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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3580452 No.3580452 [Reply] [Original]

Right now, the NXS conference is going on and the coin itself is at a nice low dip.

They only streamed one room yesterday. And after the first couple speakers, it was pretty much empty in that room because the really hyped up speakers were in other rooms (like the Dollar Vigilante, Overstock ceo, etc.)

Today, unless they change their mind, they will continue with the same idea of only streaming one room. Now, today Colin will also be giving the state of the union on NXS in a room that is not being streamed. They plan to release all the recordings of the speakers they don't stream "at a later time."

If you're reading between the lines, it makes sense that they would want the conference goers to feel like they get exclusive first access to certain news while the price drops so real investors can step in and scoop up a ton of it cheaply. Then, "at a later time," they'll release all of the news and videos to the general public (possibly all at once to make it seem like there was more/bigger news) and the price will go crazy.

Whales aren't stupid. They can see this too. That's why they keep dumping and then putting up lower and lower sell walls, trying to get the market to panic. I've been following the order book for weeks, and the only big sell walls that come up have been at the same intervals (particularly 77k and 94k). It seems that before now, they were struggling to get many people to sell even by dumping the price. Someone (probably the NXS team) would buy up every dump to make the chart look perfect. Now it's a different story because the NXS team WANTS all this FUD in the market, and they aren't buying up the whales dumps anymore.

>> No.3580473
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>> No.3580564

Oh, here we have the flavor of the day, its bouncing hard right now.
This time OP was not a fag.

>> No.3580835

Fuck this team
I've been HODL for weeks in anticipation of this God damn conference and now I'm getting BONED for it I'm getting BONED HARD

>> No.3580891

Lol you only get boned if you sell into one of these low orders and then it shoots up when you filled the whales quota he was going for. Even if it doesn't "moon" after they put out their actual news, at least this coin has been going consistently up and always finds a new floor. Plus they've got plenty of things planned for 2018 so there will be more time for this to keep growing like it did all this year

>> No.3581039

Idk seems kind of shitty if the way they are doing things and bringing about a lot of fud

>> No.3581119
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>whohoo, this is way below support line, it is impossible that it gets any lower
>buy filled
>crashes into abyss of hell

every fucking time.

>> No.3581141

I am on the richlist, and think this is bullshit.

"Put out the news?" Like people in the other rooms don't have internet access or something? Give me a break.

>> No.3581151

Lol well the chart/whales say it has to go back to 50k before launching off again, since that was the beginning of the pre-conference pump and they know every noob who bought any higher than that bought on recent hype and will panic sell to break even if we go back there. That's market manipulating 101. People are so dumb that they'll hold for weeks, but then sell as soon as it goes back to their buy in point, never taking any profits at all.

>> No.3581170

Well I know people said they weren't allowed to record anything in the other rooms lol so any leaks would have no proof to back them up anyway

>> No.3581196

Sure, that would prevent me from sharing any news... that would be proven true in a day or two. ;)

>> No.3581211
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>> No.3581241

Lol exactly, so in this game of every man for himself that is crypto, why in the fuck would you share that news with your followers until after you've had the chance to get more on this crispy dip?

>> No.3581292

this is why i do not trade with "real money" on bittrex anymore. it is triggering the FOMO as fuck, you see losses in an instant and you tend to sell asap.
everything i buy and don't want to play with gets withdrawn into wallets, its the only way to resist the temptation of FOMO and daytrading.
and also this is why i fucking love EtherDelta, its slowlyness helps a lot to stay cold blooded.
Bittrex is Satan himself, it WILL fuck you in the ass with FOMO and its fees while the only winning move is not to play.

>> No.3581398

lol yeah it's all just a mind game and you have to master your emotions. It's so simple when you realize the charts always tell the story and the timing is never a coincidence. Look at this bitcoin crash, the charts said it was time to short, and so everyone sets a short position and then bankers talk about how shit it is. Then they buy in again after the dip. It's self-fulfilling. Look at how NXS will probably flash crash right to 50k just before the conference stream comes back up today, then correct back to 80k or so and go sideways until we know about any actual news

>> No.3581545
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>mfw that actually makes sense but I don't know if I have the balls to buy more

>> No.3581763

Live conference, they are talking about their satellites plan now.

>> No.3582539
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Lol there he is again, I'm telling you guys this one has been hilarious to watch

>> No.3582607
File: 899 KB, 2656x1478, Screen Shot 2017-09-21 at 6.13.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google image search satellites in space tell me how many you see that are NOT CGI. Thank me later /biz/ this whole project is a department of defense fucking scam

>> No.3583076

LOLOLOL The plot thickens. They literally just "fixed" the stream that was magically "having issues" right after Colin's state of the union. I didn't think I would be so spot on with this, but damn wtf. Either this one is going to Jupiter when they finally release everything to the public, or right into the shitter.

>> No.3583217

that was too obvious on their part, now what the fuck do we do bizbros? buy? sell? wait?

>> No.3583236

its a pretty good price right now and seems to have hit a floor anyway. so i say buy and hope for the best.

>> No.3583252


>> No.3583264

hit a floor AHAHAH this has a long way to go yet

>> No.3583288

Not really. Zoom out and buy downwards. Should stop around 55

>> No.3583289

Chart says it has to go back to 50k, it's just a question of what happens after

>> No.3583324

My friend is at this conference and he heard one thing that would make you sell your mother to buy nxs

>> No.3583340
File: 72 KB, 720x707, DEUiHu4WAAID6ps.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my friend is at this conference.
>not providing anything useful

>> No.3583362

The 3D Blockchain thing? If only we could get some footage to actually find out what that even means lol instead of a facebook pic

>> No.3583411

Oh there is a video lol it's just blurry. But okay, let's see wtf spergy is talking about

>> No.3584229


>> No.3584249

Lol did you end up watching thier facebook video? Chill out for a week or two and wait and see.