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355939 No.355939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Do you have a rebuttal /biz/, or did you just get wrecked?

>> No.356034

He removed himself from the competition and simply consumes like a good goy, though I am curious how he has a home if he doesn't do anything.

>> No.357596

Simply falling for the hedonistic lifestyle of escapism, one of the largest industry that requires an addict. It's no different from doing crack, LSD, and weed instead of doing anything productive that contributes to one life. It's more of a sick fantasy resulting from his escapism, or perhaps a deep denial. Reality isn't a virtual game, as he recognizes when he states 'when i'm in real life...". Therefore, he accepts the current reality but hides from it like a coward, perhaps not being able to mature beyond the defiance stage which manifests itself during adolescence, or again, perhaps in denial to admit his failures and mistakes.

He'll realize this when his friends (if he has any), get married, have kids, and money. He'll be alone with his games, and lose his friends as they mature beyond a point to relate with each other. He may either go into a temporary depression and get his life back on track, or go further into denial.

>> No.357643
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>> No.357646


It's a little more sad than that.

A drug users has made the conscious decision that other people don't mean shit to him and that he'd rather seek out things for himself first. Junkies aren't terrible people because they use drugs, they're terrible people because of the thought process that comes with doing them.

This guy wants a battle. This guy wants a fight. But above all, he wants something worth fighting for. He's an eternal virgin with no mission or purpose here, so he seeks out purpose elsewhere. Sad truth is that if he had a woman or a family he'd go out and kick ass at whatever menial job he could get all his princess.

End of the day his escapism isn't about escaping reality, but instead about escaping his reality. Having to fight in order to get a reason to fight is a shitty situation.

>> No.357649

Games are designed by someone for you, they are boring. I prefer the random chaotic rollercoaster of the real world.

Also, this is the real world, you sitting in a room playing a video game is the real world. This is it. Not saying it is good or bad for you to do this, whatever you make of it I don't care, but you are better off accepting this whatever the case.

>> No.357650

>I can honestly say I've been asked a million times
>assume 20 years
>he is asked why he plays games about 137 times every day
>this has been going on for 20 years

>> No.357701

I am in a unique position to answer this question because I've been on both sides of the fence. I was hikki for 6 years before gritting my teeth and fixing my life. I could get pretty wordy with it but I will simply say that the end of the day life is just escapism, whether it be video games, women, drugs, whatever else. Life is mundane and we do our damndest to distract ourselves from that fact. The hardest part about giving up gaming and my hikki lifestyle was accepting that reality wouldn't be some romantic adventure like my games or movies.

I ride my motorcycle, it's fun but I am not going to be escaping agents like trinity in the matrix. I lift weights but I am not getting ready for some epic battle. I do urbex but I am not going to stumble across some lovecraftian object hidden away in a spooky basement of an abandoned building. Reality is about living for the little things, the warm morning sun through a window, smell of coffee, the breeze on my back when I ride along the coastline of a beautiful beach listening to great music. I may not be the epic hero in real life but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy life.

sorry for any grammar problems

>> No.357865


>> No.357966

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFe8TBhLeQQ I guess he should ask himself what this guy's mom asked his kid.

>> No.358264

Corniness aside he's mostly right.

I honestly want to tell him otherwise but I can't. The stats show it.

>> No.358336

Nice little escapist life but I do agree with him on one point - people who follow the "degree -> job -> house -> family -> work till you roll over and die" life script are absolutely no better than him.

>> No.358338


That was beautiful

Shame you are a druggy

>> No.358454

i don't think anybody would be happy with this ultimately. he thinks trading socializing for video games is a good long-term plan? wtf? humans are social beings, only someone incapable of forming bonds with other humans would go for such a thing. it's fine i guess for those few autists and sociopaths but for the rest us, fuck no.

>> No.358478

taking everything literally when it clearly isn't is a sign of autism

>> No.358491

OP, I used to be a NEET for years and years, then I got a good job. EVen when you have small responsibilities, doing something you know how to do, or fixing something other people can't is a euphoric feeling better than drugs or sex.

>> No.358499
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>tfw no job
>tfw no gf
>tfw fat and weak
>tfw no friends
>tfw terrible social skills
>tfw community college

wat do pls help

>> No.358522

Religion fixed this all for me. A good church and religion can really turn your life around.

>> No.358538

Highly agreed. Honestly anybody that turns around and tells him that they're superior to him with that kind of cookie cutter lifestyle, and then they get off the computer and are worrying about bills, their wife not loving them, their kids hating them, outsourcing and being unemployed, and their massive debt in student, credit, car, and mortgage loans that they have accumulated seeking the American dream is a fucking hypocritical tool.

I've tried the atheist camp and its one hell of a lonely road to travel. My former boss turned his life around thanks to his church and God. I'm considering joining one but Christianity isn't that appealing to me.

>> No.358543
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Actually this video isn't as much as completely choosing video games over a social life as it is to appease hipsters with the recent general acceptance of video games.

I've seen his other attempt at poetry where he describes his High School graduation.

>The world is our oyster, we are free roam the tallest mountains.

He's just being pretentious and writing down what he thinks is fancy literature.

>> No.358547
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Just be open-minded I guess. If you don't like Christianity you can try other things, but you'll be that weird convert in a mosque or a Buddhist temple.

I found myself trying to grow a connection with God. Intellectually and emotionally only Catholicism worked for me, but if you shop around there are other churches that seem to work for people.

I took the whole thing step by step. It took me awhile to really get on board, it took me longer to have deeply genuine faith. It was very worth giving it a very serious try.

>> No.358562

>muh humans are social animals
>muh sexual pleasure / satisfaction from work

jesus niggers, this is 2014. Everything you experience is just (electrical?) signals going to your brain. Stop thinking like cave men.

Of course women never think like this because society is just men working and sacrificing themselves to obtain pussy.

I mean if you want to see it as a game, then yeah, the real life game is definitely more interesting and varied. But don't pretend you're making some profoundly different choice.

>> No.358587

Learn about Islam. It truely is the most beautiful religion.

>> No.358666

change the music in the video to something less inspirational and it instantly becomes satire