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357170 No.357170 [Reply] [Original]

>just landed an internship because I'm good at interviewing
>have no idea how to perform the job function I was hired for
>was never asked technical questions in the interview so I kind of slid under the radar with that
>I start on Monday

does anyone else here have experience with being totally incompetent at their jobs and still not getting fired? i think i may need some advice with this...

>> No.357177

You get away with just about anything while you're new. Just find the guy that's been there the longest / best knows the job and ask him to show you the ropes.
That's assuming you won't get training.
I've been in similar situations while going into the field as a sound technician. I always made sure I had a guy I could call if everything went to shit.

>> No.357192

Ask for advice, get help. Show that you care about this job and that you'll be a valuable employee once you understand more and you'll be fine.

>> No.357194
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>Technically competent but socially autistic
>Suck at interviews unless they're technical questions and not behavioral ones
>Appear reserved, guarded, nervous, and scatterbrained around new people, taking weeks to months to warm up to them

Anyone who eventually gives me a chance ends up extremely pleased with my quality of work, so I have that going for me at least.

>> No.357198

My professor: Of you arent absolutely terrified of your new job when you start it, dont take the job

In other words if the job wont challenge you, its not even worth it. Be confident in your own skills, the people who hired you believe you are fit for the job, now its you

>> No.357333

don't worry

like someone else said, you'll get away with anything when you're new.. literally, ANYTHING.

however, even if you remain incompetent for years, like a coworker at my old job, you will likely still slip under the radar because firing and replacing someone is a hassle unless its absolutely warranted

>> No.357348

It's an internship. They didn't ask you technical questions because they are going to teach you. They're not expecting you to know anything, the interview was to see if you are a worthwhile investment.

>> No.357450

I dunno, I hear at some internships like this one they will ask technical questions to make sure you at least have somewhat of a handle on what you're doing.

In the first interview I thought I was going to be axed because the guy who interviewed me asked if I had any courses relating to the job, and I said I had a few 2 years ago. Then me and him just started talking about study abroad for 40 minutes.

>> No.357466

I'm autistic 75% of the time but when there is a high pressure situation I become someone else and rise up to the challenge. It's like an instinctive survival response, fuck everybody man.

>> No.357479

>>taking weeks to months
>tfw you take months to years so your sphagetti doesn't flow out
I never asked for this sperglordness.