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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3574559 No.3574559 [Reply] [Original]

Chain link juuust about at ICO price...


Get cucked, LINKeks.

>muh oracle problem


>> No.3574570

Did this guy just pull off one of the greatest scams of 2017?

LOL at anyone expecting this shit to moon

>> No.3574572

Below ICO, best time to buy then.

>> No.3574582


I wish, it's still 2x on the world's shittest exchange.

>> No.3574604


How long are people going to keep making these threads? You're just annoying people.

I'll explain so maybe this can stop.

Let's say you're successful. Someone believes you and they own LINK. They panic and go to sell.

Oh hey! It's actually still around 2x ICO. I guess the guy was lying.

Lets say they want to buy. Same shit happens.

So this doesn't work on even a basic level as FUD. I have to assume you're doing it because you think it's funny then. I suggest watching youtube videos of people being hit in the balls instead. It's way more your speed.

>> No.3574605

Where even?

>> No.3574606


Exactly what I said with bancor...

>> No.3574620

This right here

>> No.3574639

No it isnt, if it was id buy another 10 grands worth

>> No.3574660

nice wrecking you delivered to OP

>> No.3574664


Stop lying, its nowhere near 2x now.

It hit 0.000525000 on EtherDelta just now... getting very close to 0.00038

>> No.3574675

Hilarious to watch the shills still try to defend this obvious shitcoin. Price will go to 0.

>> No.3574678
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>> No.3574683


It really isn't. Do you think someone is going to go to ED and sell it for 0.000525 without even looking at the current prices for a split second?

Such lazy FUD attempts.

>> No.3574705

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.3574723


Oh shit


>> No.3574724

that's an old screen cap. See you below the ICO price! stay mad, LINKeks

>> No.3574744
File: 36 KB, 900x247, IMG_8064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly hilarious how hard they're trying.

Every half assed and false Fud post might as well read

"Waaahhh wahhh mommy please let me buy this cheaper wahhhhh"

>> No.3574767


The annoying thing is that they aren't actually trying.

The two memes so far are to claim it's below ICO price or to say "It solved the oracle problem".

The later was actually kind of funny at first but as these are /b/ tier faggots they managed to make it stale in less than 24 hours.

>> No.3574777
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1505975190511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ChainLink at ICO price
>On EtherDelta
>2 days out of the ICO
>Not yet on any major exchange
>In the middle of a major bear market when everything else is down significantly

>> No.3574783
File: 4 KB, 406x211, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is getting to be worse than /b/.

>> No.3574788

"premium whale group"

yeah ok lol. This coin is a meme, get over yourselves.

>> No.3574800

>alternative facts
This is how trump won the election.

>> No.3574801

If you think this is the bear market then you are in for a reality check...

>> No.3574818


Newfags with their $1000 blockfolios, just ignore the scum.

>> No.3574865
File: 57 KB, 680x420, 92d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3574900

>ICO price


Something is not adding up

>> No.3574931


It's 1.3 the ICO price now. Can you not calculate basic math?

Love watching you LINKeks squirm under the realization that your shit coin is tanking. That's what you get for promoting a complete piece of shit scam coin.

>> No.3574955


What you smoking my fucked up friend?

Buy LINK, wer're going to the moon pussies.

>> No.3575005



32 million * 1.3 = 62 million?

>> No.3575047

>old screencap


>> No.3575164

kys retard its up 60% since ico price