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File: 77 KB, 725x483, 725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8xNWRiNTk3Y2E5NjZlOGI0MDllMzM5N2IyOGEzMzUzZC5qcGc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3579275 No.3579275 [Reply] [Original]

"Right now these crypto things are kind of a novelty. People think they're kind of neat. But the bigger they get, the more governments are going to close them down,"



>> No.3579289

Can this fag just shut up goddamn

>> No.3579297

He's right but it's still too early to quit crypto.

>> No.3579314

lmao listen to this faggot

"Dimon warned that governments will eventually crack down on cryptocurrencies and will attempt to control it by threatening anyone who buys or sells bitcoin with imprisonment, which would force digital currencies into becoming a black market."

at first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you...

>> No.3579323

>be a bank CEO
>don't know that fiat is created out of thin air

I wish the most horrible agonizing death for him

>> No.3579330

And there will be some Austria or something, where will be full crypto heaven, fucking lamboland and teleports.
And this fucking usa niggers without crypto lel.

>> No.3579331

This FUDer needs to sit down and shut the fuck up. Who gives a shit what an old withered man thinks. He'll be dead soon of old age and crypto will keep existing long after he is dead and buried.

>> No.3579341
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If these faggots are shorting then the weekend flippening spike is in effect because they are lazy old timers who don't work the weekends. They will close their positions this afternoon and the big 3 will enjoy a steady rise through the weekend. These faggots need to die in tired of an unjust world.

>> No.3579343

He sounds terrified of crypto..constantly and publicly trying to throw shit on it.Gonna need to shill harder for your hook nosed yid scum overlords,although shaking out the weak hands is nice

>> No.3579346

I hope someone murders him lol

>> No.3579352
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>jpmorgan still buying bitcoin on the dip

>> No.3579354

Old man, best known as the CEO of JP Morgan, goes full naked in public and shits himself - again!

>> No.3579367

> "Thats it boys, the goverment's closing it all down. Call up the CEO of the Bitcoin and tell him to shutdown all the servers."

>> No.3579374

this guy is ubiquitous. always on tv, quoted in the wsj, makes headlines like this. fuck do i care but more importantly why is he is such a media cunt and so anti crypto?

>> No.3579380

Austria is the refugee heaven. Come here, we will support everyone. lul

>> No.3579381

Year-to-Date performance

JPMorgan Chase & Co +10.1%
Bitcoin +255.3%

Jamie Dimon in full panic mode after his dear friend Hillary Clinton got BTFO

>> No.3579388

>/biz/ idea of trading Bitcoin is buying at the all time high and holding forever

>> No.3579395

also a swedish company has filed a lawsuit against dimon and jpmorgan for spreading false information about bitcoin


>> No.3579400

crypto threatens his very existence banks shpould be scared

>> No.3579405

fucking greek-jewish-looking faggot.

it's no wonder those filthy greeks were treated like niggers back in the early 1900's in america. they are sneaky pieces of shit.

>> No.3579412

JP Morgan has infinite money. They don't care about risk. Don't follow their plan or you'll go broke.

>> No.3579438

You expect the CEO of one of the largest banks in the world to not FUD the shit out of crypto? Crypto is a direct threat to his business. Besides that a lot of morons listen to him, driving coin price down. You're literally giving Dimon cheap bags if you sell right now.

>> No.3579441

Get ready for the weekend surge

>> No.3579447

>Crypto is a direct threat to his business
No, he's just making bank off of it by manipulating the market, he's not afraidof anything. You think something the size of JPM has to play by the rules? They ARE the rules.

>> No.3579462
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All these discounts

>> No.3579470

Exactly. I think it's no coincidence that his comments have been published at the same time two weeks in a row. Notice how he ramped them up this time? It's a big jump from 'bitcoin is a fraud' to 'bitcoin will be illegal'. Next he'll be saying that investing in bitcoin will kill your firstborn child.

>> No.3579487


Why should he play by the rules, everyone else in crypto gives the SEC the finger. I applaud him for manipulating the market like the asshole BTC whales who are just as bad.

>> No.3579488

Yeah...you're right, I'm stupid. If they felt it was an actual threat they wouldn't be giving it media attention, they'd be lobbying.

>> No.3579498

Join the telegram collaboration pump Channel.

The next pump is scheduled for September 29th this is the channel where we discuss what we will pump next. I'll see you there

El 42 space y23 space 849 space gyx

>> No.3579505
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>> No.3579515
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>> No.3579543


I want cheap coin.

>> No.3579583

this is correct though isn't it? the govt. knows that millions of dollars of untaxed $ are being kept in monero. Why won't they ban monero?

>> No.3579605


you can't

>> No.3579609

You don't know what decentralization means do you?

>> No.3579632

>Crypto is a direct threat to his business.
He is a direct threat to my business.

>> No.3579645

a direct threat to your lambo fund you mean...

>> No.3579654
File: 632 KB, 890x431, JPM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((4 months ago)))

>> No.3579655


>> No.3579657

This wall st punk will be dead soon enough

>> No.3579686
File: 17 KB, 270x330, bio_jamesdimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3579700

This is why we need banks to adopt Ripple, so they can fuck off from the rest of crypto.

>> No.3579719
File: 148 KB, 1024x562, James Dimon (JP Morgan CEO) bitcoin retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3579731

Another proof its Zombie cash rather than something less malevolent.

>> No.3579735

Also, JP Morgan puts out its own crypto: Quorum.

And they partnered with Zcash at one point.

>> No.3579740

>This is why we need banks to adopt Ripple
You mean Chainlink.

>> No.3579744

why can't they force ISPs to stop users from connecting to monero nodes and force monero nodes to shut down just like they do with CP websites.

>> No.3579747

The more this faggot gets hot under the collar, the more confidence I have in crypto

>> No.3579772

>be ripple
>be in talks with banks in asia
>have a conference called swell to announce how far ahead we are

>be nu/biz/ autist
>think a couple of retards in their basement are going to win over banks
>think a couple of retards are going to get better deals than an estabilished company in cahoots with banks

i feel sorry for you linkers

>> No.3579779

Fuck this asshole

>> No.3579827


>> No.3579853

>crypto heaven
Crypto haven*

>> No.3579873

But does Ripple have a SWIFT partnership? Nope. :^)

>> No.3579899

>Chainlink does what Ripple does, but trustlessly, decentralizedly (i.e. available to everyone, not just banks), and betterly
>Ripple is "talking" with Asian banks, while Chainlink is actually in a confirmed business relationship with SWIFT which is THE overarching network for financial institutions all over the world

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you're behind the times.

SIBOS on October 16 is when shit hits the fan; see: https://www.sibos.com/conference/conference-programme/bridging-dlt-and-swift-messaging-smartcontractcom-innotribe-industry
(remember that SWIFT organizes SIBOS)

>> No.3579905

he's completely right but I think we all know this already. were just try to make a quick buck off the ones who don't, and I mean its been pretty profitable so far. never mind that people are sill falling for hook line and sinker

>> No.3579953

Oh, he knows.

>> No.3580094

then they win