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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3569735 No.3569735 [Reply] [Original]

>be objectively the most productive employee
>always get passed over for promotions
>paid just as much as the cunt who spends half her day on Facebook and texting
>coworkers always try to throw you under the bus
>management acts like you don't exist
>day in, day out 40 hours every week


>> No.3569743

You're a white guy, right?

>> No.3569759

Sounds like nobody likes you.

>> No.3569771

Is it a minimum wage job?
You probably get passed over for promotions because the manager doesn't like the fact that you work harder than the others, it makes the rest of his section look worse and others would be forced to work harder.
Just tone it down OP.

>> No.3569773

dumb fuck, you obviously don't socialise enough seeing as you're on 4chan. fucking get a hobby, talk to people at your job retard

>> No.3569796
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gotta be smart enough to play dumb

>> No.3569808

this is when you search for new jobs bro? Or go to the gym and look too attractive to pass up. Sucks to be in your spot, just work out or actively hunt for new jobs, then you have LEVERAGE to fuck them in the ass

>> No.3569834




No, it's in a hospital. Requires some education and certifications.

>> No.3569856


socializing != work, you dumb cunt.
I will not lower my work output just to play your bullshit games. Get fucked nigger

>> No.3569904


I'm there to make money, not friends.

Socializing at work leads to lower productivity and more errors, my coworkers are excellent proof of this.

Not to mention it's COMPLETELY CONTRADICTORY to what management consistently say they want - they want high productivity and low errors they don't incentivize it one fucking bit. In fact they do the fucking opposite. Fucking hypocritical scum shitbag cocksuckers

>> No.3569941

>he thinks success is about work output

>> No.3569959

You should never try to raise the standards, OP. It's one of the first things a socially crippled person should learn when dealing with normies.

Always hide your power level.

>> No.3569970


Your relationships with coworkers/leaders > personal skill

>> No.3569979

find a new job you mong

>> No.3570050

Here's a tip. You're probably not as good at your job as you think you are.

>> No.3570080

How old are you? I learned that actually being productive at work doesn't really matter when i was about 22. Now i'm 25 and i'm literally at work right now shitposting while i make more money than i did while i was stressing myself to do everything right

>> No.3570108


we dont care how you got it all so easy and wow isnt it so great being worthless and doing nothing.
We fundamentally despise people like you, God hates you.

>> No.3570189



That's not what I claimed though. What I said was that I was more productive than my coworkers which is a fact- I have access to the data.

>> No.3570216

ask for a raise, retard

>> No.3570222


Hospitals are pretty much high school 2.0. The women get paid to slack off and they're only there to fuck a higher earning doctor into thinking they're likeable. Women turn the workplace into another sexual competition arena, thereby stifling male cooperation and cohesion, and they often exploit the innate out-group preference of men for women.

>> No.3570223

no one gives a shit about your "data". you either play the game or you suffer the consequences.

>> No.3570227

lol you sound salty cuck

>> No.3570285

Here's a tip.
Just the tip.
Your pants is so damn tight I think they gonna rip.


>> No.3570313

why be more productive than you have to if you're not getting anything out of it?

>> No.3570354

drop all in OMG

>> No.3570366

If your dream isn't to make money doing nothing then live this board to the real /biz/raelis

>> No.3570441

You're really fucking naive. Why the fuck would they give you a raise if you just sit there and do more work than others for the same money? Relationships are the most important thing at succeeding in your career

>> No.3570456
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Quit and do something on your own. This is why you are here.


These people just want to sit at a desk for 50 years and hopefully not get laid off. Who enjoys just sitting at a desk doing nothing for years on end? Literally a waste of life.

pic unrelated

>> No.3570473

This was me, at a shitty factory job.

I'm not one to brag and I hate people who do it so believe me I am not bragging when I say that I was the hardest fucking worker there. I did twice the standard workload, and was the only one who did so. I was the one that the supervisors looked to when someone called in sick or quit. I would do my normal duties and then pick up the slack, much more than any normal person would put up with without any compensation. Additionally, I worked insane amounts of overtime whenever asked. I was putting in like 65 hours a week.

And you know what? In all that time, I didn't get a single raise or even some simple recognition. They even started a new policy where they would recognize "outstanding employees" by giving them a plaque and hanging it in the break room. Didn't get one. I saw a guy get one because he cut some boxes into cardboard strips when he ran out of cardboard strips that he needed to do his job. I was also thrown under the bus a lot by other employees who were good friends with some of the supervisors outside of work.

I'm telling you, it's not worth it. Never be a good goy. The reward is garbage, if you even get a reward. One day I just quit without telling anyone. Just stopped showing up, and ignored all their phone calls. Even better, one day I called in "sick" from that job, but it was really to go to an interview for the job that I used to replace it.

Moral of the story: don't be a doormat. Put in minimal effort, and everything you do, only do it because it benefits you.

>> No.3570502

We don't want to sit at a desk for 50 years, this is why we're on /biz/.

But OP is a wagecuck who's getting shat on, so we're giving him advice on how to be a better wagecuck since him not being a good enough wagecuck bothers him.

>> No.3570555

Youve got to learn to gently cup the balls and massage them while youre giving head. The "cunt" who sucks half the cocks as you do probably does it better, probably deep throats and probably swallows rather than spits. Youve got to put yourself out there OP, take some risks. Im confident youll be chief dick sucker in no time

>> No.3570557
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Theres no point in convincing him to be a wagecuck any longer. He doesnt buy into any of it anymore.

>> No.3570687

>thinking hard work is what gets you ahead in a wagecuck job

Haha no. It's all about being friends with your coworkers and bosses. The shit you can get away with when people like you is unreal.

Your bosses don't want some autistic machine, they want a human they can relate to.

>> No.3571352


no, this behavior is beneath me.
I undestand the logic, but I rather put in full effort and then quit if I dont get anything for it than to enter with a shit attitude in the first place.
Although I do agree that doing this for a long time is just stupid, you're basically hoping that other people reward you for being nice. That isnt how life works, you need to start your own company and put in your best work ethic there, which sadly I havent done because I got depressed.

>> No.3571428

> Your bosses don't want some autistic machine, they want a human they can relate to.

I am literally doing the job they give me to the best of my ability. If they told me to socialize and sell something or whatever then I'd do that job perfectly too.
But that wasnt the task given and it infuriates me that people who clearly are slacking and talking to people get some other responsibility that is clearly easier where they can slack even more just because they stand around and talk and relate to people.
I do my job perfectly, what the heck do you want? I can do other jobs perfectly too.
It weirds me out that this is not how life seems to work, instead it seems people take on some fake responsibility and then they make themselves essential at that trivial task that any hard worker could do in seconds but us hard workers are working hard, so we would finish it in 1/3 of the time and go back to the other work while he takes 100% of his time doing the low effort job and then is allowed to do that all the time because it gives the impression that his job is a full time job.
No actually, doing what you're doing is something I could do in minutes and then I'd do other stuff again. Wth.