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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3563080 No.3563080 [Reply] [Original]

fuck youuu allll. you have destroyed the one investment im all in on. shit would be 80-90 cents by now. and for what. because they have some political conviction that goes against yours? PEOPLE HAVE RAEL $$$ IN THIS YOU ARE RUINING OUR LIVES

>> No.3563094

y o u r e a r e t a r d

>> No.3563096


or idk anon maybe dont invest in literal refugee cuck coins

>> No.3563106

Amen, normally I jump on board with the political boycott train, but Cryptos are not the place for that. \pol is wrong for this one...

>> No.3563107

Developer thinks it's cute to virtue-signal and tell people who disagree with him not to invest. I can't speak for everyone, but I have to say that due to recent events, I have no faith in the leadership behind this project and can't see this as a good investment.

>> No.3563117



>> No.3563129
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>> No.3563140

Yeah, pissed me off when he threw out the white supremacist card. As they say though, bet on the horse not the jockey. Iota is a hell of a horse, the jockeys however are cucked out of their mind. We all know libs and dems outnumber their opposition. If anything, this will bring in the normie cucks to invest via virtue signal. Soooo, it's a good investment still. The moon however has been postponed

>> No.3563149

Kek, I was having a 22% gain, but fuck liberals. Sold everything

>> No.3563181


>everyone i have an announcement to make:

>racism is bad

literally liberals today

>> No.3563188

allah akbar praise iota

>> No.3563191

The Developers do not have one iota of business sense. Sell.

>> No.3563195

They are right my brother, race does not matter, all that matters is submission to Allah.

>> No.3563201

Unless its anti white racism. Anti white racism is good. Mmmmkay Kids?

>> No.3563216


its just the most uninteresting point ever. theyre kicking and screaming about muh racism as if significant portion of the population disagrees

>racism. is. bad.
>omg anon you are like SUCH a good person


>> No.3563253
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good night irene, you reap what you sow.

>> No.3563257

praise kek fuck iota

>> No.3563311

The thing that is holding iota back the most is the devs. It's like two 14 year old kids from /VG/ made a coin. I have NEVER in my fucking life seen 2 people drive something so valuable into the ground.

Someone better will come along and show iota how it's done. This coin will be forgotten within a year.

>> No.3563331
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>> No.3563399


>> No.3563785

IOTA Akbar,
please let this catch on

>> No.3563808

Soon brother, soon

>> No.3563817

>dumb fuck thinks other dumb fucks crying on 4chan did anything to the price
Iirc it pumped like 20% in half an hour during the peak of muh Muslim shit posting

It hit an ath and went down again
Welcome to crypto enjoy your stay

>> No.3563827

stay wrekt (:

>> No.3563854

You probably think underage rthedonald posters got trump elected as well Roflmao
Kids are so hilarious these days

>> No.3563860

stay wrekt (:

>> No.3563878

Reported for trolling

>> No.3563895

That retard should learn to keep his mouth shut and focus on making people rich. But he didn't. He opened his mouth.

>> No.3563902
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>> No.3564071
File: 75 KB, 721x431, IOTAdontTRUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are trying to save you from complete financial ruin. Being pot committed is never rational in crypto. Look, IOTA has the worst cryptographic security flaw imaginable. Bruce Scheier is a world famous security researcher and he has no faith in IOTA. Why should you?

This was all caused by incompetent management. IOTA is short staffed on staffers because, despite the huge amount of money it has in its coin, the CEO chose not to hire enough talented developers. He even complained that blockchain programmers were too expensive at a public event. This was shorty before this unforgivable security flaw was found.

Instead of fixing IOTAs issues the team is virtue signaling everywhere they can. They are pathetic losers. They won't be successful. And you will be stuck holding worthless bags.

>> No.3564083

Bruce Sneier.

>> No.3564096

Sorry, Bruce.

>> No.3564224

Bruce Sneed, formerly Chuck
Iota Ackbar!

>> No.3564287

I don't know why people give the devs shit about refugees.

People should give the devs shit about being fucking idiots at programming and basic security. Unreviewed homebrew hash functions in ternary. Jesus christ.

Also the whole idea of internet-of-things (ie. low powered devices) being able to mine or needing a blockchain.

Also the utter failure of the "tangle" algorithm at dealing with double-spends. Double-spends are the critical issue that Bitcoin solved which made cryptocurrency possible, and IOTA goes backwards on that.

>> No.3564303

You know OP, mudslimes throw faggots of roofs. You are funding your own destruction.

>> No.3564311
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The issue is the devs are trying to hide their incompetence behind virtue signaling. So when anybody says Iota is a piece of shit they are made out to be /pol/tards when the reality is Iota thanks to their devs is an insecure piece of shit.

>> No.3564332

>buying cuckota

>> No.3564338

stay wrekt (:

>> No.3564370

Because you can't bash on the white race and get away with it anymore. People should understand that.
Don't fucking tread on us god damn it. I was a democrat who voted for Obama and after taking so much shit on my race, sex, status, I began to simpathyze with the nazis.

Just don't fucking mix politics with this coin.
We bury Dave Sonstebo career and reputation and move on.

Pick another coin, there are thousands better options

>> No.3564511

>Because you can't bash on the white race and get away with it anymore. People should understand that.
>Don't fucking tread on us god damn it. I was a democrat who voted for Obama and after taking so much shit on my race, sex, status, I began to simpathyze with the nazis.

You have the dumb. It's fatal.

>> No.3565129

Security flaws + shit politics/incompetence + internet of things is a fucking stupid idea in the first place

>> No.3565175

Yeah he is dumb. Nazis were Communists. Sympathizing with your enemy is deadly.

>> No.3565255


>> No.3565273

If you don't see how explicitly anti-white the left has become you are blind. If you really care about stopping White Nationalism, then you need to care about stopping anti-white racism.

In this climate, I don't blame anyone for being a WN. I'm not, and I will try to convince WNs not to be, but I sure as fuck wouldn't distance myself from them or condemn them. We are all in this together.

NAZIS are a myth by the way. The mainstream uses Nazi to simultaneously mean anyone on the populist right (President Trump included) and a supporter of the Holocaust. Most NeoNazis don't think the Holocaust happened. The word has no meaning as the the mainstream uses it. I don't condemn anyone. I only condemn violence.

>> No.3565305

The number one tactic that the left uses is to blame the other guy for what they are actively doing. This can be blatantly seen in the recent shit they are pushing. Nazis are a left wing organization. And they are pushing everything that the national socialist stood for while calling the other side Nazis.

>> No.3565330

>We all know libs and dems outnumber their opposition.
Either subtle shill, or you fell for the propaganda.
Libs/dems/socialists barely reach 50% of the population in western countries despite having the support of Hollywood and Silicon Valley, owning the media and importing foreign populations for votes (legal or otherwise). Remove non-whites from the voting pool and socialists always lose. Cucks are outnumbered in crypto. They're more visible because they do indeed signal, whereas a normal person is simply quiet. Look at video games, another normie pasttime, as a previous medium where marxism values resulted in poor sales.

>> No.3565340

Ummmm no sweetie, IOTA's peak was close to 1 dollar about a month ago. Since then it's been hovering between 50 and 70 cents, including during the sponsor a rapefugee campaign.

>> No.3565344

This is what I said?

>> No.3565348

Stop LARPing /pol/tard, nothing happened.

>> No.3565360

Don't you have some Goats to rape Muhammad?

>> No.3565370

Political statements in business:
>red herring to hide fundamental flaws in the product
>mentally unstable executives
Pick one or both. Strong likelihood IOTA does both.

>> No.3565374

>Marxism values
What? You mean rabid sjw values. They aren't the same.

>> No.3565385

That's quite rude for your mom but I will give her a try.

>> No.3565428

Looks like I was wrong about you Muhammad you are a good man. 90 year old woman don't get a whole lot of action. looks like I was wrong about you you're a good man. 90 old woman don't get ahold of action.

>> No.3565436

fucking piece of shit

>> No.3565448
File: 22 KB, 320x320, haa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got 1k profit on my iota still, im trying to get it to bitfinex but shit is gay and rebroadcast needed constantly. i dont give a shit about their white genocide because im milato

>> No.3565455

That's some aspie shit going on here.
But then, that's kind of expected.

>> No.3565492

Oh that's just my phone it does that sometimes. Sometimes it'll even do it after I hit send. Nothing I can do about it.

>> No.3565499

I wish my mom was Ariel.

>> No.3565607
File: 597 KB, 1216x1520, 11b04918c04a0e0169d0b6e023b1e07f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to admit it takes some herculean effort to take my hands off my dick when reading biz but you managed to do it.

>Its early July
>Read IOTA whitepaper. I read all the papers before I invest. Have concerns about fraudulent chains and collisions but it's better then blockchains in some ways so its worth a shot.
>Never invest in shitpapers and retarded line graphs on single page websites
>IOTA has shit site but their application of DAGs will work if they can get chips into IoT devices
>There is precedent for technology succeeding like this
>Slam 12% of the portfolio into the game at 18 cents
>Read update to IOTA late July
>"Now I know its never good to roll your own crypto"
>Literally scream fuck as loud as I can at my monitor. Been in the security game for a long time
>Vuln they provided is literally disproven in the whitepaper
>Buy up all the iota people are dropping
>Casual 1200% average on my iota buys

thanks /biz/

>> No.3565641

Poker player detected. Which is the fishiest site nowadays?