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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3549342 No.3549342 [Reply] [Original]

>Study hard
>Friendly, work out, okay looking
>6 figures STEM job
>Good saving habits
>Good investment habits
>Big gains
>Big bonuses at work
>Big bank account

>no friends
>no gf
>the implicit promises of society have failed me
>the day of the rope is sure to come...

>> No.3549358

Have you realized that you don't actually socialize with people? Do you expect women to flock to you? Do you know what kind of women would flock to some beta faggot like you? A fucking leech that will drain you cause you are a faggot.

>> No.3549400
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>you are a faggot

>> No.3549438

>Look for some community events to participate in.
>See if there are any local clubs or group hobbies you can join that interest you.
>Meet people.

>> No.3549439

Pay me in DGB and I'll help you OP. I'm the complete opposite of you.

>> No.3549456

Put your money in XMR faggot

Sending you $100k

>> No.3549458

Fuck friend and a gf, that won't give you happiness. Get a Tesla instead.

>> No.3549678

daddy musk will provide happiness?

>> No.3549688


you forgot

>small penis

people can just tell

>> No.3549693

Yes only he can save us from the death machines that are coming.

>> No.3549711

Ohpee is a fucking cuck bitch

>> No.3549744

That's nothing

>study hard
>friendly, work out, okay looking
>shy and autistic tho
>phd student
>one of my students in my lab is also working on his phd but in another field, taking my lab for fun
>asks me out for drinks
>we have drinks
>first friend since 6th grade
>next time he invites me to his dorm for more drinks and vidya
>molests me after I get blackout drunk
>I stick with him for another year even though I'm straight because at least I get free food and booze and because I forgot what it was like to have some kind of a friend
>eventually realize what I'm doing to myself and just leave

Friends are a fucking meme.

>> No.3549749

i want a leech though :(

>> No.3549787

>Study hard
>become lawyer
>network and try to be social normie fag
>realize everyone is a faggot
>browse /biz

>> No.3549841

>relying in society to make you happy
Omfg OP, you crack me up!

>> No.3549922

Would you pay to have a friend (not me asshole) but another man whos not a homo but is to busy to make friends so he'd go to a matchmaker? People will hate you either choice you make but why work until you die?

>> No.3550339

Here's the key: actually fucking talk to people, you autist

>> No.3550399

Is OP kill?

>> No.3550439
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>> No.3550474

>dumb as hell
>unfriendly, out of shape, not really okay looking
>No savings
>bad gambling habits

>have gf I leech money off
>hook up with random sluts every couple weeks
>would trade it stupid social shit to not be a bum

You try too hard op.

>> No.3550495
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Buy a Ninja 600. That should get you going

>> No.3550517

Is law hard if you are an autistic robot?

>> No.3550541

You can be the best person on the planet if you dont go out and talk to people no one will know.
Thats actually the issue with people that have social anxiety they try everything just not the one thing they should.

>> No.3550564

>Have a good job
>Have a wife
>Have a daughter
>Wife cheats you on her holiday
>Moves to another country, abandons her own child
>You're now a single parent
>Get over it
>Find a new woman to your life
>Meanwhile haven't heard of exwife for years
>Daughter doesn't even remember her

Everything went better than expected. When shit hits the fan, don't despair. Talk to a psychologist. Talk to everyone who listens. Stop all drinking and other recreational drugs usage for at least a few months. Just keep on going to work. Start exercising. You'll make it.

>> No.3550623

>Good looking
>Run a cafe (pay is shit)
>Great friends
>People tend to like me a lot
>Doing ok in crypto
>Planning to retire next year and live off of 25k a year from crypto gains
>Enjoy life
>Always a new hobby or interest to be passionate about
>Developed social skills from customer service
>Kinda miss that lost, lonely, isolated, wandering feeling from early 20s
Enjoy the struggle you have my man

>> No.3550759

>be loser degenerate with long hair
>tons of friends
>fast forward 5 years
>clean myself up
>get haircut
>no drinking
>get business degree
>become computer programmer
>not a single fucking friend

Women are more interested in me now, but I cannot find a friend to save my life. Most dudes (and many women too actually) are kind of bums and just want to drink at the bar and do stupid shit

>> No.3550829

>party hard and have a lot of friends
>sex with a good array of girls
>become 25+ in age, struggling to make it as an artist
>few friends left, but they are the real ones.
>miss partying and going out
>praying to God I can make enough money to travel to Japan and elsewhere

I'm expecting/hoping my 30's will be my golden age.

>> No.3550844

it's a lot harder to make friends when you're older. it's pretty sad.

>> No.3550848
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how do you study hard, have 6fig stem job and work out and still have time to think about friends and gf? im a fucking undergrad and make sure to fill up all my free time with learning more shit. study harder m8, even if youre #1 in your field you can only get better by exploring other fields. start with reading all of western philosophy canon, get a gf once you finish kant. throw away other hobbies like 4chan and video games too, nerd.

>> No.3550854


also I've noticed that most of my friends are bums as well... like no one has any passion or desire to get rich or jacked or see the world... pot takes people over.

>> No.3550884
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I would be so happy if I was you right now.

>> No.3550903

Go on the red pill on reddit.

Get jacked

See yourself as the prize

Take the pussy off the pedestal

Learn how to interact with people

Stop complaining about it on a board of people who feel no sympathy for you

>the red pill is for faggots

Fuck yourself cunt it's the best way to get top quality pussy and to stop thinking of yourself as a pathetic loser. Read the sidebar and start lifting you fucking chump

>> No.3551085

kek. yeah only about 1 in 100 people are worth hanging out with. And even then have to put in solid effort and keep callin them out for dinners and games

>> No.3551680
File: 30 KB, 300x300, bitpamdiscord3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont commit suicide

you have a good life

you can find friends in the +2500 member bitpam /biz/ cryptocurrency trading/mining/coding discord server


>> No.3551839

Bitch im poor and ugly, what you fucking moaning about.

>> No.3551882

>Have a wife
>Have a daughter
>Wife cheats you on her holiday
>Moves to another country, abandons her own child
>You're now a single parent
tell how anon I want a daugther with out the test tube too

>> No.3551894

Stop posting this discord everywhere you fucking faggots.

>> No.3551913

you have enough money, go live somewhere else, go try a social club
go partying more
get a hobby, people with the same hobbys tend to be likeminded and become friends..

last but not least if all else fails, pay for them, still better then all that work for nothing...

>> No.3552005

fucking normies fuck off you ruined /biz/ I remember when it was mostly autistic virgin NEETS exchanging financial advice and then all you facebook and plebbit fags ruined /biz/ fuck off reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.3552097


calm down your autisms, but you are right
/biz/ was far more about advice and self improvement but i was to fucking shitheaded to actually lurk on here. Now its all about cryptocurrencies shilling and i have no idea where to even ask for any advice for beginners.

>> No.3552146

>28 years old
>stopped studying at 16
>never had more than a shitty part time job
>now homeless for the last 2 years, bumming on friends couches
>jobless for god knows how long

>first gf at 16, was a virgin and quickly became obsessed with anal
>always had long term gf, now found the perfect match
>always played in popular bands, now welcome in any artist social circle
>18yo groupies don't even interest me anymore
>wake up at 7:30am everyday to trade cryptos, no real gains but who cares, I got all the money in the world, I run the nickels man

>> No.3552164


i was literary starting up Exmilitary Death Grips when i read that up, uncanny

>> No.3552185

normie detected fuck off reeeeeeeeeeeee theres so many plebbit tier humble brag posts lately just fuck off please

>> No.3552663

I met her when I was still a student. Best advice I can give: look for STEM women, they're more capable of rational thought. The average woman is completely controlled by her emotions. If she thinks that she has fallen in love with someone else, she can abandon her previous life without a thought.

>> No.3553054

Go outside and meet people, literally join any class that is remotely interesting. or any thing that has repeated exposure to the same people.

the redpill is for defective faggots that think "le wake up steeple" will solve their problems

your life sounds like literal hell

>> No.3553686

Weed LMAO YOLO lifestyle: The movie

>> No.3553807


The thing i'm discovering most about life is none of these extraneous factors really affect happiness very much. Some green text -- I've posted before so some anons might recognize my story.

>be me - mid 20s, been making six figures for a few years, live in cool place surrounded by good friends and a smart, hot gf
>unhappy as fuck. super depressed, browse 4chan and play video games most of the time i'm not at work.
>offered amazing job in big city -- director level, managing a lot of people twice my age
>feel like this is what i've been waiting for, i can finally move on and be happy
>corner office, fancy suits, absolutely crush the job
>more depressed than ever
>never leave apartment besides work. sit on the computer non-stop. find crypto and get rich (+$150k in 3 months)
>social anxiety and depression gets so bad that i stop being able to go into work
>eventually have to quit before I get fired because i've pissed off my co-workers so much by randomly leaving work and not showing up
>all excited to move back home and become NEET, living off of my savings and crypto earnings
>get home, sit around all day playing video games, working out, trading crypto, fapping
>realize that i'm even more depressed than ever and none of this shit fucking matters

you have to find your own happiness, anon.
the rest of it is noise -- it can make it harder to find that happiness but it doesn't ultimately determine whether or not you'll find it. i hope this makes sense.

>> No.3553837

how do you become a programmer with a business degree senpai?

>> No.3553843

Exactly, what's wrong with a leech? Females are all leech in some form and manner. I want one NOW

>> No.3553862


I should add that since i've been home, my depression has caused me to start trading yolo style and i'm losing all my fucking money. sold all my btc @ 4150 last week and never re-bought. about to miss that train. bought a fuck ton of mana from the decentraland ICO, lost -30%, sold all my XMR when it was .019 instead of waiting two more fucking days, etc etc.

hopefully i can alter course and avoid killing myself

>> No.3553868

I find that when you really want friends people look down at you.
BUT when you've completely given up on social life and start focusing on career,
suddenly everyone gets on your dick and starts riding it hard

>> No.3553885

Friends are a meme, I'm learning that slowly. Most friends will try to hold you back or stab you in the back.

>> No.3554069


bro, what the fuck.
that is definitely not true - you just don't have any friends that are good people.

there are plenty out there, but the attitude of "friends are a meme - people suck, etc." is self-fulfilling. you'll never become friends with a good person if you walk around your entire life thinking those things.

>> No.3554080

Faggot confirmed

>> No.3554192

Try reading books instead of playing video games. They don’t make you feel so empty. I’d recommend Pessoa’s "The Book of Disquiet"

>> No.3554285

Why do we need to have this topic a million times?
Why do OPs always ignore "pay for coaching" advice?

You are miserable because you want to be miserable. You make a choice to avoid real solutions, you build a fantasy where you know better despite failing at your goals.

The societal contract hasn't failed you. You're the one refusing society.

>> No.3554323

video games are actually just wasting your valuable limited time you have to live.
you will turn into a much more interesting person if you self-reflect and do other stuff once in a while.

>> No.3554346

>there are actual people ITT who don't date ex-cheerleader marking cuties while earning 300K with their math PHD

very sad

>> No.3554352

I have a business degree and am a developer. The internet will literally teach you everything you need to know.

>> No.3554357

normies get out

>> No.3554450

What I would do if I were you:

>buy a cheap and big piece of land
>buy cheap heavy machinery
>huge sandbox
>look into old milsurp vehicles
>get a tank or an APC
>drive it around naked while crushing old cars and blasting Nazi marches through externally mounted speakers
>get a whore to blow you while doing this.

>> No.3554456

take this to /r9k/ please

>> No.3554463


I will check it out.
I do actually read a fair amount already. Mostly books related to finance and trading, though. I just finished reading Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas (although much of it was rudimentary) and am almost 3/4 of the way through The Investor's Guidebook to Derivatives: Demystifying Derivatives and Their Applications.

I think what I need to be focusing more energy on is getting out of the fucking house. Thinking about getting a dog to help with that.

>> No.3554478

On a more serious note though, could an old tank be a viable investment? Like renting it out for movies and parades and shit, drive people around in it for money, etc. etc. Even if it's not really profitable, if it can manage to get a 100% ROI and mean a free tank, I'm fucking in.

>> No.3554489


Haha I just looked this book up.
Strangely ironic subject matter. It may serve to affirm an attitude that i'm trying to move away from, though.

Thanks anon.

>> No.3554575

yea because the 15 shitpost threads on the front page are worth more than this one

frig outta here

>> No.3554588
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Qualified with most. You should have no more than 3 friends, maybe 2 if you're doing it correctly. Otherwise they're a waste of time and total fluff and garbage 99% of the time who will either stab you in the back or not put in what you put in.

>> No.3554676

It's not about the quantity, but quality.

Even if you have 3 friends, if they're all a bunch of low-energy, no ambition druggies they're worse than having no friends at all.

You fuckers need to learn how to ride solo.

>> No.3554691

Noone wants to hear about how miserable you are and how you can't get laid. Pay a hooker and shutup.

>> No.3554775

go get in a car crash.

>> No.3554920

I relate way too much to this, what should I do?

>> No.3554926

whats wrong with her nipples

>> No.3555024

She's not Asian

>> No.3555059


how many years self-teaching did it take and what language would you recommend is hot now and potentially in the future?

>> No.3555062

>Kinda miss that lost, lonely, isolated, wandering feeling from early 20s
What exactly is good about being lost, isolated and lonely? I can understand that it is fun to go out in the woods for two days if you want to feel isolated and lonely but that's only fun because you know people are waiting for you when you come back. It's not fun if it isn't by choice.

>> No.3555096

Realize life doesn't owe you shit and all the "smarts" your parents and teachers jerked you over means nothing if its not put to actual use.

But here's the thing: figure out what you want to do first and foremost. Guidance from other people can help but can also lead you to fuckzone if you're not clear on your own purpose. "I dont know" means you better find out. You don't have all day.

t. was one of those so-called gifted kids.

>> No.3555135

Well op would you rather be me? 5k in crypto and usd combined with a shit 12$ an hour job. I have a nice small town churchy gf that I will someday marry. She is a servant and a sweetheart.

But honestly OP I'd switch places with you in a second. Quit being such a bitch and man up. If a poor fag like me can find a nice gf you can too. Stop being scared of women. Who gives a fuck if you get rejected.

>> No.3555413

>Realize life doesn't owe you shit and all the "smarts" your parents and teachers jerked you over means nothing if its not put to actual use.

this! a perfect example is how people tell you what you that what you need to succeed is a college degree, but in reality what you need to succeed is professional-level skills.

you are only the fruit of the fruit tree.

>> No.3555590

>study too little
>just got into crypto
>got 3 very good friends
>lots of "friends"
>tall and very fit
>big dick
>perfect gf who loves me for who I am and is ready to do everything for me

God my life is awesome, now I just need to make good money with crypto and I am set. Overall I would not want to change with anyone in the world.

>> No.3555717


> just got into crypto
> "God my life is awesome"




>> No.3555796

The funny thing is, with my current life I am so content.
It would make little difference if I was rich or poor, i would be perfectly happy either way.
Oh and I got into neo. Made only a few k, but it was a good start

>> No.3555883

>self assessment: I am awesome
>how other people view you: who is this autistic faggot omg

hi elliot roger.

>> No.3555908

6 figures STEM job
>kek nobody roping after making 6 figures

>> No.3555926

How the fuck am I supposed to figure out what my purpose is? Look at that fucking bingo, I am as aimless as it gets. The only reason I'm on biz to make bank is because I have no idea what else to do to live right now, and even if I actually made the money to never have to work again, I would still have no idea what to do with my life then. I do appreciate the advice, though.

I've realised that college is bullshit a while ago, after all I'm on this mongolian basket-weaving forum for a reason

>> No.3555945

kill yourself

>> No.3555988

develop a skill. there is no happiness in life without a skill. be it competing to the top of a local sport or painting. learn a skill.

>> No.3556271

Will a skill get me friends? I got a great gf, thankfully, but that's about all I've got in terms of social interaction. Used to have a lot of friends in high school, pretty much alone now

>> No.3556375

>born rich
>autistic fucking loser
>spend all my time working out and playing vidya
>no gf
>no friends

>decide to buy a lambo
>literally use the golddigger prank video tactics
>get gf in a week

you guys were right when you said I should get a lambo

>> No.3556484

why do you want friends?

>> No.3556490
File: 103 KB, 640x640, chad and stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okay looking
There's your problem.

>> No.3556511

The good looking rich chads and stacies fron instagram disagree.

>> No.3556551

Because I'm lonely and bored and at least with friends I can discuss shit, like politics or philosophy. I don't take pride in being alone

>> No.3556552

>their lives were born easy
and that's why they'll never do anything with their lives. I've seen what happens to rich kids... they all turn to drugs because their lives are meaningless.

and why would you strive to be a vapid dunce like them? pretending to be a dumbass isn't going to make you happy, you're smarter than that.

>> No.3556628

do the legwork, faggot

if this helped, donate: 1KvSsea3HnnKpdVzFRKk6ZPUmvBi2Bw3KN

>> No.3556634

so you are not actually gay but acted gay for him?
was there penetration?

>> No.3556669

you already have what you think you are missing simply by writing what you said

>> No.3556683

What do you mean? The pride part?

>> No.3556736

law is normie central, literally nothing else about you matters.

>> No.3556898

post timestamp on lambo

if true

fistbump man!

>> No.3556990


if you need a friend and you have money,

add me on psn, buy me some games and i'll be your gaming budy!


>> No.3557044

That's what I was saying in my first post: the other retard just needed to butt in and make explain what my qualifier meant even though it was in plain English.

>> No.3557049

I love those
also the fact that I could afford one

but I don't think that having a flashy car/bike gets you laid

>> No.3557140

unfortunately women in STEM fields are in high demand

so nevermind
but it would be nice to find a girl who's somewhat redpilled and intelligent
its funny how we're all tempted by qt's but they would probably be the most trouble

>> No.3557281
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The kind of man who will be productive, marry, and create a family which he spends decades supporting, is not natural: he has to be engineered by generations of social rewards for some behaviors and social punishment for others.

The rewards for being a "good man" are gone, and with it, the incentive to be that man. In times past, you would have been set up with a cutie by your friends or family. Not anymore, she's in the bathroom stall at da club getting pumped full of cum by a guy she met literally 10 minutes earlier and will never see again. He's the source of insemination. You are just the source of income via tax funded welfare and shit.

Sorry OP, but you got gypped. Now you must carve out a meaning for yourself, by yourself. Society will not provide you with any sense of purpose, because the society itself has no purpose. We live in a transformative time. So much potential, for both new life and permanent ruin.

Call in to Stefan Molyneux's show. That would be interesting.

>> No.3557392
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I was just thinking about molymeme as I was reading this
men really are just cattle for the tax farm
society in general may be fucked but there's still ways to do well, I think it just takes more effort to go against the flow
crypto is the sort of thing that gives me hope
hopefully that will disrupt society enough to remove the welfare state
we can always dream
but I'd hate to be constantly blackpilled
just focus on being successful and ensuring your own freedom

>> No.3557397
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>he thinks displaying status does not increase interest from the female sex

>> No.3557454
File: 64 KB, 598x384, n646rq-b8882901z.120140524221704000g4p2ejq5.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't hurt
but it's not a guarantee
>pic related

>> No.3557724


There is no removing the welfare state. There is not even a remote chance that the Federal government will voluntarily cede any meaningful power. The People care to be entertained with crime drama parodies on Netflix about a mysterious vandal who spray paints dicks all over town, Facebook live streams of a MTV Teen Mom whore-turned-porn star getting a vaginal rejuvenation surgery, bideo gaemes, Big Macs and booze. They're fat, dumb, and not even happy. The People failed in their vigilance for 3 consecutive generations. This is the result.

There is no way out but ruin. No State this vast and bloated, no People this fat and vapid, can change. It has to collapse under its own weight, and it will. The question is whether it remains so, or something new can be built on the ruins.

I want to create a New Byzantium.

There is no way but the Black Pill. There is no way to live but to seal yourself in an iron maiden of Truth that draws blood at every turn. Any other way is to look through a warped lens, distorting what is into what is not, thereby leading to disaster.

>> No.3557793

Just fucking lol. Be born attractive and thus be properly socialized from a young age or find a fucking rope, anons. It's OVER.

>> No.3557851


BMW's were basic where he lived, though.

>> No.3557936
File: 29 KB, 640x941, 17800321_1201113619997338_3249825322216166748_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it may be too late for them

but at least we will be somewhat shielded by the venezuela style crash of western states
and will be able to afford to move to somewhere different

money printing and debt can only last so long

I wonder which will be the first to fall, maybe sweden idk

I used to think trump was our final hope, but it was already too late even if he hadn't gone back on his original positions

like you said
no government will ever decrease it's power

they say btc is a bubble and a ponzi scheme
but government spending isn't

roman empire 2.0, neo-feudalism or ancapistan sound good to me

>> No.3558075


Secession can prevent a full, nationwide spiral into a socialist dictatorship. This isn't even accounting for a military coup that would prevent it outright and restore the Constitution, but that comes with its own set of risks.

>> No.3558114

sell all you have, become a monk and dedicate yourself to charity. one can only serve only one God, pick Jesus not money.

>> No.3558234
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that would be good
but I think apart from a state like texas you're basically kicking the can down the road and postponing the inevitable
I wonder if the federal govt would allow a state to secede
a millitary coup might be better but then what?
I want to believe alex jones when he says 1776 will commence again when they take your guns