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File: 62 KB, 600x694, 20170919_btc_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3548870 No.3548870 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this graph.

If this doesn't set off loud alarm bells in your mind you don't know what you're doing with your money.

4% of BTC addresses own over 97% of all Bitcoin in circulation.

This proves that, from the beginning, the whole cryptocurrency project was one which was inherently designed to draw in wealth, moving it upwards to those who were early adopters.

No, anons, none of you were early adopters. The real ones were around 2008-2009 who mined thousands of Bitcoin each day, then set off on a giant shilling campaign to interest new, dumb money.

The whole market is built on a house of cards. The moment one of these whales decides to move his BTC, is the moment the market crashes to 0.

People are invested under the assumption that Bitcoin is decentralised. 4% of people own 97% of the market, I can't think of anything more centralised than that.

Bitcoin will go down in history as the single greatest ponzi scheme of all time, 100000x bigger than anything Madoff could have dreamed about.

>> No.3548877

not a ponzi

those genesis block wallets will never be touched anyway as satoshi is kill

>> No.3548878

Big if true

>> No.3548882

wtf I hate bitcoin now

>> No.3548885

just bought 100k

>> No.3548887

and yet it has a more even distribution than fiat. lol.

this is how all forms of wealth accumulate btw, it's nothing new

>> No.3548892

>I can't think of anything more centralized than this
Fiat you dumbfuck, 1% have 99.9%.

>> No.3548896

addresses don't work like people. I could create a thousand addresses right now and skew the percentage even further

>> No.3548900

jesus christ what the fuck is that chart

Are pie charts not cool enough any more?

>> No.3548907
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>He doesn't realize people have more than one BTC wallet

>He doesnt realize exchanges are huge wallets

>He doesnt realize how many newly created BTC wallets never get used and skew this data

>> No.3548910
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>> No.3548914
File: 36 KB, 600x885, crypto investor in 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow! Bitcoin is about as decentralised as fiat- "I'm going to use that as an argument even though the entire point of Bitcoin was to create a decentralised currency, one that was totally different to fiat"

This is your average investor.

>> No.3548926

Wealth always forms a pyramid, OP - that's not particularly damning. If you can show me how the distribution has been changing over time, if it isn't changing for the better, or if you can prove that the majority of old wallets haven't been lost... then I'll worry.

>> No.3548933
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>> No.3548935
File: 87 KB, 371x370, Warren jesus fucking christ pantshitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep, and now watch all the shut-in cucks here deny, deny, deny.

Can't wait for the big blue wave in 2018 and 2020. When Dems get power back, this crypto shit will be banned.

Sure, a lot of NEETs will rage about it, thinking their winning lottery ticket has just been shredded.

In reality, government action will save a whole fuckton of money. The average investor is far too stupid for crypto, and it will only end in horrific bankruptcies and suicides if this shit continues unabated.

>> No.3548938

most addresses are empty random computer generations

>> No.3548946

If I have to choose between phycopathic jews and nerds (and I do have to choose) i'll take my chances with the nerds.

>> No.3548947

You should read up on what decentralized means.

You're thinking of communism vs capitalism. That has nothing to do with decentralization.

>> No.3548948

Yeah. This data is meaningless.

>> No.3548960
File: 34 KB, 607x608, e9613200a4dc0d5e36c10b3f0a31e3e54273d69d46d0b98c6b6255f58dbae7b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue wave

>> No.3548963

prety sure its not that high, something like 1% own something lke 60%.
the difference in fiat, is that 80% of fiat isnt even real

>> No.3548971

If bitcoin were equally distributed it would have no value

A commodities value comes from its scarcity, which in practice means the inequality of its distribution

>> No.3548993

implying btc is a commodity. thats also just like 1 of a thousand reasons a commodity is valuable.

>> No.3548994
File: 530 KB, 1427x973, IMG_1803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.3549000

>pyramid scheme
>bitcoin's inherent value comes from evading capital controls of weak currency nations and black market online purchases
>XMR does this better than bitcoin

Bitcoin is MySpace, Monero is Facebook

>> No.3549007

This is no different than stating that a small minority of rich people own more than the majority. Which has always been the case. So what - did you think bitcoin was going to bring about a socialist paradise? Lol

What OP fails to do also is account for the fact that the vast majority of btc addresses are single use. I've gone through hundreds over the years and of course they are now empty.

>> No.3549012

Capitalism is a pyramid scheme.

>> No.3549020
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>> No.3549023

i've been recommended to buy bitcoin by my cousin. is it a good idea, or should i do stocks instead? i'm new to this whole idea of trading market. thank you. also how reliable is it? are there still hacks?

>> No.3549033

You fucking brainless mong

Just eight people own more wealth than half of the world

And the other 1% owns 90% of the fiat

How stupid are you , seriously

Are you 15?

>> No.3549056
File: 22 KB, 243x208, IMG_1054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2% own 99.999% of the tulips
By Gob...

>> No.3549070

> look at this graph

> mfw pie chart

>> No.3549080


In America 10% of the people hold 90% of the capital.

So is America a Ponzi scheme too? Is investing in America a mistake?

>> No.3549082

Back to normieland with you.

>> No.3549088

>Is investing in America a mistake?
Probably, yeah - it's only a matter of time until we print ourselves out of the national debt.

>> No.3549107
File: 1.45 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_1848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3549111

Did I touch a nerve?

That's a terrible argument, like I said earlier.

The entire point of Bitcoin was to be decentralised, unlike fiat, and yet, all you can say is "b-b-but fiat is also centralised!!!!"

If the core advantage of Bitcoin isn't actually real, as this graph proves, then why are you invested in it?


>> No.3549153

Just fuckin buy it Mike, cash out when you double your money


>> No.3549286
File: 18 KB, 551x540, 1499961194326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving money

>> No.3549321

>those genesis block wallets will never be touched anyway as satoshi is kill
you have to be a retard to believe this.

>> No.3549360

This. Satoshi is dead no way he wouldnt have come forward by now that's like 10 million btc lost forever