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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3550797 No.3550797 [Reply] [Original]

we are the 479+ marines and we are NOT fucking buying

enjoy your bags losers lmfao

>> No.3550815

it's gonna be fun watching the 100ETH+ pre-sale whales start dumping their bags on biztards. prepare your pinkies

>> No.3550818

Dude I'm really sorry this happened to you.

>> No.3550819

bwahaha this much salt makes me so happy

>> No.3550824

490 here, I will still buy

>> No.3550826

Well we can't fucking buy even if we wanted to because our eth is going to be fucking locked for weeks.
Kek, was fun anyway

>> No.3550832

lol when the top 100 (86% of the total) long term holders are 300 ETH plus buys that see the actual value in ChainLink


>> No.3550834
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i'll be happy collecting wojaks from you when the pre-sale whales dump the moment this hits 3x

>> No.3550906

this is the next bancor

>> No.3551029

okay, I'm not going to attack you, I will level with you.

1. so, you do believe that the whales controlling the majority of coins is good for the project? Even IF they hold it long-term and are not actually going to sell, doesn't that beat the purpose of any crypto asset?

2. you do believe that a two dev team can solve the oracle problem?

3. the ICO fuckup has not been addressed by Sergey Nazarov on twitter AT ALL. Not a single tweet. Instead he wrote a lengthy post that doesn't answer anything on an ETHEREUM subreddit. In the end he said the ETHs that didn't make will be returned by Thursday. How are they going to do it? Like for real – how? He's also banning people on slack for criticism.

4. This is sergey's linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sergeydnazarov Now tell what's his qualification and experience to solve the oracle problem with chainlink?

>> No.3551113

this ICO was a Major shitshow
>Woke up at 1am to buy
>address wasn't released until 1:04
>sent eth with max gas within 20 seconds
>still got block 80

Maybe for the better, as they don't inspire confidence at all, just give me back my eth!!!

>> No.3551126

its just another scam.

people who are too dumb to realize it deserve to get burned

>> No.3551130

Lol they didn't even automatically return rejected ETH using a smart contract like kyber?

>> No.3551151

I'll level with you as well, you do realize that stat that I memed the 650MM of those tokens is held by ChainLink, and 300MM of that is held for node operators as reward to help grow the ecosystem.

So if you take out 650 million tokens out that equation, do you know how much of the entire fucking token system is within that 85% of holding LINK?

There is 3 major whale buys that amounts to combined less then 40MM tokens, when Anons were buying 1MM tokens.

How is that a fucking whale system?

If you are gonna do the fucking oracle meme at least fucking have the intelligence to realize that any fucking protocol that would bring oracles closer to use by decreasing the probability of error by factors of whatever will fucking be immense right?

Technology is a game of inches at this point, there is a reason why we aren't fucking cyborgs exploring space.