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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 897x612, pyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3562394 No.3562394 [Reply] [Original]

This is the truth of the pyramid scheme. Hope you got in early

>> No.3562413

No one cares about your shitty microsoft paint chart, btc will be 50k soon.

Also satoshi lost most of his stack in time, one million of the first btc mines from the genesis blocks and on still haven't been touched in all these years...it's safe to assume they're gone forever.

>> No.3562466

>tfw knew about bitcoin since 2013 but didn't invest until a month ago

>> No.3562482

Where is $101-$499?

>> No.3562496

XRP at these prices is in the top tier right now. Get in fellas

>> No.3562503

I hope whales/early adopters with milions of coins die (at least the faggots one) so they won't dump all of their coins into FIAT crashing the market.

>> No.3562504

>btc will be 50k soon.
define "soon"

>> No.3562519


>> No.3562522
File: 33 KB, 352x322, 456512234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when /biz/ gave away hundreds of bitcoins at the "old" times?

>> No.3562616

12-18 months is my guess.

Once it hits 50k, it's gonna be super hard for me to continue hodling. Do you know how many top tier cars there are to choose from for 50k? M2, Cayman, Corvette, RS3... Too many man, too many.

>> No.3562644

Just as skillful as the average biz memetriangle, he completely ignored $0.1^+ - $100^- - $100^+ - $500^- - $1500^+ - $2000^- - $3000^+ - $5000^-

>> No.3562698

pessimistically 10k by end of december
optimistically 50k by end of december
50k will be overvalued though there will be a pull back

>> No.3562715
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, a9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I dont think theres enough tether for that

>> No.3562738

Is 4000 not cattle?

>> No.3562758

Which one will make me look rich?

>> No.3562774

I would quit crypto at 50k.

>> No.3562804

Why don't you make each field connect next time, dipshit?

>> No.3562817

thats what the lime ghreen wall is for

>> No.3562899

If I'm completely honest I don't think anyone will be measuring things in USD by the end of the year. 1 bitcoin will be worth 3kg of gold

>> No.3562948



>> No.3562990
File: 111 KB, 978x740, 978x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3563006

Waiting to buy bitcoin at $100K

>> No.3563037

/biz/ has only existed since 2014 and the price hasn't been below $200 since. I doubt anyone was giving away hundreds of bitcoins.

>> No.3563054

he means old /g/.

>> No.3563090

Ah, that's more believable.

Maybe one day we'll look back on Bitbean and marvel at how it ever reached $10 per coin.

>> No.3563113

>tfw I knew about it in 2010 and almost started mining but was way too into WOW at the time and forgot about it
just kill me please someone

>> No.3563122

You can still buy the bean.

>> No.3563147

>currently sprouting the beans
u know it anon