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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3566181 No.3566181 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/ i have been thinking of moving to the countryside and starting a farm for many years . How many acres of land do i need so i can have a decent income? Do you have any /biz/ness ideas for the countryside? I live in an olivenigger country so we have good soil.

PS. I dont have olive trees

>> No.3566225

>How many acres of land do i need so i can have a decent income?

Nobody can answer that unless you give us some more information

>> No.3566245

Supposedly you can feed a person for a year on an acre of land. Anything after that would be profit. But I doubt farmers make much

>> No.3566280

what info do you want?

>> No.3566368
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i am from the agribuisness industry, depends wich country, EU and USA you should try to get the subisdicion, if you in the eu you need some acres for greening keep that in mind.
the most money on low accre are fruit plantages, but you need time to set them up and you need polacs or mexicans for the work on it, one man maybe can care for 2 or 3 acres of fruit trees by himself

>> No.3566400

How about beekeeping? I just need around 15k euros/year in my mind.

>> No.3566464

A server farm would be way better than a food farm.

>> No.3567065

first thing you need is a €400000 tractor and a bunch of equipment depending on what's your core crop
then fertilizer and seeds
then illegal labor
then someone to move the goods
then pay tax and loans

>> No.3567081

What country?

>> No.3567084

80% of hives die
most EU cunts will tax you per hive
a kg of honey is like €10
having animals means no vacation 4u

>> No.3567830
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Here's a guide I found on /pol/. YMMV.