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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3574940 No.3574940 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3575719
File: 213 KB, 1242x810, iota_marines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3575744
File: 170 KB, 800x525, iota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3575757

My wifes son thinks i should pay reparations to his people because I'm white. Will IOTA be supported for people like me?

>> No.3575768

Keep crying polcucks

I'll be laughing when IOTA moons and all you're going to have is racist neet memes

t. Nonwhite

>> No.3575824

Yes, but you must have your penis removed first.

>> No.3575829


I'm holding IOTA because I recognize the potential.

Doesn't mean I'm not willing to meme.

T. Fuck you street shit pajeet

>> No.3576295

Amateur and immature devs who ignore certain scalability issues. After researching it, all the potential evaporates.

>> No.3576392

I mean how many kebab shops is enough, never see these people doing much else

>> No.3576442

So where is that anon who said he had proof the dev team were pedos and he was going to release all the information and destroy iota in the process? That was about two weeks ago...

You Polcucks are so fucking pathetic I can't stop laughing

>> No.3576490

How's that IQ?

>> No.3576516

Anon is a kike so it's greater than yours Mr goy

>> No.3576560

this is why we need a Wall
>Trump 20'

>> No.3577097


Thats so cool, like a human art representation of the tangle?

>> No.3577118

Hahahaha you are right brother, they have not yet submitted themselves to Allah. Praise IOTA death to the wh*te race

>> No.3577137

I voted Jill Stein in the election mostly as an angry anti-hillary vote(I wanted Bernie), but now would totally vote for Trump's re-election. I'm not sure if I've changed or the things around me have. It might be both. Also fuck IOTA and their shit-eating devs