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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3576887 No.3576887 [Reply] [Original]

Capitalism doesn't make sense anymore in a digital economy. And before you ladies start getting angry socialism makes even less sense, but socialism never made sense in any context anyway.

What I'm saying that capitalism relies on middle men that get the product from the manufacturer to the consumer. They're needed for two reasons, first because physical markets need more logistics, and second because payments are more complex to handle and the business models are more complex too.

But in the digital economy middle men are just not needed anymore, because the logistics are just way easier, you don't need suppliers or transport, payments can be made peer to peer. THE CREATORS OF THE CONTENTS CAN BE PAID BY THE CONSUMERS DIRECTLY INSTEAD OF HAVING TO WORK FOR A MIDDLE MAN.

Social media users can charge their followers themselves instead of needing a middle man like facebook to reach their audience.

Film directors can reach their audience and get paid directly without needing studios, theatres, tv stations youtube.

Journalists can work by themselves and get paid directly without having to work for some newspaper or news agency.

Every business is disrupted and the capitalist middlemen are just left out of the equation, that's the value of the blockchain.

>> No.3576902

i dont think i follow, how will the tomatoes get into my house with no transport? do we have a coin for that?

>> No.3576912

The blockchain will free man

>> No.3576924

Autonomous vehicles

>> No.3576953
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not every creator wants to deal with selling. they just want to manufacture/ produce and move on. merchants will have a place.

>> No.3576979

platforms are the middlemen. you jst cut down from 5 to 1 and that 1 becomes insanely rich. ir amazon alibaba uber etc etc

>> No.3577005


But platforms can be decentralised, it's not a business that has an owner.

>> No.3577020

>not investing in tomatocoin

What are you waiting for?

>> No.3577023
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>falling for the post scarcity meme

>> No.3577054


>I didn't understand the post so I'm just going to attack some strawman I made up

>> No.3577079

decentralisation just means everyone has a stake.
how is this different from a publicly owned company?

>> No.3577091

pay someone doing the trip anyway to drop you the tomatoes for some crypto :)

>> No.3577119


For once it is way more democratic and the network is way more auditable than any company.

>> No.3577139

So you are describing a future running on Cryptos that operate similar to the way that BAT hopes to?

If BAT takes off it will become a template for much larger things. Cryptos won't just be for drugs and money laundering.

>> No.3577147

democratic - like bitcoin?
cos its dominated by the big players

>> No.3577183

Democracy in Bitcoin:
1) a split cabal devs who "democratically" decide what "satoshi's vision" is (whatever that means), divided by financial interests backing either party
2) miners who use their hashing power to "democratically" decide what direction they want the protocol
3) consumers / hodlers who vote "democratically" with their wallet to push the purchasing power of the coin up or down, often irrationally
4) external powers unrelated to Bitcoin (foreign govs and NGOs) that manipulate all of the above

>> No.3577185


In the future there will be more developed voting systems for once

>> No.3577196


You have a weirdo definition of capitalism. To me it is free trade, pure and simple.

>> No.3577206

>platforms are the middlemen. you jst cut down from 5 to 1 and that 1 becomes insanely rich. ir amazon alibaba uber etc etc
still need incentives to create that platform..facebook didnt just create itself ,,amazon didnt just create itself.

>> No.3577340

its opposite
blockchain will bind man digitally

>> No.3577397
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Literally not a single thing you said invalidates capitalism.
Also all this logistics isn't some magic, they are millions of men who maintain these networks everyday.

We will be able to move away from capitalism when energy will be totally free and harvesting+manufacturing ressources will cost close to nothing but we have at the very least 2 or 3 centuries before it happens and that counting without niggers who are flooding the planet which will probably make us regress badly before 2100.

>> No.3577409

wrong. blockchain will bing digital manly

>> No.3577411
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You never experienced capitalism.

Name ONE current country under capitalism.
I'll wait.

>> No.3577418

It could be done much faster in decades

problem is this is not what certain wealthy people want

>> No.3577448

No it couldn't, unless of course you mean "genociding all the population under 100 IQ, going full eugenism and gathering the newly free ressources to invest massively in fusion, robots, IA and space exploration" but that will not happen.

>> No.3577468

>no true capitalism durrr durrr
Even worse than leftists with ther "no true communism/socialism".

Also capitalism is merely a little branch of something bigger that is liberalism and we effectively live in liberal societies even if it's a spectrum.

>> No.3577483

>capitalism relies on middle men
Says who? The situation you described is still capitalistic.

>> No.3577485
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>> No.3577495


Capitalism implies that the producer of the goods and the owner of the means of production are not the same person, in a digital economy it is almost always the same.


Free market =/= capitalism

Capitalism is the system where the capitalists (the owners of the means of production) have the power, in a digital economy the capitalists don't have the power anymore hence capitalism is over.

>> No.3577497

>We will be able to move away from capitalism when energy will be totally free

as if. Expect energy / labour to become a advertising gift from some dickhead that'll going to sell you a new memeplex of something people find desirable. Might be dark matter, might also be farts.

>> No.3577518

I hope that commie got clubbed by an upstanding citizen.

>> No.3577528

who are you referring to?

>> No.3577554

theres nothing about blockchain tech that takes power away from capital ownership.
its just a more secure form of capital ownership

>> No.3577570


>Evola also advocated domination and rape of women because he saw it "as a natural expression of male desire"; this misogynistic outlook stemmed from his extreme right views on gender roles, which demanded absolute submission from women.

>Evola died unmarried, without children, on 11 June 1974 in Rome.

/pol/ in a nutshell

>> No.3577583
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>capitalism requires middlemen

>> No.3577593

>Evola also advocated domination and rape of women

ive read most of evolas works yet never encounterd this, is there source or is this straight from wikishit

>> No.3577627

>Free market =/= capitalism

>Capitalism is the system where the capitalists (the owners of the means of production) have the power, in a digital economy the capitalists don't have the power anymore hence capitalism is over


Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit rather than by the state. Period.

In a rational discussion about the direction a digital economy can take us you need to leave your debunked 19th century baggage at the door.

The digital economy offers a much more transparent and efficient form of capitalism but it's still capitalism.

>> No.3577631

take your meds

>> No.3577637

blockchain tech will bring about post-post-capitalism, or neo capitalism or something, anyways, its still based on capital but decentalised and secure

>> No.3577694


>capitalism only means what I want it to mean

if everyone is self employed there can be no capitalists you idiot, but there still can be free trade, thats why capitalism =/= free market

no capitalists=no capitalism it's not so hard to understand

but go ahead keep using any stupid definition you want

>> No.3577759

KeK. Wew lad

>> No.3577770

it is a collaborative democracy/ capitalism a different kind of capitalism.

>> No.3577811

Capitalism is storing exceeding wealth to spend it at a later date, usually in productive improvements.

None of that will disappear with blockchain, it will be enforced, because right now there's an entity ripping off your exceeding wealth due to total control of your finances.

>> No.3577824

>if everyone is self employed there can be no capitalists

uhh...with the advent of automation this is not true at all. All that is required for capitalism is control of production and property, and a means of exchanging value, i.e currency

>> No.3577850

Id rather invest crypto instead of being a consumer

I think modern consumer is slavery

Do not say commie because
Communism is still consumerism

Give me a place where the main goal si not buying things till death

You cannot provide a answer to that.

Our whole livelyhood is undermined by this and there is nothing more then it.

We are more as people as humans but we are to retarded to move past this.

>> No.3577852

we're just gonna remove the middle men aka jews.

>> No.3577856

Jews have been wanted to leave for a long time by the you know whos who we cannot talk about on the internet

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.4

No more religion

When we have another economic collapse 70 years from whos going to be the big bad tough cia meme spammed on all websites


>> No.3578133

Nah i am a nihilistic person in that apocalyptic future you're describing I'd make sure nobody survives i would kill every organic life on the planet nothing would survive

>> No.3578169

Capitalism is a system that relies on personal capital. Your capital being your time, person, money and possessions. It does not rely on middle men. Rather, middle men are a result of capitalism.

>> No.3578225


symbol of slavery

>> No.3578262

Capitalism doesn't end. It evolves, it mutates, it changes.
Marx, who coined the term capitalism, believed that the industrial capitalism he was living in would end with revolution, bringing about socialism, then communism.
Instead capitalism changed, we now live in post industrial capitalism. If we're going to distil it to its purest form, capitalism is simply free markets. The appearance of these free markets will change, first it was industrial, now it's financial, but the concept remains.

>> No.3578322

i would argue that isnt quite capitalism anymore. maybe thats what op is getting at.
in any case i cant imagine a place where everyone is self sufficient, some people just wont make it

>> No.3578485

> but go ahead keep using any stupid definition you want

Dude. The definition I used is word for word from the Oxford dictionary. You just owned yourself there buddy.


Like I told you before you intellectual midget, don't bring bunk ideology into a rational discussion on the economic future of mankind coz you're just going to get owned. In this case you did it twice in one thread.

>> No.3578494
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>> No.3578568
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>tfw the government sends me money to invest in magic internet beans

>> No.3578647

I agree, and the government knows it it. Thats why they employ millions to do nothing but fill out the same forms over and over.

Sad part is these people think they actually work and have real jobs.

Automation and cnc guy here

>> No.3578649

when will the human race end?