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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 1416x720, CryptoHierarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3564411 No.3564411 [Reply] [Original]

I redid anon's shitty chart.

How high are you in the cryptocurrency Pyramid Scheme??

>> No.3564480
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>> No.3564484

tfw cattle

>> No.3564503

Minister, YOU Satoshi

>> No.3564530
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>tfw i am both

>> No.3564532

>tfw smart money but didnt put a significant amount into it

>> No.3564561

Ngl one year from now Bitcoin will develop solid resistance above the $5,000 mark and we'll all be crying about how we could've gotten in more around $3000 whilst we swindle even more normies into buying our overpriced bags before the bubble bursts

>> No.3564611

In the words of Mr. John McAfee,
>$25,000. tops.

>> No.3564645

>first heard about Bitcoin during Smart Money but didn't look into it and thought it was just for tinfoil hats
>started trading last month

>> No.3564650

are you me?

>> No.3564652

>satoshi crew

>> No.3564733

I dont remember how long ago, but when I was younger with my brother we found out about bitcoin when it was around 50 bucks. We had saved up our money and wanted to buy some but we couldn't convince our mom to let use use her credit card.

I tried to buy bitcocin last year at around 600 usd. I was at the end of my college degree and was doing a research project so I didn't have much time at all.

I coulnd't figure out an easy way to do it. I remember trying to get kraken to work but had a problem with my ID or something and was having a hard time becase I'm canadian. I just kinda gave up after a little and forgot about it. Not really sure how I didn't know about coinbase at the time, or maybe I just didn't want to pay the fees idk.

Then I saw it making waves when it started to moon and broken 1k earlier this year. I remember to tell my brother to buy a bunch when it was around 1200 but he wouldnt listen. Having just graduated, I was pretty broke and was too pussy.

I eventually worked up the balls to put my money in like a month ago, as I still havent found a job after graduating and am really hoping to make some income.

so tl;dr - tried to be smart money, then gambler, then fucked it all up and landed just below catle

>> No.3564787

smart money. I'm just a gambler though

>> No.3564795
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So? I'd still buy even if Bitcoin goes above 5000.

>> No.3564809

why you get rid of the lime green wall

>> No.3564829
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If we see a big pullback from all the China fear going on, and it's another serious one this time, we could make it down to $2500 per Bitcoin, according to the 200 day SMA

>Tfw w-wwe can all be patricians after all!

>> No.3564845

>tfw even if it goes down to 2500$ i still couldnt afford one (1) bit coin.

>> No.3564859
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>bought back in 2013
>mt gox'd

>> No.3564863

so I saw this and was wondering: is this going to be the situation for Ethereum too? Or has that ship sailed?

>> No.3564873

smart money was mostly people buying drugs with bitcoin lol.

>> No.3564897
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fixed that chart for ya

>> No.3564898
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>> No.3565157

> gambler / libertarian
Tfw this thing is accurate

>> No.3565178
File: 15 KB, 440x262, first major buy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost it from dice, gambling shitcoins, and i love 11 year old girls and needed money badly because of depression. I still only have 0.5 on my blockfolio. /biz/ is accurate so far.

>> No.3565219


>> No.3565224
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also this

>> No.3565232

Shit, that thing is accurate, I'm actually a libertarian...

>> No.3565351


I was well aware of bitcoin all the way back when it was below $1. It looked to me like some incredibly lame thing that /g/ was doing and I was happy as a clam when it mooned to $30 then crashed on its ass. I was unironically making remarks like "bitcoin more like buttcoin amirite" and it was all so much fun to see the /g/ losers fall flat on their faces.

Well here I am now. I bought in at just over $4000. meanwhile those /g/ losers are living it up on their secret antarctic bases.

>> No.3565375
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Libertarian here, funnily enough that is actually the reason I brought.

>> No.3565422

What if I don't have any coins?

>> No.3565444

worse than cattle

>> No.3565457

you're a background prop

>> No.3565797
File: 30 KB, 1156x710, aaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi never even bought any bitcoin
It's painful how newfags never realize they're newfags.
If you bought in <1000$ 90% of bitcoin happened before you.

>> No.3565820

stay mad commie queer

>> No.3565830

>shit on commies
>retard calls me commie

>> No.3565858

Got in after the Cyprus pump to 120, so I guess I'm smart money (libertarian in belief though).

I did have money problems and sold all but 1 btc at 600 last year. That wasn't so smart.

But it motivates me to trade instead of holding, so the end result is nice :-)

>> No.3566357

You're saying they were the earliest investors
In other words
which is hilarious

>> No.3566371

>In other words
No, that's your own retarded interpretation. I assume you're one of those newfags who think it was obvious from the start that bitcoin would even break 1$

>> No.3566391

Had a computer mining BTC around 2010 when it could still be mined with a CPU. I don't remember anything substantial at all didn't get interested in crypto again until recently. It's amazing how many more projects are available right now. Exchanges are actually a thing. Tons of different tokens and coins available. I just wish I had stuck with it way back when.

>> No.3566393

I got them for free on 4chan, then bought more at 8$. So I guess satoshi tier?

>> No.3566847

>under 5k and above
so everyone is cattle?

>> No.3566998

You're a faggot and your commie BS doesnt fly
If I knew it was going to moon
I would have put a lot more into it than I did

>> No.3567567

v intradasted in btc on its run from $100-$1k, picked up a bunch on the way down. avg price paid about $600. pro gambler here fwiw

>> No.3567642
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>implying burgers actually know how to not over-react to trivial things
>literally OH - MY - GOD !!!!!

>> No.3568585

That overreaction is good in my mind, since we can then get cheap bitcoins

>> No.3568655
File: 434 KB, 600x715, 1426829303231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw knew about bitcoin back in 2011 but didn't give a shit

I will regret this all my life

>> No.3568661

No you won't, fag. This is the only timeline that matters, and in this timeline you decided not to buy it. Even if you did buy, you'd have sold at 2x gains tops.

>> No.3568705

see >>3565830

>> No.3568724

>not investing everything in bitcoin cash

>> No.3568766

This. I got 1 BTC from faucet for free when it was worth nothing. Deleted my wallet key later.
Bought for 20$ but sold at +100%
Bought at 250$ but sold at +100% again.
It was unthinkable back then that it would explode like that. There was no way you' dhold through all the crashes up to now.

>> No.3568869
File: 278 KB, 488x272, 1505250353322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard it here first!
Bitcoin is going to the $2500 range before the end of the year!
It could go to 2600, it could go to 2400, even 2200 at the lowest stable price and $2000 for a few hours like that time it went to 1830 recently.
But the only sure thing is that it's going down to that range, backtracking to the 200 day SMA sometime this year.

>> No.3568923
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>> No.3569320
File: 90 KB, 928x843, bitcoinköp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have bought 14.3 bitcoins for 40.000 SEK ($5000). u mad whyte boi?

>> No.3569429
File: 180 KB, 1675x964, swedecuck police qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you could've rebought the whiteness of your people with the same ease.

>> No.3569458

Is that Izzy? Scene?

>> No.3569499

sorry but im going to have to ask for the sauce please kind sir

>> No.3569584

you should go to 4chan/int/ --- /sverigetraden/ and ask the swedes there