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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3576584 No.3576584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a scammer. I've had the swat team kick down my door with full auto mashine guns and they found 1 pipe. I'm 17 and a Btc mastermind. I'll be dead before I'm 30. I give no fuccks. My granny shot my dad and herself in July because my dads a drug addict. I drive a 10,000 BMW 330i try to be low key. I've lived in a rv I took to Music festivals in VIP bc my dad was on drugs. I hang out with freemasons. I just smoke weed and chill do online school. Scam scam scam. Who out there is like me. I'm living in Arkansas USA absolutely give no fucks. I have full auto guns money and rackets I run.

>> No.3576613

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.3576631

and this is where id post the picture of the retarded kid saying interdasting

>> No.3576634

>I hang out with freemasons

Nothing like sitting in a sauna with a bunch of grown up Boy Scouts who serve on your small town's city counsel

>> No.3576654

Do me a favor kill yourself you're fucking scummy loser no one gives a fuck about your problems or your tribulations just get the fuck out hang yourself already

>> No.3576704

so what scams u do. and what music fests?

>> No.3576776

Let's shoot guns and do cocaine faggot I live in kc

>> No.3576798

sounds like a real supreme gentleman

>> No.3576799

>I live in Arkansas

This describes about 30% of the kids in NWA. They're all losers

>> No.3576807
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i need a side hustle

red pill me

>> No.3576826

Tell me more you sound like an interesting individual that I could make a video about, heres the one I did today.

>> No.3576877

I'm italian. Mostly counterfeit goods and I extort drug dealers. Also a writer as a title run of the ruthless or loathing in the woes of ruthlessness. Yeah let's do a video bro. How can I get in contact with you. I won't get caught if I did.... I would get away bc of my connections. I might shoot it out tho and go out like mf g. I been basicly homeless before but also lived in a house my granny on my mom side had on the market for 500,000. They got there money from fraud. House fires and other business they ran. I look like a youth church group peer. I don't mix with my peers good unless it's for financial gain. I'm always around the old respected men on my community. Money isn't shit unless you got it yourself, I'm self made. Sorry if you ever been scammed. Don't get butt hurt and tell me to kill myslf. I was trying to post a video of me shooting a mashine gun but it spazzing out hold up.

>> No.3576881


i think he might have been bragging instead of complaining? Its hard to tell with enormous losers like OP

>> No.3576907

A scamming gypsy Italian family color me surprised

>> No.3576931

Nah I'm youngbull_c137 I'm not the guy with 10 mil in coin. Who y'all call OP I seen that thread tho.

>> No.3576949

>mfw I was thinking to use some ransomware to extortion some business to get some bitcoin but a guy from my town that I met a couple times was jailed for trying to blackmail a hospital

100% sure I'm in a watchlist now

>> No.3576951
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>> No.3576965

Hahah I live in NWA I prob know you and or your friends. How old are you?

>> No.3576969
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>> No.3577000
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https://www.fbi.gov/tips *tips*

>> No.3577003

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.3577009

you gotta slow down op. thought i was hot shit when i was younger and fucked with the wrong people. faked my death and moved across the world.
youll end up dead, broken or forced to work for some other cunt. watch your back kid.

>> No.3577030
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>> No.3577033

I go to all the music festivals in Arkansas also been to Banaroo when I was a kid. But harvest highberry waka when it was going ect ect all them. Scams Hard to explain what all I do. Lol but mainly I just hook up store owners with designer. I have a couple warehouses with product. #freemason connections. I'm a writer. Was in deca witch prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in business finance and hospitality. I've been in newspapers and worked for make a wish foundation. I know I'm a fucked up person. But it's Gucci.

>> No.3577037

You don't know shit kid

I'm 25 and was there when pleasant grove, centerton, and pea ridge literally pasture lands and not a bunch of pop up shit houses for Indians and Walmart losers

>> No.3577050


>> No.3577065

Nice, just shorted toothpaste.

>> No.3577074

The person that said they faked their death. Got a good story.

>> No.3577085


There's no way you're 17. Some of your story might be believable. I live in KC and have gone to some of those music festivals in arkansas. Getting ready for another one soon.

Also it kind of sounds like you're less of a mastermind and just used your dad's drug connections to get money. Likely you were "Senpai" with the boys and so they fronted you shit to help you support your family. Now you're part of the "gang".

>> No.3577102

or let me guess, you sell bunk drugs to people, real mature.

Also saw your instagram, pretty sure you're just a larper:


>> No.3577105

>senpai with the boys

>> No.3577123

Hahah for real I'm 17. Nah I don't deal with drugs my dads dead, never really got to know him. I just know these older kids like you age 18-25 I rob them and shit for selling drugs. Well if we have a problem. Or I just want some new stuff.

>> No.3577133


you go to festivals and rob drug dealers? You're fucked kid. Sooner or later that'll catch up to you and you'll get doseraped or worse

>> No.3577140

fWNFhwDv Lol damn bro, exposeing me.

>> No.3577150

I don't use drugs or steal drugs. I smoke weed. I don't rob people unless there's a problem. Y'all are hella way to serious.

>> No.3577172


what kind of problem leads you to rob people?

>> No.3577200

I mean it's fun to take someoens money that's bigger than you, that was talking shit, we had a problem. Maybe I'm just a gangster larper having fun with y'all.

>> No.3577275

op sounds retarded AF

>> No.3577283

>I'm 17
>I'm living in Arkansas
Underage and literally retarded.

>> No.3577301

OP, are you good at creating phisher sites?

>> No.3577334

lol phisher sites. Nah lolol idk what your talking about. Y'all seem to be good at that type of stuff or something already leaked my Instagram. This is 4chan take everything with a grain of salt, chill everyone.

>> No.3577796

OP has gone full retard with his life missing the point of a good life completely, how does op sleep at night? Usually I'd have high hopes of a troll but this one seems genuine, genuinely retarded whiney about the past to justify his bad decisions my grandma my dad drugs blah blah blah

>> No.3577880

Sage, why is this wannabe nigger shit on /biz/, good laugh though.

>> No.3577922

Yeah this is all satire bro. I'm just trolling.

>> No.3577960


>> No.3577976

Dude in what "area" are u scamming? Bitcoin ?

>> No.3578021

on what drugs are you right now

just see from the writing that you are as high as a kite

... I wish i was hight too

>> No.3578153
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Lol weed and the natural dopamine shooting off from me trolling y'all. Hahahah