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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 807x310, Antshares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3575182 No.3575182 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, this is my first post on 4chan. I made $120k with a $700 investment in my first month in crypto. I figured out a trick with the way bots work on Binance and I'm telling you this because it no longer works, although I believe it can work again in the future when Binance picks up in volume again. I don't think this is exclusive to Binance, but I've only seen it there.

I bought 100 Antshares with $700 on Bittrex a week or so before it rebranded to NEO. After Binance opened, I moved my NEO because it had free trading. At first I struggled because I was (and still am) an idiot noob who didn't know what he was doing, but I was still making money because NEO was exploding. After a while, though, I noticed that the prices on Bittrex and Binance were always very close, but not quite the same, and that whenever Bittrex went up or down, Binance would go up or down a few seconds later.

This is the important part -

I figured out that there were bots on Binance that bought and sold based on the asks and bids of Bittrex. When the asks and bids would move, the bots would also move. However, they were 4 or 5 seconds slower, so when I saw movement on Bittrex, I'd buy or sell on Binance before the bots could process it. I went from about .4 BTC to 28 in less than a month by doing this nonstop.

Binance had tax-free trading and huge volume, so this strategy worked. It doesn't anymore, but I believe it could again in the future or even on other exchanges with other coins. Pay close attention to bot movement in relation to asks and bids on Bittrex. Try to find correlations.

I got very lucky. I hope this strategy works for you or at least gives you food for thought. Take care.

>> No.3575197


>> No.3575210

Thank you friendo. Screenshotted and printed.

>> No.3575212

Thanks, anon. I guess you were faster than the bots. Good for you.

>> No.3575215

So I should buy MGTI¿

>> No.3575222

And bookmarked

>> No.3575227

don't forget the frame, bro

>> No.3575229

Arbitrage at it's finest.
Nice OP

>> No.3575231

>faster than the bots

>larping on /biz/

>> No.3575243

ITT OP wrote a bot to exploit the bots that people will write to exploit the bots described in OP

>> No.3575248 [DELETED] 

nice story, i lost $2k on a long position this week and now i can't pay my phone bill or buy food for that matter lmao... if not larping prove it:

>> No.3575253

Beggars be gone

>> No.3575257

OP is literally

>> No.3575259

its a larp unless you post your trades that get you your 170x

>> No.3575274

You should have recognized the immense amount of volatility in the crypto markets and didn't have such a high risk tolerance.

>> No.3575329

Nice. If true, congrats man.

How does one track the bots?

>> No.3575379

Hey, this is the OP, not sure how to post replies correctly but I'm responding to No.3575329 -

I used two monitors, one for Bittrex and one for Binance.

I wish this still worked! I sold a lot of my BTC and lost some too, because I'm still an idiot noob, but I have no right to complain.

>> No.3575404

you can see it in a bunch of places, especially when btc is being (more) volatile (than usual). you pretty much need to code a bot though to catch. it. still. never caught anything as predictable as op's story though.

>> No.3575543
File: 28 KB, 436x435, 1446100017502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the last 25 seconds of that video.

What the fuck.

>> No.3575653

prove it

>> No.3575774

So you would see the price go up on Bittrex and then quickly buy on Binance and it would go up after due to bots? Why do you think it stopped working?

>> No.3576445

my guess is that other people found out, too, which killed the differences, and therefore, the whole setup

>> No.3576874

Hello, this is the OP again.

It doesn't work for a couple reasons. First is already mentioned, other people have caught on. The more important reason, though, is that a lot of people took their NEO to Binance because it had free trading and because you would get GAS by holding on the exchange. When the free trading ended, people took their NEO off of Binance and back onto Bittrex. This is why BNB plummeted from $2.50 to $.75; nobody is even on Binance anymore.

If Binance had the volume it had during the free trading then, it would still work. But look at NEO's buy orders. There's nobody there anymore.

I think this strategy applies universally though; whenever I trade, I look at multiple exchanges now to get an idea of where a coin is and where it's moving. When I buy and sell BTC, I always look at Bitfinex.

I hope my posts have helped. Good luck all.

>> No.3576937

>the end of that video

holy fuck I'm crying

>> No.3576954

Let's see some proof or fake and gay to mention impossible

>> No.3577031

OP, I started cryptotrading june 2017 with 1.5k worth of eth (5.7 ethers). By august 20th I had 70k.

Do you wan't to start an Private High IQ Investor Club? Requirement is showing how much you scored on ravens progressive matrices or how sick your results are. A group of 10-20.

>> No.3577041

I had also noticed a trend in IOTA. I didn't only hold the iota bullmarket, but I daytraded panic selloffs. This amplified the gains I made that bull run by 2 or so.

>> No.3577046

Not daytraded but scalped*

>> No.3577064

do you guys code your bots yourselves or what?

>> No.3577068

1. Why are you telling us
2. Did you use bots

>> No.3577096
File: 260 KB, 1864x1025, trades1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, this is the OP.


I kept logs of my trading. As you can see, I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning! I also made many mistakes. I moved to Binance after making mistakes on Bittrex and hoping to turn a new leaf. I have no idea why I thought that would be a good idea, but it was.

Once I got 1 BTC, things really started to snowball. I also began moving BTC back to Bittrex to invest in other things.

I am still new to all of this and still learning though, and can't attribute any of this to anything other than dumb luck.

>> No.3577110

wow OP I gotta say I am impressed you should make a discord and we can discuss trade ideas and your strategy.

>> No.3577135

My brain just exploded. Thanks anon.

>> No.3577142


show ur orders history for proof

>> No.3577162

>haha i gambled my bill money can you guys pls give me money?
Go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.3577176

Larson trained himself to see the pattern in the sequence by watching VHS tapes in slow mode.

>> No.3577214

could you also go into detail on how a trade would go into place and how much return you would expect?

>> No.3577222

amazing anon!

>> No.3577249

Sharpie in pooper with time stamp. I will provide you 0.0875 BTC worth of monroe.

>> No.3577257

Good job, so you'll have 60k left after taxes

>> No.3577290
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>> No.3577564
File: 86 KB, 1920x1048, ravens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I qualify?

>> No.3578259
File: 17 KB, 910x255, 2017-09-22 11_47_29-took an IQ test and the result is_ above 137. Who can top that_ - Chromium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I qualify?

>> No.3578352

bots usually fill orders of the same amount repetitively

>> No.3578978


give me a contact and i'll send you the discord link

>> No.3578984

or fck it don't mind if some low iq's are in here to, ill just kick em if they start shilling boring stuff https://discord.gg/2aNF9V

>> No.3579001

Join the collaborated pump group on Telegram..

We're currently up to 180,000 to pump with. Join and let us know how much you have. I'll see you there

>> No.3579073

Fuck those pump groups. Useless.


>> No.3579075

Could I grab a discord link? It's expired already

>> No.3579082

Doesnt work OP.

>> No.3579517
File: 32 KB, 470x698, 1505592870469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only got 124

>> No.3579582

very interesting, thanks OP

>> No.3579675

worth the 10 minutes. what a rollercoaster

>> No.3579694
File: 243 KB, 1130x1264, Screen Shot 2017-09-22 at 1.57.53 p.m..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck I only got 140 at mensa

>> No.3579761

Discord mate?

>> No.3579867

Just did a test and they want BTC. Lmao, I guess I'm retarded.

>> No.3580908
File: 42 KB, 551x818, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should do this

>> No.3580918

Goldmanjohn is my discord contact

>> No.3581118

This is my third day on trading, but I'm not very active
my starting was 0.01 BTC on bittrex on the first day
>lost on first trade 0.0002 in a few minutes
>lost on second 0.0008 in a few minutes again
>gain on third trade 0.0006 surprisingly in a few minutes too
>lost on 4th trade 0.0004 again
>lost on 5th trade 0.0004 and again in a few minutes
>gain on 6th trade 0.0002 shockingly for more than a day and a half

I'm on a 10% loss
I'm indecisive
there's too many cryptos to choose from

>> No.3581665
File: 28 KB, 540x647, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god its patterns. Anyone can patterns.
To smart 4 skool.