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3581471 No.3581471 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently they are shilling GAS hard. Buy up to $30 they say. Check the pump of it on CoinMarketCap. I need to read it for myself though.

>> No.3581492


>> No.3581503

GAS is gonna moon before NEO because it's needed for smart contracts n shiet. Lots of developers are working on NEO stuff. Don't fall for the vaporware meme.

>> No.3581512

Problem is there is currently only 1 ICO that has need of the smart contracts. Meanwhile NEO is the actual thing that you need to generate the GAS. I'm in the same situation I was in a few months ago when I had to decide between GAS and NEO. Both are getting pumped a bit right now though.

>> No.3581525


>> No.3581532

Double bump. I really want to see what they wrote on NEO/GAS.

>> No.3581538

Complete bullshit. The sentiment is to stay away from NEO, gas, and anything targeting the Chinese right now.

>> No.3581548

Well it is getting pumped for a reason and I'd like to know why.
But ok, I'll listen to a random shitposter instead of doing my own research.

>> No.3581581

Bump again. I know we have some generous richfags on here.

>> No.3581594

Its a pnd started by some fag named dadbob on reddit

>> No.3581604

Well maybe. Which is why we need someone to verify this shit. The latest issue should have come out sometime in the last 24 hours.

>> No.3581607

Buying opportunity

>> No.3581609

Because it's risky and some people are willing to take the bet
It's not impossible that china pulls out a news that will make it skyrocket to its ATH as fast as it went down on the bad news

>> No.3581651

No, the report absolutely mentioned GAS. That's why it got pumped right after the report released.

>> No.3581663


>> No.3581699
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Takes a lot more than some China FUD to keep me down.

>> No.3581733

I dont even know what Palm Beach Official is?

>> No.3581877

Kek looks like a scam


>> No.3581892

Why the fuck is anybody still holding NEO after the ICO ban? I'm not holding any and never have I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.3581901

it's the same people that predicted ETH going to $400, smart one.

>> No.3581912

Because NEO is for more than ICOs...

>> No.3581926


it's chinese ETH. China has banned ETH. Why does this shit still exist?

>> No.3581950

because "China has banned ETH" is incorrect.

>> No.3581966

ok faggot.
here is the report


>> No.3581974

You're going to have to do better than that, can you elaborate?

>> No.3581991

I'll give 0.1 btc to the first person who links me crypto groups on discord and telegram.

>> No.3582009

>giving $350 for a link to a discord crypto group.
yeah sure Pajeet. I believe you.

>> No.3582010
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Thats the latest. Change the dates to look for old ones. They release on thurdays

>> No.3582022

search on telegram for t.me/bittrexcd, it has a copy of the palm beach report for september on there.


>> No.3582047

this isnt the latest buddy

>> No.3582049


It is released. There was a text-only copy posted yesterday.

I'm going to post a few lines of the report in GAS here for academic discussion:

"Right now, you and I can buy GAS dirt-cheap. It’s trading at $9.43 per coin. But that won’t last long.
There are hundreds of hedge funds coming into the market with billions of dollars. These guys are smart. They’ll come to the same conclusion I have... and they’ll buy as much GAS as they can get their hands on." (Tiwari, 2017).

>> No.3582061

go to the telegram group i posted, scroll up slightly, there is a copy of PBC september on there

>> No.3582077


shady as fuck

>> No.3582084
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dont fucking pay this guy

the june edition doesn't work apparently

>> No.3582089

just open the pdf buddy, the telegram group is nothing but charts for bittrex and pdfs, nothing shady about that

>> No.3582094

well the link dont work. I tried every day in sept.

>> No.3582105

i dont have to get paid for anything, i gave a link, just posting adress for the slightest off chance he wants to donate something

>> No.3582106
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ahahhahaah nice troll. this shit will die.

>> No.3582115

please go to the telegram group i posted, you'll find the pdf on there

>> No.3582145
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I'm considering buying back into NEO but I don't wanna fuck myself over, is there any actual upcoming releases on NEO that would make it boom?
read it

>> No.3582160


But what's the link to the original pdf

>> No.3582161

>downloading a pdf from an unknown source.
no thanks. i aint clicking that shit nigger

>> No.3582171

NEO ain't gettin much lower dude.

>> No.3582234
File: 81 KB, 1422x844, neo92117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sayin

>> No.3582249

yeah the TA looks solid I decided to put 30% into it. Hoping at least for a mini moon for the day

>> No.3582269
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>> No.3582868

Do you know why GAS is mooning? It's because of this PDF file http://docdro.id/hfDppnU
And that's the reason why we will see a price of $100+ shortly

>> No.3583212

Fucking dipshit. Ofc I know, why the fuck are you telling me as if the whole purpose of my thread was not to get that PDF. And you fucming moron he clearly says buy up to $30. Anyone buying over is gonna be pulling out their pink wojak folder.