who claim to be 'software developer' who doesn't even know the concept of github or finding the latest one.

Kinda sad to see people waste their time doing it, and no one seems to dare going to slack and ask the dev directly. Fucking pussy.

>> No.3593683

there are no devs on the slack. Ask a hard question an Joel has a panic attack. You are not allowed to ask 'Derek' a question because of hackers apparently.

>> No.3593736

Ah youre the dumbfuck who doesn't know staking rewards aren't you

>why is every transaction on the ioc blockchain one address sending ioc to itself?

>> No.3593740

Pm Joel. Jeez man.

What’s so hard about that. Post results

>> No.3593743

yeah thats me. x

>> No.3593770

Cool, how are you, tard?

Got your 'question' answered yet?

So there is this thing called staking rewards, it goes to the address who stake, hence it looks like one address sending to itself. No my friend, it's not a scam don't worry.

>> No.3593816

When is DIONS coming out? I thought it was already coming out, and then nothing happened. Does anyone know?

>> No.3593849

its been 'coming out' since 2016. Check cointelegraph for the same bullshit press release as this year.

>> No.3593857

Based on slack discussion, block call will be announce after fintech, from block call to DIONS live it will be about 2 weeks, so at worst it will live less than one month from now.

>> No.3593866

Yeah, I noticed that. I planned to sell it once DIONS came out because that'll probably cause a big pump, but it seems like this is never coming out. I'm up 80% so I guess I should just sell now and go trade with something better.

>> No.3593868

yep. only woke nigga in this thread right here. all volume for ioc is bots, which is good for making quick profits on the spread

>> No.3593871

Ya do it

>> No.3593890

>not knowing what staking is

>> No.3593908

Everybody, everybody holding this coin is planning to sell when DIONS is released.
That means there will not be any pump at all, only massive dip.

>> No.3593913

enjoy your bags

>> No.3593941

Not me, been buying this since 28K exactly 3 month ago.

Maybe I sell 20% of my 35K IOC when it hit 300K but lesser than that is just not worth it.

>> No.3593978
File: 36 KB, 476x353, 1453739136628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job OP, I got my stack complete now.

Now to wait for fintech to sell my bags to another wave of idiots.

>> No.3593991

It's clear you're not a developer and doesn't understand how git works.

Anyone, feel free to browse the commits. This guy cherrypicked one that only had a line changed.
As for the code privacy situation, it has been explained many times, it's your fault if you're too idiotic to understand that.

>I don't know what is staking: the post

>I don't know how real software is developed: the posts
Would you rather they released a buggy piece of shit platform?
I'm willing to wait whatever it takes for them to perfect their product because I believe in it.

>implying this is a bad thing
Poloniex is a shit scammy exchange that probably delisted due to low volume, it's far from being the biggest exchange like it used to.
Meanwhile you can find IOC on the current greatest exchange around, Bittrex.

Thank for this post, now I know how full of yourself you are.
Take your head out of your ass, you've done nothing but regurgitate stupid FUD that me and others have already proven wrong.
If you're doing this to buy lower, don't. Just buy now, there's no shame.

>> No.3593995

ioc is literally years strong. not a significant dip once