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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3578336 No.3578336 [Reply] [Original]

Why do companies even bother to advertise their jobs when they'll get 1000s of applicants per opening anyway?

>> No.3578349

1000's of applicants but only 10 or so great ones, 50 good ones and the rest are shite. If they can separate the cream from the good stuff, why not?

>> No.3578350

Same reason Leo DiCaprio doesn't marry any of those supermodels he bangs.

>> No.3578365

Because he likes to get people's hopes up and then dump them and leaving them wondering if they'll ever be good enough?

>> No.3578367


So they can claim to the government that they tried looking through the local pool of applicants, but couldn't find anyone suitable. So now they are legally allowed to search for foreign workers and bring them into the country on visas and pay them lower.

>> No.3578381

I think he's too selfish to even consider that.

It's about maximizing options. Why marry a supermodel when you could bang another?

Why put out a job opening by word of mouth, when an outside applicant might blow the close network away?

Yeah you'll probably go for someone from within your own company... BUT WHAT IF SOMEONE BETTER COMES ALONG!?

It's sort of like having a risk balance portfolio, but for pussy and employement

>> No.3578386

It's part of the process to give Pajeet his H-1 visa

>> No.3578639
File: 113 KB, 634x750, pajeet-male-white-female (PMWF).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is patently false. foreign workers on H-1 visas generally get paid about the same as their American counterparts. those jobs are only given to foreign workers because too few native workers with the right skills apply in the first place.

t. pajeet earning 100k in tech job in America

>> No.3578762


Did your boss ask you to designate your chosen hallway out when he hired you for the job? Or did he designate one for you?

And I ain't no yankie.