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File: 86 KB, 1300x865, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3568273 No.3568273 [Reply] [Original]

Im balding. Whats the cheapest way to kill myself?

>> No.3568303

>going out killing yourself but still pinching pennies

Never change /biz/

>> No.3568328
File: 622 KB, 300x458, cant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not allowed to die. You need to experience torment and misery for at least another 30 years.

>> No.3568343
File: 524 KB, 1280x720, 1503163631225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can more than likely come close to stopping the balding, or at least slow it down.
Have you looked into DHT specific drugs?

Alternatively, you could just starve yourself to death. That's pretty cheap.

>> No.3568355
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>> No.3568372

Drown yourself in a lake, if you are in a very cold or hot environment just go outside naked and stop moving.
Alternatively if youre a real badass hold your breath until you die.

Or get kids andd you'll start getting creative yourself

>> No.3568395
File: 48 KB, 602x441, 564156159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be such a pussy, to anyone balding just start shaving your head and get in fucking shape. You'll instantly be that much more successful with the ladies. If you wax and shine, they'll want to rub your head all the time and give you head too.

Or, get rich enough to be able to fix your shit the lazy way and stay a cuck on the inside forever like pic related here

>> No.3568413

yea well, some people look shit with a shaved head.

>> No.3568449

Drown yourself in a pool of minoxidil.

>> No.3568468

wear a hat faggot, who cares

>> No.3568546

same. just shave it and wear hats . baseball caps , no tilby and fedora like hipster trash

>> No.3568582

How bad is it? Get on fin.

>> No.3568646

whats fin and WTF does Elon use?

>> No.3568658

Finasteride. Elon got a hair transplant and he might be on fin.

>> No.3568674

do whatever you want but don't do finasteride, that stuff will make your dick shrink

>> No.3568686

Finbro reporting in. Works like a charm. Got 5 hair left

>> No.3568707

I can much longer now If that's what you mean anon

>> No.3568771

Looks like a wig in the right pic

>> No.3568789

Minoxidil if you're still in a decent situation, Finasteride if your hair are fucked up.

>> No.3568851

Been using rogaine for a year and half a now. Works really well for me. Signifanctly slowed down hair loss rate for me (although still losing it).

Although I read that rogaine is luck of the draw. Works really well for some people (some have even had some regrowth) while not working at all for others.

I stay away from finn, the potential negative side effects are worse than losing your hair imo

>> No.3568893
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Im on topical finasteride and minoxidil, I cant say it does much

Im not looking forward to lowering my DHT to women tier levels and im sure its not even going to work, it may even make things worse and make me looking like a balding retard by this x-mas while I get AMOGged into oblivion by a 15 year old relative that's taller, good looking, and has perfect hair and his dad has good hair for his age so he will be safe. He is fucking hot jailbait all day while not giving a fuck and enjoying life thanks to winning the genetic lottery while I rot. I never had a chance because of subChad genetics but at least I could cope by still having hair and making money in crypto (I just hit 6 figures worth of BTC) but it's nothing, everything is crumbling appart because of this shit. Only 10 million dollars would make me cope with baldness even if it would still suck, I could at least cope by being known as the rich guy in town.

I would rather face death than genetic humilliation coming from a teenager once again.

>> No.3568936

Jesus fuck, what happened anon?

>> No.3568952
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Im ignoring any coping "just shave it bro"/wear a hat mongs.

Wigs are a scam, they will find out. Hair transplants are a good idea only if the treatments work, otherwise you are still fucking balding so whats the point.

The treatments just suck. They will turn you into a low androgen cuck.

Oh and some dumb fucking retards panic selling bitcoin now to boot. Great.

>> No.3568966

Grow a beard, get a hat, start a meth empire and then donate the earnings to my wallet, You kill yourself later.

>> No.3568967

Do not fucking touch Finasteride, it will fuck you up, maybe permanently. Look up Post Finasteride syndrome, and stay the fuck away from that shit.

>> No.3568974
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 101010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be bald without fin or any anti androgens. Minox is only taking care of a part of balding, not the full picture.

Life is indeed a scam, if you aren't born with the good genetics.

If at least I bought 1000 BTC back then, but now im coping with 20 dreaming that I wake up rich in 2027.

>> No.3568990
File: 133 KB, 635x783, 1010ass julia pimentel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bald will fuck you up permanently, fin may fuck you up permanently, pick your poison.

>> No.3569037

Dont touch that shit, it will lobotamize you. Dont fucking touch it. Their stats on how many people experience side effects are bullshit.

>> No.3569048

Yeah, I know, like I said in my post, its significantly sliwing it down but not stopping it. Works for me, it would suck to lose all of my hair at 24. I'll probably shave it all off in a year or two.

>> No.3569099

Fin is great. I almost fell for all the fear mongering.

>> No.3569201

Don't go visiting at Xmas, then. Or kick the shit out of him.
But listen, OP, do you walk down the street or sit in the office or whatever and think the guys who have lost their hair look stupid? When you see a bald guy, do you say to yourself 'God, I wonder what happened to that freak'? Was it something you even noticed on other men before you became concerned about it?
These are rhetorical questions, because going bald for a man is as common as wearing glasses, and nobody gives a fuck.
I understand that when it's happening to you it seems like the worst thing in the world, but it really is no big deal. Other people are as chilled as you are and give no more of a fuck about you going bald than you do about anyone else going bald. And chicks don't care, either.

>> No.3569265


>> No.3569958

But im already lobotomized by baldness.

I never go anywhere, they come here. And im a NEET, I never worked a day in my life, never will. My 21 BTC will eithe make me rich in 10 years or I will kill myself. I will keep making more BTC meanwhile. I have a method, as long as it works, im making about 0.4 BTC per month.

>> No.3569975
File: 116 KB, 540x960, jb bubble butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care about me, and the pretty young girls don't want to suck your dick if you are bald. And yes, balding makes you look fucking stupid unless your bones are Statham tier aka 1%. Everything else is irrelevant.

>> No.3569990
File: 58 KB, 501x753, 0ef34be9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also live with my parents so I cant kick anyone out.

There's nothing that can help, unless it grows hair or gives me 10 million overnight.

>> No.3570627

I wasn't really being all that serious about the Xmas and beatings thing.
Most people don't hold the opinion that balding makes you look stupid, most people just don't really care. Your attitude will have a far worse affect on girls' opinion of you, trust me.
There are millions of bald, successful guys with good partners who are happy in life and don't look like some kind of model, they're just regular guys with a good outlook. The only difference between them and you is their perspective on life and that they realise going bald is not such a big deal.
Do yourself a favour, dude, and go talk to someone like a counselor or something. What would you have to lose?

>> No.3570722

bald people are smarter. become an evil genius and get insanely rich

>> No.3570863

Hang self with a rope braided from your own shedding hair.

>> No.3570930
File: 70 KB, 640x1136, IMG-20170916-WA0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you want then, retard
If you can't let go of something as trivial and superficial as hair you do NOT have what it takes to be important
Just shoot yourself in that shiny scalp and let the cops have a laugh at how much it looks like a cracked egg, it's the most you will ever contribute to the world.

>> No.3570992

You're the most shallow piece of shit, holy fuck hahaha. Shave your head and start lifting, get fucking ripped, dress yourself nice, get a nice cologne, and that 15 year old little fuck will show his belly, trust me.

>> No.3571004

Just fuckin shave it.

>> No.3571115

Fuck we were afraid you'd say that.