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3576200 No.3576200 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys lives with these swings?

My heart sank with my OMG today.

>> No.3576242


>> No.3576300

Unironically HODL.

I'm in OMG, ETH, and a couple ICOs I believe in. The total marketcap for all crypto is <$100 Billion. If you truly believe in crypto, then these fluctuations are tiny in the grand scheme of things. I can envision a day, not too far in the future, when all cryptos are worth $1 Trillion. This technology is simply superior.

Historically, nothing can stand in the way of progress. Not governments, banks, jews, lizardmen, you name it.

We are still in early. Fiat is failing. We are all going to make it.

>> No.3576343

You are good bro don't worry.
See check these charts:


You are just freaking out because you bought a promising coin near the top of a run up. The price has got to stabilize first, meaning it will fall until it finds a support, and once that support is found it goes back up to stabilizing price, then it can shoot up again. Don't worry about losing value of your coins if you believe in them long-term. You can use the clear price drops thta you pick up on as a way to buy more by selling and rebuying at a lower predicted price.

Remember -20% doesn't really matter when you are about to go up 100%

>> No.3576360

By having fiat sitting on an exchange waiting to get in on the dips

>> No.3576368

Yeah that was pretty brutal

>> No.3576370

i dont even look at coinmarket cap or my portfolio anymore

im busy wagecucking to offset my losses

>> No.3576406


>> No.3576409
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Basically this, thanks anon couldnt have said it better.

>> No.3576419

I pray for dips so I can double down.

>> No.3576437


you have to learn to not care, unless my crypto portfolio is generating massive passive income or reaches 5million+ dollars i still have to show up to work on monday whether i'm way up or way down

>> No.3576440

Pretty much I have to work 2 weeks to make up for losses but I'm sure I'll recover by then anyway r-right

>> No.3576468

you have to have total conviction of crypto or take your profits when you can

I have conviction, so i get in at ground level and hold until ive made a fortune

if its a coin i dont have much faith in, i sell when the 10x is presented to me. LIke 0x, i didnt believe it should be worth more than it was at the peak, and with the market at the time i couldnt see it going much higher, so i sold for that easy flip. Thats the thing, if your here for quick flips you have to have a look at the whole market direction and see whats happening. If things are stale and theres not a huge amount of hype its best to take your profits.

You've got to have full confidence in your investment ability, and you dont that means you need to read and lurk more

>> No.3576469

Hodling is a meme that leads to missed wealth

Just sell when it gets to FOMO levels (Anything about 40% is probably FOMO, anything above 50 is definitely) then buy back in when the dip happens.

Even if it keeps going up you grit your teeth and move on. Take a note at the top and get ready to buy in when it goes down. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.3576485

Just think of the constant downtread of the fiat dollars you are working for.
A few years from now you'll be laughing, just don't give up.

>> No.3576488

good advice on /biz/? that's new.

>> No.3576501

The technology itself might prevail but not the specific meme coins in your portfolio.

The only way to sleep tight in this market is if you hold your money in a crypto index fund.

>> No.3576531

No kidding wages are laughable compared to precious crypto gains

>> No.3576742

Buy the pink wojaks
Sell the smug pepes